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Season 1 / Episode 5: What If... Zombies!?

I really enjoyed it. It found the right balance of fun and pathos and felt like a “real” MCU episode because of all the voices they got back. The actor for Spider-Man sounded spot on and really nailed the mannerisms. The Wanda twist was great too.
I wish the zombies could speak like in the comic book. Question is... how did Thanos get infected?
Definitely a unique episode, I’d say the standout was Spider-Man in this episode.
Another solid episode, probably my favorite so far and I have to admit I wasn't expecting the Zombieland take on things. I suppose I was expecting more of a Walking Dead type of vibe, but hey, we still kind of got Michonne involved. :o Speaking of, when Okoye killed Falcon in front of Bucky and then apologized to him for killing his friend, Bucky's reaction of "I should be sad but I'm not" felt really cold after TFATWS. :csad:

But as I was watching it, I was thinking that Josh Keaton does a pretty good Tom Holland impression until I saw in the end credits that it was Hudson Thames who voiced Peter and Keaton just had the one line as Cap. Whoops. And speaking of Peter, we finally got an Uncle Ben name drop in the MCU!

It's also funny how this episode featured a zombified Tony Stark getting decapitated immediately followed by a giant ant eating his head and it STILL wasn't as dark as last week's episode.

I wish the zombies could speak like in the comic book. Question is... how did Thanos get infected?
I was more curious as to how Wanda got infected given how powerful she is and she also would have been with Vision and the zombies were repelled by the mind stone.
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I don’t know if I buy some the things that this show has done to Thanos…like T’Challa talking him out his genocide/infinity stone quest or him getting zombified even with 5 of the 6 stones at his disposal (unless he got the stones after he was bit?)
I don’t know if I buy some the things that this show has done to Thanos…like T’Challa talking him out his genocide/infinity stone quest or him getting zombified even with 5 of the 6 stones at his disposal (unless he got the stones after he was bit?)

Eh, he had all 6 stones and was nearly killed by Thor by the same token.
I thought it was a good episode. I was a bit confused with the ending based on how it was edited.

Was Thanos IN Wakanda?
I don’t know if I buy some the things that this show has done to Thanos…like T’Challa talking him out his genocide/infinity stone quest or him getting zombified even with 5 of the 6 stones at his disposal (unless he got the stones after he was bit?)

You're overthinking it and you're not supposed to with this show.
I thought it was a good episode. I was a bit confused with the ending based on how it was edited.

Was Thanos IN Wakanda?

Yes he was.

And I really liked this episode as well. Probably my 2nd favorite after the Strange episode. I'm a sucker for seeing team ups with characters that don't normally interact with each other so it was great seeing all the different characters in this. Kurt was a favorite this episode.
Holy shiiiiit. Favourite episode so far. Peter being Peter, Scott being a head, it's perfect. Also Wanda, terrifying.
I'm a sucker for seeing team ups with characters that don't normally interact with each other so it was great seeing all the different characters in this.
On a similar note, I thought it was cool seeing Hulk vs. Wanda, almost like Bruce's revenge for what she did to him in AOU.
I thought this was a fun episode, I was kind of chaffing against the overall tone of it, it seemed way too playful from the music to the quips given what was going on. Everyone's delivering one-liners as they kill their friends...that was a little put off by that.
I thought it was a fun palette cleanser from last weeks Episode.

Still, the last episode has stayed with me and I think it's still the best episode they've done so far.

This one was still a good time .
This episode was very rushed and tonally inconsistent. It can't decide if it's Marvel meets The Walking Dead or Zombieland.
This episode, again, proves how dangerous anyone with Pym particles is. "What If" has been great for leveling up the Pym Family.
It's crazy how between this and Episode 3, Hank took down all six of the original Avengers on his own. Granted, he wasn't himself when he disposed of Cap as a zombie but still...
Holy shiiiiit. Favourite episode so far. Peter being Peter, Scott being a head, it's perfect. Also Wanda, terrifying.

"All that for a drop of blood"
Zombie Tony drools on him.

I thought this was a fun episode, I was kind of chaffing against the overall tone of it, it seemed way too playful from the music to the quips given what was going on. Everyone's delivering one-liners as they kill their friends...that was a little put off by that.

I'm so... I don't know what? with this episode. A lot to like in just good sequences in general pulling off the premise but there is a very strong whiff of the GOTG/ Gunn humor of the MCU here, both in the amount and how it is employed that just rubbed me the wrong way.

In too many ways this was what a caricature of folks' criticisms of the MCU in 30 minutes would play out as from the over eager Holland Spidey doing his Gee Whiz thing turned up to 11 to Futurama Scott to the inconsistency of powers and abilities for the sake of either furthering the plot or to land a joke this was a lot of what I dislike about the MCU rolled into one. The whiplash from trying to be a horror survivor piece and a big broad Zombie parody piece was too much for the run time making moments of what should be heartbreak abut big humor moments that ultimately added u to no feeling for anything.

I know what they were going for and if it worked for others I get it but this was just not for me.

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