The Order: 1886

Oh well, that's nice to hear :funny: You usually only read mocking about this game around heh.

I'm looking forward to trying it out as well. I can already think of a few areas I'd like to check out.
Yeah I mean the game looks okay gameplay wise, not great. But the graphics are fantastic. Some of the best I've ever seen. So for me that goes hand in hand with a cool photo mode. And that adds on a lot of replay value for me.
So I'm waiting until the game is about 20.
Unfortunately it wasn't sarcastic. :p I'm just a pretty big fan of photo modes in games. Adds a fun new layer for a guy who loves to take pictures in real life.
Photo mode+the game can be gotten for around 25 now makes it a lot more attractive to me. lol. But I'll still probably wait for it to go down in price.
word, yeah. i've used photo mode in tlour quite a few times
Sorry for bumping this thread but, I've been having an itch to play/experience this game again.

Wow this game, in my eyes, is still quite exceptional. Obviously it has it's shortcomings/things it could improve on but, for the most part, I find the universe quite fascinating. I love the characters, the setting, the story...everything was kind of top notch in regards to production.

I think if RAD could just perfect the gameplay formula and give players a bit more control, rather than a spectating movie feel, this game would be exceptional. I feel like visually and story wise it has business being in the same league as the Uncharted series. While Ready At Dawn went with a very cinematic approach to their game, I think that's where they kind of lost sight of the video game aspects.

There is so much left to tell in this story & universe. I really hope this doesn't get shelved due to poor sales. I know it's a business and you obviously want to make a return. They probably, at least from what I'm surmising, didn't make back what was put into this production. It's unfortunate but, I feel the ground work is already laid out. Most of the hurdles have been traversed and they have room to expand.

Just my two cents. I guess the TL;DR version of this post is...would anyone else like to see a sequel to this franchise?
Sorry for bumping this thread but, I've been having an itch to play/experience this game again.

Wow this game, in my eyes, is still quite exceptional. Obviously it has it's shortcomings/things it could improve on but, for the most part, I find the universe quite fascinating. I love the characters, the setting, the story...everything was kind of top notch in regards to production.

I think if RAD could just perfect the gameplay formula and give players a bit more control, rather than a spectating movie feel, this game would be exceptional. I feel like visually and story wise it has business being in the same league as the Uncharted series. While Ready At Dawn went with a very cinematic approach to their game, I think that's where they kind of lost sight of the video game aspects.

There is so much left to tell in this story & universe. I really hope this doesn't get shelved due to poor sales. I know it's a business and you obviously want to make a return. They probably, at least from what I'm surmising, didn't make back what was put into this production. It's unfortunate but, I feel the ground work is already laid out. Most of the hurdles have been traversed and they have room to expand.

Just my two cents. I guess the TL;DR version of this post is...would anyone else like to see a sequel to this franchise?
These two sentences seem to be in... conflict. :o

This was one of the biggest disappointments in recent years. Barely a game, and what is there is not good. The characters were okay. Tropes, but still okay. The problem of course is they did nothing with them or the story, leaving on one of the most obvious, "we have to get this game out, so just setup sequel" endings I can remember. The setting, characters and ideas had potential, but it was all wasted imo.

Considering the reception, sales and how RAD "quietly" moved on, I think the chances of a sequel are low. But honestly, you never know.
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I know a lot of people complained about it feeling more like an interactive movie...but to me, it still felt like a game.

As I said above, I personally hope there is a sequel. I liked the characters that they had and the universe they crafted. I do see a lot of potential to be had with this franchise. I think there are a lot of ideas left to be explored and the way they could expand on the mechanics for gameplay.

I gave the example I believe earlier in this thread'd be really cool if the Half-Breeds could transform dynamically during gameplay. Have the player shooting a "believed to be rebel soldier" and then take you by surprise and transform. I think that'd be quite something.

I just hope this doesn't become another Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy where, as Darth pointed out, set up for a sequel and then don't deliver.
I it on a 4 dollar flash sale. Played it for about 3 hours.. Deleted it. Incredibly meh to blah IMHO.
Wow, I didn't realize how much disdain there was for this title. haha

I mean, I can understand some of it being justified. *The whole part of it being more of an interactive movie than game.*

Still, I feel one can't refute the fact that Ready At Dawn did some impressive things with this title. The engine they created was absolutely flooring. To me The Order is, by far, one of the most impressive visual spectacles out on the market. I also felt that the music Jason Graves composed, as well as the voice acting, were all top notch.

I believe that if Ready At Dawn were to take another shot at this franchise, it would be well received if the criticisms were taken to heart from the first game.
I enjoyed this game for what it was. It had a lot of potential and offered some really interesting aspects, but the limited playability and short length definitely hindered it. I look at the game more as an experiment/teaser for a larger and better franchise; one I would be excited to play.
That's exactly how I see it too, Spider-Who.

I know RAD, before anyone really saw anything on the game/gave critical feedback, they were having trouble developing the engine. They also ran into numerous deadline problems/delays. They were under pressure to release and were having a hard time perfecting the engine and getting it to maintain fluidity/quality during gameplay.

That was a tremendous hurdle they had to overcome and, if a sequel were to be picked up, they stated they're able to now focus on other elements now that the engine is in place.

I hope they get a shot to get their full vision out there. I'm enjoying the story/all the little subtleties I hadn't noticed my first couple of playthroughs.

Like finding a vampire carcass in the White Chapel hospital, only to believe it to be the charred remains of a Lycan corpse. That's a nice touch.
Didn't they have like 4 years to make the game? Not a lot to show for it. :funny:

The way I see it, it was a bad game. The gameplay, what was there, wasn't good. It was a bad third person shooter, that you rarely got to play. Everything else feels like a pretty big excuse.
That's exactly how I see it too, Spider-Who.

I know RAD, before anyone really saw anything on the game/gave critical feedback, they were having trouble developing the engine. They also ran into numerous deadline problems/delays. They were under pressure to release and were having a hard time perfecting the engine and getting it to maintain fluidity/quality during gameplay.

That was a tremendous hurdle they had to overcome and, if a sequel were to be picked up, they stated they're able to now focus on other elements now that the engine is in place.

I hope they get a shot to get their full vision out there. I'm enjoying the story/all the little subtleties I hadn't noticed my first couple of playthroughs.

Like finding a vampire carcass in the White Chapel hospital, only to believe it to be the charred remains of a Lycan corpse. That's a nice touch.

well they have a VR game coming out pretty soon.

And this was recently put up about them


1 day ago

source: GI
Just finished playing this game once again and I don't get the hate for it. Hopefully we do get a sequel to this game.
Just finished playing this game once again and I don't get the hate for it. Hopefully we do get a sequel to this game.
I think the hate was it was too short and it was mostly about the gaming looking pleasing to the eye then it was game play. which isn't good in this day and age. it's sapposed equal part game play a good story and looks fallow or game good quality play , story and the rest of the other's are just iceing that add to it like looks and music. if you the basic parts down and it's fun you good. if the game play is done well next to the story. if the basic stuff falls short or isn't good and you were overly focus on making the game look pretty the games dead .

and there won't be sequel the game makers that made have completely moved on and are on VR currently with a a game about to come out.
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I just got so excited seeing this thread bumped...I was hoping there was some shred of hope a sequel was green lit.

I'm still holding onto hope that there will be another installment. This games lore was really, really cool. I think it has the potential to be a hit for the Playstation family. If anything, the first iteration really seemed like a "testing the waters" project.

The Order, to me, still remains one of the best looking games on the market. It definitely suffered from the lack of gameplay but, the story had me enthralled. I loved all the characters. I think they could really nail down some great gameplay mechanics with this franchise.

They've pretty much have all the makings of a great game.

- Great cast
- Interesting story/lore
- Spectacular Graphics (Yes, they don't make a great game but, they definitely aid the experience.)
- Soundtrack was awesome

Here's hoping they announce something at the Playstation experience event this December.

Glad to hear you enjoyed it, Superman. I honestly think the hate was unnecessary. Sure it was quick time heavy but, you kind of knew that going in. It irritates me when reviewers and such gush over a game through it's development and then completely tear it apart when it releases.

I also think it was just the "cool" thing to do to bash this game. I remember David Jaffe and his studio going around the office talking crap about this game and, when one of the staff members asked, "Did you even play it?" everyone said no. Kind of stupid to judge something dead to rights before even playing it.
I also think it was just the "cool" thing to do to bash this game. I remember David Jaffe and his studio going around the office talking crap about this game and, when one of the staff members asked, "Did you even play it?" everyone said no. Kind of stupid to judge something dead to rights before even playing it.
david jaffe always been a jerk he's what start the war between the console gamers and pc ones that should have never happened.

Also not every that had issue with the game review wise didn't play they did and there are alot of good reviews you can always tell cause they did actually play it un like the guy you mentioned. sadly i was hat it was. but and they did overly concentrate some thing that was overly necessary and this was lession even square learned cause it also almost sunk them with their MMo.

And they nearly went completely mobile after that mistake. over concentration on graphic's isn't good. they are important but not at the cause of the basic's of what makes the game good and fun . fun game and story are always first and foremost important . and other when they added basic's are what make better if the former are solid . but if the former are too poor or just not enough then it'll die and it's hard to recover and it's hard to convince your boss's other wise.

that said they did have something but it didn't survive sorry to say

but yeah I can't sand band wagon jumpers or dog pilers there alot happening there that has to do with something entirely and it's about being nasty. there's difference between those that had legit reason's and those that are doing it to dump on some one or in this case a studio.

but in this case this wasn't a good move in the studio case ether. they are still working though and doing another game. So their still around but them going to make a squeal again it's not likely. Sorry to say . it's as much about the chose they made too. It's just a lesson learned thing.
Yeah, that's fair. I know people had legitimate reasons to dislike this game. Frankly, it just came down to "it wasn't their cup of tea". I don't mind quick time games like this. Ready at Dawn did some incredible work with the cinematography of this game. Easily, it's one of the most "cinematic" games I've ever played. I know they studied film extensively and I think it pulled off what they wanted to achieve.

Like I said, I'm still holding out hope that there is going to be a sequel. RAD hasn't "officially" made an announcement saying they aren't working on this franchise anymore. At least, from my google searches, I didn't come across anything.

They definitely learned a valuable lesson and I'd really like to see that make its way into the sequel. (Again, if they were to do one.)
Yeah, that's fair. I know people had legitimate reasons to dislike this game. Frankly, it just came down to "it wasn't their cup of tea". I don't mind quick time games like this. Ready at Dawn did some incredible work with the cinematography of this game. Easily, it's one of the most "cinematic" games I've ever played. I know they studied film extensively and I think it pulled off what they wanted to achieve.

Like I said, I'm still holding out hope that there is going to be a sequel. RAD hasn't "officially" made an announcement saying they aren't working on this franchise anymore. At least, from my google searches, I didn't come across anything.

They definitely learned a valuable lesson and I'd really like to see that make its way into the sequel. (Again, if they were to do one.)

We'll see what happens.
This and Until Dawn were great games which I hope get sequels. The main complaint I always here with this game is that they wanted to feel free to roam around and explore while and do side quest and me personally I thought the game was good. I like that it was straight to the point and made to feel like you were playing a big movie and it seemed like a seamless switch in between the cut scenes and actual games.
Just picked this up, appreciate it's been out a long time, and was a PS4 launch game and haven't gone far so far, but what I have experienced is quality. Atmospheric and gloriously detailed, quality voice acting and beautifully presented with a decent story.

I'd heard a lot of 'indifferent' talk about this game but I can't see any of those problems or issues with the game. I can why some were not taken with it, it doesn't fit into one or any game genre or type and it can't be pinned down and steam-punk isn't for everyone.

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