Stupid People Doing Stupid Things Thread - Part 2

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Man Allegedly Transporting Weed Candy Arrested After High Speed Chase


A Brooklyn man led New Jersey State Police on a 25-mile chase up the Garden State Parkway before crashing his car and being arrested, the New York Daily News reports. Police said that the driver had, amongst other things, 80 pounds of “marijuana candy” in his car.

According to the Daily News, Samuel Bompane, 22, was caught speeding in Brick Township. Police gave chase, but ceased their pursuit when Bompane entered a construction zone. Bompane drove along the shoulder before crashing into another car.

Police said they found “a plethora of different drugs” valued at more than $100,000, including 80 pounds of marijuana candy, more than 10 pounds of marijuana, hashish oil, and prescription drugs. Police said they also found around $35,000 in cash.

Bompane, who police said is being held in Monmouth County Jail on $725,000 cash bail, is charged with driving while intoxicated, aggravated assault with a vehicle, and possession with intent to distribute.

The candyman can not apparently
Slavery blowback unfortunately.

The biggest mistake this country has ever made was succumbing to that practice because now we have to deal with all the ill side effects of it.

The whole thing is so stupid.
That does not excuse nor justify looting or rioting. Though I get the reasoning that still feels like a cop out.

Tiffany Milan's Facebook said:
All Black ppl should rise up and shoot at every white cop in the nation starting NOW.

I condone black on white killings. Hell they condone crimes against us.

I’ve thought about shooting every white cop I see in the head until I’m either caught by the police or killed by them. Ha!!!! I think I can pull it off. Might kill at least fifteen tomorrow. I’m plotting now. They reading this sh** too right now. Freedom of speech tho. So when you can absolutely show me the 1st amendment where it explicitly says you can’t say “kill all cops,” then I’ll delete my status. Other than that…NOPE!

Guess who got arrested?
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Guess who got arrested?
Because an eye for an eye always solves problems so well. :whatever:

Although in this case I'm suspicious of whether it is even true or someone's idea of a joke or troll.
Because an eye for an eye always solves problems so well. :whatever:

Although in this case I'm suspicious of whether it is even true or someone's idea of a joke or troll.

It's out of anger..and ignorance to what 'freedom of speech' really means. Threats will not be taken likely.
Most definitely not. I just read this morning they found her (real name Ebony Dickens), and she really did make the threat which I still question the intent of but regardless, she was incredibly stupid to have made it even in jest.
Tuna Company Charged Over Worker Cooked Alive With 6 Tons of Fish


On Monday, Bumble Bee Foods and two employees were charged with felony safety violations over the death of worker burned alive in an industrial pressure cooker, the Associated Press reports.

According to Los Angeles County prosecutors, the company, their director of plant operations and a former safety manager each face three counts of violating OSHA rules over the incident, which occurred in 2012. From the L.A. Times:

On Oct. 11, 2012, Jose Melena, 62, entered a 35-foot oven at the company’s Santa Fe Springs plant to make a repair inside the machine, which is used to sterilize thousands of cans of tuna at a time.

Unaware that Melena was inside the oven, other plant workers loaded several carts that altogether held about 12,000 pounds of tuna, shut the door and turned on the oven, prosecutors said.

Temperatures peaked at around 270 degrees, and Melena cooked to death, prosecutors said. His charred remains were found by another plant worker.​

“We remain devastated by the loss of our colleague Jose Melena in the tragic accident,” Bumble Bee said in a statement on Monday. “We disagree with and are disappointed by the charges filed by the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office.”

Prosecutors say the company could be fined as much as $1.5 million. In 2014, Bumble Bee Foods reportedly generated about $1 billion in sales.

Horrible way to go
Tennessee Students Served Six-Year-Old Pork for Lunch


The Hawkins County School District in East Tennessee has reportedly launched a new district-wide meat inspection program after apparently serving six-year-old pork to their students. “It’s not clear,” WATE reports, “if it was tainted.”

Michael Herrell, a parent and Hawkins County, Tenn. commissioner, alerted school district officials to the old meat after he was texted a photo of the six-year-old pork by a cafeteria worker last week, the Nashville Sun Times reports.

He was also apparently told by a cook at Cherokee High School that “the meat was bad,” but that cook was allegedly “told by the manager to cover it with gravy to give it a better taste.”

According to the Associated Press, schools have since inspected their meat inventories, and uncovered products that date back to 2009.

Hawkins County Director of School Steve Starnes told reporters that a new inspection system has been implemented at schools across the district to prevent a future mishap. No students have reported getting sick.

I know of jails that serve old expired meat but in our damn schools?
AT&T Billed an Elderly Man $24,000 for Using AOL Dial-Up


An 83-year-old Los Angeles man couldn’t believe the bills AT&T kept sending him for his simple landline phone account—more than $24,000 over two months. But the company insisted he had to pay it, even though it seemed impossible that dialing up to AOL—the only thing he really used the line for—could cost that much.

With no other recourse, the embattled AT&T customer, Ron Dorff, contacted the L.A. Times. He told his story to reporter David Lazarus, who ended up investigating this Comcast-level customer service catastrophe.

Dorff told Lazarus he mostly uses the phone line for his AOL dial-up internet service. That may sound strange, but more than 2 million people are still subscribed to AOL dial-up—many of them elderly, impoverished, or residents of rural areas without viable broadband options.

Dorff, who is retired and collects Social Security, said his typical monthly phone bill from AT&T was $51, so he was surprised to see it jump to $8,596.57 in March. He told Lazarus he called AT&T, and they promised to send a technician to figure out the problem.

No one came, and AT&T added another $15,687 to his bill in April.

When the company finally got a technician out, they said it was a problem with his modem, but refused to lower the insane $24,000 bill that had accumulated as a result.

Of course, they were happy to fix the problem once they got a call about it from a Los Angeles Times reporter, and claimed they’d never intended to make poor Mr. Dorff pay that huge bill anyway.

They couldn’t explain why their system didn’t flag a five-figure charge for a basic landline, just waved it away as a “rare occurrence.” Seems like a $24,000 landline bill should be a “never” occurrence, but I’m not a major telecom company, so what do I know?

I always find it amazing how quick these big companies change their tune as soon as the media gets involved
Jeffrey Dahmer Died From Being Too Good at Pranks


In 1994, serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer finally got what was coming to him when fellow inmate Christopher Scarver beat him to death in a prison bathroom. And which of Dahmer’s many crimes finally pushed Scarver over the edge? Being too damn good at pranks.

From the New York Post:

Christopher Scarver — who fatally beat the serial killer and another inmate in 1994 — said he grew to despise Dahmer because he would fashion severed limbs out of prison food to taunt the other inmates.

He’d drizzle on packets of ketchup as blood.

It was very unnerving.

“He would put them in places where people would be,” Scarver, 45, recalled in a low, gravelly voice.​

Not bad!

Of course, the jokes get a little dark when you consider the fact that Dahmer murdered, molested, and (in some cases) ate 17 human, non-prison-food men between 1978 and 1991. But then again—if you can’t laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at?

Apparently, Dahmer’s prison-mates and guards couldn’t handle his (actually pretty funny!) jokes. Scarver believes the guards, who were fully aware of how much he hated the serial jokester, intentionally left him alone with Dahmer.

At which point, unable to resist the opportunity, Dahmer pulled the ol’ “poke a dangerous criminal in the back and pretend it wasn’t you” routine. “I turned around, and [Dahmer] and [fellow inmate] Jesse [Anderson] were kind of laughing under their breath,” Scarver told the Post. “I looked right into their eyes, and I couldn’t tell which had done it.

Scarver then proceeded to beat Dahmer to death with a five-pound metal bar.

Oh how he suffered for his comedy

Prison does not seem like the place one would want to pull pranks in
AT&T Billed an Elderly Man $24,000 for Using AOL Dial-Up

I always find it amazing how quick these big companies change their tune as soon as the media gets involved

I'm really not. As long as they can get away with over-charging, price gouging and monopolies in areas they'll do whatever they can get away with until they get stopped. They'll make hundreds if not thousands of times whatever they have to pay out so literally crime does pay for them because no one can stop them.
Big businesses like Comcast, AT&T, Bumble Bee Tuna up there, they have enough politicians and clout to get themselves out of anything.
Lab Worker Accidentally Infects Himself With Smallpox-Like Virus

Realizing you have just accidentally added the wrong sample into your test tube is a gut-wrenching frustration lab workers are used to, but imagine looking down and realizing that, rather than inoculating an animal, you have just stabbed yourself in the hand with an infected needle. Whoops.

That’s what happened two years ago to a virologist working in a poxvirus lab in Boston, according to a recent report by the CDC. The needle he jabbed himself with was being used to infect mice with vaccinia virus, a human pathogen belonging to the same family of viruses as smallpox and cowpox. Although vaccinia tends to only cause mild symptoms, unlike smallpox, the case was interesting because he had recently been vaccinated against the virus in case of such laboratory blunders occurring.

According to the case report, which has been published in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, back in November of 2013, a 27-year-old poxvirus researcher was conducting an experiment which involved infecting anesthetized mice with vaccinia virus, the agent used to create the smallpox vaccine due to close similarities between the viruses. As he was about to scratch, or scarify, the mouse with the needle, he became distracted (happens to the best of us) by another mouse in a different cage and consequently accidentally stabbed himself in the left thumb. The needle made its way through two pairs of gloves and punctured his skin, causing him to bleed.

Shortly after the incident, the man developed a skin rash on his left arm, so he made his way to the local emergency department where he was diagnosed with a common skin infection called cellulitis, which affects the deeper layers of the skin and underlying tissue. He was prescribed antibiotics to treat the infection and discharged, but the following day he returned to his institution’s occupational health clinic with a necrotic, or dying, lesion at the site he stabbed himself. It then became apparent that the man was infected with the vaccinia virus, despite the fact that he had been vaccinated that same year. The dying tissue on his thumb was then surgically removed, and his symptoms resolved over the following month.

This case has sparked interest because at the time of vaccination, the man seemed to respond as though it had been successful- he developed a small white lesion at the injection site, which is usually indicative of an immune response. Furthermore, blood tests showed that he had elevated levels of antibodies, which would indicate either vaccination or infection. That being said, the level of antibody in the body required to protect against infection is unknown. It’s therefore possible that vaccination prompted a sufficient immune response to reduce the severity of his symptoms, but not enough to protect him from infection.

Although two other cases of lab-acquired vaccinia virus infection have been reported previously, one of the individuals was vaccinated ten years prior to the incident, and the other did not show signs of vaccine take at the time of immunization.

At least he was smart enough to see someone right away then come back and notify the right people when it got worse. Even though it wasn't a major issue it's still dumb to get distracted when using needles.
Woman Texted "Driving drunk woo" Minutes Before Fatal DUI Crash


Just three minutes before allegedly causing an accident that killed her passenger, a 22-year-old old Florida woman reportedly texted her boyfriend, “Driving drunk woo …” and “Ill be dead thanks to you ….” The woman, Mila Dago, had a blood alcohol level of .178 two hours after the crash, according to police.

Dago was, according to prosecutors, in the middle of a break-up on Aug. 14, 2013 and had been texting her boyfriend throughout the night. The last text was sent just before Dago and her friend, 22-year old Irina Reinoso, got behind the wheel of a rented Smart Car.

At about 4:45 am, Dago allegedly barreled through a red light and t-boned a truck driven by Benjamin Byrum, who escaped with only minor injuries.

“The Smart Car is what saved me,” Byrum told the Miami Herald. “If it had been anything bigger, I would have been in trouble.”

Dago also survived, but Reinoso “showed no signs of life,” according to court transcripts obtained by the Herald, and was pronounced dead at the scene.

A responding officer said Dago smelled of alcohol; blood tests later showed her blood alcohol level to be .178, more than twice the limit in Florida.

Dago has pleaded not guilty to DUI manslaughter, and two counts of DUI with damage to a person, and vehicular homicide.

Drunk driving is one of the absolute stupidest things anyone can do
An Austrian Baker Did 9/11 (as a Cake)


This 9/11 cake was created by Austrian baker Thomas Kienbauer as a metaphor for the current state of Vienna politics. In this metaphor, the Twin Towers of cake represent the ruling coalition Kienbaeur opposes, and the planes represent various fringe parties he apparently supports. (It is not a very good metaphor.)

SPÖ and ÖVP are Austria’s two leading political parties, the Social Democrats and the People’s Party. The planes are the opposition: the greens on the left and the xenophobic, right-wing Freedom Party on the right. And on top, represented by the plane that hit the Pentagon, is the liberal New Austria (NEOS) party.

“Sometimes, you have to present an exaggerated view of the situation if you really want to make a point,” Kienbauer told Kronen Zeitung.

Hmm, yes. “An exaggerated view” is certainly one way to describe the sentiment, “The Sept. 11 attacks were pretty cool and a metaphorical version of them or maybe actual terrorism (just spitballing, here!) would solve many of the problems created by our dominant political paradigm. Anyway, to be clear, I’m rooting for the planes in this cake-based hypothetical.”

Well that's tasteless
Police Accidentally Left a Live Stick of Dynamite on an Old Plane at LAX


It looks like the wacky men and women of airport law enforcement are up to their old hijinks again. After a routine training exercise, the people whose sole job it is to keep you safe at the airport apparently forgot to pick up one of their live explosives—until workers stumbled upon the dynamite four days later.

The stick of live explosive containing “a certain amount of TNT” (and which officials are preferring to call “a training aid”) was part of one of the near-daily training sessions TSA officers engage in to stay sharp. Though not so sharp that they remember to return all the explosives they’ve checked out from the TSA storage container, apparently.

The dynamite had been left in a compartment on the “Spirit of Seventy Six” plane, an old plane in the museum part of the airport, which the LA Daily News notes is “run by volunteers and hosts school groups and other visitors.”

TSA! Police! What shenanigans will they get into next.

Lab Worker Accidentally Infects Himself With Smallpox-Like Virus
At least he was smart enough to see someone right away then come back and notify the right people when it got worse. Even though it wasn't a major issue it's still dumb to get distracted when using needles.

As a former lab technician, it's easy to get complacent if you do it every single day. That's why I insisted on doing different experiments day in and day out, so I wouldn't be doing the same thing several days in a row.

But yeah, this is why I don't give my cat subcutaneous fluids when I'm tired. I'll take a nap if I have to. It's only saline, but still...sticking yourself with a needle is not fun. :o
Sadly it's usually true. They say it has to do with them being to drunk to react to the danger so the don't tense up like normal people do
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