The "World of Heroes" DC RPG Season IV Signup/OOC Thread

Didn't Ra's already confront Lex in his office, and is still awaiting a response?
Best Storyline

The Genesis Strain. This arc has been going on and building up since nearly the beginning of the season, and it's culminating right now, both in the huge battles through the city of Metropolis and in Lex Luthor's office.

Best Hero

LibrarianThorne's Superman. This really isn't any question for me. This is the Superman that I only wish modern writers would put to the page. He's not only epic and angelic, as the Man of Steel should be, but he's also rough and tough and ready to get his hands dirty. Read the damn RPG, Singer! This is the Superman that deserves to be on the big screen, dammit! :mad::up:

Best Villain

I'm giving this to Red X's Ra's al Ghul. It's sad that he hasn't had too much to do so far in the climax of the Genesis Strain arc (it looks like he missed his chance for a fight with Batman :(), but every post I have read from him is as villainous and evil as should be expected from the Demon's Head.

Best Newcomer

Apprentice's Wonder Woman. Maybe I'm biased for him because he used Barrage quite well as an NPC, but that aside, his Wonder Woman has really been a joy to read. :up:

Best Fight

I'm gonna give myself a pat on the back here and say the Parasite versus a dozen Superman rogues, the Justice League, and finally Superman. It was a real blast working with you guys!

Best Post

LibrarianThorne's death post as Superman. Just hearing those words in my head, listening to Superman speak about all of the things he can see, it was just amazing and jaw-dropping.

Most Well Developed Character

Green Lantern's Arsenal. Incorporating and expanding on Roy's recovery from drugs and how he still feels about all of it was really touching. Add to that, Dinah resurfacing and Roy's feelings towards that, and how he takes Lian into the story as well. Very well done.
Spike_x1 said:
Didn't Ra's already confront Lex in his office, and is still awaiting a response?

Lex's response was...rather explosive...okay bad pun I know.

The final Lex posting should be up before 12pm tomorrow...I know this extends the season a little longer and I do apologize for that...but hey it's not like I pre-planned my computer screwing up like this.
Master Bruce said:
Best Newcomer Apprentice (Wonder Woman)

He knows my reasonings from the Marvel RPG. Basically, switch the names of his characters to Wonder Woman, and you have the same reasons. He's going to have a very, very good career in RPG writing ahead of him.

Spike_x1 said:
Apprentice's Wonder Woman. Maybe I'm biased for him because he used Barrage quite well as an NPC, but that aside, his Wonder Woman has really been a joy to read.

That means a lot coming from you two; you're two of the most accomplished RPGers I've had the privilege to work alongside :up:
Spike_x1 said:
This is the Superman that I only wish modern writers would put to the page. He's not only epic and angelic, as the Man of Steel should be, but he's also rough and tough and ready to get his hands dirty. Read the damn RPG, Singer! This is the Superman that deserves to be on the big screen, dammit! :mad::up:

Way I see it, Clark should be a peaceful fellow who wants to solve things without hurting anyone, but if you push him, he's got a temper and a willingness to throw down like Herculese of stories.
Best Story: The Genesis Strain/Metropolis arc. I thought my whole, Superman in jail arc earlier this season would be hard to top. I really did. But this last arc of the season blew everythign else out of the water, in my opinion. MST3K and Red X gave us a heck of a jumping off point, and Spike took my character down to a level he's not been seen at since 1939. With all the big reveals, all of the cataclysmic battles, and more importantly the great roleplaying from everyone invovled, it really was a hell of an arc.

Best Hero: This is a really rough choice for me. I really liked Ferret's Martian Manhunter a lot, and hte idea of giving J'onn a family is just incredibly cool (much cooler than the current miniseries, in fact). However, beating out twy's big reveal is a rough job for anyone, and could anyone else have handled Dinah's return to life better? Then there's wieg's Sinestro, which I think has been coming along excellently and is easily one of the best written characters in the RPG, period. So, consider my vote split three ways.

Best Villain: This one isn't as clear cut for me as it seems to have been for others. I'm getting a kick out of MST3K's Lex Luthor (I really had to refrain from having Superman yel KHAAAAAAN during our little dialogue), but Spike's Parasite has been amazing too. I call it a tie here, as well.

Best Newcomer: Apprentice's Wonder Woman. I had my reservations at first, but Diana is perfect thus far. I hope we get to see her again in Season V, most of all because a DC RPG without the Trinity is like a Marvel RPG without Cap, Wolverine, and Spidey.

Best Fight: Superman v. Parasite. I'm not tooting my own horn here or anything, but this was the biggest fight of the arc, heck, the biggest fight of the entire season. The geography of the Earth itself was changed, there were earthquakes, and finally there was death. It was, in my opinion, everything a comic book battle should be when you're dealing with characters on that power level.

Best Post: Once again, I'm not tooting my own horn here, but my last post as Superman is my best post of the season. No question or doubt in my mind about it. It's a Man of Steel very few authors get to write, and one even more authors never even see. It was so good, it made MB debate whether or not he was going to follow it in Season V. I'll put it up after MST3K's last post and Red X's last post.

Also, Spike, buddy, pal, comics Brainiac is so lame. I mean really, really lame. In a rogues gallery full of lame, he is the epitome of said lame. Crazy world conquering genius has been done to death, and when you boil him right down he's just Lex Luthor without any of Luthor's awesome motivation and green skin. Very lame. DCAU Brainiac is what the character should be, in my opinion. A different motivation entirely, one that puts him on a much larger, much more dangerous power level, one that really puts him up there as a force to be reckoned with.
Personally, I think Brainiac does need a revision. I'd have regular DCU Brainiac's personality and Justice Brainiac's origin/motivation. That would be best.
The final Lex post of season 4 is up...see you all next season...this one has been a blast!
LibrarianThorne said:
Also, Spike, buddy, pal, comics Brainiac is so lame. I mean really, really lame. In a rogues gallery full of lame, he is the epitome of said lame. Crazy world conquering genius has been done to death, and when you boil him right down he's just Lex Luthor without any of Luthor's awesome motivation and green skin. Very lame. DCAU Brainiac is what the character should be, in my opinion. A different motivation entirely, one that puts him on a much larger, much more dangerous power level, one that really puts him up there as a force to be reckoned with.
STAS Brainiac's power doesn't come anywhere close to the comic book version. In the hands of a good writer who can take into account all of his potential, I'd put the comic's version constantly on the same level as Lex/Brainiac in the episode "Divided we Fall," and also add the ability to telepathically control and posses whoever he wants.

His "lame" motivation is a matter of opinion. World conquering works great for Darkseid and Mongul. Why can't it work for Brainiac? :confused:

The animated Brainiac is an entirely new character with the name slapped onto it. It's the exact same thing that the WB did with Catwoman (CINO). The only difference is that the animated Brainiac was actually well received.
I like the conquest for knowledge better than for domination. New and better concept for a guy with "Brain" in his name.
With the comic version of Brainiac, you get both the search for knowledge and world domination, instead of just destroying the planet when he's done.

People are acting as if Brainiac only cares about conquering the planet, and couldn't care less about our knowledge. I'm wondering why that is. :confused:
Well, comic book Brainiac, unless you were around to read every issue a "Brainiac" has been in, he can get confusing. DCAU Brainiac is not as complicated. Its easy to confuse things with a character so complex as Brainiac. But thats why I like him so much!
I can see how it could be complicated if someone were to just skim through his bio on wikipedia or something, but if people would actually just read a story arc with Brainiac ("Y2K" and "Panic in the Sky" dammit :mad::up: ), then they'd get a good grasp of how much he kicks ass.

And it's not really that complicated anyway. All anyone needs to know is that Vril Dox was banished from Colu, his consciousness came to earth and took over Milton Fine, he upgraded himself over the years, he became Brainiac 13 far in the future and came back in time to kill Superman.

That's all there is to it, unless someone wants to get really in depth.
Well the Brainiac 5 stuff was weird. But I like how they currently draw Brainiac, but his old stlye wasn't bad. I am still trying to get his first appearance! I only found it in a trade that was blac and white! I want to get the color issue! Even if its reprinted.
If your talking about his very first pre-crisis appearance, then yeah, I got it in black and white too. That crazy guy, going around stealing cities like that. What will they think of next? :D
Who knows. LOL I might just have to break down and buy the trade. But I'm going to Baltimore comic on so I'm going to look. Anyone else going to Baltimore comic con?
LT, that was an amazing post. I couldn't believe how great it
Spike_x1 said:
Best Villain

I'm giving this to Red X's Ra's al Ghul. It's sad that he hasn't had too much to do so far in the climax of the Genesis Strain arc (it looks like he missed his chance for a fight with Batman :(), but every post I have read from him is as villainous and evil as should be expected from the Demon's Head.

Thank you Spike. However I don't deserve it, my Ra's has nothing on Rudy, Luthor or Joker.
Anyone can put down who they think is best post, etc. MasterBruce told me.
Fantastic posts, LT and MST3K. They're so great that it almost pains me to point this out, but it wasn't Dr. Fate who mind wiped Lex. It was Felix Faust. :O
Sweet Christmas Ra's is "dead" or is he...

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