The Official Hype Fitness Thread 6.0 - Part 8

Rest day today but did a nice walk in the woods for about 3 hours before work.
I’ve had a cold this week and haven’t been able to run all week. My body is really worn down. I think that lack of sleep caught up with me.

I’m basically realizing that between the knee injury and the lack of training, my half marathon later this month will involve a lot of walking. But I’m ok with that.
Yep, nothing wrong with that. Live to fight another day and get through it without consequences for the future.
Feeling better as of yesterday, so I went out late last night and got in a 5 mile run. It felt great. The knee got tight a few times but I was able to rub it while running and kept the blood flowing so that it didn’t swell.

In all, it was a good run. Went with a good, mellow playlist of Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye, Lauryn Hill, and a little OutKast to spice things up.
Another long walk along canals and trees this morning. No weights or cardio since Thurs though. Should be going hard at again tomorrow.
Feeling better as of yesterday, so I went out late last night and got in a 5 mile run. It felt great. The knee got tight a few times but I was able to rub it while running and kept the blood flowing so that it didn’t swell.

In all, it was a good run. Went with a good, mellow playlist of Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye, Lauryn Hill, and a little OutKast to spice things up.
Glad to hear. Keep taking it easy and sensible while you are dealing with these issues. I'm just looking forward to hearing when you've done and survived the half marathon (walking part is fine if needed) without any bad effects so you can focus on recovery again without any pressure.
Great run last night. Around 5.3 miles. I wanted to go farther but I saw some lightning in the distance so I cut it short. I’m actually feeling like maybe I will be able to pull off the half marathon coming up.

I’ll probably rest today, as my son has a track meet tonight and I’ll go watch it. Tomorrow is supposed to have severe storms, so Thursday will probably be the next run. But I’m planning on mowing my lawn that evening, so it’ll probably be pretty short.
What's you daily routine?
Been 2 years since I last went to the gym and I want go back to that time
My routine changes depending on what I’m working towards and my goals.

I should start out by saying that I’m 48 and deal with a lot of lingering injuries from years of athletics. I’ve got herniated disks in my neck, which has led to nerve damage that effects my arm and hand. I still deal with issues from a torn rotator cuff when I was younger, I have sprained my left ankle over a dozen times, the last of which tore every ligament. And I have torn my meniscus and there is still some weakness there.

Therefore, my routine these days mostly entails keeping up strength and endurance and keeping to where I can still play some sports, especially with my teenage boys.

I have historically gone to the gym in fall and winter with one of my sons. We lift 3 days a week, with chest and shoulders one day, arms and back another, then a day of whole body, one exercise per muscle group. We also do a couple of miles on the treadmill on those days.
In spring and summer I take advantage of the nice weather and run 3-4 days a week if I can. But I’m known to miss a week here or there. I usually do a half marathon each spring (10 days away!) so I use that for training incentive. My runs are usually anywhere from 2.5 miles to 6 or so miles, depending on what I’m working toward. I also do push ups and planks usually 4-5 days a week. I also try to eat well. I fell off the wagon with food the past year or two and I’ve seen my inflammation get worse, especially in my knees. So right now I’m trying to keep calories in check, protein high, carbs moderate and fats low.
I also really try to work in some good time of playing sports, especially basketball or tennis or throwing football with my sons. In the summer I find that I do that quite a bit and may substitute that for running and only run 1 or 2 times a week.
i was able to cut my front yard and my side yard and the curbs today without stopping. big win for me (and my back)

also, this weekend we had a girls trip to washington dc and in the 2 days i walked almost 20 miles :eek: each day was a record high for me in steps since my back surgery. just trying to keep getting stronger and now i want to start slowly working on getting more of my flexibility and stamina back. i'm about 7 months out from having the surgeries so i'm more in the "safe zone" now and less at risk of undoing what they fixed
i was able to cut my front yard and my side yard and the curbs today without stopping. big win for me (and my back)

also, this weekend we had a girls trip to washington dc and in the 2 days i walked almost 20 miles :eek: each day was a record high for me in steps since my back surgery. just trying to keep getting stronger and now i want to start slowly working on getting more of my flexibility and stamina back. i'm about 7 months out from having the surgeries so i'm more in the "safe zone" now and less at risk of undoing what they fixed
Great progress. After my disc issue, it took me two years till I could shoot a three pointer because I’d lost so much strength in my right arm. So your progress is awesome!
Do you have any numbness or nerve damage? I still have spasms from time to time in my right tricep and lose feeling in three of my fingers on my right hand.

I mowed my lawn today then did a 2.5 mile run.
Great progress. After my disc issue, it took me two years till I could shoot a three pointer because I’d lost so much strength in my right arm. So your progress is awesome!
Do you have any numbness or nerve damage? I still have spasms from time to time in my right tricep and lose feeling in three of my fingers on my right hand.

I mowed my lawn today then did a 2.5 mile run.

i don't have much numbness anymore. for about 4-5 weeks prior to surgery and at least 2-3 weeks after, i couldn't feel the middle toes of my left foot. they couldn't guarantee the feeling would come back but it did.

i do have nerve damage. it still acts up from time to time but i try to ignore it. it's mostly the upper outer sciatic area of my thigh, and when i try to put my left shoe on it's still uncomfortable and a little painful, but i wanna try and get that flexible again to see if it will help alleviate it.

going to try and cut my backyard today
Been struggling with my diet. Doctor told me to stay around 2600 but I’ve been so hungry lately. Snacking on nuts mostly which have so many calories and fat. Being at 195 is the lightest I’ve ever been. Always tired and always hungry.
back yard got cut :up:

all in one go. finally starting to feel a little more "stable" in my lower back. not as much as i'd like, but progress
I got in around a 2.75 mile run yesterday. I’ve been really busy, so I’m having a hard time getting in long runs. But as long as I can get in one 5-6 mile run and a couple 2-3 mile runs this week, I should be ok for the half marathon on Saturday.
i was able to cut my front yard and my side yard and the curbs today without stopping. big win for me (and my back)

also, this weekend we had a girls trip to washington dc and in the 2 days i walked almost 20 miles :eek: each day was a record high for me in steps since my back surgery. just trying to keep getting stronger and now i want to start slowly working on getting more of my flexibility and stamina back. i'm about 7 months out from having the surgeries so i'm more in the "safe zone" now and less at risk of undoing what they fixed
Sounds like good progress if you were able to do all that and come away fine. :up: Great to hear.
Completed my yearly half marathon today. Then came home, showered and crashed.

My time was awful but my knee surprisingly felt strong. I did, however have really bad cramps in my quad and hamstring from mile 9-onward which really slowed things down.

In the end, I had fun, which is what’s most important to me. I’m not sure how many more of these I have in me, but in my mind, my goal would be to do them through turning 50, so that would be two more years.
Completed my yearly half marathon today. Then came home, showered and crashed.

My time was awful but my knee surprisingly felt strong. I did, however have really bad cramps in my quad and hamstring from mile 9-onward which really slowed things down.

In the end, I had fun, which is what’s most important to me. I’m not sure how many more of these I have in me, but in my mind, my goal would be to do them through turning 50, so that would be two more years.
Congrats mate!! So glad you got through it and at least didn’t suffer any injury that will be a big setback. Big achievement. :up:

It’s all about fun and health at this point for me, glad same for you. Once I can get over my tendon issues I want to get back to doing these but no plans to stop at 50 or 60 unless I’m forced to. :cwink;
@Babillygunn I was just thinking about my fitness plans as I get older like 50s/60s/70s & beyond. Are you planning to eventually replace running with another form of cardio?
@Babillygunn I was just thinking about my fitness plans as I get older like 50s/60s/70s & beyond. Are you planning to eventually replace running with another form of cardio?
Good question. I am not really sure when I will completely stop running. I don’t know how many more half marathons I have left in me, but then again I’ve always said that that is a decision that shouldn’t be made immediately after running one.

I do love taking walks with my wife. We do that a few times a week. And our youngest son will graduate high school in three years, so I imagine we will have a lot more time to do that when we are empty nesters. I also love jogging or doing speed intervals on the treadmill. I could see myself doing that into my older years. I also really hope that I will continue to shoot baskets, if even by myself to get my heart rate up. I also love to do work around my house, so I suspect that I will keep cardio with that.

I guess that I just plan to stay active, doing what I do now, just doing it all a lot slower. :)
@Babillygunn @Iceman so it's looking like I should finally soon be able to participate more actively in this thread. :D

First off, I got some awesome health news on Friday. Crohn's Disease isn't great for your liver I was ordered to lose 10% of my body weight (20lbs) to reduce liver fat (stupid Prednisone fat!). Which was hard as heck while not being able to work out due to my shoulder issues, but I did it and was given a clean bill of health by my specialist on Friday as blood work showed a "dramatic" improvement in liver markers.

Second, physiotherapy for my shoulders had reached a plateau so my therapist told me to try a full on workout for investigative purposes. It just went much better than anticipated and helped pinpoint what issues are holding this back.

Did an old school full body bodybuilding workout based on Arnold's Golden Six:
Bentover Rows
Chest Press
Lat Pulldowns
Overhead Press
Glute/Hamstring Bridges (undo anterior pelvic tilt from sitting at a desk)
Lateral Raises
Skullcrushers Superset with Biceps Curls
Reverse Crunches (once again for lower abs and that pesky pelvic tilt)

Workout Playlist:
Did it all in 1 hour with 1 minutes rests between sets. Aimed for 3 working sets of 8-12 after a light warmup set for each exercise with reduced weight.
@Babillygunn @Iceman so it's looking like I should finally soon be able to participate more actively in this thread. :D

First off, I got some awesome health news on Friday. Crohn's Disease isn't great for your liver I was ordered to lose 10% of my body weight (20lbs) to reduce liver fat (stupid Prednisone fat!). Which was hard as heck while not being able to work out due to my shoulder issues, but I did it and was given a clean bill of health by my specialist on Friday as blood work showed a "dramatic" improvement in liver markers.

Second, physiotherapy for my shoulders had reached a plateau so my therapist told me to try a full on workout for investigative purposes. It just went much better than anticipated and helped pinpoint what issues are holding this back.

Did an old school full body bodybuilding workout based on Arnold's Golden Six:
Bentover Rows
Chest Press
Lat Pulldowns
Overhead Press
Glute/Hamstring Bridges (undo anterior pelvic tilt from sitting at a desk)
Lateral Raises
Skullcrushers Superset with Biceps Curls
Reverse Crunches (once again for lower abs and that pesky pelvic tilt)

Workout Playlist:
Did it all in 1 hour with 1 minutes rests between sets. Aimed for 3 working sets of 8-12 after a light warmup set for each exercise with reduced weight.
Congrats on knocking off the 20 lbs. that’s huge. And that is a great workout playlist! I have 4 or 5 playlists that I shuffle through for running.
Congrats on knocking off the 20 lbs. that’s huge. And that is a great workout playlist! I have 4 or 5 playlists that I shuffle through for running.
Zimmer's Batman scores are just perfect for lifting weights. The rhythm is just right. Also, it was timed perfectly because it switched over to The Terminator pieces just in time for arms. :funny:

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