The Walking Dead: Season 1.5 RPG OOC/Sign-Up Thread

Depending on how much reading of the Walking Dead Compendium Vol. 1 I get done, I should have a couple applications up by Wednesday at the latest. Maybe sooner.
Don't worry about it, Syn. Life is always a priority. I hope to see you bring your writing talents to the game down the line. Remember, if you're pressed for time - a short-term guest star role is always an option. Just PM me for details if you're interested.
Thanks, man. I'll be sure to keep an eye on things in the coming weeks.


How much experience of The Walking Dead do you have?
Have read the first 15 issues and seen the entire series.

Character you want to play:
I'm figuring that the remaining core cast are going to be heavy NPCs (Lori & Carl for Rick) (Andrea for Dale) which leaves Carla & Sofia whom I have zero interest in.



What can this character bring to the RPG?
Tyreese is steadfast, courageous, dependable and strong. He is a father and naturally a protector. Tyreese brings the muscle to the game.

Please provide a sample post as this character, setting up their current situation in the timeframe of the Season 1 finale:

"Come on! Hurry it up! I can't keep this up all day!"

Tyreese fired off another shot, taking another walker down with a spray of crimson marking the highway. Behind him the two teenagers worked furiously at the petrol tank of the old Chevy, draining the fuel into a canister.

"How many bullets you got left, dad?"
asked Julie, his daughter, as she slammed a lid onto the container and grabbed it.

"Half a clip" he growled, taking aim again.


In front of them around a dozen walkers shuffled towards them, their moans filling the air around them.

"Carl, Julie, get back into the truck, get it started! hurry!"

Without looking back he cleared the clip into the horde, taking down four with shots to the head, but the rest moved in, swarming like parasites towards the trio.

Spinning on his heel, Tyreese raced for the old 1969 GMC where Carl and Julie had climbed in. Leaping into the drivers seat Tyreese slammed his foot on the accelerator and mowed into the horde, sending bodies flying.

"Uhhh dad?" Julie whispered as they veered down the dusty highway.

Tyreese glanced across the cab at her to see her hand outstretched, pointing at something off in the far distance.

Slowing the truck, Tyreese followed her line and saw for himself. Beyond the horizon a thick plume of black smoke was billowing out into the sky, forming a dark cloud high in the air.

"It's coming from the city" Carl whispered.

Julie frowned at looked at her father but said nothing.

After a few minutes, Tyreese rubbed at the thick stubble on his chin and growled to himself. Yanking hard on the steering he angled the truck towards the direction of the smoke. "We're going to scope it out" he grunted.
You're welcome to introduce your own created character, but I'd like to see a couple more of the core roles filled first. Maybe just keep an eye on the OOC thread and wait for more of those roles to be filled, THEN apply with your created character?

Fair enough. I would apply for a core character but since I have no wiorking knowledge of what the characters say and how they really act...I don't think that would be fair to the character or to the other players in this RPG.
Denzel as Tyreese? ****in' A that's right.

Andrea doesn't have to be an NPC. *subtle-yet-hopeless-petition*


How much experience of The Walking Dead do you have?
Have read the first 15 issues and seen the entire series.

Character you want to play:
I'm figuring that the remaining core cast are going to be heavy NPCs (Lori & Carl for Rick) (Andrea for Dale) which leaves Carla & Sofia whom I have zero interest in.



What can this character bring to the RPG?
Tyreese is steadfast, courageous, dependable and strong. He is a father and naturally a protector. Tyreese brings the muscle to the game.

Please provide a sample post as this character, setting up their current situation in the timeframe of the Season 1 finale:

"Come on! Hurry it up! I can't keep this up all day!"

Tyreese fired off another shot, taking another walker down with a spray of crimson marking the highway. Behind him the two teenagers worked furiously at the petrol tank of the old Chevy, draining the fuel into a canister.

"How many bullets you got left, dad?"
asked Julie, his daughter, as she slammed a lid onto the container and grabbed it.

"Half a clip" he growled, taking aim again.


In front of them around a dozen walkers shuffled towards them, their moans filling the air around them.

"Carl, Julie, get back into the truck, get it started! hurry!"

Without looking back he cleared the clip into the horde, taking down four with shots to the head, but the rest moved in, swarming like parasites towards the trio.

Spinning on his heel, Tyreese raced for the old 1969 GMC where Carl and Julie had climbed in. Leaping into the drivers seat Tyreese slammed his foot on the accelerator and mowed into the horde, sending bodies flying.

"Uhhh dad?" Julie whispered as they veered down the dusty highway.

Tyreese glanced across the cab at her to see her hand outstretched, pointing at something off in the far distance.

Slowing the truck, Tyreese followed her line and saw for himself. Beyond the horizon a thick plume of black smoke was billowing out into the sky, forming a dark cloud high in the air.

"It's coming from the city" Carl whispered.

Julie frowned at looked at her father but said nothing.

After a few minutes, Tyreese rubbed at the thick stubble on his chin and growled to himself. Yanking hard on the steering he angled the truck towards the direction of the smoke. "We're going to scope it out" he grunted.

Great app, Optikal, but before I approve it I'm going to wait and see if we can get more core roles filled...

Denzel as Tyreese? ****in' A that's right.


Oh, never mind. APPROVED!

How much experience of The Walking Dead do you have?
I watched every episode of the Walking Dead (Season One) on AMC and have read a few issues from the Walking Dead Compendium Vol. 1. It's a freakin' large book to me; it takes time to go through everything. =P

Character you want to play:
Lori Grimes.

What can this character bring to the RPG?
...she's Rick's wife. What else is there to know?

Haha, nah, I have a few more details. ;)

In my perspective, Lori's role is deeper than what most people see. She's trapped in a situation where she believed her husband was dead and found security with Shane, even going as far as having passionate sex with him. Upon reuniting with her husband, she harbors a dark and guilty secret that she's unable to share with anyone in fear of ruining her relationship with the survivors, especially Rick. What sets her apart from the rest of the cast is my belief that she acts as her husband's conscious; wanting to do what is right, but trying not to hurt anyone in the process. There's going to be more to her story and development as this RPG progresses.

Please provide a sample post as this character, setting up their current situation in the timeframe of the Season 1 finale:
The plumes of fire continued to burn after the destruction of the CDC. Their flickering colors reflected in Lori's eyes as she looked on in an entwine of relief and despair. Relief because they were able to escape with their lives. Despair because they were once again lost on a journey with an unknown destination. God only knew if there was a safe haven left on this forsaken world...

She held her son, Carl, close to her, shaky yet strong. More and more, she wondered how she was going to preserve her son's childhood. Was there even a glimmer of hope for a brighter future? She didn't want to accept this. She wanted him to grow up in a better society than she had. Her hopeful wish was for him to become a better person than her; grow up to be a real man who was respectful to all and strong enough to become a leader like his father.

That would mean more than the world to her.


Lori blinked and glanced down to meet Carl's eyes. "Yes sweetie?" she tilted her head.

"Please don't cry."

She was taken aback when one of her son's small hands reached up to her face and brushed a couple of tears away. She had spaced out so much that she didn't realize she had started to cry. She feigned the warmest smile she could for his sake and kissed the top of his head. "I'll do my best not to," she reassured him and rested her chin on his crown.

She needed to be stronger, not just for herself, but for her son. For her husband. For those that needed a shoulder of moral support to lean on.

What a life she had to bear...
Just a heads up, folks. Soze and I talked. Be on the lookout for the IC thread to go up either tomorrow sometime or Friday at the latest.
Hi, so is it just Carl, Andrea, Carol/Sophia that needs to be filled?
Thanks for the great response in applications, guys! I wanted at least 8 out of the 10 core roles filled, and I would still like to get a Glenn on the roster, but for the most part I think we have enough to move forward. Eddie Brock can NPC Andrea for Dale, MadRhapsody and I can NPC Carl between us, and Carol & Sophia can be general use NPCs (though all these characters are still available should anyone want to play as them).

Now, I'm opening up applications for people wanting to play supplementary characters like Merle or Morgan, characters from the comics, or characters of their own creation. If you're playing a core character, you can now pick someone from one of these categories as a second character.

I'm going to get to work on creating the IC thread now. Then we can get started on playing this game!
If no one ends up applying for merle, I can always NPC him as a last resort.
So, yeah....the IC thread is up in case anyone was wondering.
I'm really liking your portrayal of Tyreese, Optikal. In the comics we first see him from the perspective of Rick and the survivors, so it's nice to see that meeting from Tyreese's perspective. However, are you aware Chris' name has seemingly changed to Carl in your latest post?
LOL. The joys of RPing in the very early hours dude :D. I'll jump in and change it.
Should have an app in for this one in within the next 24 hours.
Hey everyone I probably won't be doing this one at this time. I am going to be out of town starting Saturday and my particpation in my regular RPGS will be hit or miss during that time. So rather than create a character and then do nothing with it I think it best if I don't get involved at this time...maybe when I get back from Vacation.
Yeah, that's right. I posted. Wanna fight about it?
Depends on what we're fighting for. I'm all for Green Lantern #51 / Blackest Night since it's out of f***ing print...

Love you too, California. :o

Should have a post tomorrow!

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