Infinity War Should Avengers Infinity War Part 1 have another villain?

Maybe Kang & Loki but I want them to focus as much on Thanos as possible. As cool as it'd be to see the Black Order, a guy like Thanos really doesn't need a team.
Maybe Kang & Loki but I want them to focus as much on Thanos as possible. As cool as it'd be to see the Black Order, a guy like Thanos really doesn't need a team.

But the Avengers and Guardians do, because they can't all fight Thanos at once. You need cannon fodder to battle, and at least the Black Order allow them to not be completely faceless.
Although it would make sense for Thanos to have some sort of army at his disposal.

It allows him more screentime + development, and means he doesn't have the annoyance if the team all attacking him at once.

Maybe Kree?
Maybe Kree?
Definitely Kree.The presence of the Inhumans and Cap Marvel hint on them being Important to the Infinity war.

I also think theres a chance well see Thanos use the gems to create doppelganer versions of the heroes just like was done in the Infinity war comic
I think some sort of elite team like the Black Order or existing MCU villains like Ronan, Red Skull and Malekith with a disposable army like the Kree, Skrulls or even the Chitauri.
If I'm honest I'd prefer to see the existing MCU villains returning each with their own followers as they have already been developed so wouldn't taken much screen time away from developing Thanos.
Ideal Evil Elite Team
Malekith (Dark Elves)
Red Skrull (Hydra)
Ronan (Kree)
Loki (Asgardian Soldiers or The Enchantress and Executioner)
Plus a villain from an unreleased Marvel movie such as Dr. Strange or Captain Marvel
I've started to become partial to idea of using Kang in part 1 after initially being skeptical. I can see the merit in using him to bring in the time gem since I can't really think of which of the other Phase 3 films would be a good fit for it.
I think I'd prefer to see Kang headline as an Avengers villain after IW when he doesn't have to be seen as a secondary to Thanos. I'd rather Thanos had his own lieutenants in IW1 plus the Civil War will likely still be a huge event that gets resolved in the 1st film so I don't think there is as much need for a traditional dedicated villain. If Thanos is fully revealed by the end of the 1st film that itself should end the Civil War.
I think it'd be a waste to have Kang play second banana to another villain. I'd rather they just use the Black Order or someone like Terrax or Terraxi if they need more villains.
I think it'd be a waste to have Kang play second banana to another villain. I'd rather they just use the Black Order or someone like Terrax or Terraxi if they need more villains.

I wouldn't do Kang as a second banana. I wouldn't have him as an underling either. I'd have him as a rival in Thanos' conquest for the Infinity Gauntlet, and the possessor of the Time Gem. I'd have him take the Avengers to hell and back, but have him ultimately fall prey to Thanos, who would collect the final gem upon defeating Kang.

I feel like part 1 needs a legitimate threat in it to be a compelling cinematic experience, as opposed to just a lot of setup and Thanos henchmen. The Black Order is not a compelling solitary threat. Terrax is at Fox.

Yes this is a two part film, but don't you want to leave part one feeling satisfied? Two part films tend to have a saggy first part. Marvel has an opportunity to correct that.
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I bet when the time gem gets involved Kang will be one of those things introduced on the cosmic side that secretly has always been an influence,, like how Ultron will be on AoU
Any villain coming in in Part 1 won't get the exposure of an Ultron for eg if Part 1 is focusing on the end of the Civil War. That story is surely too big to be contained to solos. Kang is a big villain that can be used after IW and go down in MCU history with Ultron and Thanos.
Looking back at the Infinity Gauntlet story line, Mephisto and Nebula were big players alongside Thanos. We already have Thanos and Nebula set up, and I don't know if Marvel will introduce the devil in any of their movies, so maybe Loki will be the substitute.
They are definitely going to need some extra, notable villains working under Thanos to make the Part I and Part II work. Especially with X-Men: Apocalypse using the Four Horsemen and whatever is going on with Darkseid and the Justice League. You can't just have Thanos and faceless henchmen.
Which is why the Black Order would be great.
Looking back at the Infinity Gauntlet story line, Mephisto and Nebula were big players alongside Thanos. We already have Thanos and Nebula set up, and I don't know if Marvel will introduce the devil in any of their movies, so maybe Loki will be the substitute.

I have a feeling Ronan will play the same role as comics Nebula, ie, Thanos brings him back "wrong" upon reaching godhood, and eventually Ronan makes a grab at the gauntlet. Just a thought.
Marvel should film hundreds of inside helmet reaction shots for RDJ as he is now, and then they can use them in the future and he can just do voice overs later to add dialogue.

Just wanted to say: Genius

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