Rise of the Planet of the Apes

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Here's a brief synopsis.

Will Rodman (James Franco) is a scientist who lives in San Francisco with his father Walter (John Lithgow), who has Alzheimer's Disease. Will works for a major pharmaceutical company called GenSyn Laboratories, developing a serum know as ADV 112, which might be able to cure his father's illness.

The serum is tested on a group of apes brought from Africa. One of them, a female know as "Bright Eyes", is pregnant and soon gives birth to a male Chimpanzee. Wanting to protect him from the scientists, she attacks them and, in the process, all the apes escape, ruining Will's chances of convincing GenSyn's board of directors to move on to human tests. All the apes are put down and all samples of the serum are destroyed, but Bright Eye's son is hidden by Will's friend Franklin (Tyler Labine), who convinces Will to raise it.

Will calls the ape "Caesar" and they become great friends. Caesar grows up and displays heightned intelligence, due to her mother's serum-filled blood running through his veins. One day, Walter accidentally leaves Will's house and is nearly ran over by a neighboor, Hunsiker (David Hewlett) who becomes hostile towards Walter. Caesar tries to defent him, but accidentally mauls Hunsiker and Will is forced by the police to send Caesar to an Ape Sanctuary called "The Ranch", ran by Mr. Landon (Brian Cox).

There, Caesar befriends an Orangutan called Maurice and a Gorilla called Buck. After a brief confrontation, he replaces a Gorilla called Rocket as the Ranch's Alpha Male and finds a mate in a Chimpanzee called Cordelia. Caesar intelligence continues to grow, and he is soon at odds with Mr. Landon's sadistic employee Dodge (Tom Felton), who verbally and physically abuses the apes.

Meanwhile, Will convinces his friend Edward Jacobs (David Oyelowo) to restart the ADV 12 project based on the progress displayed by Caesar and Walter, who had been injected with a sample of the drug that Will kept and was actually cured for two years. They bring a new batch of apes to be tested on, and one of them, Koba, soon reveals himself to be evil. In exchange, Will wants Caesar to be released from the Ranch.

There, Caesar becomes convinced that Will betrayed him. He also discovers that, by drinking his blood, other apes can become as smart as he is. Caesar soon organizes the apes in an army and escapes, going to GenSyn and releasing all the apes therein, including Koba, who murders Franklin. Will believes Caesar to be responsible and goes after him with his co-worker and girlfriend, Caroline Stewart (Freida Pinto).

The apes attack San Francisco, fighting the police, and release all the apes from the San Francisco Zoo. They make their way to the Golden Gate Bridge, fighting the police and a revengeful Dodge, who is killed by the Gorillas after killing Rocket. The apes overpower the humans and take shelter at the Muir Woods on the other side of the Bridge.

Will convinces the police to allow him to go there alone and reason with Caesar, but they betray him and attack the ape reserve. In the ensuing battle, Will takes a bullet meant for Caesar and dies. The humans are defeated and driven away from the forest by Caesar and his army.

Shortly thereafter, it is revealed that Koba had a flu upon being experimented on, and the serum turned it into a powerful airborne biological agent that already infected several people in San Francisco. When they leave the city in fear of the apes, they accidentally spread the virus all over the world. In less than a year, Humanity is nearly extinct. Caesar, who had been watching over the events, decides that it is time for apes to take over the world and cage humans much like they once caged apes.

Earth is now their planet.

The international trailer pretty much gave away the whole movie.
Can someone please screencap the shot in the trailer with Caesar, the orangutan, gorilla and chimp next to him?
Wow, that sounds ridiculous. What was wrong with humans wiping themselves out and the other apes evolving and taking over the world?
Wow, that sounds ridiculous. What was wrong with humans wiping themselves out and the other apes evolving and taking over the world?

I agree. That synopsis reads much like bad fan fiction. Just a few too many out-of-nowhere coincidences(like the virus that wipes out humanity right at the same time these apes become smart). I liked the way Cornelius told it in Escape From the Planet of the Apes. And even that had some heavy bs problems but I'd say it's quite superior to this idea.
Can someone please screencap the shot in the trailer with Caesar, the orangutan, gorilla and chimp next to him?


PS: The orangutan on the left is uber realistic!
Is the new UK trailer available in HD?
I love that trailer up until the 1: 15 mark, there's just something so touching and emotive about it!
i had no idea there were different type of ape in this... the trailers made it look like they just duplicated the same monkeys.. lol
Some of the CG shots look terrible, whilst others are great. Hope it's all up to scratch come release. As for the story, smells like the I Am Legend adaption, and it seems to do away with the original premise of nuclear holocaust :/
Some of the CG shots look terrible, whilst others are great. Hope it's all up to scratch come release. As for the story, smells like the I Am Legend adaption, and it seems to do away with the original premise of nuclear holocaust :/

Nuclear holocaust had its days and a virus is more realistic nowdays. It is also easier to write as a story I think, the scientists engineer a genetic treatment for Alzheimer syndrom, there is an unattended by product ( the virus ) and voilà.
I would prefer a nuclear event but I will do with a virus.
I liked the way Cornelius told it in Escape From the Planet of the Apes.

Honestly, when I first heard of this project, I thought this is what they were going to use as a basis for this "prequel." Sort of Back to the Future. This would be how the apes originally take over that leads to the future Taylor encounters. Then, Zira & Cornelius travel back to 1973 and alter time by having Milo (who later takes the name Caesar) who starts the revolution much earlier (1991).
I don't see this movie doing well at all, but I'm sure looking forward to it
Nice promo video showing an Ape playing Far Cry 2. So cool.

Will we see gorillas with tommy guns?

also, too bad that we won't get to see the Red Ghost and his SoviApes, this is interesting...
idk why but i lol'd when i saw that shot
it looks like a cover shot for a ape band cd :awesome:

"And now, performing live, Caesar and the Damn Dirty Apes, with their newest single, 'Get Your Stinkin' Paws Off Me!'"
Can someone please screencap the shot in the trailer with Caesar, the orangutan, gorilla and chimp next to him?

Here it is without the big play button in front of it.

Sadly I think basically every other ape other than Caeser looks great, not that he looks bad, just not as great.

I am used to suspending disbelief in films like this. But I expect the movie to address such problems in some way to make doing so easier for me. That's what I appreciate about such movies. Good ones are full of thought and thinking ahead to problems before the audience does it for them. And maybe they DID address the issue I brought up. I just have a hard time imagining how(and I've got a pretty good imagination for stuff like this). It just makes me worry that they might give up and not address it at all(which happens all the time in bad movies).

Now in the 3rd film(of the original films...which is my 2nd favorite after the 1st film), they explained that the whole ape taking over thing took centuries after man started using apes as pets when a plague killed off all the dogs & cats. THAT kind of time frame is much more plausible since you'd figure that the ape's population would have to grow exponentially to service their master's needs. It's still fantasy/scifi but done in a more logically acceptable way...don't you see?

I've found Franco to be on and off depending on the film as well.

By the 5th one, Apes were firmly leading society, with humans having less power in a shared community. That was not very long after the 4th movie which was set only 20 years after the third one, hilariously in 1991.
While I prefer the nuclear war angle to the superflu (will there bee a slightly sniffly statue of liberty?) I think I can dig it. I could totally buy some crazy gene therapy serum accidently changing the RNA sequence of a flu virus.

However I do think that they are simply too anxious to get things all squared away at the end, similar to the ending of Xmen:First Class.
I still don't understand how man with guns lose to apes with rock and spears.
By the 5th one, Apes were firmly leading society, with humans having less power in a shared community. That was not very long after the 4th movie which was set only 20 years after the third one, hilariously in 1991.

That's because those movies after Escape were jokes. Truly aweful. But Cornelius's account in Escape is what I am going by. He doesn't mention anything about nuclear war but from the first film it's obvious that something like that also played a part.

Maybe humans in a last ditch effort to stem the tide of apes taking over their planet decided to use the nuclear option against them and ended up screwing themselves in the process.

This could also have set back ape society to the point that it took thousands of years for them to progress back to the point which we saw them at in the first film(technologically, they seemed like the equivalent of maybe 18th or 19th century human society). I dunno, it's only speculation.
I still don't understand how man with guns lose to apes with rock and spears.
Not just that but man w/ guns that outnumber apes by a million to one.

Oh wait, yeah.....a convenient virus.:whatever:
The virus apparently comes after the attack so we lose even before the virus hits. But yes, the virus is completely stupid. Apes and Humans share 98% of their DNA so what causes them to get sick almost all the time can be transmitted to humans.

I just don't see how around 100 apes or so can completely take over an entire city when the cops and military are involved. I just don't think they thought this movie out very well. I think the plot would have worked more if say it was in a highly wooded area and the apes were building their forces in the forest for years. Apes age almost like we do. So they can't even double their army in 20 years. HAHAHA this movie just sounds so dumb to me. I will go see this if it gets some good reviews but I bet it lands in the 30s-40s on RT.
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