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World The Last Story You Actually Enjoyed?

I'm enjoying the current ASM arc and the current USM arc (Ultimate Deadpool, motherf**kers! :D).
TRULY enjoyed? Hmm. Probably some of the pre-Clone Saga stuff, like Invasion of the Spider-Slayers.

Everything since has been a burden. Sure, there have been some good stories and such, but few and far between.

I've been waiting at least 14 years for a Spider-Man story that didn't make me cringe, even in a small way.
SouLeSS said:
I enjoyed The Other arc, and Sins Past.

They were really well written and were totally the best arcs, ever.

Ok, you lost your talking priviliages right there. :)
I honestly can't remember the last 616 Spider-Man arc I enjoyed.It was probably back in 2004,when Ock was getting lots of exposure thanks to the movie.I really enjoyed most of them.

The Spider-Man/Human Torch mini last year was good as well.
I only buy trades and hardcovers. And as for Spidey specifically, I pretty much avoid current 616. I'll get trades that reprint classic stuff and I buy Ultimate Spider-man which has yet to disapoint me. Depite the differences, USM seems to have a much better handle on the spirit of Spidey and always pleases me. I did try the first trade of the Marvel Knights series. It was OK but wasn't enough to get me to buy the next one.
JMS HUGE first arc in Amazing Spider-man that dealt with Peter's acceptance of his true "powers."
Calcinator said:
Marvel Knights Spiderman 1-12

I agree with this, except for whole ending going flat between issues 11 and 12.

The Sinister Twelve get handled by some Avengers and FF members in two panels? Mary Jane's gunshot doesn't seriously hurt Norman after all he put her through, and then she falls off the bridge? Norman was behind everything again? A lightning strike ends the GG/Ock battle?

For what was basically the Marvel ripoff of DC's Hush storyline, I expected a lot more from the ending of that 12-issue MKSM arc.
gliderpilotgirl said:
I liked the Spider-Man/Human Torch mini series..was funny, fun and well written :)
LOVED that! Was only disappointed that it was gathered in a small dull-paged PB instead of a proper graphic novel.

Recently? I really liked the Hydra arc.

Breakout ended up being pretty good too.

I'll never forget how riveted I was during the first year of MKSM... It started about the same time I started reading Spider-Man comics and helped hook me but good.
Sarcasm wins out again.

I don't remember the last story I enjoyed issue wise. I know that the last story I read that I enjoyed was the original Carnage arc.
I'm really enjoying what's going on right now with the Road to Civil War. Or as I like to call it now, "The Road to Spider-Man's Identity becoming public knowledge".

The Other was really mediocre. Take out Hudlin's portion of The Other and it wouldn't have been so flat.

JMS' New Avengers story was really good. Lots of fantastic interactions between Spider-Man/Peter Parker and his new teammates. JMS did a good job of showing why Peter should be on the Avengers.

Dan Slott's Spider-Man/Human Torch miniseries should have been his golden ticket to writing an ongoing Spider-Man title, but I guess nobody at Marvel noticed that it was the best Spider-Man story of the 00's. :o

I really loved the Book of Ezekiel and probably one of the very few who felt that the ending wasn't anti-climatic. I thought that it was a good ending to the mysticism and totem portion of Spider-Man's mythos. But bringing it all back up in The Other kind of ruined it a bit for me. But you can't win them all.

There are a lot of fun Spidey stories out there. Just gotta keep your eyes open.
I thought the Hydra arc and the Spidey/Torch mini were top notch.

Currently enjoying Sensational Spider-Man immensely.

The Road To Civil War has been ok so far, but i'll reserve judgement until it's completed.

Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man stinks, imo.
shinlyle said:

I take it you've either a) never read any other Spider-Man stories, or b) You're JMS, himself.

now that's funny right there, i don't care who you are!
Electro UK said:
You know its been so long since we've had a good arc worthy of recognition. But what over these last few years of pain have we actually enjoyed?

This could be anything from back issues you've picked up to the latest stories that have appealed to you.

My first entry would have to be Cable and Deadpool 24. I got a hint of classic Spider-man from this story. Just seeing Pete and JJJ remind me of "the good ol days"... how come we have to go to an entirely new book to see this kind of stuff anymore?

Another thing I have enjoyed is the constant line of spider-man: Essentials. They really do help. Around 20-25 classic stories all gathered togethers for around £10. Bargain, and there's so much fun in reading them.

So what issues over this painful peroid of time have you collected that you've enjoyed?

Two and a half words:
Ultimate Spider-Man
Electro UK said:
Yeah... I would have enjoyed it more if we saw them maybe get along a bit more. But it was still good fun to see, hopefully just one of many Deadpool/Spider-man meetings to come :up:

The was another one... well almost. I found it the unpublished Marvel Comics: Deadpool. This was a one-shot. They never published it. But I saw the pages in black and white (without ballons) and the script. Deadpool destroy the Marvel Universe. There was everybody from Spidey to Avengers, FF. It was hilarious.
Spider-Man / Human Torch mini the best of the century so far.
Breakout was very good, too and I enjoy the new Unlimited series (there are some excellent stories) and the Marvel Team-Up. I liked the Spider-Man- Black Cat mini, too. There are first Pulse story and the Spider-Man #26 by Jenkins. Or the Spider-Man #50 by Jenkins. Or the Mime issue. :D
Traveller said:
The was another one... well almost. I found it the unpublished Marvel Comics: Deadpool. This was a one-shot. They never published it. But I saw the pages in black and white (without ballons) and the script. Deadpool destroy the Marvel Universe. There was everybody from Spidey to Avengers, FF. It was hilarious.

I heard about that. Deadpool apparently asked Pete if he was horribly scarred under his mask too.
MaxCarnage said:
Bull. It's more Spider-Man than..."Spider-Man" now.

True, Ultimate Spider-Man is much closer to the Real Deal than the "Spider-Man" currently running around in the mainstream Marvel Universe...

...but it's still a poor imitation.

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