The "Heroes vs. Villains: Marvel RPG” - Season V

"What the...? Spider-man? What the Hell are you doing in here?" Cable spouted, shooting his "asteral guns". "Dad, you can do it...this is your make the rules."

"NOooo, this is OUR mind!!!" Sabertooth hissed, somehow pulling a knife and lunging at the "younger" Summers. It was weird being older than your father, but that's what time traveling cost. Cable was already going after Spidey, or, at least, the imitation of him.

"It's time to clear out some disk space in here," he said with a smile, nailing the wallcrawler with a quick burst. "And now...THIS!!"

Going low and exploding upward, Cable shot forth a psychic burst that knocked the wraiths out and away.

"All right, it's your turn! I've opened the gate, but only you can get rid of them!"
Remy Lebeau leaped to the ground from the tree-branch he had been perched atop for over 3 hours. He yawned.

"Boy, if dis don't seem like a good place to camp, den I don't know do."

Remy pulled a gray sleeping bag from his pack, and laid it out on the cold soft ground. Remy took off his brown trench-coat and laid on the bag, using the coat as a blanket.

"Aahhh... Now DIS is da life. Campin' out undah dem stahs, not havin a care in da world... {SIGH}... Wish it could be like dis forever..."

Suddenly, Remy heard a strange noise in the bushes near him. Gambit sat up quickly and looked around, reaching for his lucky card deck, which he kept in his jacket's side pocket. He drew the Queen of Clubs. And sure enough, a young Amazonian woman, wielding a large club, leaped out of the bushes and brought the club down on Remy's head. Gambit barely managed to roll out of the way and on to his feat, the Queen of Clubs glowing a deep crimson in his right hand.

"I'm guessin' you're not here to let ol' Gambit teach you the ways o' love, eh?"

Gambit smiled and threw the card into the club, causing it to explode. The Amazon was knocked to her feet. Gambit leaped atop her and held a glowing card to her throat.

"Look here, chere, Gambit ain't much for harmin' da ladies. So whaddya say we kiss and make up? Or bettah yet, you could tell me who you're workin' for."

The Amazonian stared at Gambit for a moment, amazed at how much of a warrior the strange young man was. She kissed him. Something Gambit was more than used to. She began speaking in a dialect Remy was not quite familiar with, then she kissed him again. Gambit simply shrugged.

" I guess you could take me to your place tomorrow. Till' then..."

Gambit flung the young woman onto his sleeping bag.
This battle was pointless and un-needed. It would end. NOW!

"Ready yourselves X-men!" I shouted as I let loose my cosmic bolts, power of which no robot could match. They struck like angry serpents, and snaked their way to avoid the heroes in battle. Every robot in battle collasped as smoke slowly billowed from their insides. Their eyes flickered and died as they fell.

"We must locate the mad-man that has altered your friend."

Warpath placed his two knives into their holsters.

"Effective but absolutely no fun."


Takes me about an hour to actually find the building. It was discreet enough among Manhattan's lower east side to escape one's notice. But nothing escapes my notice, anymore. Not a lead. Not a criminal. And certainly not an injustice.

Throwing my club to a nearby ledge, I only open my eyes upon landing. It's the only true way I can allow myself to adapt to both my old and new life. Some people would call it crazy, abusing what could be considered to be a miracle like this. Especially with what I do. But I never felt more freedom than when I was blind. There was nothing I could see. Nothing I could fear. And now I have plenty.

Damn it. This isn't a miracle. It's torture.

I look upwards, viewing Oyama Industries. An abandoned factory, probably the perfect cover for someone connected to the crime. Especially within the same city as their target's trial. I can't help but wonder if these sick bastards were there the entire time, watching my client be discriminated and humilitated by an appauling crime they knew he didn't commit. That thought makes shooting the grapnel from my club even easier.

They don't stand even nearly the same chance of getting past me. Not a devil of one.

Once I've reached the grounds around the factory, I close my eyes, letting my radar do the work. Overall, I can't detect much. But it's a big place. Going to have to make my way inside before anything's definate.

I creep along the nearest doorway, my back to it as I slowly open the door. No telling how many people are in on this. Better to be safe than sorry, especially if my hunch is right. I turn, looking inside. All I see is blackness... darkness. It's humbling to me. I close my eyes again, walking inside and shutting the door.

Focus, Matt. Hear anything, smell anything, feel anything, or taste anything out of place, you'll know what to do. Just let the senses do the work.


Nothing. Nothing. This can't be right... I was almost sure I'd find something here. But if someone is here, they're as quiet as a mouse. Or quieter, considering I can hear the vermin that manifests itself in here. Damn it, Logan, I've failed you. I was your attorney... I promised you so much, and gave you so little in return. Now you're going away for something that was caused by some immoral son of a-

Wait. I'm beginning to pick something up. A pulse. It's faint, but it's on the other side of the building. I take my club, shoot the grapnel, and swing, covering the area in seconds. Letting go of it, I smell the air. I've got something. Some scent. And the pulse is strengthened. Someone's definatley here.


"Whoever you are, I know you're there. You can't hide from me."
Gambit and the amazonian girl entered a large village. Gambit had a fairly good amount of experience with the Savage Land, and he knew a little of the local language. Sadly, he only knew how to ask for the bathroom. And for something else a bit more inappropriate. A short old woman approached Remy.

"Talla tchanoha. Oatabalak ushu?"

Gambit looked confused for a moment, but he quickly regained his composure and smiled.

"You speakem English, chere?"

The old woman stared at him curiously. Then she noticed the X-Men insignia on his left breast.

"Ohhh... Okana oha? Hm? Okana OHA?!"

"Uhh... Yeah, sure. Okana oha."

The old woman turned to the large crowd of people who had gathered around the scene, threw her hands up in the air, and shouted.


The crowd went wild.
Gambit looked around curiously and waved.

"Merci, mes amis!"

Suddenly, a loud screach was heard throughout the village.


A young villager shouted and ran around the village, which went into complete chaos.

"Where ya'll goin'?! I thought we was gonna have a party!"

Gambit turned and ducked just in time as the source of all the chaos swooped over his head. Gambit reached into his coat and pulled out his telescopic bow-staff.

"Sauron! What's your scaley hide doin' down here?"

The green half-human-half-pterodactyl monstrosity cicled the sky.

"I'm here to take the Eye of Settona, X-Worm! But I never would've guessed that I would have your head as a bonus, mutant."

Gambit twirled his staff elegantly and looked Sauron straight in the drooling beak.

"Come get your wings clipped, Dinosaur-Boy!"
(IC: Mystique)

Raven trembled. Hours ago, she was a powerful mutant activist. Now, she was just a normal human, scarred by the devastation of her power loss. She glanced down at her now pale flesh. Her spirit was broken.

"Whoever you are, I know you're there. You can't hide from me," shouted a voice. Mystique could tell it was male.

“Please…help me,” she shouted, choking back tears. Raven didn’t know who it was and she did not care. All she needed was someone tell her it would be alright.
"Sure...JARVIS! Get your white ass in that kitchen boy and fix us something to eat!"

"Little harsh, Luke."

"I know. I always wanted a white slave. You don't know what it's like what color are you again?"

"Wade don't need a color, Luke. He's too cool to pick a race."

"And how much did he pay you to say that?"

"...................................Five dollars."

"That's what I thought."

"I was considering starting my own race though. With some cool name like... well its too late for me to think of names."

"It's 5 in the aftertoon."

"But I haven't slept in days."

"Why exactly?"

"Luke... I'm a grown man armed to the teeth in spandex that looks suspiciously like Spider-man's costume... what part of that suggests I get sleep to you?"

"Duley noted." Jarvis walked into the room, stacked to the brim with food.

"Damn, how'd he do that so fast?"

"Master Wade, I have found in order to give myself any sort of a rest, I must start work before demand comes in." Damn, I'm gonna hate myself for this.

"Jarvis, take the rest of the afternoon off will ya?" his face lit up... then down a little.

"This is going to turn out to be one of your games in which you track me and eventually catch me in a net again is it Master Wade?"

"Maybe if I'm bored in a little while..."
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Sue nodded, settling a hand on the Avenger's shoulder. "We should hook up sometime, Jan, catch up on things." She returned her azure gaze to Reed, and inclined her head. "Allow me..." she murmured, and cast out a single limb. An invisible podium elevated the pair, slowly morphing into a slide. "Ready to get going?"

"Ready when you are, dear."

We start to fly through the New York sky and I look back at Colin as me start to pull away.

"I'll see you at work on Monday!"


I look at the roof of the Baxter Building and see the huge chunk that's gone from it. The video tape shows that Deadpool and Falcon rammed into the building with the Avengers' Quinjet. Johnny and Luke Cage hopped in and left. I'm not sure what happened then, but I'm pretty sure someone was kidnapped and someone was tortured. But I digress. Sue and I are walking down the hallway towards Johnny and Frankie's living quarters.

"Johnny? What's so important?"
"Ready when you are, dear."

We start to fly through the New York sky and I look back at Colin as me start to pull away.

"I'll see you at work on Monday!"


I look at the roof of the Baxter Building and see the huge chunk that's gone from it. The video tape shows that Deadpool and Falcon rammed into the building with the Avengers' Quinjet. Johnny and Luke Cage hopped in and left. I'm not sure what happened then, but I'm pretty sure someone was kidnapped and someone was tortured. But I digress. Sue and I are walking down the hallway towards Johnny and Frankie's living quarters.

"Johnny? What's so important?"

"Did you know that there were thirteen hands raising ther flag on Iwo Jima, yet the statue only shows twelve? Or that if you steal a piece of TV memorabilia from a museum, Nick Fury will cover for you? Oh, yeah, and we're out of toilet paper. And Frankie woke up. And Crystal's alive. And I need beer. Have you seen the remote? South Park's on in ten minutes. Though, since you're already standing there, you could turn the TV on...I'll still need the remote for later, but it'll buy you some extra time to look. Or invent one."
"What the...? Spider-man? What the Hell are you doing in here?" Cable spouted, shooting his "asteral guns". "Dad, you can do it...this is your make the rules."

"NOooo, this is OUR mind!!!" Sabertooth hissed, somehow pulling a knife and lunging at the "younger" Summers. It was weird being older than your father, but that's what time traveling cost. Cable was already going after Spidey, or, at least, the imitation of him.

"It's time to clear out some disk space in here," he said with a smile, nailing the wallcrawler with a quick burst. "And now...THIS!!"

Going low and exploding upward, Cable shot forth a psychic burst that knocked the wraiths out and away.

"All right, it's your turn! I've opened the gate, but only you can get rid of them!"

Cable was right...this was me. This was my life. This was my mind.

The man had beaten me though. Not even Sinister, not Magneto, not someone who had been beaten many times before.

Some guy who had found Sinster's notes. A regular guy had beaten me.

"Cable...I can't..." A regular human, probably a mutant hating one from the way he spoke.

Mutant hater. I had thought those racists now fewer, but they still existed. And I had let one beat me.

NO! I would not let myself fall to this. No matter what I would never give in!

I stood up and looked at the astral images. Demons summoned from the alterations to my body.

Begone. And they were.

I opened my eyes to see a multitude of broken robots and the x-men standing around. The Silver Surfer slowly floated down to me.

"I see that your mind has been healed Cyclops. Allow the Power Cosmic to heal that which is your body." He spoke as I felt energy flow from his hands into my mutated body.

When the power left me, I was Scott Summers again.

"Bobby...Rogue...I'm sorry. That guy took control of my mind." I apologized when I looked at their faces. I had tried to hurt them. My best friends. And I had assaulted them.

"Let's get him." My face became cold and hard. I wasn't happy.

IC Herman Schultz: The Shocker
Season V - Part Thirty Six

The robot streaked swiftly through the skies, clutching Herman tightly to its metal chest. The journey had not been long, but rather harrowing. The intense speed had left Herman gasping for air on several occassions, and the height was equally unnerving.

Finally, the machine landed on the ground in a mountainous region. It stood in a large, flat field that was nestled between two jagged peaks. It walked a few feet before pausing and staring down at the cold earth, which was covered in dead grass and random twigs.

"What are you doing, Smythe?" Herman asked with trepidation. "What are we doing here?"

"Patience, my good man. Patience." Smythe replied, his tinny voice coming from the robot.

The robot placed Herman on the ground and crouched down. With two swipes of its giant hands, it had brushed aside all the debris, revealing two large steel doors. The door opened on their own, giving way to a staircase that led deep underground. The robot picked Herman up once more and descended.

The walk took no longer than a few moments. Herman found himself looking at another set of steel doors that slid open as he and the robot approached them. Behind these doors was what appeared to be a warehouse. Every inch of space in this room was filled with furturistic-looking equipment. Several more deadly-looking robots were stationed all over the room, some of them had not yet been completed. In the center of the room stood a strange-looking man, whose attention was focused on a peculiar device.

"Ah, Mr. Schultz. I hope your trip was an enjoyable one." The man said.


"What is this place?" Herman asked as the robot released him.

"A workshop, of sorts."

"Yeah... and what am I doing in it?"

"I've been following your exploits in the paper, Mr. Schultz. Most impressive. You've come quite close to achieving something that I've attempted to achieve many times myself over the years."

"Well, I guess I didn't come close enough, did I?"

"Yes. How unfortunate. Nevertheless, your efforts are admirable. You should be commended."

"So that's it? You sent robocop over here to pick up me up just so that your could pat me on the back and send me on my way?"

"Please Mr. Schultz. I told you I was going to give you another chance at Spider-Man, and that is precisely what I intend to do."

Herman chuckled under his breath. "Yeah well, that's very nice of you but I'm not sure I'm gonna be doing that kinda thing anymore. Don't know if you noticed, but I don't think Spider-Man's gonna waste his time fighting a friggin' handicap."

Smythe walked over to a bank of computers and started typing furiously.

"Have you not heard of me before, Mr. Schultz? Do you not know what it is I do here? I make Spider-Slayers. I produce things that I hope will be responsible for the demise of Spider-Man."

With the press of a button, a virtual image appeared on a monitor. It showed what look like a pair of robotic arms.

"You, Mr. Schultz, will be my greatest Spider-Slayer yet."
Cable was right...this was me. This was my life. This was my mind.

The man had beaten me though. Not even Sinister, not Magneto, not someone who had been beaten many times before.

Some guy who had found Sinster's notes. A regular guy had beaten me.

"Cable...I can't..." A regular human, probably a mutant hating one from the way he spoke.

Mutant hater. I had thought those racists now fewer, but they still existed. And I had let one beat me.

NO! I would not let myself fall to this. No matter what I would never give in!

I stood up and looked at the astral images. Demons summoned from the alterations to my body.

Begone. And they were.

I opened my eyes to see a multitude of broken robots and the x-men standing around. The Silver Surfer slowly floated down to me.

"I see that your mind has been healed Cyclops. Allow the Power Cosmic to heal that which is your body." He spoke as I felt energy flow from his hands into my mutated body.

When the power left me, I was Scott Summers again.

"Bobby...Rogue...I'm sorry. That guy took control of my mind." I apologized when I looked at their faces. I had tried to hurt them. My best friends. And I had assaulted them.

"Let's get him." My face became cold and hard. I wasn't happy.

"No prob Scott. Lets go make this guy pay.....any idea where to look?"
Clint propped his feet up on the footrest and leaned his head against the back cushion of the couch. Wanda curled up next to him, holding a mug of hot chocolate.

"Truce?" he asked, putting his arm around her shoulders and pulling her close.

"For now."

Hawkeye closed his eyes and listened to the gentle reminiscing across the room, where Heidi and Kate were looking through old photo albums, catching up on a life that they had both missed out on. Magneto reclined on the asy boy in the corner of the room, cradling a twin under each arm. He almost looked like the typical TV grandpa, the kind, caring old man who provided te bulk of the comedic relief. To see him now, you would never believe that he had been a man responsible for so much pain and suffering in the world.

These, these were the moments that mattered worse. and these were the moments, the ordinary people in the small towns, were the ones who suffered most in the wars all around them. They would be the biggest casualties of the conflict he felt himself heading towards.

Why did it have to be like this? Did it have to be like this? Nobody had fired a shot yet. Up to tis point, it was still mindless bantering. Maybe there was still someway to get to Tony. Maybe he and Fury could shw Stark how rotten then government really was. Besides, if there was some underground society pulling the strings, war would be just what they wanted. They would be playing right into their hands. There had to be another way. There had too...

"Awww, that's so cute. Is that you?"

Clint opened one eye to look over at Kate. She was looking at a small picture in the corner of one of the pages.

Heidi chuckled.

"No, that's your uncle, on his second birthday."

Clint groaned. He knew which picture it war. Him sitting in the sand box, in a powder blue diaper, putting dandelions in his hair.

"Such a sensitive little boy."

"Funny," Clint replied, closing his eye again. "Remind me to show her the picture of you at the beach when you were ten."

"You wouldn't!"


"Baby fat and braces don't look too good with a two piece....they don't look too good period."

"Children, fight nice."

IC Kaine
Season V - Part Thirteen

Kaine sat on the edge of a rooftop across the street from Madison Square Gardens. He examined the building with precision. Scores of workers swirled around the structure, carrying building materials in and carrying debris out. The yellow lights atop their vehicles flashed endlessly.

Suddenly, a searing vision exploded across Kaine's mind. It was dark and blurry... very unclear. It was more of a feeling than anything else. There was violence, anger, and many familiar presences. One of which thoroughly surprised Kaine.

"What was that?" The symbiote asks, sounding somewhat frightened.

"Nothing. Just... just wait. Be quiet."

Kaine shut his eyes firmly and waited. Waited for a spark in the darkness. Something that would illuminate the recesses of his mind.

Then it happened again, a little clearer. Things became more perceptible. Shapes. Colors. Although it was still all muddled together, like looking at something through water. Ben, strapped to a table. Gwen... and green. A suit of green.

Kaine kicked off the roof, catapulting himself over a block with this one powerful movement. The vision had left behind a feeling, a feeling that would not linger for much longer. This vision warned Kaine of danger, and similar to the Spider-Sense of Peter Parker, it indicated the direction from which the danger came. Kaine had only a fraction of a moment to zero in on it... and then it would be lost...

"Please... please... just a little longer."

Moving with swiftness that could not be matched, Kaine soon found himself at the city's edge. Docks stretched out towards the sea like jagged fingers. Old abandoned warehouses dotted the shoreline. They looked as though one wave, were it strong enough, could topple them effortlessly.

"What are you looking for?" The symbiote asked.

"Can't you feel it? We're close... very close..."

"To what?"

"I... I don't know. I can't be sure... not yet."

Kaine scaled the wall of one of the warehouses and peered through its dingy window. The view was as clouded as his own visions, but it let him see more than he needed to. He reared back and flung himself through the wall, crashing into the warehouse and hiding among the rafters. He could hardly believe what he saw below him.

"What was that?" A man in a furry green costume asked aloud. "What the hell was that?"

Kaine knew this man as his father. Miles Warren, The Jackal. If Kaine's hate for Norman Osborn was powerful, then his hate for Miles Warren was all-consuming. No matter who he blamed for his misery at times... himself... Parker... Warren was at the root of it all.

Kaine dropped down from the ceiling and stood in the middle of the room, Warren in front of him, Ben to his back.

"Y-you!" Warren shrieked. "No! NO! You - you can't be here! You CAN'T!"

Infuriated, Warren threw a punch at Kaine's head. Kaine caught the fist and crushed it. The sound of shattering bones found the ears of every person in the room.

"No tricks." Kaine said solemnly. "No smoke. No mirrors. No games. Tonight you die. Tonight... all of this ends. All of it."
Clint propped his feet up on the footrest and leaned his head against the back cushion of the couch. Wanda curled up next to him, holding a mug of hot chocolate.

"Truce?" he asked, putting his arm around her shoulders and pulling her close.

"For now."

Hawkeye closed his eyes and listened to the gentle reminiscing across the room, where Heidi and Kate were looking through old photo albums, catching up on a life that they had both missed out on. Magneto reclined on the asy boy in the corner of the room, cradling a twin under each arm. He almost looked like the typical TV grandpa, the kind, caring old man who provided te bulk of the comedic relief. To see him now, you would never believe that he had been a man responsible for so much pain and suffering in the world.

These, these were the moments that mattered worse. and these were the moments, the ordinary people in the small towns, were the ones who suffered most in the wars all around them. They would be the biggest casualties of the conflict he felt himself heading towards.

Why did it have to be like this? Did it have to be like this? Nobody had fired a shot yet. Up to tis point, it was still mindless bantering. Maybe there was still someway to get to Tony. Maybe he and Fury could shw Stark how rotten then government really was. Besides, if there was some underground society pulling the strings, war would be just what they wanted. They would be playing right into their hands. There had to be another way. There had too...

"Awww, that's so cute. Is that you?"

Clint opened one eye to look over at Kate. She was looking at a small picture in the corner of one of the pages.

Heidi chuckled.

"No, that's your uncle, on his second birthday."

Clint groaned. He knew which picture it war. Him sitting in the sand box, in a powder blue diaper, putting dandelions in his hair.

"Such a sensitive little boy."

"Funny," Clint replied, closing his eye again. "Remind me to show her the picture of you at the beach when you were ten."

"You wouldn't!"


"Baby fat and braces don't look too good with a two piece....they don't look too good period."

"Children, fight nice."

Erik laughed at the harmless banter. He sat in the recliner, holding the twins.

They are so innocent, so full of life. They don't deserve to grow up in a world full of hate and violence. I will do everything in my power while I am still alive to keep them and their world at peace and keep them innocent.

Erik leaned to each side and silently kissed each twin on the top of their head, careful not to wake them. He then looks up at his daughter and his son-in-law. They look so happy as well.

"Thank you Clint, for allowing me to come along on this trip. You have no idea how much this has meant."
Erik laughed at the harmless banter. He sat in the recliner, holding the twins.

They are so innocent, so full of life. They don't deserve to grow up in a world full of hate and violence. I will do everything in my power while I am still alive to keep them and their world at peace and keep them innocent.

Erik leaned to each side and silently kissed each twin on the top of their head, careful not to wake them. He then looks up at his daughter and his son-in-law. They look so happy as well.

"Thank you Clint, for allowing me to come along on this trip. You have no idea how much this has meant."

Clint ran his hand through Wanda's curly, silky hair.

"No problem. I think it's meant a little to all of us."
"Time to die sweetheart."

The Goblin pressed a button a remote that he took out of his belt. The glider floated behind Sarah while the Goblin took out a bomb. The glider zoomed forward missing her as she flips over it. The glider strikes Norman in the chest, knocking him through the wall of the building and finally landing in the Hudson.

After some time a gloved hand reached out of the river grabbing on to the side of the dock. The bruised and bloody body of Norman Osborn. threw himself onto the surface. He had only one thought is his mind....

"How anti-climatic." He limped away from the dock. He had much work to do and didn't have anymore time to deal with spiders. The Scriers would have to be dealt with immediately they served their use. It was time for stage two of the plan, recruitment.
There was only one thing I could do at this time. I clocked one of the suits over the head with my shield knocking him out, I had to fight my way out. More and more suits started to pour into the room armed with guns, night sticks, and other weapons. While I continued my beat down of what seemed like a endless amount of Hydra agents the Red Skull was just standing there looking at the American Flag.

"I love this country. Yes you may find that funny for all the times when their representative has foiled me over all these years. Now his ideals are dead, the American people have elected a fascist. They have placed something that goes against all their beliefs."
I continue to fight of the Hydra men. It's time to shut this guys mouth. "All 'heroes' are fascists..." Shield meet face. I knocked him against the wall. That should keep him occupied for a few...spoke too soon. He kicks the desk which smacks me and I hit the floor. I'm surrounded by Hydra beating me with night sticks. The Skull pushes them out of the way picking me up. I smash against the window which barely breaks it. He picks me up again which of course I go through. I land on the the road hard. Meanwhile, the Red Skull picks up the phone and dials three number.

"Hello, yes I would like to report a break in. Yes, extremely dangerous. Danke."

(IC: Mystique)

Raven trembled. Hours ago, she was a powerful mutant activist. Now, she was just a normal human, scarred by the devastation of her power loss. She glanced down at her now pale flesh. Her spirit was broken.

"Whoever you are, I know you're there. You can't hide from me," shouted a voice. Mystique could tell it was male.

“Please…help me,” she shouted, choking back tears. Raven didn’t know who it was and she did not care. All she needed was someone tell her it would be alright.


The message immediatley runs through my radar. I can tell that it isn't an attacker... the pulse hasn't skipped the nervous beat of a waiting assassin. No. It's something else. I think whoever called to me really is a victim looking for help. And if it isn't... may god have mercy on them. Because I certainly won't.

I fire my club upwards, towards the direction of the voice, and swing up, landing on a set of stairs leading to the upper half of the factory. Reeling in my line, I place one club back in my holster... but leave the other out. Can't be too careful. Especially if I'm really dealing with the bastards that killed that innocent little girl and pinned it on Logan.

I walk upwards, slowly, following the patterns of the breathing. I can already tell the victim is female. Of slender build. Significantly active in muscle tone. Can't exactly tell the height, but it doesn't matter. All that matters is that I don't leave this place until I've helped at least someone tonight.

I stop, looking over as I see a woman curled up in the darkness. Beneath my cowl, my eyes close, making sure I'm not walking into some sort of trap. It isn't. It's her. I've found the victim. Or the alleged victim...

I hold out a hand.

"Don't be afraid. I'm here to help you.", I state, still on edge as I try to scan the rest of the area.

I'm paranoid as all hell. "Man Without Fear"... What a joke.

"What is your name?"
With a final burst of energy, Lazarus flew towards War Machine as he stumbled around looking for his helmet. They both flew across the Oval Office, and went crashing through the large window overlooking the White House lawn.

As they both fell towards the ground, Lazarus regained his bearings. The rocket-thrusters in his boots sparked to life, and he speared right into War Machine, burying him hard into the ground on the lawn, leaving a crater in their wake.

There was an eerie silence for a few moments. But then, Lazarus emerged from the hole. He dragged War Machine from the hole, dumping his body on the grass before him.

Was he dead?

Sadly, Rhodes soon answered to the negative, gurgling blood to show he was still alive. Grunting with anger, Lazarus hauled War Machine up to his feet. It was time to finish the job...

"We got him! We got him!"

Lazarus looked around him. They were surrounded by armed SWAT teams and Secret Service agents. The cavalry was here, it seemed. Lazarus felt a tingling of disappointment that he wouldn't be able to kill Rhodes. Not in front of the authorities. He was supposed to be a superhero after all. Oh well, he'd have to settle for the next best thing. He pulled War Machine close, whispering into his ear.

"You're going down, Rhodes. You're going to spend the rest of your life rotting away in a jail cell, like a common criminal. How's that for a legacy?"

Lazarus demolished War Machine with an almighty right hook, sending him flying backwards, and collapsing onto the ground.

"He's all yours. Now if you excuse me, I need to get The President to a hospital..."

With a salute to the lawmen who'd most likely shoot him on sight if they knew who he really was, Lazarus flew back towards the Abraham Lincoln Bedroom, up to the hole where he'd first entered, to see if The President was alive or dead.


Cap sped through crowded streets on his motorcycle and was horrified when the white house came into view. Several walls had holes in them and smoke was rising from the west wing.

No god no Steve thought in terror Please dont let me be too late

As he got closer he noticed the crowd of onlookers and reporters who surrounded the white house, and the police and secret service barricades that kept them at bay. Cap didn't have time for the civilians or the barricade. Tony might be in serious trouble.

As he approached the crowd Cap revved down his bike then let it skid to a halt just short of the crowd as he leapt off of it. His leap was flawless and he easily cleared the crowd, the barricade, and the security forces within.

"Hey!" one secret service man shouted as Cap hit the grass and took off running towards the building, but that was the extent of the resistance. He was Captain America afterall and the men were glad he had shown up.

Another leap and Cap cleared the White house gate. A few seconds sprinting and a single bound later and he was in the the building, moving like lightning towards the oval office as the secret service men cleared out of his way.

As he made his way to the oval office, Cap cringed at what he saw. Scorch marks scarred the curtains and carpets which had not been burned away, Super strong fists had left gaping holes or jagged imprints in the walls. Whatever had happened here, it hadnt been pretty.

Cap rushed into the oval office to see Lazarus looking over Tony Stark while medics rushed to the president's aid. Stark was unconcsious and bleeeding. Cap had seen enough wounds to know that he had been stabbed in the stomach and that this wound was a bad one.

Panic rose in Cap and he pushed his way past Lazarus and towards Stark. The medics were hard at work and all Cap could do now was stand and watch. He had been too late.

"Tony...I'm sorry." Cap said weakly before spinning on his heel and grabbing Lazarus by his the collar of his armored suit.

"What happened here?!" Cap demanded

In a specially prepared ceremonial chamber located above the the Hall of Aesir stood the Mighty Thor. The chamber was lavishly decorated with armor, weapons, and works of art depicting the Aesir in combat. At its center was an enormous bed of wood and bronze. The sides of the bed were engraved countless rune symbols of protection and prosperity and on either side of it were the large display tables lined with velvet which were intended to store the Lord of Asgard's weapons while he slept.

As for the Lord of Asgard who now stood before this imposing piece of furniture, he was garbed in ceremonial armor from head to toe. On his back was his axe and on his belt was his mighty mallet. In his hands he held the magical elixir of sleep which would put him into the state of suspended animation known as the odinsleep.

Behind Thor stood his wife and Queen, the Lady Sif, here crown upon her brow and pride shining on her face.

Without a word Thor lifted the goblet to his lips and downed the elixir in several deep gulps. He was surprised that it tasted so sweet and further surprised when he felt it begin to take effect so quickly.

He could feel the sleep coming as he handed the empty goblet to Sif and made his way to the bed. He unfastened first his hammer, then his axe, and place them on the velvet tables on either side of the bed. Sif felt a hint of concern touch her as she saw him place the axe. She had hoped he would discard the cursed weapon but she decided against voicing her concerns and chose to dismiss her fears. The axe had saved them all from Satannish and if Thor said he could control it, then there was nothing to discuss.

Thor then turned to Sif and kissed her lips softly.

"For Asgard" he said as he took to the bed

"Sleep well beloved"
Sif replied as he closed his eyes and the odinsleep took him. Then she ran her fingers through his blonde hair once before kissing him on the cheek and turning to leave the chamber. As she departed the two sentries stiffened in respect. After she locked the chamber the gaurds crossed their spears across the door as a clear sign to any and all comers that none shall pass until the Lord of Asgard awakens.

Sif took one last look, smiled, then made her way to the stairs which led down to the great hall. Asgard was in need of administration and while Thor slept the Aesir looked to her for guidance.

Meanwhile atop a distant tower within the city that overlooked the great hall, Malekith the Accursed crouched and waited for the horns that signified that Thor had taken to the odinsleep to sound. He didn't have to wait long before the great horns sounded and their message echoed throughout the great city. In response Malekith chuckled lightly, all was going smoothly.


Meanwhile, within the dreary halls of Hel, and unbeknowest to Malekith, Hela, misstress of the dead and queen of the underworld, watched through a magical looking glass as the horns sounded.
"That's my Dad," Cable said, proudly recalling the first twelve years of his life when Jean and Scott's conciousness had been transported to the future to raise him. "Locked, cocked and ready to rock."
"Did you know that there were thirteen hands raising ther flag on Iwo Jima, yet the statue only shows twelve? Or that if you steal a piece of TV memorabilia from a museum, Nick Fury will cover for you? Oh, yeah, and we're out of toilet paper. And Frankie woke up. And Crystal's alive. And I need beer. Have you seen the remote? South Park's on in ten minutes. Though, since you're already standing there, you could turn the TV on...I'll still need the remote for later, but it'll buy you some extra time to look. Or invent one."

"Well the remote is probably between the couch cushions. Although I could make one like tha........wait a minute.....Did you say Frankie woke up and Crystal's alive? But how? Where is she? You think she'll let me run some test on her?"

I start to head out the room and towards my lab when I suddenly remember something.

"Oh, by the way. That stunt you, Deadpool, Falcon, and Luke Cage pulled on the roof. That's coming out of your pocket."
"No, I'm not sure where to look. But we can always do it the easy way." I said and turned my gaze at the wall where all the robots lay.

I opened my eyes as wide as I could, and fired an optic blast of concussive force. It lanced out, pushed everything back, and utterly destroyed the wall at the other end.

I stopped my blast and walked over to the exposed room.

"Now that was easier then looking for the door." I muttered as I noticed the computerized equipment in the new room.

If he had been anywhere, he had been here.

"There he is. Whimpering under a console like a scared little kid!" I started in a whisper and ended with a yell. My eyes started glowing red as I let my power build.

He would pay.

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