The Multiversers IC Thread


Sandman finally has everything figured out, and assembles our small group to discuss the plans of action. The idea is simple: we want our JSA buddies out of prison. After the these three busted out, and saved my tail, Sandy found out that the rest of the JSA have been spread out across the world. The riot they started made it obvious that even under maximum security they are a threat still. Luckily with Sandman's ability to take silicate form, he can travel through the Earth itself and get around undetected; hence how he was able to pinpoint which of the metahuman facilities our buds are located.

Although, Rick doesn't like one part of the plan.

"Why are you sending Nathan to West Virginia and not me, Sandy? My wife is there, I--"

"That's the exact reason I'm not sending you, Rick. We are at an ever constant War with trying to save our world from the clutches of Titan. Emotions like the ones that could overtake you without control are too risky. But you don't have to worry, bud. I'm sending Nathan because you ask me he is our biggest gun. She'll be safe, Rick. Don't worry."

Rick looks over me, and I'm relieved when his pissed off and concerned look--one that is justified as he wants to go after and save his wife personally--shifts to his usual calm and bright self as he gets a hold of himself. He walks up to me, and pats me on the shoulder. Meanwhile I'm still standing there surprised from what Sandy said.

"I...don't know what they could be doing to Jess in West Virginia...heck any of the places where Titan's got our friends held and split apart. But at the chance that she somehow has forgotten...remember this formula to give her: 3x2(9YZ)4A."

3x2(9YZ)4A. Got it.

"No problem, Rick. I'll get her back safe and sound."

And then, there is a moment...a split second...where Rick shows a looks worried just thinking about what could be happening to Liberty Belle and the rest. They showed Titan that they were more of a threat to be reckoned with than he thought, and some busted out. So after that, there is no way to tell how they are being treated. Some could be tortured in the worst ways imaginable, and for all we know some may be dead. Sandy only knows where they are being held, not the what in what is going on inside.

"I know you will. You've done a good job controlling your strength. But when you get to West Virginia...don't hold back."

"Alright, so it is decided. Once we all hit the first 4 locations, we contact each other via radio-link and decide where to rendezvous from there."
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Plastic Man

Plastic Man in the guise of the guard he just killed begins to make his way back to the camp.

The hard part about doing undercover work is never knowing enough about the person you are trying to be. In this case I have no clue about Mr. Kincaid. Maybe I can make that work to my advantage.

He bubbles his skin and discolors it along the right side of his forehead and does the same for an area of his throat. Plas then proceeds to put his hand over it and walk very unsure of himself.

A couple of the guards meet him at the gate and one of them asks, "Hey Johnny are you okay?"

"Jonathan" looks up and replies in a raspy vioce, "Who? Who am I? Who are you guys? What is this place? I saw you guys wearing the same outfit as me and thought you might be able to help."

The other guard says, "WHOA! Look at the knot on his head and his neck that must be why his voice is damaged! He must a bumped it going after that Hawk he shot at. I told you going into the area was bad idea it's really treacherous, but you're just a step below Sarge on the sadistic scale. Come on let's get you into the Doc see is he can take a look at you."

Doctors a bad thing! They will know in a heartbeat I'm not exactly human! Think Fast!

"Jonathan" says, "Hey no docs! I've taken worse than this! I may not remember a lot but I know I've taken worse than this. Just get me my file if we got one and let me see it. That might help fill in some gaps."

One guard looks at the other and shrugs his shoulders and says, "Okay why not. Just as long as you remember how to point and shoot when the time calls for it. Come on I'll get you a cup of coffee and bring you the file in the mess hall."

"Jonathan" nods as he and his new "friend" walk through the compound. "Jonathan" notices how the people turn away from him in fear and the guards look at him with awe.

Looks like I picked a winner.

The two sit in the mess hall as "Jonathan" reviews his file.

He turns to the other guard and says, "Look thanks for your help but I kinda like to do this alone you know."

The guard says, "You got it buddy."

He leaves and Plas begins pouring over the file.

Wow this guy really is some piece of work.

Just then an alarm sounds and the guard who helped Plas comes back in and says, "Hey Johnny! That resistance unit is hitting a convoy they need re-enforcements until more units arrive from the North sector you well enough to fight?"

He replies, "Eddie there is one thing I know how to do and that is point and shoot."

Eddie smiles and says, "See your memory is getting better!"

"Jonathan" smiles as they exit the mess hall.

Luckily I found a picture of him in the file. Time to get down to it and hopefully not kill anyone else.
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A wise thing to do in a situation like this, where you suddenly find yourself in a strange environment, in an unknown situation, is to take a moment. Get a quick baring of your surroundings. Maybe even talk with ones teammates for a moment to put together a fast plan of action.

Then there's what this team does.

Almost every time this happens, it's the same story. The more hotheaded of our team rush into the fray. The cooler heads stay back to help those we're here to help. When it's not one of the rare occasions they're not accidentally helping those we're actually here to stop.

And then there's me, having to try to keep the situation together. If I was paranoid, I'd almost be convinced that the universe is testing my worthiness to wear this ring.

Rising into the air, I concentrate, and ramp up the glow of my ring, making myself a shining blue beacon...and an excellent target to draw fire away from the people we're trying to protect.

"Don't be afraid," I shout at anyone who will listen. "We are here to help!"
There is a gap of a few seconds after the Chosen arrive before all chaos breaks loose. Sergeant Steel's cigar drops from his mouth, and then he bang on the back of his pick-up truck for the machine gunner to open fire. The entire convoy bursts into life as they open fire on the dimension-hopping heroes, needless to the shouts and cries of the slaves in their cages. Steel himself grabs a sawn-off shotgun and climbs out of his truck, looking every bit the epitomy of the evil regime they were fighting.

Roy Harper watches from his position of cover, his guerrilla fighters looking to him for orders. He frowns.

"Is that? Jesus Christ I think it is..." Harper breathes. His second in command looks at him quizically.

"It's Superman!" he gestures. Shocked gasps are emitted from all. Harper gestured the squad to move forwards towards the Chosen, taking potshots at the convoy guards as they went. Harper raised his bow at the nearest Chosen.

"What the **** is going on here?" he growls.
There is a gap of a few seconds after the Chosen arrive before all chaos breaks loose. Sergeant Steel's cigar drops from his mouth, and then he bang on the back of his pick-up truck for the machine gunner to open fire. The entire convoy bursts into life as they open fire on the dimension-hopping heroes, needless to the shouts and cries of the slaves in their cages. Steel himself grabs a sawn-off shotgun and climbs out of his truck, looking every bit the epitomy of the evil regime they were fighting.

Roy Harper watches from his position of cover, his guerrilla fighters looking to him for orders. He frowns.

"Is that? Jesus Christ I think it is..." Harper breathes. His second in command looks at him quizically.

"It's Superman!" he gestures. Shocked gasps are emitted from all. Harper gestured the squad to move forwards towards the Chosen, taking potshots at the convoy guards as they went. Harper raised his bow at the nearest Chosen.

"What the **** is going on here?" he growls.

Who is this man? Some copy of Artemis, I persume? And why does he dare to point an arrow in my face, and speak such foul language? On Amazon, we only have one way to respond to this kind of action. And that is of retaliation. "Hault!"

My cry is loud, and my swing is even louder. My hand knocks the bow out of the man's hand and I'm quick to wrap him up in my lasso. We exchange sharp glances, before he finally speaks up. "Who the heck are you?"

"We do not wish to fight with you. Instead, help you."I carefully un-tie the lasso, letting the man free. My attention is then shifted back to Seargant Steel, who's repeated gunfire begins to tickle my back.

"That tickles..."I giggle. Oh god, it really does tickle. But, in the midst of my laughing, I fire a consecutive blasts from my eyes. The blasts fire directly at the gun, heating it up to the point so that the Seargant has no option but to let go of the enflamed weapon.

"She's one of those!" I hear a strong, male voice call out from behind me. The voice is then quickly matched with a figure. A small, yet well-built man, walks towards me. Reminding me of Hermes, the man flashes a gentle smirk towards me. I clench my hands in to fists and quickly turn in his direction, prepared to knock this man to the ground.

"No, no, no, sugar. Look what I've got..." The solider chuckles as he pulls out a large, green, crystal of some sort.

The crystal eminates a powerful jade light, which hits against my chest like daggers. As he steps closer, I begin to feel my heart rate picking up, then dropping right back down again. My thighs shiver and my hips burn from a slicing sensation. I try to fire up more blasts from my eyes, but nothing happens. I'm slowly weakening...and there's nothing I can do
Plastic Man

As "Johnny" gets into the truck with others from the camp to assist the convoy under assault he feels slightly unsure.

What am I going to do if I should run into "Ellen" do I try to help her? Do I let her get caught by those morons and leave her fate to chance? I also need to keep in mind that she isn't really my Ellen. Still though what Titan is doing to these people...I hate moral dilemmas!

The truck drives away as Plas is alone with his thoughts.

Maybe I'll have time to think of something before I get there

Just then one of the soldiers yells, "Lock & load!"

So much for that

The truck stops and someone yells, "For the glory of Titan! Move out and show no mercy!"

Well Plas it's showtime! May God Forgive me.

"Johnny" gets out of the truck and charges in with the other troops. They begin firing and "Johnny" does as well making sure all his shots fly over people's heads or just at their feet.

He sees "Ellen".

Let's hope I don't regret this!

Plas runs over to her. He grabs her and she screams he leans in.

Plas whispers in his normal voice, "Come with me if you want to live. I'm not going to harm you."

Ellen looks at him as though she knows him and he begins to lead her back to the truck he came in.
The Last of the Red Lanterns

"No, no, no, sugar. Look what I've got..." The solider chuckles as he pulls out a large, green, crystal of some sort.

The crystal eminates a powerful jade light, which hits against my chest like daggers. As he steps closer, I begin to feel my heart rate picking up, then dropping right back down again. My thighs shiver and my hips burn from a slicing sensation. I try to fire up more blasts from my eyes, but nothing happens. I'm slowly weakening...and there's nothing I can do
"I don't think the lady likes your gift."

A red beam of light shoots from over the man's shoulder, enveloping the crystal as it pried the gem from the man's hand and levitated it high up into the air... where the crimson zen warrior surveyed the chaos below and lit the world on fire with breath like a dragon. The boy's flames had boxed in the convoy. There was no escape for those who enslaved the lives of others.

It was interesting that this world had a weapon capable of harming Wonder Girl. Perhaps Question or the Martian would be able to devise something about how it worked, the teenage Buddhist thought to himself as he palmed the crystal and tucked it away in his red and black suit.

A flare of blue light caught the boy's attention, as he realized that the Blue Lantern had now entered the fray. What good that would do was anyone's guess. To Kai-ro's mind, there was no more useless Lantern than one with a blue ring.

His thoughts were interrupted by a wave of bullets impacting the energy field around his slight frame, sending a fresh wave of anger coursing through his veins. In the face of total annihilation, these slavers chose death before laying down their arms. Well, that could be accommodated... but first there were innocents to save.

Creating two large hands from his ring, Kai-ro scooped up a mass of slaves and carried them over the flames to a safe distance on the over the flames. Retracting the ring-constructs, the boy snapped back at the slavers with a left and a right backhand that knocked them off their feet. That should take some of the pressure from the gunfire off some of the others, the teen thought to himself.
Gunfire erupts towards us, the gunmen obviously not caring about anything, or anyone, that may be in the way.

"No! Don't!"

I fly down, using my body as a barrier to try shield the slaves from the gunfire. But there is little more that I can do at the moment.

"Mommy!!!" A child screams as his mother clutches him.

"Y-You're a Lantern?!" She shouts, trying to put my body between herself and the gunfire. "Do something!"

"I wish I could. If only there was a Green Lantern nearby..."

"There hasn't been a Green in years!"

I try and keep the disappointment off my face. Fortunately, Kai-Ro intervene's, lifting their cages to safety.

"Thank you for that!"
I shout to him over the gunfire. I may not have full access to my powers but, now free of the burden of protecting the people, I can at least fight in a rather crude way.

Flying forward, I tap one of the gunmen on the shoulder from behind. He turns in surprise. I grab the front of his weapon in my hand, but he still fires. The shell explodes in the barrel when it strikes my forcefield, and he screams in pain as the shrapnel strikes him.

"I can ease your pain."
I punch him in the face, dropping him to the ground. I know it's rather uncivilized, but I have little other choice at the moment.

As his comrades turn their weapons on me, I plow forward, knocking them down as I fly into the fray...

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