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The Rise of Skywalker The Rise of Skywalker... what does the title mean?

I've warmed up to the title. It's still very generic and cliched, but it has some very interesting implications and I like that it matches the naming scheme of the third parts of the previous trilogies (Return, Revenge, Rise). It's also taken from Snoke's dialogue in VII, where the titles for TFA and TLJ also came from.

I don't want Skywalker to replace Jedi as a term, though. To retire such a culturally ubiquitous word like Jedi would be impossible anyway. As in, they could start calling them Skywalkers, but everyone would still call them Jedi.

I'm definitely not tied to the idea, but it does seem like a possibility.

One thing I haven't seen suggested is what if "Skywalker" just becomes a more reverent term for Jedi. So the Jedi still exist as a thing and they wouldn't re-branding themselves, but maybe some of the common folk in the galaxy take to using the Skywalker name as a way of honoring and spreading Luke's legend and distinguishing the new Jedi from the old Jedi. Cause I agree with you, it might seem silly and counterproductive to just try and erase the Jedi as a label altogether.
New theory: Skywalker is the title of special force users which rise in times of crisis that results from a convergence in the Force.
I've warmed up to the title. It's still very generic and cliched, but it has some very interesting implications and I like that it matches the naming scheme of the third parts of the previous trilogies (Return, Revenge, Rise). It's also taken from Snoke's dialogue in VII, where the titles for TFA and TLJ also came from.

I don't want Skywalker to replace Jedi as a term, though. To retire such a culturally ubiquitous word like Jedi would be impossible anyway. As in, they could start calling them Skywalkers, but everyone would still call them Jedi.

LOL, yeah. "Skywalkers" would be the Willis Tower of Star Wars fandom.
I'm definitely not tied to the idea, but it does seem like a possibility.

One thing I haven't seen suggested is what if "Skywalker" just becomes a more reverent term for Jedi. So the Jedi still exist as a thing and they wouldn't re-branding themselves, but maybe some of the common folk in the galaxy take to using the Skywalker name as a way of honoring and spreading Luke's legend and distinguishing the new Jedi from the old Jedi. Cause I agree with you, it might seem silly and counterproductive to just try and erase the Jedi as a label altogether.
I could see this happening. The name Skywalker will have become legendary in its own right, especially after what the name has done over so many years. The Legend of Luke and his family name will become something compared to jesus maybe.
Another thought:

What if "Skywalker" becomes a place? For instance, the planet that is won by the Resistance and is to be the home of the new Jedi Order. Basically like the new "Washington D.C." of the SW universe. If this were the case the title would also be encompassing the defeat of the First Order as well as the future of the Jedi/legacy of the Skywalkers.
Another thought:

What if "Skywalker" becomes a place? For instance, the planet that is won by the Resistance and is to be the home of the new Jedi Order. Basically like the new "Washington D.C." of the SW universe. If this were the case the title would also be encompassing the defeat of the First Order as well as the future of the Jedi/legacy of the Skywalkers.
Skywalker = Asgard?
They will rebuild the Death Star and rename it Skywalker and it will rise again. :o
Hermit Luke will fall on hard times and become a street magician to pay for booze. He will have a 1 inch toy Death Star (attached to a key ring) named Skywalker that he uses his last few ounces of Force Power to levitate for tips.
Hermit Luke will fall on hard times and become a street magician to pay for booze. He will have a 1 inch toy Death Star (attached to a key ring) named Skywalker that he uses his last few ounces of Force Power to levitate for tips.
and it will be revealed that Hermit Luke was the one retelling the story of Eps 1-9 to a group of uninterested street kids. with a few embellishments of course.
I’m wary of the title, frustrated with the implications of various meanings and the likely marketing strategy behind it, like it in isolation, and find it unwise in context, of that makes sense.

“The Rise of Skywalker” works fine as a Star Wars title... for any film featuring an honest to god Skywalker character, and for any film that isn’t trying to be a sequel to TLJ’s plot, messages, and themes. I mean, the one way I’d see the title being a perfect fit is if it actually got retconned that Rey is Luke’s daughter, or Schmi’s descendant, etc., and even then it’s kind of wretched to resurrect the debate about her parentage for a whole ‘nother year when frankly, by now, it should have been resolved.

And since Abrams and others have clearly been getting back to obfuscating about Rey’s parentage again, while at the same time letting Boyega do things like confirm that Finn and Rey isn’t a romance option in this film, it smells an awful lot like a name chosen with a marketing scheme, one possibly based off trying to find some half-measure compromise between fans, which is just a bad idea to me.

Here's my ranking for the various possibilities for the "Skywalker" in the title, based off my own tastes:

Worst Option: Rey marries Kylo
- Hell-to-the-no! To be honest, this option is mostly just poisoned to me by TLJ planting its seeds in disingenuous and just plain bad writing for Rey and Kylo. The original idea of Reylo to me had some merit after TFA if they did a good job writing it going forward, but the central premises of TLJ's take on the relationship was one of faux-depth and real shallowness, one that subsumed Rey to Kylo's story. Going this direction would be a damning condemnation of the Sequel Trilogy's hypocrisy regarding its attempt to be progressive but still having a double standard that favored Kylo as a privileged angsty white guy.:mad:

Previously Established Skywalker Character
- As much as I love Anakin, Luke, Leia, etc., this is not their story. The title should refer to the current generation of heroes, not to the heroes of the past... or even to Ben Solo/Organa. Rey needs to be involved in the title's meaning somehow, because this is supposed to be *her* story. I wouldn't necessarily hate this as a reveal, but I would find it extremely disappointing and de-facto proof that Rey should have just been made a Skywalker.

The Jedi Order is renamed the Skywalker Order
- This feels like a weak option to me because of how it definitely puts more emphasis on Luke's legacy than Rey's character arc, and because I don't think TLJ was putting down any foundation for the Skywalker legacy getting any kind of honor; it's goal was more to have the characters viewed on a humble, individual level than a familial one, and it used anti-dynastic connotations to justify Rey being Random. That's simply not a foundation for naming the Jedi after a family with a very uneven legacy upon the Galaxy; still, Rey would be involved with the change in the name, so it would be moderately better.

Rey names herself a metaphorical Skywalker
- This has a stronger focus on Rey than the previous entry, but still suffers from a lack of setup from TLJ. However, as much as I think any surrogate parental relationship depending on off-screen developments with a Force Ghost Luke would seem artificial and unearned to me, there's quite a bit more wiggle-room because of Luke being a Force Ghost. The biggest thing holding this, and other options, back for me is that none seem to address the central issue with Rey and the Skywalker Saga:-B: she's a character suffering all the weaknesses of being a Skywalker (unoriginal storytelling, overpowered skill with the Force, Deus-Ex-Machina-levels of a "special fate") but none of the advantages (established precedent for her power, belonging to the central soap opera of the 9-film story, expansion in the backstory for the films form her very existance, "rhyming" with previous character arcs excusing her similarities to Luke and Anakin.)

Best Option: Rey is a Skywalker
- Have no doubt; this isn't a perfect answer for the films at all, and comes with tremendous consequences as well as benefits as an answer... but to me, the benefits far outweigh the consequences from a storytelling and franchise perspective, even if the artistic integrity and synergy of the Sequel Trilogy is offered up as a sacrifice for it. Rey Skywalker is an exciting, lore-expanding answer that addresses numerous issues her characterization suffered from in TLJ, preventing her from being subsumed by the Skywalker Story because the Skywalker Story is *her* story now, and allows for a more elegant "rhyming" with the previous trilogies and gives us something impossible at the moment: a satisfying happy ending to the Skywalker Saga that isn't a downer compared to Return of the Jedi.[face_dancing]

But the biggest thing impeding it is what it would say about the Sequel Trilogy, LFL's creative process, and the meta-narrative damage it would do to an argument and philosophy LFL has embraced for the last year and a half. Abandoning Rey Random, and all the arguments LFL believed in and endorsed and all the hard work Rian Johnson did to deliver that message? That would be a "mea culpa" on behalf of LFL and a denunciation of Rian Johnson's creative intent. That's not good.
I'm starting to warm to the idea that Rey will ultimately carry the Skywalker name forward by choice, not because of a bloodline reveal. Although I still think there is a roundabout way she could be considered "related" to the Skywalkers if her origins are somehow linked to Palpatine.

Luke Skywalker's legend was reignited in TLJ, right? We see that in the Canto Bight kids. So the Skywalker name still means something to the galaxy, and it seems inevitable that somehow its legacy will be carried forward by someone. The galaxy at large doesn't know the real, painful f**ked up family history. They know the legend, and Rey said it herself...the galaxy may need a legend. I could basically see them going the route where the Skywalker name becomes more of a mantle that must be protected because it represents hope to the galaxy. As with anything, it'll come down to the execution but I can see a way for us to arrive at "Rey Skywalker" without literally making her Luke or Leia's forgotten daughter, which I don't think really even fits the narrative as is anyway.
The return of Luke as a force ghost. Maybe the return of Anakin as a force ghost. Perhaps the discovery of Rey being a Skywalker, and her coming into her own as a jedi. Maybe Kylo embracing the light side in him and becoming a force for good.
My best hope is that this movie brings the story full circle back to TPM and Qui-Gon's prophecy. The Rise of Skywalker can mean the fulfillment of that prophecy, and the reformation of the Jedi order.... yeah, probably under Skywalker's name.

That's basically the resolution that the story demands. Anakin's descendants need to bring balance to the Force somehow.... which has to fundamentally change the nature of the Force in some way. My guess would be that Luke has discovered that this Light Side / Dark Side thing is really a false dichotomy that perpetuates these huge fluctuations of the galaxy. Real balance is achieved within one's self... between the Light and the Dark. Luke will share this truth with Rey.. who will train padawans... and presto.. the rise of age of Skywalker, in terms of Jedi lore.
Man, I feel silly. I hated that Luke died in TLJ and watched this trailer and got all excited thinking he was coming back. Then I came here and nobody else took it that way lol
Man, I feel silly. I hated that Luke died in TLJ and watched this trailer and got all excited thinking he was coming back. Then I came here and nobody else took it that way lol
I'm of the opinion that Skywalker has been elevated to the next level. Now he is on par with Yoda and Kenobi.
Yup. He's more powerful than you could possibly imagine now.

That's another element that kind of bothered me about TLJ. Luke has seemingly been avoiding using the force since Ben's fall, and when Rey arrives for training, he's adamantly opposed to teaching her anything. The only demonstration of his power is when he catches Rey and Ren speaking, as well as when he confronts Ren at the end. But this isn't really prompted until Yoda conveniently shows up to tell him about what a Jedi truly is (not a bunch of books) and how their thinking of what a Jedi is, must die and I suppose be reborn through Rey.

How does this make him more powerful than Yoda and Kenobi?
Yoda and Kenobi had been hiding for 19 years before training Luke. Luke took a much shorter breaker.

Plus he is Luke freaking Skywalker.

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