The Dark Knight Rises The Truth About The Casting Rumors...No Riddler?

I say that Nolan should use Phantasm and Bane. One for a love interest/enemy while Bane as the physical test. We all need to see Bane reformed after that ****fest Schumacher gave us.
He mentions Catwoman and Penguin won't be in the next film.Goyer never said the Joker would have a small role, anyways he only wrote the treatment to TDK.
Originally Black Mask and Penguin were apart of the the story but the Nolan's took them out. So far Goyer has been right about what villians were going to be in the next film. Face it, no Catwoman or Penguin.

Black Mask and Penguin were never in the original treatment. That was a Jett rumor that proved to be false.
Black Mask is a good rumour I think, I would like the Riddler if they cast it right - if Nolan is involved then I think he would - plus I'm more than sure there would be a female 'interest' of some kind.

There would have to be in order to fill the Rachel to speak...:cwink:
Still wonder if this will ever probably won't, but I'd like to see her in the costume!
Hello all... new here. Enjoying reading all of your insight. Couple of questions?

  1. Was there any footage filmed that was left out of TDK of Joker at Arkham Asylum? I haven't heard anything about such happening.
  2. Why not re-cast the Joker...? Which in my opinion is a monumental task that could only be filled by one actor Daniel Day Lewis. Look I think most are in agreement that H.L.'s portrayal of Joker is one that will never be duplicated... but DDL certainly could deliver the best replication of the role. That would allow for Harley to fall right into place.
Personally I like the Black Mask and Hush as a possible angle for the next one.
it has to be the Riddler,

that seems the most logical option considering the events of the dark knight.

i think it will be awesome to see The Riddler done properly on screen, as an intelligent, twisted and dirty son of a *****!!

you can just imagine it. The Riddler goes on TV and sends a nice little cryptic message and **** hits the fans!!

more psychological and intense warfare!!
Hello all... new here. Enjoying reading all of your insight. Couple of questions?
  1. Was there any footage filmed that was left out of TDK of Joker at Arkham Asylum? I haven't heard anything about such happening.
  2. Why not re-cast the Joker...? Which in my opinion is a monumental task that could only be filled by one actor Daniel Day Lewis. Look I think most are in agreement that H.L.'s portrayal of Joker is one that will never be duplicated... but DDL certainly could deliver the best replication of the role. That would allow for Harley to fall right into place.
Personally I like the Black Mask and Hush as a possible angle for the next one.

The re-cast thing is SO difficult, especially as maybe it'd best if there wasn't one for me or if anything, some kind of Arkham moment. I also don't think DDL would want to become someone who was someone.

You know how he likes to take it all completely on himself.

Extra footage...I guess we'll wait for the DVD??! Plus, I agree with your last point, oh..and hello! :p
it has to be the Riddler,

that seems the most logical option considering the events of the dark knight.

i think it will be awesome to see The Riddler done properly on screen, as an intelligent, twisted and dirty son of a *****!!

you can just imagine it. The Riddler goes on TV and sends a nice little cryptic message and **** hits the fans!!

more psychological and intense warfare!!

With a new viral campaign! Woot!
Oh, not yet, but it's coming.

"The Riddler is coming, and that's no laughing matter!"

I'm going to let fall some villains that could be in a Nolan movie and not be the obvious ones, also speaking about smaller parts:

Rupert Thorne, Black Mask, Julian Day (small role for this one), Deadshot, Firefly (without a costume, mind you... something to do with chaos), Harley Quinn (there were Batman copycats... so why not throw in a Joker copycat?), Hugo Strange, Ventriloquist.

I don't see personally any of these carrying a movie for themselves alone. So either Catwoman, Riddler, Penguin or some other big gun has to be in for sure.
I could see Nolan going deeper into the villian well for part 3. He HAD to do Joker, and I'm sure he really wanted to do Two-Face. Apart from them, I can't see him really wanting to cover all the same ground as the last series.
i think...whoever they choose as the villian... wont matter.. What will matter is the actor chosen, and how the actor does the part.. U know? Cus like.. I dont think people expected that amazingness from heath.. And i think .. this is just my opinion.. I think picking Johnny Depp or angelina jolie will be too easy.. I mean.. lets all close our eyes.. and picture it... It will be like.. Laura Croft in a black suit.. And Edward Scizzorhands meets Willy Wonka..( that possibly sings? haha jk) But These are just two A lister actors, who are quite attractive, good actors, but do a lot of the same kinds of things u know what i mean? I think Nolan would kind of ( if he does it ) think out side the box with this one.. And would do something harder.. and not predictable.. Like heath ledger.. I mean.. if you disect all of his character choices thus far.. ( besides rachel daws charcacter.. which he was smart to fix by
Killing her off
) But I mean.. i just think most of his choices were amazing.. and i love the cast for both movies.. I love them as the characters, not because of who they are as actors.. I mean..christian bale is just really hot. ANd so cute in little women.. but imo an amazing batman .. Soo.. To wrap up all my rambling.. I dont think it will be the villain, i think it will be the actor chosen to play the villian, that will matter.. And i hope to god they dont replace the joker with someone else :(

( I think the hulk was better the second time due to edward nortans take on him.. also. )
So I guess you can add the Riddler to the list of characters that won't be in the 3rd film. I guess we'll be getting Black Mask and maybe a returning Two-Face

Have you seen TDK?

Two-Face dies!

PLEASE, I beg you fan boys, stop saying Two-Face returns.

If Nolan wanted him to return he would've said something to that effect in TDK at the end.

And people like whoever wrote this article says Riddler won't effect Bruce... but if you think about it and have any two brain cells knocking together, then Riddler is the perfect villain for Batman at this point. He can use a certain knowledge of the identity of a certain person which would personally effect Bruce and in the process personally effect the GPD! Even the Political Realm would be effected! Please don't make him a main villain, he's not big enough for that, but at least a secondary. All this mess with him "not being personal to Bruce" is just crap.
I dont know what movie you were watching.. But i saw they said Harvey Dent died.. not two face .. :-D

But they DID say Gordon Died.. and i seem to recall...

Its the movies.. Anything can happen.. anything at all.
He mentions Catwoman and Penguin won't be in the next film.Goyer never said the Joker would have a small role, anyways he only wrote the treatment to TDK.
Originally Black Mask and Penguin were apart of the the story but the Nolan's took them out. So far Goyer has been right about what villians were going to be in the next film. Face it, no Catwoman or Penguin.

Reread the quote.

“There are dozens if not hundreds of other characters that fit that bill. Everyone says it’s got to be the Penguin or Catwoman [in the next film]… well I completely disagree.”
In other words, people are expecting them to put in Penguin and Catwoman, but he thinks there are other characters as well to consider. Nowhere does it say they aren't going to use Catwoman or Penguin or that they've been ruled out, there's just other options.

Goyer's just annoyed that people are automatically assuming that certain villains MUST be in the next movie...because think Black Mask is gonna sell a movie....guess what, folks....the general audience is gonna see BM and say..."when did Two Face get the other half of his face burnt?"

Goyer can talk about using Ras and Scarecrow and how they didnt appear in other Batfilms or the 60's series...but guess what? Ras and Scarecrow were pretty much the last of the major bat foes to be included in a movie...that can reasonably carry a movie, since they have character gimmick and offer good psycological storytelling...the rest? They're decent, but again...they cant really carry a movie. Two Face has been in two Bat flicks, and both times, he was relegated to a secondary character. Two Face....often considered the best Bat foe next to Joker....if a major batfoe like that cant be considered to carry a flick, what chance does someone like bane or killer croc have?

And with the realism kick the Nolan team is on, that whittles down villain choices even, yeah...Goyer can say Penguin and Catwoman wont be used...but I very much doubt it...come time for the next film, count on a Bat villain we've seen before headlining this movie, whether it be Riddler, Catwoman, Penguin, or even Mr. Freeze or Poison Ivy
Have you seen TDK?

Two-Face dies!

PLEASE, I beg you fan boys, stop saying Two-Face returns.

If Nolan wanted him to return he would've said something to that effect in TDK at the end.

And people like whoever wrote this article says Riddler won't effect Bruce... but if you think about it and have any two brain cells knocking together, then Riddler is the perfect villain for Batman at this point. He can use a certain knowledge of the identity of a certain person which would personally effect Bruce and in the process personally effect the GPD! Even the Political Realm would be effected! Please don't make him a main villain, he's not big enough for that, but at least a secondary. All this mess with him "not being personal to Bruce" is just crap.

They never confirmed that TWO-FACE is dead in the film. Just because he fell doesn't mean hes dead. You don't even see him fall if I can remember.
So the Riddler can use a his knowledge of the identity of Batman? Yeah dude, Mr. Reese isn't the Riddler.
Reread the quote.

In other words, people are expecting them to put in Penguin and Catwoman, but he thinks there are other characters as well to consider. Nowhere does it say they aren't going to use Catwoman or Penguin or that they've been ruled out, there's just other options.

I just notice that article didn't have all his quotes.
Goyer explained that, despite re-introducing the Joker in the upcoming sequel, the filmmakers want to explore new villains in any future films.
I can also pull quotes from Oldman, and Nolan why Catwoman and the Penguin aren't going to be introduced if you're not convinced they're not going to be in the films.
I'd love to see a proper Mr. Freeze.

+ 1.

No Riddler, Catwoman, or Penguin. :down

I remember hearing through the grapevine a few months ago that the Joker was going to be the main villain in the 3rd as well, damn shame :csad:. If you ask for a source, there isnt one.
He mentions Catwoman and Penguin won't be in the next film.Goyer never said the Joker would have a small role, anyways he only wrote the treatment to TDK.
Originally Black Mask and Penguin were apart of the the story but the Nolan's took them out. So far Goyer has been right about what villians were going to be in the next film. Face it, no Catwoman or Penguin.

I don't get why people keep acting like this Goyer quote says that Catwoman and Penguin won't be in the movie, which it doesn't, or that Goyer has any say in that whatsoever, for that matter.

“Batman has been published for 70 years. In the first movie, we used Ra’s Al Ghul and the Scarecrow, who had not been in the movies before, and had not been in the ’60s TV show before.
“There are dozens if not hundreds of other characters that fit that bill. Everyone says it’s got to be the Penguin or Catwoman [in the next film]… well I completely disagree.”
So he disagrees that Catwoman and Penguin have to be the next villains... I think we all agree that they don't HAVE to be the next villains. I mean, is a take on Penguin really necessary to give a given continuity legitimacy? He's just saying that they don't have to use the obvious villains and can draw from the enormous history Batman has.

Also, people need to acknowledge that the villain will be whoever Nolan wants and that Goyer is just the comic book stooge who will outline the things that Nolan wants. He has no control over anything.
They never confirmed that TWO-FACE is dead in the film. Just because he fell doesn't mean hes dead. You don't even see him fall if I can remember.

The fact that Gordon and Batman discuss his death and they show shots of a Harvey Dent memorial service pretty much confirm the guy is dead. I mean, really, people.

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