State your opinion a character - Part 1

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Mostly hate for Red Hulk. Speaking of relatively recent characters lots of people seem to hate, what do you think of...

The Hood
i never really liked spiderman. his suits look cool, but i just don't care about him. whenever there is a crossover event i loathe reading the spiderman ones, but do flip through them just in case.

welcome to the thread misjuevos. the way this thread generally works is the person running it (which is me right now) posts a character and everyone gives their thoughts. That way we're all discussing the same character at the same time. The character changes roughly every 24 hrs
Maaaan are we scraping the bottom of the loser barrel! Hood sucks! i dont like dudes who come outta nowhere who you never heard of and its suddenly he's the biggest thing since sliced bread! getta outta here with that! you have to pay your dues with me( even "paste pot pete" had to work his way up to "trapster!) this dude was a nobody and then comes out to run the show. That's Boo**&^% and He sucks! Plus he's named after a little girl who was on her way to grandma's house! Hahahahaha! SUCKS!
The Hood sucks. I hope he gets Ghaddafi'd by the Punisher the way the new Vulture was.
Ah the Hood. Another character that started out in an awesome mini by a far better writer only to be ruined by Bendis.

As far as I'm concerned, he never had another story after the BKV Max, he's kinda awesome by the logic I'm choosing to follow. :o
Ah the Hood. Another character that started out in an awesome mini by a far better writer only to be ruined by Bendis.

As far as I'm concerned, he never had another story after the BKV Max, he's kinda awesome by the logic I'm choosing to follow. :o

The logic you choose to follow is the correct one. Another character with potential or with great stories under their belt ruined by the grubby mitts of Mr Bendis.
Bendis forced him into no less than 40 Avengers comics last decade. To put that in perspective, Ultron and Kang have both been in about Avengers 60 issues... Will history remember The Hood as a top Avenger villain? God I hope not.
Ah the Hood. Another character that started out in an awesome mini by a far better writer only to be ruined by Bendis.

As far as I'm concerned, he never had another story after the BKV Max, he's kinda awesome by the logic I'm choosing to follow. :o

Agreed. Really liked the character in the original miniseries and then they just went and took it way too far and kind of ruined the concept.
Ah the Hood. Another character that started out in an awesome mini by a far better writer only to be ruined by Bendis.

As far as I'm concerned, he never had another story after the BKV Max, he's kinda awesome by the logic I'm choosing to follow. :o

this exactly
So, nothin but hate for the Hood, at least since Bendis has touched him. Let's go back to the Inhumans for a bit...

She can do that whole winds buffering her into the air thingy. She's never been a great flier though.

Love Crystal. She's Johnny's Gwen Stacy. The original girl who got away. I never liked her marriage to Pietro, though it lasted much of my childhood. Like her with Ronin. Seems this woman can't be without a man for long.

Member of the FF. Gets my thumbs up. :up:

:ff: :ff: :ff:
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Love Crystal. She was one of my favorite Avengers. They should bring her back to the team, it would make more god damn sense than Storm. She was one of their toughest members at the time and stepped up as a leader when needed. The love triangle between her, Black Knight and Sersi blows away the Scott/Jean/Emma one any day of the week. She was totally head over heels for Dane, I'm surprised no one ever got them back together.
I don't know her at all. Never seen her with a personality, that's kinda sad. Also the four elements thing, really should get more respect than it does. She should be a bit of a powerhouse.
Couldn't give a rats ass about Crystal.

I don't mind the Hood he could be a good villain again in the right hands
He shouldn't be a villain. He shoulda been an........anti villain.

As far as Crystal, I could take her or leave her.
love the Inhumans,but Crystal is the lamest one of the bunch!! her real claim to fame was to break the torch's heart and get with Quicksilver and have a kid. let me get this right! you are going to leave a bad boy for a even worser( thats not a word, but hey! sue me!) bad boy?!? Haha dumbass &^^%!!She has an awesome power ,but have you really ever seen her do anything with it?!? girl reminds me of that chick "Marylin" on the Munster's Tv show. How all the rest of the Inhumans are jacked up physically, but she's the only normal looking one of the bunch!( medusa gets a pass cause Stan the man was kinda sneaky with what he did with her having hair for hair instead of snakes routine)I wonder do the other Inhumans think she is the ugliest one of the bunch like on that show! though i would totally get with her dumbass, Crystal sucks!

... oh and the Hood should die and never come back!! Hehe
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I like Silver Age Crystal okay but what they did with her cheating on Quicksilver was absurd. Like a lot of Marvel characters, I just go back to the early 80's and ignore everything since.
definitely my least favorite Inhuman, but I love the inhumans so thats not to much of an insult
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