Prometheus - Part 4

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I get what you're saying too - and it makes sense.

Thinking about what I said earlier about the 'everyman' thing - if you can get pretty leads who can act every bit as good as a character actor, then it can only be a bonus. I guess if they were to use the staff in my office [for example], I dont think anyone would want to go see the movie because it would be fugly!!!!
I think it depends on the intention you have for the movie. If you are making a fantasy film (and I include superhero movies, James Bond etc in that as well as elves and goblins), then you are setting out to construct an escapist spectacle, so it makes good sense to make the men rugged and the women beautiful. The attraction of Prometheus and the Alien movies for me is that they really explore what it would be like to be a human being sent into an alien environment, across the galaxy, and be stalked and hunted by alien beings you do not understand. There is an acute sense of bewilderment and vulnerability among the human cast. The crew from 'Alien' are just fallible workmen; emotional and mortal beings of soft skin and warm blood. The revelation that Ian Holm is a callous robot is shocking, because he represents an interloper without the fears and vulnerabilities of the rest of us. When Ripley is finally left all alone on an alien planet with an enormous, acid bleeding insectivore after her blood, I still find myself grinding my teeth and inwardly cheering her on.

This is so effective in part because the cast look like real people, who you might know. Imagine the people you see everyday, sent to do an unglamorous job aboard a spaceship. Dallas might be your boss, Lambert might be your girlfriend, Kane might be your bet friend and Ripley might be your bank manager. I find them all to be ordinary people in an extraordinary situation. Great though they are, I cannot say the same for idris, Charlize et al. They look like actors, to me.

It just creates a degree of distance from the drama, for me.
See the difference is that in Alien they were pretty much space truckers where as in Prometheus they are scientists finding out a discovery. You can forgive some of the cast for looking like "above average" people in a sense.
In Danny Boyles Sunshine he had the cast wear no make up which is unique in films.
they didnt use make up to make them look good. they used regular make up only for lights on the set. there are so many lights and they are so storong that without make up the skin would look plastic.

so it is a lie what Boyle said.but he didnt meant to lie. he just didnt know how to explain it to the public.
See the difference is that in Alien they were pretty much space truckers where as in Prometheus they are scientists finding out a discovery. You can forgive some of the cast for looking like "above average" people in a sense.
Scientists don't tend to look any more like actors or models than anyone else.
Much in the same way that not all architects wear glasses and drive SAAB's.
Scientists don't tend to look any more like actors or models than anyone else.

It's not simply a matter of them being "scientists," it's that they're probably high-ranking employees of The Weyland Corporation. Dunno if you've kept up with the viral campaign attached to this movie, but they're making Weyland out to look like *the* megacorp of the late 21st century, so it's quite likely that the attractive crew is by design (literally, in the sense of plastic surgery or whatever passes for it in 2080), not just simply Hollywood looking for hotties 'n' hunks.

Plus, as mentioned before, the security guys/soldiers are *definitely* not lookers. Hell, some of them look downright scary ugly.

I wouldn't be surprised if all of this actually plays into the plot, and we see a class struggle between the scientists/explorers and the soldiers/workers. There's more than a hint of that in the trailers.
no offense but the world changed in 30 years. the look is today more important then 30 years ago.even a scientist in 1978 wouldnt look as good as a scientist today. its just a different time.

and workers still look like in the 70's IMO

No offense taken, but I don't understand your reasoning. Are you saying that the human genome has dramatically 'improved' in the space of one generation?
No offense taken, but I don't understand your reasoning. Are you saying that the human genome has dramatically 'improved' in the space of one generation?
Sigourney was around 30 years old in alien 79. if she was 30 years old today and was in a big budget movie she would look like a supermodel.

the same actors in 2012 would look more attractive. hairstyle,makeup,botox,...... changed everything. every actor.....every actor in hollywood above 25 had some plastic surgery. european actors who come to hollywood use botox and plastic surgery.

what i like about Fass is that he has wrinkles around the eyes. it make him look more real and older. he looks like amature man.
Sigourney was very "pretty" in Alien if you ask me. And see Sean Harris, Kate Dickie, Emun Elliott, and Rafe Spall. They are all looking real. It's not like there are Fassbender and Charlize only in this. Besides with different setting except the fact that they are on board there's no need to compare between two in the first place.
Slightly off-topic, but I want you guys' thoughts on something:

If the crashed Space Jockey ship in Alien was already full of eggs when the Nostromo found it, does that mean the Queen from Alien 2 was already alive then?

Or were they just the eggs the Space Jockey had taken with him, waiting for hosts, and the Queen birthed from one of the colonists?

I had the impression there weren't any adult xenomorphs roaming around until humans came to that planet and got impregnated by facehuggers.

So was the Space Jockey transporting the eggs on his ship before it crashed? But if the xenomorphs were his "pets" or weapons, how did he get impregnated (an assumption I'm making from the hole in his chest). If they were as susceptible as anyone to facehuggers, how/why did he have a bunch of eggs he was taking with him? Or did he get impregnated first, and the eggs came later, after the ship's crashed, laid by whatever came out of him?

Who knows, I suppose we stand a fair to good chance of getting answers to some of those questions in Prometheus.
There are attractive pilots, scientists and corporate execs in the world. The cast don't look over groomed or anything in my opinion. Its not like Charlize is running around in high heels and red lipstick or anything.
Yea i've always wondered where the original eggs came from. We see in Aliens it's a Queen who lays them. So did the Space Jockeys create a Queen first? Or were the eggs "manufactured" and somehow the Aliens "found a way" to quote Dr Malcolm.
I'd also always assumed the xenomorph coming out of his ribcage was what caused the Space Jockey to crash.

But in the trailer it looks like the humans cause him to crash.

So many questions.
The trailers we're seeing seem to indicate that there is at least some form of parasitic type creature attacking the Prometheus crew, perhaps these creatures evolve into the classic Xenomorphs ?
it could be that we will get 3 type's of villains.

- one is the little alien similar to the facehugger's.
- human infected and mutated
- Adam/Weyland
I thought the trailer looked great and i'm looking forward to this but I haven't been following it a whole lot. Is this a distant prequel to Alien?
one of the best shots

and i found out what is real from prometheus in this shot.
I thought the trailer looked great and i'm looking forward to this but I haven't been following it a whole lot. Is this a distant prequel to Alien?

Yes. But it's not necessarily about the Aliens themselves, although they may feature. I'm guessing an earlier "version" of them might be involved somehow.

Maybe the Space Jockey's use them as guardians? That was the xenomorphs entire reason of being? But somewhere along the way the Jockey's lost control of them?
Yes. But it's not necessarily about the Aliens themselves, although they may feature. I'm guessing an earlier "version" of them might be involved somehow.

Maybe the Space Jockey's use them as guardians? That was the xenomorphs entire reason of being? But somewhere along the way the Jockey's lost control of them?

My thoughts on it, was always that the space jockey's was on their way to a planet, to whipe it out using the xenomorphs. in this case earth.
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