The Flash The Flash General Discussion and Speculation Thread - Part 4

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Wait, are we on another break? Didn't we just get back from one?
The breaks are a pain but both shows are worth the wait. They are both going to have great finishes.
I am so confused. Well is the Reverse Flash and he isn't. So confused.
if you watch closely you can see after barry saves his younger self that he jumps into the street light and disappears.... that might be when he jumps back in time... while RF gets stuck in the past

I wonder if this is intentional, as it would seem that RF could just simply follow the two of them out into the street, and continue attacking young Barry….:confused:
This show is going to be amazing as time goes on.
Everyone should re-watch the second part of the Flash v Reverse Flash fight again, in slow motion. Looks like a lot more going on than just Flash v Reverse Flash. Looks like a flashpoint type of thing. I'll try and take some snapshots.
The Flash is fantastic. At first, I was a little hesitant to watch it, but the quality has improved loads as of late.
I love the fight between reverse and flash. Plus, I loved the twist that Wells was in fact dead and it was a future relative of Eddie's that's the reverse, masking himself as wells! Fantastic and I can't wait to see what happens when it returns.
So Eobard Thawne intended to kill the younger Barry for what reason?, unknown.

When he kills Nora Allen instead, he loses his connection to the Speed Force. Then he realizes that his connection to the Speed Force is tied to the Flash. So he remembered how the Flash got his powers and recreates it 7 years earlier all the while referencing the time the Flash disappears in 2024 as his "fixed point in time"

I suspect the Flash's disappearance happened in the original timeline and this show is on a second timeline. Because in the original timeline, the particle accelerator happened later. And the Flash we saw in the past had the white background on the emblem.

I think when Barry saves himself in the past this altered the timeline from 2024 that's why he disappears shortly after saving himself and why RF loses his connection to the Speed Force.

So if a Flashpoint storyline actually happens, it would be the third timeline.

It's so great to see Mark Waid geeking out like the rest of us. The guy did create the Speed Force after all!
If this show ever began to get stale, or they wanted to shake things up, they could easily change the timeline, restore the original or have some Flashpoint paradox. It would be like a reboot of sorts, but with people occupying slightly different roles. That could explain why Caitlin could be more villainous, and it could even have Dr Wells as a genuine ally. If only Barry remembers what his "original" timeline was like, he would find it very unsettling having to work alongside someone like Wells who would be a genuine good guy, knowing that he thought of him as an enemy, while squaring off against Caitlin, remembering that she was a trusted friend.

In other shows like Eureka, they have proceeded with an alternate, altered time line for the remainder of the series as a means of a reboot of sorts, or at least to change a few things about the series.

I wouldn't mind seeing Wells as a sincere good guy helping Barry, while facing off against the real Eobard Thawne. Thawne could become an actual enemy to Wells as well as Barry, because Harrison would know that Thawne was responsible for killing his wife and stealing his life from him, and using his good name for evil purposes. All that STAR labs should have been and what Wells would have intended it to be would have been corrupted by Thawne. That is a big reason enough for Wells, if he were somehow to come back, to also see Thawne as his arch enemy.
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I wonder if this is intentional, as it would seem that RF could just simply follow the two of them out into the street, and continue attacking young Barry….:confused:

He lost the connection to the speed force. Now he has to wait for Barry to create it again, killing him would probably muck up that process a bit.

That version of Flash probably stopped existing once Eobard murdered Nora.
Don't know if this has been posted yet
He lost the connection to the speed force. Now he has to wait for Barry to create it again, killing him would probably muck up that process a bit.

That version of Flash probably stopped existing once Eobard murdered Nora.

Also he needs Barry alive (as the Flash) in 2024 hence the newspaper article.
They know what they need to do...

That would be great to have a musical episode. If Buffy had one, then surely Flash/Arrow can have one.

They could add Supergirl to the mix since Melissa Benoist is also a singer.

Also, in those clips in that link, I think John Barrowman has the best voice.

Ain't happening, at least on the Arrow side, Stephen is very strongly against doing a musical episode.
Well if he is killed again by R'as Al Ghul, they can have a musical episode in his absence and he won't even need to participate.

I bet everyone else would be up for it except for him. Someone should tell him:

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