Re-Writing Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 3


May 11, 2013
Reaction score

The MAIN Problem of Spider-Man 3

There is a major debate on what went wrong. There are people that blame Avi Arad that forced Venom into the story. People claim if Raimi did what he wanted, it would have been a good movie. There are people that say the blame is put on Raimi himself that Venom only made the horrible story bareable because at least they got a little bit of Venom in the film. In my opinion, forcing Raimi to do Venom (a character that he didnt like) into Spider-Man 3 was just pissing on *beep* It was already going to suck. After reading the Making of Spider-Man 3, the problem came from the very beginning. Each screen play for a film contains a central 'theme' of the script. This theme is injected into a two page treatment sent to the studio for their approval. The theme Sam Raimi and his brother came up with ? "Forgiveness". The original concept was Sandman would be Ben's killer and Peter would ultimately forgive him so he can move on with his life. The second villain would have been the Vulture, a character Sam Raimi loved and wanted to put in the second film. Ben Kingsley had a meeting with Sam Raimi and agreed to do the movie and they were already arranging costume fittings for Ben Kingsley. The idea was Vulture would be put to jail because Spider-Man stopped an evil scheme and Sandman would break Vulture out of jail, Vulture seeking revenge and not forgiving - ultimately to pay the price of death. Vulture was dropped because the studio (Avi Arad) wanted Venom as the secondary character and Sam Raimi agreed because he was making a film for his fans.

Here is the main problem and something I've been obsessing with fixing. The third film should NOT have been about forgiveness!! This is the MAIN problem. The script was bad to begin with. Forgiveness is a great theme for a Spider-Man movie, I suppose, but not in this one. Hear me out on this subject matter.

First Movie: The Theme was "Responsibility"...Hence the main quote from the film "With great power, comes great responsibility". He became Spider-Man and learned a harsh lesson when Ben died, that he must be responsible for helping people with his powers instead of trying to buy a car to impress Mary Jane. It was a fantastic theme for the origin story. Goblin was a great villain because he too got super powers, but went the opposite way where he used his power for himself.

Second Movie:
The Theme was "Identity".... The whole posters had Peter with mask off, or Peter struggling with Spider-Man. The idea was now that he had these powers, who was Peter Parker. Was he Spider-Man ? Or was he Peter Parker who used Spider-Man to save people. Would these powers now dictate his life ? The normality of an everyday college student was now in jepordy. He couldn't get MJ because he had to do Spider-Man things. Peter was then losing his powers because his head was so messed up and he couldn't figure out who he was. He had NO ONE to talk to because no one can understand him, he's the only Spider-Man in the world. He had no one. So he had to deal with this problem head on, even giving up Spider-Man at one point to try to live a normal life, but it didn't work. Doc Ock also played on this theme because his identity was taken over by the mechanical arms. They were Doc Ock at this point and at the end of the film, he realized he was Doctor Otto Octavious and these arms would not control his life and Peter realized that he is Spider-Man and it is who he is , weather he likes it or not - and must give up the life of Peter Parker and watch Mary Jane get married to someone else. This is his sacrafice because it is who he is... Luckliy, Mary Jane has a change of character and realizes she must stand by Peter because she loves him.

Third movie - Forgiveness ?? Why ?? Look at the first two. Responsibility, then Identity....You dont need Forgiveness... In the second movie, there is NO indication that Peter is vengenceful and angry. It appears that he took responsibility for his actions and he is moving on. It is up to Aunt May to forgive Peter , which she does in the second movie. Forgiveness should be directed toward Aunt May & Harry Osbourne. Not Peter. Bringing up Sandman as Ben's killer is a silly way to connect Peter to Sandman and it just came off as a complete re-hash of the first film. That ship has sailed. Ben's killer died and Peter moved on. We dont need to go back to that point. Like the second movie, we need to continue Peter's story. You have an amazing set up - Harry knows Peter is Spider-Man. MJ is now with Peter. You have a wonderful cast of characters from the comic you can choose. Spider-Man 3 is like getting a date with a super model and wrecking your car at a *beep* stop sign.

There is a ton of other errors about Spider-Man 3 that I could do another thread on (which I did a year ago, lol). I mean, everything from too many sub plots, two love triangles, stupid kids yelling wicked cool, 8 minutes of Venom screen time, another *beep* Mary Jane in trouble at the end of the movie, rehashing MJ / Harry romance, MJ being a complete *beep* it just goes on forever....But as most geeks *****, rarely they offer a solution. I love to write films in my head. So here's my pitch and please feel free to comment on it and criticize the hell out of it, I dont care...
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My Spider-Man 3

The Theme: Temptation. This is the movie that the first one is building up to. In the first one, Peter struggles. The second one, Peter struggles even more and goes into the darkest place. The third one, he should FINALLY get what he wants! I say, the city loves Spider-Man. He's a celebrity. He has the girl he always wanted his whole life, Mary Jane Watson. Life is GREAT for Peter Parker, FINALLY!!! But then something happens to Peter - temptation. I think this is relatable to the audience. You know when you don't have a GF, you feel no one wants you. But when you get a girl, all of a sudden you have a *beep* ton of girls interested in you!! Ummm, then you get to deal with temptation. And some of you know, some of you *beep* give into that temptation even when you know damn well you shouldn't have! This is a great theme for this movie.

The Story

I like the idea of space ship collects some *beep* and crashes into NYC. The idea that there is some unidentified objects collected from the moon. The ship crashes due to symbiote trying to attach itself to the pilots and Spider-Man heroically saves the two astronaunts (JJJ's son). But in the process of saving them, symbiote attaches to Spider-Man. One of the moon rocks on the ship contains a crystal which I'll get to in a minute. Peter is sleeping and the black symbiote attaches itself to Peter in his sleep and he awakes hanging upside down in New York where he swings around the city with a new power that he has never felt before.

The crystal is removed from the space shuttle and taken to Oscorp. Three thugs break in and try to steal it. The alarm goes off and *beep* goes down. Out of the three thugs, only one manages to get the space crystal, Flint Marko. They chase him across town where he manages to escape. He makes it to the end of city where he is at the sand. Once the sand hits the crystal, it begins to shine and melt into Marko where he becomes the Sandman.

Peter and Dr. Connors are examing the symbiote and Connors figures it is a symbiote, attaching itself to a host. Connors informs Peter that he is late for his tutor session where he works as a campus tutor. He meets Gwen Stacy, a beautiful smart intelligent student that Peter really likes. Her personality is very compatable with Peter. She is much more like Peter than MJ. MJ is a loyal GF who does her best to make Peter happy. Peter begins to want to see Gwen more. His alter ego (black suit) is coming out and he is feeling hostile feelings toward Mary Jane. He is becoming greedy. However, Mary Jane's character arc is she STAYS with Peter through thick and thin. She loves him. And although , Peter is becoming more egotistical, more arrogant, more aggressive - she stands by him. Spider-Man is also brutally beating up criminals, even hanging them upside down in public display.

Harry Osbourne has become a full blown alcoholic. He does not become Green Goblin. He really cares for Peter as a friend and he is having a deep dark struggle. He doesn't just suddenly become Goblin just to get a fight scene like Raimi's version. Instead, he is struggling with the idea of Peter as Spider-Man, but knows Peter is a good person and can't bring himself to that level. So what does a rich lonely guy like Harry do at this point ? Drink by himself. He also won't go in the room with the hidden wall that leads to Goblin's lair. He put bricks to cover that up. He's just a dark lonely figure that can't decide how to go forward with his life. The 'temptation' to turn into the Goblin is surpressed.

Flint Marko backstory is revealed. I like the idea of having a pure evil villain in this movie. Its something different. The first two movies had Goblin and Doc Ock - both connected to Peter, both sympathetic characters. I like the idea of just going to a villain with no connection to Peter. Raimi , for whatever reason, felt there had to be a connection with Sandman & Peter, I disagree. I think Spider-Man must fight Sandman because that is what he does. The only connection between the two is temptation which is my theme for the third film. Now Sandman has this insane super power, the temptation to do whatever the *beep* he wants is something he will give into. For those who dislike Sandman as a villain and wonder why I want him for this film is because with black suit spider-man, he's already a prick, so he can go REALLY evil on Sandman and not kill him by accident. Like if black suit Spider-Man fought Vulture, then he would rip his head off. Sandman is more powerful and can take a beating. And second , I like Sam Raimi's approach to honor the classic villains that Stan Lee came up with. Stan Lee was a huge fan of Sandman and there is a classic feel to the character. Back to the story - Sandman is having a nasty custody battle with his ex-wife and is due in court. Well, he shows up and when things dont go his way, we have a classic Sandman vs. Spider-Man fight in a court room, which I think would be kind of fun to do. Goblin fough Spider-Man in a parade, on roof tops.... Doc Ock fought Spider-Man on a clock tower, a bank, and on a train. So as a story writer, I got to make things different and put then in different scenerios so the films dont get repetative and boring. Court room battle would be interesting, a little homage to Ghostbusters (which Im a huge fan of).

Peter is getting more interested in Gwen Stacy. He visits her at her local coffee shop where she works. That is when we meet Eddie Brock. Eddie is just like Peter was in the last movie. A guy down on his luck, works at a *beep* job, with a fantasy of being with his dream girl, his co-worker Gwen Stacy. Peter is a pimp. Tons of confidence and manages to swoop Gwen away, meanwhile Eddie Brock depressed with this. Another scene is Gwen discussing how Peter works as a photographer for the Bugle, and this gives the idea that Eddie takes up photography to impress Gwen. Eddie tries to walk Gwen home, but it cockblocked by Peter who shows up to discuss some science stuff. Eddie has the worst luck and goes through the same kind of stuff Peter did in the last movie. Eddie doesn't cry like a ***** or anything, he tries to play it off cool to Gwen, like no-big-deal. But Eddie really wants Gwen, the same way Peter wanted MJ. Eddie is a Peter's evil doppleganger.

Peter is a *beep* prick. And Mary Jane can't take it. She goes to see Harry to ask him for a favor , to speak to talk to Peter. The two havent talked in a long time and Mary Jane feels that his best friend can bring him back to good. Harry agrees because he cares about MJ, not so much Peter. Harry confronts Peter and Peter is a prick to him. Peter has changed and even makes a horrible remark about Harry's father and him being a drunk. Harry tries to attack Peter, but falls and Peter laughs. After the encounter, Harry tells Mary Jane that Peter is terrible. Harry tries to steal Mary Jane, but Mary Jane rejects the temptation, she will stand by Peter. Harry goes out on his own to view Peter's actions.

Sandman is creating havoc throughout the city and has threatened the police Captain Stacy who is after him. His main goal is to kidnap his daughter, so there is a police protection on her and Sandman is searching the city for her. Captain Stacy, Gwen's father, is Sandman's arc nemesis. Gwen is scared of Sandman hurting her father and talks about her feelings to Peter. Peter decides that he will defeat Sandman so Gwen will be back to her normal self and have more fun times with Peter. Spider-Man stakes out Gwen's house with her father to await Sandman. He sees something suspicious - but its just Eddie Brock showing up to ask if there is anything he can do, but she shoots him down. Spider-Man confronts Eddie, but Peter finds Eddie harmless. Sandman appears and knocks Brock out of the way. Spider-Man and Sandman battle on the neighborhood streets. The police show up and Eddie manages to photograph the fight. Spider-Man's symbiote hands seem to hurt Sandman because of both of their powers have came from the same source, so Spider-Man can manage to hurt Sandman. Peter manages to gain sand off of Marko. The two separate and Peter researches the sciene of Sandman with Dr. Connors.

Eddie goes to the Daily Bugle and gets rewarded for his pictures and for the first time, he has a bit of luck on his side. But Peter cockblocks him once again once he realizes there is a potential threat to his photographer job at the Bugle and produces better pictures and uses his senority to send Brock to try again.

Mary Jane, Aunt May, Harry - all fed up with Peter and he begins to realize that he is changing. He is giving into temptations and doing things he shouldnt be doing. Mary Jane is crying alone all the time. She finds Peter with Gwen and then Mary Jane leaves Peter. She is devastated. It is Mary Jane that causes Peter to realize how far he's gone. He then realizes its the symbiote with all the powers. He knows he has to get rid of the suit and defeat Sandman. Connors told him about the sound affects the symbiote after a lot of research. Spider-Man swings across the city to the Church to get rid of the suit. Eddie Brock from the ground sees Spider-Man and wants to snap a picture of him to redeem himself to the Bugle. He chases Spider-Man, but wont make it on time. The symbiote detached itself from Peter and Peter shoots a web on it to keep it hidden to take care of later. The bell ringing will keep it in check. Spider-Man leaves the Church's bell tower.

Sandman manages to kidnap Gwen and the race is on to find her. Sandman announces that he will trade Gwen with his daughter. After robbing a bank, Sandman is with Gwen at a warehouse where Spider-Man has a plan. Him and Connors figured a way to defeat the sand sample they had. So Peter has a trap for Sandman, Sandman is about to fall right into the trap laid out by Peter and everything is about to end and Red & Blue good guy Spider-Man will save the day, defeat Sandman and head back to tell Mary Jane how much of a jerk he has been. So Spider-Man waits and Sandman heading for the trap, but.........Green Goblin stops the whole plan and *beep* Spider-Man up. Goblin beats the *beep* out of Spider-Man and Goblin takes off his mask to reveal it is Harry Osbourne. Harry has fully given into the temptation and Green Goblin II is born. Peter has to fight off Harry to defeat the Sandman. He manages to do it in the nick of time, Peter takes out Harry, but after a heart filled apology, Peter lets Harry go even though this means the Goblin could come back one day, but Peter is hoping his heartfilled speech solved their problem. Sandman is defeated. Harry flies away unknowing what will happen next. Peter & Gwen have a final scene together. Peter tells Gwen that he loves Mary Jane and wants to be with her. Gwen understands but is sad. She really fell for Peter, not Spider-Man. She was made for Peter Parker, a smart science bookworm girl like Peter. But Peter has made a commitment to Mary Jane and his heart belongs to her even though she is not like Peter. Even though Gwen seems perfect, Peter has to respect Mary Jane and he has MJ's heart and must value that.

Eddie Brock finally reaches the Church and there is no sign of Spider-Man. He is too late and another failure. He prays for forgiveness that he has failed at his life and there is no hope for him. The bell tower rings and the symbiote oozes out of the spider web. Eddie Brock hears a strange noise. He walks under the bell tower to have the symbiote bond with a new host - Eddie Brock.

The End.
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Spider-Man 4

The Theme

For the Spider-Man first three films, Responsibility, Identity, Temptation and for the fourth one, the way the story is working out, I feel the best theme of this film would be 'REDEMPTION". In Spider-Man 3, Peter ****ed up. He screwed up his relationship. His actions lead Harry to become the Green Goblin II. Gwen is now heart broken because Peter doesn't want anything to do with her because he wants to be back with MJ. This story is all about redemption. The idea of Venom in this movie is perfect, in my opinion. The whole third movie focused on the black suit and now those powers have been transfered over to Eddie Brock. What if Peter did not have Uncle Ben for guidance ? The answer is Eddie Brock. He's going to be Peter's evil doppleganger.

The Story
We begin with Mary Jane at an audition. Peter has sent her a message to meet her at the park with a rose. Peter is at the park spinning a web for him and MJ to talk on (like in Raimi's third Spider-Man). Mary Jane appears and Peter tries to win her back. Mary Jane is going through a bump in her career and Peter feels bad. She brings up Gwen and Peter goes silent.

Gwen Stacy is leaving work when two thugs start harassing her as she is walking home. A web is shot around one which lift him off the ground into a dark alley. The other thug, pulls out a gun and walks toward the alley and shouts "I'm going to kill you Spider-Man". The gun is ripped out of his hand by another web. The second thug is also pulled in the alley. The thugs begin to scream. Gwen begins to run and gets two blocks down where a calm Eddie Brock is smiling. Gwen is upset and out of breathe. Eddie assures her that everything is going to be okay. Gwen finds his demenor unusual considering the circumstances. Eddie hugs her and whispers "its okay, everything is going to be just fine". At home, Eddie asks her the big question, if she will go on a date with him. Gwen replies that she still has feelings for Peter.

Aunt May & Peter have discussions about Peter's past decisions that is affecting him. How Mary Jane & Harry aren't happy with him. Aunt May gives advice and the television reports that Captain Stacy is holding a NYC Spider-Man celebration for rescuing Gwen Stacy. Aunt May tells Peter he should go and hints that she knows he is Spider-Man.

At the Spider-Man celebration, Spider-Man is awarded the key to the city. Eddie Brock is in the audience taking pictures. Captain Stacy tells Spider-Man they need to talk. In private , Captain Stacy reveals that he knows Spider-Man rescued Gwen last night, but murdered the two thugs. Spider-Man needs to be placed under arrest, in which Spider-Man denies it. The police go to arrest him , but Spider-Man flees.

Day time. Eddie once again tries to frame Spider-Man in the city. Eddie robs a brinks truck as Venom. Spider-Man flies in and the two fight. Spider-Man yells that he has framed him and asks who he is. The two swing across the city, Spider-Man chasing Venom. Eddie laughs and gets away and totally baffles Peter. Peter can not figure out how his spider-sense did not go off and how this person has Peter's powers. Peter does have his webbing which is has a hint of black in it, different from the organic webbing from Peter.

Dr. Connor's office, the webbing reveals that it has black symbiote within the webbing.

At the Bugle, Peter finds himself losing his job slowly to Eddie Brock who seems to be a rising photographer and was the one who managed to capture photos of Spider-Man with the thugs. Peter is angry at Brock and feels Brock is framing him. Emotions rise and Peter confronts Eddie and asks why he is causing trouble for Spider-Man. Eddie replies that he witnessed it himself. Peter asks if this is about Gwen at which Eddie gets angry and leaves.

Oscorp announces a press conference that they will reveal the identity of Spider-Man to bring him to justice later in the week. A meeting with MJ and Harry occurs where she pleads with Harry to not do that. Harry responds by saying Peter killed someone and its only fair, just like he killed his father. MJ tries to reason with Harry, but to no avail. Harry then tells MJ that if Peter should be the one asking, not her. Harry feels ignored and his problems with Peter are a lack of Peter being there for him. MJ is still confident that Peter will do the right thing and she will still need time apart.

Night time. Eddie stalks out Gwen and sees Gwen talking with Peter. Peter claims Spider-Man is being framed by an unknown person. Gwen promises Spider-Man that she will help as much as she can. Eddie sees from a distance that Gwen & Peter talking. This infurates Eddie. Eddie confronts Gwen about what is wrong with him and why doesn't Gwen want to give him a chance. Gwen says that she is not interested in him and never was interested in him , that she only viewed him as just a friend and nothing more.

As Peter is riding his scooter home, Venom swoops down and attacks Peter at night. The two eventually end up at the top of a building where the fight stops as Eddie has the upper hand. He has Spider-Man by the neck and reveals his identity to Peter. Eddie says 'I know its you, peter' and takes off his mask. He tells him that it was the symbiote that attached to him from the Church where Peter 'left his sins'. Peter tells Eddie that he can't kill people, its the suit that is making him act that way. Eddie replies that "he is the jury, the symbiote is the judge and WE are the executioner". He reveals how deeply troubled he was and that the suit has created a new Eddie Brock, no more loser. And that he is the posion the entire city for rejecting him, he is THE VENOM that will plague the city. He then tells Peter he now has to die, but Peter at the last second escapes. Eddie laughs and yells at Peter that this is not the last time they will meet. Peter tells himself - "Don't worry....we will.....Venom"
Harry is at his Oscorp office. Peter is on his way to see Harry to confront him before the press conference. Eddie Brock sneaks into Oscorp and ends up in Harry's office for a discussion. Eddie reveals that he knows Spider-Man is Peter Parker and that the two have a common enemy. Eddie knows Peter killed Norman Osborn. Harry thinks it over and decides that Peter Parker is his problem, not Eddie's. Its none of Eddie's business. Eddie says he HATES being rejected. Harry dismisses Brock, but Eddie takes offense to this. His whole inner turmoil is no one pays attention to him, everyone disrespects him and ignores him. Harry's actions causes Eddie to flip out and Venom is unleashed. He throws Harry across the room. But Harry is still Goblin-esque, so he's down, but not out. At that moment, Peter breaks in and sees Venom's attack on Harry and the two fight. Harry & Peter team up. Harry has a hidden pumpkin bomb he throws at Venom, that only stuns Venom. The sound of the bomb harms Venom and you can see the symbiote affected by it. Venom shoots a web at Harry and launches him out of the window, Peter jumps out the window and saves Harry.

Harry & Peter have a scene, Harry thanks him for saving him from Venom, but denies Venom could kill him. Peter disagrees and reveals that Venom is more powerful than either of them with the symbiote. Its weak-point is sound.

Peter investigates Eddie's life and discovers his absolute obsession with Gwen Stacy from his one bedroom apartment. Peter races to tell Gwen to stay away from Eddie, but Gwen isn't home. He doesn't want to reveal too much to her father, Captain Stacy because that could lead Eddie revealing Peter is Spider-Man. So Peter is swinging all over the city with no luck... He heads home to Aunt May's house were she is cooking a big dinner. Peter is tired and goes home to find Eddie Brock helping Aunt May cooking. Brock is smiling and laughing with Aunt May. Peter is extremely cautious. Brock is making up stories that Peter and Eddie are best friends, they met at the Bugle where they both do photography. Aunt May asks Peter why he's never told her of Eddie. Total mind games from Eddie Brock. Peter whispers to Eddie 'get out or I will hurt you' and Eddie laughs and replies 'umm...i dont think so. You want to investigate my life, I just beat you to it. Aunt May is such a sweetheart." After dinner, Peter pushes out Eddie, not too much because of Aunt May, but is frightened on the inside. Eddie says goodbye to Aunt May and Aunt May loves his wisecracks and charisma. Peter shuts the door and runs upstairs to jump out the window to confront Brock, but he's gone. On the trash can, a message is written in Brock's webbing that reads "Bye Tiger".

Peter runs into the house to call Mary Jane because he feels Eddie will confront her. She picks up the phone and says stay away from a guy named Eddie Brock.

"It's too late, Peter" - MJ
"What?!?" - Peter
"He came by today at my rehearsal" - MJ
"Are you okay?!?!" - Peter
"He told me everything" - MJ
"I'm confused" - Peter
"You're back with Gwen....And you've been playing me this whole time." - MJ
"He's a liar, MJ!! He is the Spider-Man that is framing me!" - Peter
"He told me you would say that" - MJ
"MJ, you got to stay away from him" - Peter
"He showed me the pictures, Peter" - MJ
"I was asking her for help" - Peter
"Good bye, Peter" - MJ
"No , wait!!" - Peter

The door bell rings and MJ answers. Eddie Brock has flowers and asks if she's ready for their date.

Peter as Spider-Man swings to find Mary Jane. She's not at her apartment. She asks her landlord and tells Peter she saw him leave with flowers and a guy that looks like you. Peter returns to his apartment where he finds the clue - Venom has MJ Central Park. Trade her life for his. Gwen stops by to tell Peter that she helped him out with the police. They had photographic evidence of a second Spider-Man (pictures Peter got while fighting him that was given to Gwen earlier on). Peter reveals that he is Spider-Man , she doesn't believe him and Peter takes her up to the roof top to discuss how he wants to redeem himself. And he has no idea where Brock is. Gwen says Eddie was always asking her to a certain part of central park where he felt was peaceful. Peter asks how sure , she says positive. Spider-Man heads to the park.

The Final Act
Mary Jane is tied up over water in Central Park where the final fight will take place. Brock tells MJ that Peter took his girl, now he will take his. Spider-Man swings in , but Venom is too powerful and always has the upper hand. Venom is ready to kill Peter. Gwen appears and asks for Brock to not kill Peter and that everything is her fault. She is also in need of redemption at this point because she feels because of her actions, everything bad is happening. Eddie begins to tear up as he just wanted nothing in the world more than Gwen. But he realizes its all b.s. He then attacks Gwen. He gives Peter the choice to save one. He will kill one and then leave the city , he wants Peter to suffer, a quick death would be too easy and not fulfill Eddie's dream of ultimate revenge. Eddie says if he doesn't choose, he will kill both.... So then he goes after Mary Jane, but a pumpkin bomb hits him and the Green Goblin II appears. Venom fights Harry while Peter is able to free MJ and Gwen. Venom grabs the spikes from the glider and then lunges at Peter to kill him once and for all, but Harry sacrafices himself. Harry gives Peter a special pumpkin bomb that is equipped with a sound device to give Venom the worst headache of his life. Peter throws it and is able to detach the symbiote from Venom. Peter spins a web on the symbiote and takes off, Eddie jumps and grabs onto the package of webbing that contains the symbiote. Peter yells that the symbiote has turned him evil and Brock won't let go. A helicopter appears as they want to capture the black Spider-Man that they are looking for.. The symbiote begins to bond with Eddie again while way up in the air as Spider-Man is trying to get a safe place for the goo. The helicopter noise forces the symbiote to break away and Brock falls to his death. No body was found as it hit somewhere in the water near a bridge. Peter attaches the symbiote to a shuttle.

Capt Stacy, Gwen, MJ, Aunt May, & Peter attend Harry's funeral. Peter & Mary Jane talk and decide to get back together. Peter asks her to marry him and she says yes.

My tl;dr Spider-Man 3:

Sandman is a gang leader that uses his daughter's condition to excuse his crimes. He's unrepentant about it. His accident is arranged by his wife, who's sick of him treating her and his daughter like dirt.

Eddie Brock is an idealistic journalist that finds out Flint Marko's got some ties to warlords ravaging a third-world country and heads to NY to expose Marko's operations.

Harry acknowledges that what Norman did was evil. He also believes that Spider-Man is just as guilty as the Green Goblin, since he killed Norman rather than bring him to justice. Investors have left OsCorp after the fusion incident. Other companies have swooped in and left Harry broken.

Spider-Man is dealing more with gang land violence between Marko and some other mobsters. It's got MJ concerned about his safety. Likewise, Peter's concerned about hers as he's seen how brutal the scum can be in sending a message to their enemies.

The symbiote convinces Spider-Man to play the gangs against one another, letting them wipe each other out. Eddie sees this and, combined with the blind eye the NYPD is turning to Marko's far-reaching operations, has his ideals about the goodness of human nature shattered.
These are interesting ideas, but they could still be received the way Spider-Man 3 itself was
A horrible fire breaks out at Raimi's studios. Luckily, no-one is harmed, but all plans for the proposed Spiderman 3 are destroyed. The world is better for it.
A horrible fire breaks out at Raimi's studios. Luckily, no-one is harmed, but all plans for the proposed Spiderman 3 are destroyed. The world is better for it.

This. Spider man 3 is the first film that i was old enough to really get hyped for, and the first film that ever actually hurt when I watched it. Seeing that poster above with the symboite crawling up peter's arm brought it all back for a second and i almost threw my phone.....
My tl;dr Spider-Man 3:

Sandman is a gang leader that uses his daughter's condition to excuse his crimes. He's unrepentant about it. His accident is arranged by his wife, who's sick of him treating her and his daughter like dirt.

Honestly, if we're going to have a gang leader it should be someone like Big Man, Hammerhead, Tombstone or Crime-Master (Kingpin and Silvermane for large organized crimes).

Marko should be a mook who became a villain, not a leader.
tbh, all I would change is...

Sandman being Uncle Ben's killer, as well as getting rid of the Penny story.
Make Harry's arc bigger, have him be Goblin for longer as well as give him Norman's costume, for mind games.

aaand I would get rid of the symbiote entirely. Introduce Eddie Brock and have the John Jameson incident, but show a black goo escape the shuttle, and have it re-appear at the end. Spider Man 4 would have the symbiote and Venom.
tbh, all I would change is...

Sandman being Uncle Ben's killer, as well as getting rid of the Penny story.
Make Harry's arc bigger, have him be Goblin for longer as well as give him Norman's costume, for mind games.

aaand I would get rid of the symbiote entirely. Introduce Eddie Brock and have the John Jameson incident, but show a black goo escape the shuttle, and have it re-appear at the end. Spider Man 4 would have the symbiote and Venom.
You make it sound like the changes you prefer made are minor
You make it sound like the changes you prefer made are minor

Honestly, minor changes would have made Spider-Man 3 from a bad film to a good one.

Literally all they would have to to would be to have Peter take the suit off after roughing up Harry, and either have Harry, not Venom join forces with Sandman, or have Venom join forces with Harry.

After MJ gets puts in danger, Harry would realize that he has been consumed with revenge, and make peace with Peter.

Also, Peter could have webbed Brock up before he blew up the symbiote, so we could get more Venom in the sequel.
Honestly, if we're going to have a gang leader it should be someone like Big Man, Hammerhead, Tombstone or Crime-Master (Kingpin and Silvermane for large organized crimes).

Marko should be a mook who became a villain, not a leader.

There is no reason that those guys can't be gang leaders as well. There's just no room for them in an already stuffed film. Hence I made Marko a leader. It makes sense too, given his elemental superpowers. I'd expect a guy like that to take on the leader role. It may not have happened in the comics (having not read any Spidey comics, I can't say if it did or not), but if it works for the film I believe it is an acceptable change.
I'd probably just start by rewriting Peter's character so he wasn't such a damn pansy.
There is no reason that those guys can't be gang leaders as well. There's just no room for them in an already stuffed film.

Showing Marko working for some higher up won't stuff the film significantly. It worked well in the Spectacular Spider-Man.
Showing Marko working for some higher up won't stuff the film significantly. It worked well in the Spectacular Spider-Man.

Depending on how much time would need to be given to the other characters, of course. Still, citing a concept's past successes are hardly a reason to console oneself with adherence to tradition. It feels safe but becomes more of the same. We've seen it before--give us something new! Hence I decided to put Marko on even footing with other anonymous mob bosses. You could make them Tombstone and whoever else exists in the comics, but they'd be extras, more or less. Fans can get prickly about it.

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