One Universe RPG: Season V OOC Thread

The **** they are. Limited internet has hampered me as of late. I'm getting regular access this week, and I'm gonna post my ass off. I've tried getting other folks to post, so **** it and **** them. These games are gonna keep on, even if I'm the only one involved. :cmad:
The **** they are. Limited internet has hampered me as of late. I'm getting regular access this week, and I'm gonna post my ass off. I've tried getting other folks to post, so **** it and **** them. These games are gonna keep on, even if I'm the only one involved. :cmad:

And this is why you're my favorite, Byrd. I'm right there with you. Now that I'm fairly free from school I'll be posting a lot more.
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21 days without a post
J'adore - Starfire - 2/19

14 days without a post
Eddie - Cyclops - 3/06
Eddie - General Ross - 3/06

10 days without a post
Byrd - Beast - 3/15
Byrd - James Gordon - 3/15
Eddie - Superman 3/14

On the chopping block

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21 days without a post
Eddie - Cyclops - 3/06
Byrd - James Gordon - 3/15
Eddie - Superman 3/14
Eddie - General Ross - 3/06

14 days without a post
wiegeabo - Batman - 3/21
Carnage - Hulk - 3/25

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General Ross

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21 days without a post
Eddie - Cyclops - 3/06
Byrd - James Gordon - 3/15
Eddie - Superman 3/14
Carnage - Hulk - 3/25
Eddie - General Ross - 3/06

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10 days without a post

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General Ross
You know what?


Screen Name: wiegeabo

Character you would like to play: Jay Garrick/The Flash

Powers: Super speed, and speedster tricks, accessible by tapping into the Speed Force

Brief biography of the character's history: Jay Garrick has been a hero for decades.

List a few reasons why you have chosen that character: It's time to get off my ass and get Jay's story moving again. Why? Because **** is going down. Oh yes, **** will be going down indeed.

What can you bring to this game?: Seasons of general RPG experience, and experience with this character specifically. And I have a feeling that some interesting times are around the corner for Jay. (Reference above note about **** and down.)

Color and font you plan on using for your character's speech: Jay Garrick (thinking...)

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: Not gonna lie, at the rate I'm going, a couple of times a week.

Please provide a small sample post with original content in the style that you plan to write your character in (must be at least 3 paragraphs long and contain at least 1 line of dialogue):


I spit out a little blood, my split lip already starting to heal. But my pride is still wounded. "Geez, Ted. How the heck do you do that?"

"What can I say, Jay. When you got it, you got it." Ted says as he leans calmly against the ropes of the ring.

Ted and I have spared like this for decades. I can't count the number of times we've done this. But I can count the number of times I've beaten him. Two. The first time, when he underestimated my speed. And once a few years back when I got a lucky shot in. And he's gone hard on me ever since.

I rush at him and find myself laying on the ground after tripping over his outstretched leg. I sit myself up. "There is no way you could have sen me!"

Ted just smiles. "Jay, how long have we been doing this? I know all your moves before you even make them. And if you're serious about getting this League going, you're gonna have to come up with some fresh ones before your new enemies figure them out too."

I check my lip. It's already healed. "New tricks, huh? Like this?" Ted goes to make a move, but stops himself short when he sees ten of me standing in the ring.

"What the f-" I tap Ted and the shoulder and deck him as he turns around. He just looks at me with shock as he feels the cut on his own lip.

I shrug my shoulders. "Something I came up with when fighting Lobo. I've gotten really fast. By the way," I hold up my figners. "That's three."

Ted smiles.

Do you know how to post pictures on the hype boards?:


Screen Name: wiegeabo

Character you would like to play: Doctor Victor Von Doom

Powers: Doctor Doom is a scientific genius of the highest caliber. He can create any number of devices and robots, imbuing them with abilities powerful enough to take on the super powered. Doom is also a powerful mystic. He can project energy, create force fields, and even call for spirits and demons.

Doom also wears armor embedded with advanced technologies. These technologies grant him an array of offensive and defensive abilities.

Brief biography of the character's history: Victor Von Doom was born to gypsy's in the country of Latveria. Doom's mother was a witch, and his father was unjustly killed by the nation's ruler. Despite his difficult childhood, Doom's genius attracted the attention of Terry Slone, former member of the JSA, and dean of Empire State University. Terry brought Victor over to America to study, which is where he meet a young scientist name Reed Richards.

Victor became jealous of Richards because his intellect actually rivaled his own. During an experiment, Richards tried to warn Doom of apparent flaws in Victor's designs. Ignoring Reed, Victor proceeds, only to have his face injured in the resulting explosion. Expelled from ESU, Doom travels the world on the money made from the patents he sold while in school. He eventually trained with Tebetian monks, mastering their disciplines and eventually them. He constructs his armor and returns to Latveria, killing the tyrant that murdered his father, and taking control of his homeland.

Most recently, Doom tried to gain ultimate power. He created the first Amazo android, seld the souls of two captured Kryptonians to Mephisto, and tricked the New God Metron in order to breach the Source Wall and take the power hidden behind it. He was stopped at the last second by Dr. Fate's Defenders, who trapped him in the Source Wall. It was only through the intervention of Mxyzptlk that he was freed from the Source Wall.

List a few reasons why you have chosen that character: Because we need more evil in this game. There are far too many heroes, and not enough villains. But Doom isn't just a normal villain. He considers himself, to a degree, a hero. A hero of his people. And his villainy isn't contained to just standard supervillain antics. Doom can be a superpowered threat, a political threat, a personal threat, and convince you that he's the one that's in the right.

What can you bring to this game?: A villain. How many more times do I have to say it? We need more villains! And evil plans. I have evil plans! (Reference Garrick application, specifically where **** is going to go down.)

Color and font you plan on using for your character's speech: Dark Green Georgia

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: A couple of times a week.

Please provide a sample post with original content in the style that you plan to write your character in (must be at least 5 paragraphs long and contain at least 3 line of dialogue):
"Good afternoon, my fellow Americans. I have just received word of the incident in Stanford, Connecticut that caused mass destruction, death and turmoil to the city with the android known as Amazo. We don't know the amount of casualties but we believe that many of the residents of the city have indeed lost their lives, I have already ordered for several army and emergency personnel to contain the situation there.

In accordance to whom has ordered this attack on American territory, our biggest suspects maybe involved with the Latverian government; however officials have said they do not know about the attack and their leader, Victor Von Doom has disclosed he knows nothing of the incident. But I assure you, whomever has ordered this will pay retribution and face justice for this uncalled for and complete disregard for human life!The Avengers, C.I.A., Secret Service, F.B.I., S.H.E.I.L.D. and many more have been given the task of researching and uncovering this plot which has now become a high priority for our government."

"How dare he..."

"Excuse me, Lord Doom," one of my servants says. "Did you say something?"

"How DARE HE!" I throw my goblet of wine at the servant. "Leave me!" He quickly, and wisely, dashes out of the room.

I continue to watch Luthor's speech, barely listening as I stew in my anger over his words. He dares to implicate me and my land. He helped create the first Amazo, and yet he tries to lay the blame at my feet. He is not worthy to even wash my boots.

I stand, wrapping my cape around me as Luthor's voice continues to spout tripe and false sincerity. How this man fooled his country, I shall never understand. It just goes to proof how mentally deficient Americans truly are.

The first part of my proposal includes the re-establishment of the Sentinel army once more and the second; a bill that has not been thought of before this sudden emergence but has been talked about the last few months; the "Superhuman Registration Act."

Those last words catch my attention. "A registration act?" Instantly I begin rolling different possibilities through my mind, and a plan starts to form. I walk over to the table and pick up a new goblet, filling it with wine from a rather excellent vintage from my homeland. I take a sip. Beneath my mask, I smile. But not for the taste of the liquid.

I smile because of the future I foresee...

Do you know how to post pictures on the hype boards?:

Glad to see them back. And hope to see more of that storyline you were developing.
Beat me to it. :cmad:

And I was gonna use the Orson Welles clap. :csad:
And another falls to the curse

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Carnage - Hulk - 3/25

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Our roster is Batman, Beast, Jay, Kurt, Spidey, Doom, and Venom
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I hate to do this because it seemed like Eddie had an interesting story to tell, but I'll take over for him for now. Every game needs a Boy Scout.


Screen Name:

Character you would like to play:
Kal-El/Clark Kent/Superman

Due to Superman's Kryptonian biology, he is able to absorb the radiation of yellow sunlight and process it to give him almost unlimited powers of super strength, flight, invulnerability, and speed. Kal also has the ablities to fire heat rays from his eyes as well as subzero breath.

Brief biography of the character's history:
Kal-El was sent away from his home planet of Krypton when it was found to be the next target for the world devourer Galactus. The baby's spaceship crashed on Earth where he was found by Martha and Johnathan Kent in Smallville, Kansas.

Growing up in the rural town and given the name Clark, it was here that Clark was instilled with the morals he still carries and fights for today. It was also here that Kal-El was imbued with his powers under the yellow sun of Earth.

When he was old enough, Clark moved to Metropolis and became a reporter for the Daily Planet. It was here that he meant Lois Lane, and was immediately stricken by the outspoken reporter. While reporting the news, it also occured to Clark that the human race needed a hero. A hero that could instill a sense of hope and opportunity.

He then took up his birthright and became the man of steel, Earth's greatest hero: Superman

List a few reasons why you have chosen that character:
The game needs its Superman, and I'm willing to take up the burden of playing him. I was trying to wait as long as possible for Eddie to come back, but I figure it's long enough at this point.

What can you bring to this game?:
Another character in a game that desperately needs one.

Color and font you plan on using for your character's speech:
Veranda for Clark/Bold for Superman

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG:
As much as necessary.

Please provide a sample post with original content in the style that you plan to write your character in (must be at least 5 paragraphs long and contain at least 3 line of dialogue):

Truth. Justice. The American Way.

Three things I swore to uphold when I decided to become Superman. Three things that seem to be drifting further and further from their original meanings. Three things that even I have trouble believing in at a time like this. A time when the American people have decided to elect Lex Luthor as their head of state.

But not only that, the people now call for the registration of my allies and I. They call for the people that protect them to come out into the open and risk the safety of the people that they love.

But in reality, that is the human race. They've always been jumpy, and prone to believing what those in power say. But I'm still their protector. I'm still Superman, and I refuse to give up on them.

I'm roused from my thoughts by Lois voice from across the desk, "Smallville!? Hello? Come back to Earth. We've got a story to finish."

I look back down at my computer and smile. At least there's one person keeping me grounded.

Do you know how to post pictures on the hype boards?:

First Spider-Man and now Supes?


It's MB Junior!

Someone had to play him! If Eddie had given any signs of life the past few weeks I wouldn't have done it.
No doubt. Supes is a major character, can't expect him to sit for any long amount of time. I just hope EBJ is alright, it'd be a damn shame that something happens to him before that box of hornets reaches his doorstep. :ninja:

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