Civil War She'll put a hex on you! The official Scarlet Witch thread - Part 1

Does Elizabeth make up her finger movements in the moment or does her choreographer tell her how to use all aspects of her body?
Omn omn omn... :D


Thanos, are you ready? :D
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In theory, though the Vision has yet to demonstrate any telepathic capabilities, and the Mind Stone doesn't seem to work like that by default. Wanda could, but I suspect she has no idea how to undo brainwashing. Its not like there's some exotic external force screwing with his head, which she could just dispel. He was brainwashed the hard way, via, well, brainwashing.
Omn omn omn... :D


Thanos, are you ready? :D

I'd love to see her in proper comic Scarlet Witch gear. Has her head just been pasted onto a Cosplay though?

And is she planning to do some kickboxing in the next movie?

Have these been posted before?



Yes it is.

Also, apparently it was Elizabeth's birthday a couple of days ago. Didn't know.

Happy Belated Birthday Miss Olsen.
Apologies in advance if it's been raised already....

Could not Winter Solider have either Wanda or Vision look into his head and have the Hydra mind commands removed?
Yeah, I thought about that even before CW. I admit, if I were a shipper I would want to see Bucky with Wanda, I think they fit together nicely. :drl:
I don't know about Bucky, but there seemed to be some chemistry with Cap in this scene (obviously not this pic):


Also, here are some more pics of her.


Well, I don't know about chemistry with Bucky, they haven't interacted much, but it's just that I see a lot of common in their characters. Cap's relationship with her was purposefully made brotherly, so it's hard to say, if they have a romantic chemistry, but Evans was pretty playful with Olsen on press tour for AoU, I think.

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