Should any members of the League cameo in this film?


Dec 19, 2014
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Should any of the Justice League members show up in a cameo capacity in WW84?
I don't believe it is necessary. Besides, it is set in the '80s. Who was around then?

Unless it's these guys:


I still think the League members can cameo especially if this movie plays with the for example you could have one of the League members show up in a post-credit scene if Patty were to include a post-credits but then again she didn't do a post credits with the first Wonder Woman film now did she?
Maybe if they have another modern day framing device, personally I'd limit it to an easter egg or two, nothing bigger than the letter from Bruce in the first one.
I'd rather none of them showed up in Diana's movie. They don't belong in the same vicinity as her. She's way too good for them.
I think it should be left- if at all- to when the WW movies move to the modern day. Also, when the other heroes set up more of their solos. All we really have now for certain is the setup for Aquaman and WW. If anything, WB (should) have learned to let it happen organically, when the story calls for it. Not just done for the sake of it. Even Bruce Wayne's "cameo" in the first WW wasn't really necessary (though it was linking it to BvS.)

It would feel more urgent in the modern day. Say, another Leaguer helps out for a while with some emergency or their home city is affected. As long as it doesn't overtake anything. And now that Aquaman will be out and if they make a Flash solo movie then they can make a real Flashpoint movie involving Atlantis, Themyscira etc.
No, technically they can't can they anyway, given the structure and time line laid out already ? I think there is some leeway there given I believe WW84 plays with that but still, I'd leave it stand-alone.

Oh, but it's true. Aside from maybe Aquaman, I don't want them to interact with her again until the DC can actually get them right. Reboot Superman, Batman, (and the Flash!), and then we're good to go. But not before then. At least in my opinion.
If it weren't in the past i would love to see Ezra doing a Flash cameo tbh


I think it should be left- if at all- to when the WW movies move to the modern day. Also, when the other heroes set up more of their solos. All we really have now for certain is the setup for Aquaman and WW. If anything, WB (should) have learned to let it happen organically, when the story calls for it. Not just done for the sake of it. Even Bruce Wayne's "cameo" in the first WW wasn't really necessary (though it was linking it to BvS.)

It would feel more urgent in the modern day. Say, another Leaguer helps out for a while with some emergency or their home city is affected. As long as it doesn't overtake anything. And now that Aquaman will be out and if they make a Flash solo movie then they can make a real Flashpoint movie involving Atlantis, Themyscira etc.

I blame Affleck, he has the charisma of a brick lmao

I got more convinced the reason ww got its sequel because it plays in 1984.
Way before bvs and jl, so patty can make anything she wants with the story.

The direction of dceu after jl is uncertain.

If you look at aquaman, they did make a reference of steppenwolf and motherbox but very minor connection to it.
The mother box didnt play any consequence in aquaman, we dont see anything anymore about mother box nor the secure stronghold to keep it.
The world seems so normal reacting to what should be worldwide news about events after jl.

Maybe after seeing how people react to aquaman and shazam, dceu would set its new direction.

So please no, dont put any other dc superhero cameo in ww84.
Let it be a loose continuity just like aquaman, and please give us iconic hand in hand duel ww vs cheetah!
My vote is no.
Keep her solo film separate. Let them exist with minimal to no mention of other JL characters.

Especially with the way the other films are being received, just let this exist in its own world.
I got more convinced the reason ww got its sequel because it plays in 1984.
Way before bvs and jl, so patty can make anything she wants with the story.

So please no, dont put any other dc superhero cameo in ww84.
Let it be a loose continuity just like aquaman, and please give us iconic hand in hand duel ww vs cheetah!

Don't worry, it won't happen, as u said it's timeline is in 1984, there will be no way that a JL member can do a cameo
Yeah, there's should be a scene where she's running from the bad guys carrying baby Clark Kent and baby Arthur Curry while running from bad guys, and a ten year old Bruce Wayne and his parents happen to give her a ride to safety and it causes them to be late to their movie so they have to go to a later show. BOOYAH.
Yeah, there's should be a scene where she's running from the bad guys carrying baby Clark Kent and baby Arthur Curry while running from bad guys, and a ten year old Bruce Wayne and his parents happen to give her a ride to safety and it causes them to be late to their movie so they have to go to a later show. BOOYAH.

i want that
Of the current Justice League members, the only one that could work would be (an established) Barry Allen who can time travel, but then if he's on the scene, it would likely take away from Diana.

I wouldn't however be opposed to Diana crossing paths with say, Hawkwoman, or maybe a scene where we witness a Green Lantern watching over Wonder Woman (out of curiosity) and in turn deeming the world safe under her protection - maybe then explaining why there's no Lanterns present during Steppenwolfs invasion?
Mera should, maybe in mid credits. It would be awesome
How do Atlantians age though? Are their lives prolonged? Mera would be rather young in 1984 otherwise.
Nicole Kidman said they aged differently but I think it was just something she told herself to justify playing Jason's mom :)

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