Spider-Man 3: Webslinger Showdown (IGN article)


Dark Lord of the Sith
Aug 29, 2004
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Sorry if this has been posted. Didnt see it:

October 3, 2006 - Peter Parker may have taken out the twisted Green Goblin, and saved his girl by defeating the maniacal, multi-tentacled Doc Ock, but you know there's more drama in store for everybody's favorite web-slinging superhero! Just what evil lurks in Spider-Man's future? Check it out, true believers...

The much anticipated release of Spider-Man 3 is now just over six months away. And in spite of all the early hype for this third installment in the Webslinger film franchise, there are still many things we don't know.

We thought it'd be cool to attempt to fill in some of the story's blanks and dig a little deeper into the flick's compelling villains. These musings of ours are mostly based on conversations that we've had with the cast and filmmakers, as well as previously released info.

"I think we've kept it kind of fresh and new," says star Tobey Maguire, "but keeping a continuity of character and evolving the storyline from the first and second movie and coming to some conclusions and stuff. I think we've done that pretty well." Maguire is tight-lipped when pressed for more details, but we already know the broad strokes of the film's story from the official plot synopsis. Here's a look:

Peter Parker has finally managed to strike a balance between his devotion to M.J. and his duties as a superhero. But there is a storm brewing on the horizon. As Spider-Man basks in the public's adulation for his accomplishments and he is pursued by Gwen Stacy, who rivals M.J. for his affections, Peter becomes overconfident and starts to neglect the people who care about him most. His newfound self-assuredness is jeopardized when he faces the battle of his life against two of the most feared villains ever, whose unparalleled power and thirst for retribution threaten Peter and everyone he loves.

You likely already know that those "most feared villains" are Venom and Sandman, played by Topher Grace and Thomas Haden Church respectively.

Director Sam Raimi says he chose those two bad guys because they align with the development of Peter Parker in the film. "We had to really figure out where it was that the character [of Peter Parker] had to grow to in this particular story," he says. "What situation was Peter left in at the end of the second story and what did he have to learn? What lessons? And once we figured that out, we had to figure out what character might best represent the obstacles that he had to overcome to learn that lesson; or the obstacles may overcome him in case he failed to learn the lesson. Then we would search for the villain that would best represent that obstacle. That's how we went about choosing the villains for this piece. And because it was a journey more inward than external - for instance, the first two pictures were more about the things that happened to Peter, but this is more of Peter's journey inside into a darker part of himself. And his struggle to find the heroic side of himself to break free of that darkness, break free of that temptation. We felt that the character of Venom, who Avi Arad the president of Marvel Comics said the kids really loved anyways, would probably be a good match for us."

Eddie Brock becomes Venom in Spider-Man 3

Fans of the comic will be familiar with Venom's extraterrestrial origins -- the black suit is actually a living alien symbiote. But how does that all play out in the "real world" of the Spider-Man movie universe? "That was a major struggle for me, the production designer, the costumers, the cameramen, and the actor," says director Sam Raimi. "What we did was we said, 'At his heart he's Eddie Brock -- he is a human being.' The strength of these movies have always been the human beings at its center. Not about something fantastic. It's more about a regular guy which something extraordinary happens to. And Venom is an extraordinary character. So that was a struggle. We just tried to find the human elements within him that we could connect to and really play those up and diminish, downplay the fantastic."

Based on Raimi's approach, we think it's unlikely that Venom will have any kind of alien origin in the film. Our best guess is that Harry Osborn is ultimately responsible for the rise of Venom in this story. We imagine that Harry intentionally exposes Peter/Spider-Man to "the suit," which could be some kind of genetically engineered protoplasm (comic fans: think Ultimate Venom) created by Oscorp, in an attempt to avenge his father's death.

Peter is taken over by the black material -- it coats his Spidey suit -- and it begins to negatively impact his mental state. Ultimately, he is able to free himself from the substance while inside a bell tower (we're guessing that's because it is vulnerable to sonic bombardment as in the comics). The black material then finds a new host in Eddie Brock, Jr., who becomes Venom.

Brock/Venom is played by actor Topher Grace, who has successfully made the jump from TV to big-screen stardom.

Grace tells us that Spidey was a bit of a switch from the kind of films he's used to making. "It's certainly different for me because I've never been in a film of this scope," he explains. "But the way Sam works with his actors is very similar to the way I've done other films. He takes really good care of the actors. You can see in a film like this where the director might pay more attention to the effects, but I feel like it was really a great collaborative experience. You know Tobey's great and Kirsten... they've done so many of these. It's great to kind of come in and guest star on a hit show."

So, how does Sandman figure into all this? Much less is known. Actor Thomas Haden Church believes the film version of the character has more depth than the comic character. He explains that Sandman's issues, whatever they may be, have brought him into conflict with Peter Parker. "He's a guy with a mission," says Church. "And clearly he's a villain so his interests and Spider-Man's interests are probably going to collide in an unpleasant way. I wouldn't be a villain in the movie if I didn't have a problem that Spider-Man is going to have to deal with."

Set photos that have surfaced online show Church, as Sandman's human form, Flint Marko, filming what we're certain is a flashback scene in which he interacts with Peter's Uncle Ben and the carjacker in the original Spider-Man. What kinda stuff was Uncle Ben mixed up in? Your guess is as good as ours on that one.

We also know that Flint has a wife (played by Theresa Russell) and a daughter in the film, which makes us wonder if Raimi will present him as a sympathetic villain; perhaps he has to turn to a life of crime to save his family.

Thomas Haden Church as Sandman

But just where do Sandman's powers come from? In the classic comic mythology, Flint escapes from prison and takes refuge on a beach; unfortunately, the beach is contaminated and he is exposed to radiation. Flint's cells merge with the irradiated sand, giving him the ability to transform his body into sand and mold it at will.

If Raimi again draws from the Ultimate universe, as we believe he may for Venom's origin, it's possible that Flint becomes Sandman after being subjected to a failed experiment designed to create a super soldier.

We'd like to put another scenario out there... Could it be that Harry Osborn is somehow responsible for the creation of Venom and Sandman? Think about it. As the heir to Oscorp, Harry is now a wealthy industrialist with the resources of a major scientific mega-corporation at his disposal; he would have easy access to the technology that could create both Venom and Sandman. Regardless, Harry also plays the role of villain himself. Raimi has publicly stated that the third film will wrap up Harry's character arc, but he has declined to say whether or not the younger Osborn will ultimately follow in his father's footsteps.

If you've watched the trailer you've probably noticed the scene in which a masked man flies a glider exactly like the one that Harry discovered in his father's lair at the end of the second film. Are you tracking with us? And at Comic-Con 2006 Sam Raimi made it clear that Harry will not appear as the second coming of the Green Goblin or as Hobgoblin, but that there would be elements of both introduced into his character. Will he be redeemed in the end or meet the same fate as his pops? We'll have to wait and see.

We're pretty confident in our boy's odds, but how exactly will Spider-Man dispense with multiple adversaries? It's entirely possibly that Raimi could pull a page from the Marvel universe and pit them against each other to narrow the field in the end. Comic aficionados will remember the fight between Venom and Sandman in which Venom takes a bit out of Sandman and destabilizes his body structure, causing him to crumble. Not matter how it plays out, the finale should be a battle royale! That's a pretty safe bet.

The safest bet of all is that we'll get the answers to these questions and more when Spider-Man 3 swings into theaters on May 4, 2007!

So, now that we've shared our thoughts on the Spidey 3 villains and their possible origins and motivations, why don't you give it a shot. We'll feature the best responses in the next edition of the IGN Movies Mailbag.

Great and not, I don't know, The film will be awesome but not as a spiderman film...Too much scene, some of them will be like comics to film but some will be great but not as a spiderman film. I don't know...It's like Tim Burton's batman movie, they are great but, not as much as a Batman film more like a Tim Burton film
These are some very interesting ideas that have conveyed. I wonder as well whether Oscorp will have a role in the creation of Venom or Sandman.
Dcknight said:
Great and not, I don't know, The film will be awesome but not as a spiderman film...Too much scene, some of them will be like comics to film but some will be great but not as a spiderman film. I don't know...It's like Tim Burton's batman movie, they are great but, not as much as a Batman film more like a Tim Burton film

Someone seems confused.:dry:
cool article, too bad there's nothing new though
i think Venom's origin should be attached on a shuttle bringing back John Jamieson Jr. from a outer space mission. Like we see John wrapping things up on the moon. He sees something black jump onto the shuttle but can't seem to find it in time and it acts like a stow away. he gets back to earth and the symbiote travels in sewers or some how out of sight until it reaches Peter sleeping in bed.

Sandman's origin should be (and if you remember from some pics posted somewhere) an prison escapee that hides in a warehouse near the beach. cops track him into the warehouse. Flint runs out the back hiding behind big containers of radioactive fluid. he stands on a puddle of it on the beach and begins sinking into the sand. he panics and as he is transforming into the Sandman he sinks till he disappeaers and the cops have no idea where he went. they notice a keep out radioactive waste sign and decide not to go any where close to that and they never find Flint.

I like how Brock becomes Venom in the trailer.

Harry should fight Peter constantly throughout the film. in the beginning we should get a Harry Osborn on a glider with a mask but at the end the Green Goblin should rise again if there should be a battle royale.

it would be stupid if Sandman dies from a bite from Venom. in this one i hope no villains die at all.

and this is just some wishful thinking but i hope we get Doc Ock back like as a cliffhanger along with Dr. Connors turning into The Lizard.
I think the symbiote is an alien. Raimi clearly avoided the answer.
I called it!

if this is a real (and I honestly doubt that it is.. buut I could be wrong) article and the symbiote is made by oscorp I called it. check the script thread :D

Once they said that they probably wern't going to use the 616 comic origin from it, I'm pretty sure most of us went strait to the Ultimate universe where it was some kinda of produced suit.
Nice article. I hope they go with the "Harry making Venom and Sandman" thing. More of Sandman though.
I await the new trailer, with so much intrigue and anticipation that I could just poot.:cool:
Great article.It's good to know that Raimi and co. want all these chracters to have depth
Nice article, and before you start shouting "Ultimate Venom sucks!" "Ultimate Sandman sucks!" "Life sucks and I should kill myself instead of whining so m... - okay, I doubt they´ll shout that -", Keep in mind that the article is speculating.
I don't think that Sandman is created by OsCorp. We saw the pics where Flint obviously is escaping from prison in an orange suit. So I think they'll go the contaminated-beach-route.

However, I really want the symbiote and Venom to have an alien origin :(
I just came here to post this lol.

I hope the part about Harry making Venom and Sandman isn't true.:(

Sandman is one thing, but don't screw up Venom's origin like that.:(:down
I'm not a fan of the comic origin or the cartoon origin of Venom, so Oscorp being responsible for the symbiote will be cool with me. But if it is the comic origin, I don't mind either way. Just as long it's a good movie, I could care less if Raimi follows the comics.
Goran said:
I don't think that Sandman is created by OsCorp. We saw the pics where Flint obviously is escaping from prison in an orange suit. So I think they'll go the contaminated-beach-route.

However, I really want the symbiote and Venom to have an alien origin :(

yeah, but what if that beach is a testing area for oscorp industries? Remember in the first film, Quest Areo-space tested there exo-skeleton design in a desert area. Maybe the same could apply for Flint Marko's transformation into Sandman.
Interesting find....Oscorp repsonsible for the creation of Sandman and Venom?I wouldn't mind if Oscorp was responsible for both of them but I would prefer the symbiote coming from space and Oscorp creating Sandman instead.
Sandman and Venom are both the products of Harry and Oscorp...doubt it.
Finally some news.:up: Nice interview from Sam and the cast there. Wouldn't take much into Oscorp creating Venom, the article seemed to be throwing out ideas.
Guys the Symbiote is from outerspace..Raimi slipped during the Q&A at ComicCon..

Making Venom realistic within the world of the Spider-Man movies was a challenge for director Raimi. “There’s a lot of fantastic elements about Venom that you could say are in conflict with the realism that we wanted to have in the picture,” explained Raimi. “But we just said to ourselves, ‘Kirsten and Tobey, you’ll have to do the heavy lifting here to bring it back down to earth because there’s this wild goo from outer space and you’re just going to have to connect us to the characters.’”

Raimi laughed at the follow-up to the ‘realistic’ question which called him on the ‘goo’ statement. Asked if his answer confirms Venom will be from outer space, Raimi countered with, “(Laughing) I never said that. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”


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