NX - Nintendo's Next Generation Hardware Concept

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Yeah, I believe the stock rose 30%, then dropped 12%, then rose another small amount, like 5% or something? I can't remember exactly now. But really, stocks aren't always the best indication of a company's health as they are constantly fluctuating.
well I'm sure they'll be ok for the time being.

A pod cast from EPN.TV

will in a bit just waiting for their video to set in also wait for game informer as well
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No, don't misunderstand, I'm with what you're saying. Nintendo is really a very financially stable company, I would even argue they are more so than Sony as a whole really. I was just saying stocks aren't always the best indication of a company's health per say, since they are always up and down, sometimes radically.
And the way Nintendo often functions is just really terrible. If you look at their most recent reports, their profitability is saved by a weaker yen and cost saving measures even though software sales have become stagnant and hardware sales are down. Their products aren't saving them, their massive cash reserves are. This is not a way to run a company. It's time to stop being different and time to conform.

I like that they are different and think the wii u is a great system and way better then the crapy wii ever was but I understand and see what you mean. It is true that if they didn't have such massive cash reserves they would be in much much bigger trouble right now. They have enough money that even if they lost a lot of money for they next like 10 years they wouldn't be bankrupt but still no one likes to lose money no matter how much they have.
Ok so it looks like game informer isn't doing their weekly pod cast so it's just a Video & Audio pod cast from from EPN.TV this week end . they're putting o their youtube channel but the linked words of description lead to the page where the VOD & AOD was doe below

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It sounds like that article is just about the mobile stuff in regards to Nintendo. I think we should regulate that to the other thread I started. I realize it's not active, but that way we avoid confusion about NX being mobile related. It's the reason I started it really.
well I just looked that was some broad talk about Nintendo overall Especially with their Q&A & they were asked about Metal ear too which Vic mentioned some of the time when he was there he did see some of the power struggles there when he went to visit Mr. Kojima . so it's ig the right place.

I might add it to your thread later maybe the metal gear thread as well , now that I saw Vic mentioned this after some on twitch asked him this . right now I'm busty typing up all the info for marvel heroes .
I like that they are different and think the wii u is a great system and way better then the crapy wii ever was but I understand and see what you mean. It is true that if they didn't have such massive cash reserves they would be in much much bigger trouble right now. They have enough money that even if they lost a lot of money for they next like 10 years they wouldn't be bankrupt but still no one likes to lose money no matter how much they have.
I like that they're different as well. But they're still run horribly. A company that is standing simply because of their massive cash reserves is not a healthy way to run a company. They should be working on finding new ways to expand their profits, not watch sales and revenue decline and pretend that everything is alright.
No, don't misunderstand, I'm with what you're saying. Nintendo is really a very financially stable company, I would even argue they are more so than Sony as a whole really. I was just saying stocks aren't always the best indication of a company's health per say, since they are always up and down, sometimes radically.
While I agree that stock isn't the best indicator of a company's health Nintendo's financial stability is based on their massive cash reserves created by the Wii and Nintendo DS. That really isn't healthy. The point of business is to try and generate consistent profits and find ways to consistently improve sales. Nintendo isn't doing that and their cash cushion and weaker yen can only help so much.

I honestly have more faith in Sony's current business direction than Nintendo's. Sony has been making the right moves lately with them selling off divisions that just don't work for them anymore (Vaio and Sony Online Entertainment), cutting costs, their games division has become very profitable for them now thanks to the right moves they've made with the PlayStation 4, their financial companies are extremely profitable, image sensors are huge for Sony, and their entertainment divisions have been making the right moves. While there are still things to overcome like trying to fix their ailing electronics division, but everything else is looking rather healthy and at.
You're comparing a huge company with a dozen different things it does to Nintendo, which just does games?
Nintendo is finally making some smart decisions though. The mobile game thing is a good move. The Amiibos were a great idea. Poorly executed of course, but they're a money maker, and I don't see them going away overnight. I would have bought them all when I was 12.

We don't know **** about the NX, but hopefully the terrible sales of the Wii U will have humbled Nintendo a bit and forced it to listen to what the consumer wants.

Now if the NX turns out to be less powerful than the PS4 with some weird proprietary format, region locking, with a 64 GB HDD, and named the "New Wii U", then okay. At that point, **** it, all hope is lost.
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Also seeing as how Sony lost SOE with DCUO which was making them money as well with their other stuff their problem with their other divisions have started to bleed into their games division they did loose some majo stuff which lost to the ewly made daybreak studios. alot of devlopmet studio which was related to their games division cause they don't want to let go of that cell phone division which hasn't be profitable for them.

Yet they still want to hold on to it for some weird reason

Hope fully Sony doesn't loose more with their video game side to keep that cell phone side/ part a live.
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While I agree that stock isn't the best indicator of a company's health Nintendo's financial stability is based on their massive cash reserves created by the Wii and Nintendo DS. That really isn't healthy. The point of business is to try and generate consistent profits and find ways to consistently improve sales. Nintendo isn't doing that and their cash cushion and weaker yen can only help so much.

I honestly have more faith in Sony's current business direction than Nintendo's. Sony has been making the right moves lately with them selling off divisions that just don't work for them anymore (Vaio and Sony Online Entertainment), cutting costs, their games division has become very profitable for them now thanks to the right moves they've made with the PlayStation 4, their financial companies are extremely profitable, image sensors are huge for Sony, and their entertainment divisions have been making the right moves. While there are still things to overcome like trying to fix their ailing electronics division, but everything else is looking rather healthy and at.

Hey, like I said, I'm not getting roped into this discussion with you. Honestly, a lot of what you say is not that accurate (not saying all of it isn't, but definitely some of it), but I know from past experiences with you that no matter what is pointed out to you that your mind won't be changed on the matter, so like I said, just agree to disagree.

I will agree that Nintendo needs to change, but anyone who thinks they won't change on their own pace in their own way is just not been paying attention to the way they've done things since forever.
I wonder if the NX's launch will kill the Ps4's momentum, if it isn't already slowed down by that point in time.
I wonder if the NX's launch will kill the Ps4's momentum, if it isn't already slowed down by that point in time.

Considering how whatever it is won't launch until 2016 at the earliest, I doubt it. If PS4 loses momentum from now to then, it'll probably just be a natural decline. And if it's a handheld, then it obviously won't matter.
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Considering how whatever it is won't launch until 2016 at the earliest, I doubt it. If PS4 loses momentum from now to then, it'll probably just be a natural decline. And if it's a handheld, then it obviously won't matter.
has there been any indication that this will be the successor to the 3ds?

also, just because this is launching in 2016 the earliest, doesn't mean it can't kill the Ps4's momentum. some people argue that part of the reason the Ps4 itself has been flying off the shelves was because consumers were hungry for something new. and when the NX launches, it will be the new, fresh thing for someone to have if they don't already have an 8th gen console.
has there been any indication that this will be the successor to the 3ds?

Has there been any indication this is a successor to the Wii U? The answer to both of those questions is no. All we know is that it's a dedicated gaming device and we will know more in "2016". It could be either, but the 3DS is the older of the two by about 2 years, so logically it's the mostly likely to be replaced earlier.

also, just because this is launching in 2016 the earliest, doesn't mean it can't kill the Ps4's momentum. some people argue that part of the reason the Ps4 itself has been flying off the shelves was because consumers were hungry for something new. and when the NX launches, it will be the new, fresh thing for someone to have if they don't already have an 8th gen console.
This is true, I guess, but I honestly don't see it as likely. If this ends up as a home console, I doubt we'd see it until 2017 at the earliest then. So, technically, it'd be the first 9th generation so it won't really be a competitor in the direct sense to the PS4.
Why wouldn't it be a competitor in 2017?

And it's Nintendo, so it will probably be only marginally more powerful than a PS4 if it is a home console.
Has there been any indication this is a successor to the Wii U? The answer to both of those questions is no. All we know is that it's a dedicated gaming device and we will know more in "2016". It could be either, but the 3DS is the older of the two by about 2 years, so logically it's the mostly likely to be replaced earlier.
I see. the 3ds is doing well though. even if it is 2 years older than the wii u, I don't think they'd push for its successor early on - if at the point the hypothetical portable NX releases makes the 3ds's life cycle short, that is. if there hasn't been any indication, at all, my guess then still is that this is their next console.
This is true, I guess, but I honestly don't see it as likely. If this ends up as a home console, I doubt we'd see it until 2017 at the earliest then. So, technically, it'd be the first 9th generation so it won't really be a competitor in the direct sense to the PS4.
you raise up another topic that I wanted to ask as well - if this is indeed a console, will it be designed to replace the wii u as part of the 8th gen, or will it be the kickstart to the 9th gen?

that' what the wii u was, but the 8th gen did not really take off until the Ps4 and xbone launched.
Why wouldn't it be a competitor in 2017?

And it's Nintendo, so it will probably be only marginally more powerful than a PS4 if it is a home console.
the gamecube was quite a bit more powerful than the Ps2.

and even if the NX is only marginally more powerful than the Ps4, that would automatically still make it the most powerful 8th gen console (if it is going to be designed as their 2nd 8th gen console).
Why wouldn't it be a competitor in 2017?

And it's Nintendo, so it will probably be only marginally more powerful than a PS4 if it is a home console.

Well, power has little to do with console generations, it's all about timeline. It would be like comparing the PS4 sales to the 360. It's all the same market, but the two aren't considered to be in direct competition in the same way that the PS4 and Xbone would be.
Well, power has little to do with console generations, it's all about timeline. It would be like comparing the PS4 sales to the 360. It's all the same market, but the two aren't considered to be in direct competition in the same way that the PS4 and Xbone would be.
this kind of explains why I didn't really see the wii as direct competition to the Ps3/360. in fact, I'm willing to bet that a large or even vast majority of wii owners also owned one of the other 7th gen consoles.
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