The Official Thread For Tim Burton's Animated Films


Jul 31, 2006
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I created this for those who want to speculate and hope, and in the event that Tim Burton is chosen by WB to do an animated film that takes place after Batman Returns.

I personally hope that Tim Burton will continue his amazing series in the form of an animated movie or at least a TV series...


Voice actors:
Bruce Wayne/Batman ... Michael Keaton
Selina Kyle/Catwoman ... Michelle Pfieffer
Alfred Pennyworth ... Michael Gough
Commissioner James Gordon ... Pat Hingle
Edward Nygma/Riddler ... Robin Williams
Robin ... ?
Harvey Dent/Two-Face ... Billy Dee Williams

This film can be the good version of Batman Forever. Rumor has it that TB's Batman III was to have Riddler (Robin Williams) and Two-Face (Billy Dee Williams) as well as Robin (Marlon Waynas). No discrimination against African Americans (I have nothing against them) but why not leave white characters white? You don't make a black character white, and you don't make a white black... Maybe it'd be no problem, but a character like Robin!? Anyway... Williams was already put in Batman as Harvey so if an animated series was to be made, in my opinion, they should follow through with the plans for an African-American Two-Face... Now as for Robin, Waynas was never actually in the film, so his casting could be changed... So, in my opinion, they should find someone who looks and sounds the part, then make an animation that looks like the guy...

In this film we reintroduce Harvey Dent who is now D.A. But in an accident caused by Riddler and not stopped by Batman he is burnt... yeah, I know Sal burnt him, not Riddler, but hey, with TDK almost out, at that point it would just be repetitive. And besides, I see Burton changing the storyline anyways... So now Two-Face goes after Riddler as Batman gets caught in the middle of it. Catwoman makes her return, but now she hunts Batman, after the events of Batman Returns. This whole Catwoman story is a continuation of the storyline set by her speech towards Bruce at the end of Returns. We are introduced to Robin, who at the end of the film becomes Robin (not a campy version, mind you.) Two-Face manages to kill Riddler and Catwoman is killed in her own maliciousness.


Voice actors:
Bruce Wayne/Batman ... Michael Keaton
Commissioner James Gordon ... Pat Hingle
Harvey Dent/Two-Face ... Billy Dee Williams
Robin ... ?
Jack Napier/Joker ... Jack Nicholson
Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow ... ?

First of all, by 2012, I'm doubtful Michael Gough will still be alive (no offense towards him). So I think by the 3rd film they should prepare a leaving story for Alfred. As for Joker returning, I always felt his leaving in Batman clearly left an opening for him to return (in a mysterious way). Now for Scarecrow, I know, I know, we need new villains shown... but I'd really love to see Burton's take on Scarecrow. :cwink:

Anyway, the next 2 should be either not made, or made in the far future...

I also think WB should separate Batman & Batman Returns from Batman Forever & Batman & Robin. Schumacher's really does not deserve to be in the same series and WB should split them and continue Burton's with the animated films...

And make it known that they ARE indeed separate from Nolan's films. So while Nolan is making his life action films Burton can be making his animated films... a little on screen competition... :cwink:

Anyone else think this is a good idea?
Ahhh.... Burton returning to Batman. The ultimate pipe-dream.

Sorry, but even as big a fan of Burton as I am, I know it will not happen, ever. Burton will never return to Batman, except to comment on his two films.

Michael Keaton won't, either. But he'd still be more likely to return than Burton.
If WB needed a gimmick for their DCAU DVDs they may talk Burton into doing something.
Its a known fact, Burton will never do anything Batman related ever again!
Although I'll admit, I do think Burton's style on Batman is better suited to the animated area now. And it would be downright kick ass if he'd do a story for "Batman :Black and White", as his art is no weirder than some of the other participants.

I mean, if Burton was ever going to return to Batman, it WOULD be in either of the two, but I don't think it would even happen.

What's cool is the new printing of "The Killing Joke" has a quote from Burton on the cover. "It's brilliant. It's the first comic book I've ever truly loved." And as any Batfan knows, one of Burton's biggest influences in making BATMAN was TKJ.

But anyway, animation would definitely be the way for Burton to do something Batman again. And I think even Keaton wouldn't be against it. He wouldn't have to be back in a rubber suit doing fights and he'd get to continue exploring the depth of the character, which is what he wanted to do in the third film in the first place.
I really don't think he'll ever return to Batman after the bashing he's received from alot the fan community.
Its a known fact, Burton will never do anything Batman related ever again!

Yep. It been 16 yrs. since BR came out & Burton hasn't done Batman since. Why go back to the past? I prefer we move forward to the future, that I'm sure he would want it that way too & not do Batman again. The closest you got to that was the commentaries he did for the B89 & BR special edition DVD 3 yrs. ago.
Everyone says that Burton would never do anything Batman related again, but wasn't he attached to that Batman musical that never got off the ground?
What do ya think they would look like?? Manip please :D
So, what do we collectively think; should we actually start a petition, or is this purely a pipe dream?
Burton-era is long gone. Don't ever want to see him back again.
While I wouldn't bother hoping for another Burton live action film (nor do I really care to see one, since the actors I'd like in it are too old now) I would love to see his take on a Batman animated film. His style just seems to fit better with animation, and I think it could be very interesting.
That ship has sailed. It's time to move on.
Gotham Knight appears to be enough for me. I hope they continue the Batman/high-end anime tradition with a few follow ups to that movie. It looks really good, and every bit as stylized as any of Burton's films.
I wouldn't mind seeing a Tim Burton animated Batman film. Maybe he could even do it in that same style he used for Nightmare For Christmas.
I wouldn't mind either. Like I've stated before Batman Returns left me terribly wanting to see what would become of Michael Keaton's Batman especially after seeing Catwoman's head rise into frame at the end.

I've just always enjoyed Tim Burton and Michael Keaton's version of Batman party because i grew up with this version and it would be nice to see him and Michael take on the character once more if only in Animated form.
I'd rather a year long monthly comic series based in Burton's Gotham, using character designs that look like Keaton, Gough, Pfieffer, Billy Dee, etc.

Tim would not have to be directly involved that way since he's said he's done with Batman, it would basically just be under his main concepts.

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