The Flash The Flash General Discussion and Speculation Thread - Part 4

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On another note, I don't know about anyone else, but I really feel like the quality of "Arrow" has been spiraling down as of late.

Which is why i'm so grateful that we at least have this show to lean back on in terms of the CW-DCU.
On another note, I don't know about anyone else, but I really feel like the quality of "Arrow" has been spiraling down as of late.

Which is why i'm so grateful that we at least have this show to lean back on in terms of the CW-DCU.

Yep. This season over there has been horrible, I'm glad Flash hasn't been pulled down into that mess.
Has anyone realized how cruel the punishment is for the metas?

Theyre pretty much in solitary in a tiny cell without even a window to see outside all day. Its especially cruel for someone like Peek-a-Boo who isnt violent or a murderer.

Its kind of funny to me how the Flash Team are like, "Welp, see ya!" and then shut that big metal door down on them forever.
On another note, I don't know about anyone else, but I really feel like the quality of "Arrow" has been spiraling down as of late.

Which is why i'm so grateful that we at least have this show to lean back on in terms of the CW-DCU.
Agreed. I'm still enjoying it, but the overall story is sloppy. I'm wondering if it's because Kreisberg left to run The Flash.
Agreed. I'm still enjoying it, but the overall story is sloppy. I'm wondering if it's because Kreisberg left to run The Flash.

I only watched like the first 8 episodes of season one of the arrow and found it boring and dull and then stoped watching it. I like this show way more.
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I'm fairly certain they'll deal with the Meta prison issue at some point.
My last post I just corrected. I mean to say I found the first 8 episodes of arrow boring and dull not this show lol.
My last post I just corrected. I mean to say I found the first 8 episodes of arrow boring and dull not this show lol.

lol; yeah I had been confused about that at first when I read it originally because I could have sworn that I saw you making posts about how much you enjoyed some of the previous
On another note, I don't know about anyone else, but I really feel like the quality of "Arrow" has been spiraling down as of late.

Which is why i'm so grateful that we at least have this show to lean back on in terms of the CW-DCU.
Arrow's current season will hopefully pick up again for fans.
Let's hope this show does not suffer something similar later.
Probably the closest that we'll get to see Grant's Barry having Blondish hair like he does in the

It's funny that none of the actors to play the role of Barry Allen is blond.
With the exception of Neil Patrick Harris voicing the character, I think that goes to voice actors as well.
Flash has it's leaps in logic as well (the fact that Barry and the others aren't more suspicious of Wells, or that Wells isn't in prison after his confession a weeks back being the BIG one that stands out to me). But overall, it is significantly better written than Arrow has been this season (Season 2 was pretty damn good, except for a somewhat bungled finale).
Wells has connections obviously. Plus Joe already wants tabs kept on him but only until he knows for sure what's going on. Basically give him enough rope.
Has anyone realized how cruel the punishment is for the metas?

Theyre pretty much in solitary in a tiny cell without even a window to see outside all day. Its especially cruel for someone like Peek-a-Boo who isnt violent or a murderer.

Its kind of funny to me how the Flash Team are like, "Welp, see ya!" and then shut that big metal door down on them forever.

This is the biggest problem on the show currently.
If word were to get out, team flash would go to jail themselves for wrongful imprisonment. These people don't even get a trail! Or a toilet! How to they feed them? If they can hold Mist, they must be air-tight, right?
I've always imagined Barry zipping food into their cells and taking them to the bathroom. That's probably not what's happening, and what they are doing is still wrong, but hey.
This is the biggest problem on the show currently.
If word were to get out, team flash would go to jail themselves for wrongful imprisonment. These people don't even get a trail! Or a toilet! How to they feed them? If they can hold Mist, they must be air-tight, right?

They probably have a back door that leads to a meta-human mall or something so they can all chill and get food and stuff. I do think they need to address that issue at some point but it's hardly on my mind most of the time. The show is just so much fun that I find it easy to overlook some of the nitpicks.

Ep.12 (Crazy for You) Review:
I've honestly never thought about where/how the metahumans **** and eat in the cells...
now that you guys have brought it up though!

...I'm still not going to.:oldrazz:

Seriously,they're obviously not treading around in a mass of their own waste or lying on the floor dying of starvation,so I'd say it's safe to assume that it gets done somehow.
Does it really need to be shown?
Just out of curiosity, how do the meta-humans that Team Flash keep locking up get food, and who’s feeding them?

KREISBERG: We’re actually going to address that in an upcoming episode. I know a bunch of people have asked how they get bathroom breaks, and whatnot. So, if that is one of the burning questions people have, the answer to that will be coming in 2015.
Haha, you know they're gonna pull something out their ass that will honestly be hilariously clever.
Wells has connections obviously. Plus Joe already wants tabs kept on him but only until he knows for sure what's going on. Basically give him enough rope.

I get that part of it. But Wells has been got doing/saying some shady things and it seems like every time that happens, it gets hand-waved away by the end of the episode. Barry should at least be a bit more suspicious than he seems to be. It seems like the show has designated Joe as the "I'm suspicious of Wells" guy and thus ONLY he is allowed to be suspicious, whether that makes sense in context or not.
I've honestly never thought about where/how the metahumans **** and eat in the cells...
now that you guys have brought it up though!

...I'm still not going to.:oldrazz:

Seriously,they're obviously not treading around in a mass of their own waste or lying on the floor dying of starvation,so I'd say it's safe to assume that it gets done somehow.
Does it really need to be shown?

It's not about that specifically. It's more about the fact that this show is positioning Barry and co as the brighter, more wholesome/optimistic heroes in contrast to Arrow's more grounded, gritty, street vigilante elements. And yet these "heroes" seem to be holding these metahumans indefinately in what essentially amounts to a private prison with seemingly no legal recourse whatsoever (have they even been charge with a crime yet, or seen a lawyer, or something) and the facility itself seems less humane actual prisons. The "darker" Arrow show at least sends it's criminals, well the one's that survive, to actual prisons. It's a dichotomy that needs to be addressed at some point.
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