The Dark Knight "There will be more" -Christian Bale

LadyVader said:
What is wrong with Whedon? And what's wrong with delaying. This is a very difficult character to bring to life. They better take their time with the movie, we don't want another Elektra on our hands.

-- Whedon doesnt like the costume. specifically the star spangled panties. we're lucky if it stops with that, but there are some indications that WW's look may get revamped. the only thing he would comment was that WW will keep her bracelets and her "general sillouette". we can have WW in a cat suit for all we know.

-- Whedon thinks WW's current rogues gallery are not good enough (yeah Ares, the friggin God of War, is not good enough for him!), so he's creating his own villain that has roots with greek mythology (apparently Ares isnt greek enough for him either)

-- WW will not fly under her own power. the invisible jet is still being considered.

-- Whedon was due to have submitted the script to the studios months ago. heck he started at the same time, if not earlier, as Goyer did with The Flash script. now Goyer has submitted his and has a pick for the guy who'll most like be The Flash (Ryan Reynolds). its obvious that Goyer knows his Flash stuff. Whedon has submitted a draft to Silver (which was delayed btw), Silver returned it to him for revisions and right now we still dont know if the script is back with Silver, is with the studios or if he's still working on it :confused:

Ronny Shade said:
I'm happy for Wonder Woman that Whedon is in charge, but I really wish he'd have done X3 instead

that's what a lot of us feel. Whedon is a Marvel boy. its his forte. heck he's written one of the best X-Men titles. its obvious what he should be working on. there are many interviews that sounded like he knows a bit of greek mythology, a bit of female psychology but zero knowledge on the WW franchise. but would he pick up a comic book? would he even bother to do some research on her to at least learn what WW's been about for the past 50+ years? we have yet to hear him actually say anything remotely close to that.

that's why some of us feel that he may be better off somewhere else, or at least get someone who knows WW to help him write the script and he'll just direct. its different when a fan of a specific character writes and films the movie (Raimi with Spiderman is the best example), it shows onscreen. but with someone who has little grasp of what the character is, and you'll get CINO.
In an interview Bendis just did with Whedon, Whedon said that he is just finishing the second draft of the WW screenplay, so hopefully there will be more news somewhat soon.
kytrigger said:
In an interview Bendis just did with Whedon, Whedon said that he is just finishing the second draft of the WW screenplay, so hopefully there will be more news somewhat soon.

the last we heard was that Wheodon has finished the 4th draft.
My deal is that I've never been a Wonder Woman fan. I wish someone as awesome as Whedon would be doing something that I am a fan of. That, and he's obviously better suited for X-Men.
Steelsheen said:
the last we heard was that Wheodon has finished the 4th draft.

hmmm...well that's interesting...that's probably what he meant in the interview then
Steelsheen said:
WW will not fly under her own power. the invisible jet is still being considered..

Aside from the Invisible Jet, the ability of her being able to leap great distances is also an idea being thrown around. Like in the old Wonder Woman television series.
Ronny Shade said:
My deal is that I've never been a Wonder Woman fan. I wish someone as awesome as Whedon would be doing something that I am a fan of. That, and he's obviously better suited for X-Men.

many of us felt this way at the start, that he was a talented writer and that he's done good in bringing to life strong female characters. so it should be a credit to the WW franchise we thought. then the interviews started pouring in and we at where we are now.
Steelsheen said:
-- Whedon doesnt like the costume. specifically the star spangled panties. we're lucky if it stops with that, but there are some indications that WW's look may get revamped. the only thing he would comment was that WW will keep her bracelets and her "general sillouette". we can have WW in a cat suit for all we know.
He's also said in interviews how important the costume is to the character. And no one but Whedon's detractors, like yourself, have suggested he'll change anything more than add a skirt.

Not to mention the simple fact both Singer and Nolan changed Superman and Batman's costumes pretty substancially for both of their films. Hell, every superhero costume has been changed to some extent. Punisher's skull was altered for crying out loud. And, most of the time, it's done well. If you have talented people working on the film. If you consider Whedon talented, I don't see why you'd be worried.
Steelsheen said:
-- Whedon thinks WW's current rogues gallery are not good enough (yeah Ares, the friggin God of War, is not good enough for him!), so he's creating his own villain that has roots with greek mythology (apparently Ares isnt greek enough for him either)
And Nolan merged two characters in BB to create a villain, he reduced the Scarecrow to barely wearing a mask. I'm not saying I'm happy Whedon isn't using a comic book villain, but simply that it isn't a great indicator that the movie will be bad.
Steelsheen said:
-- WW will not fly under her own power. the invisible jet is still being considered.
Which is how WW was in the comics for like thirty years. :confused:

Steelsheen said:
-- Whedon was due to have submitted the script to the studios months ago. heck he started at the same time, if not earlier, as Goyer did with The Flash script. now Goyer has submitted his and has a pick for the guy who'll most like be The Flash (Ryan Reynolds). its obvious that Goyer knows his Flash stuff. Whedon has submitted a draft to Silver (which was delayed btw), Silver returned it to him for revisions and right now we still dont know if the script is back with Silver, is with the studios or if he's still working on it :confused:
Actually, Goyer started way before Whedon (if memory serves, I'd say maybe 6 months), and has had much less progess than Whedon has besides finding Ryan Reynolds (which hell, I could find Ryan Reynolds for Flash. It's not a hard thing to do).

Whedon however is, and always was, ahead of Goyer in terms of development. Whedon is going through rewrites, that's nothing to sweat about. The original Star Wars went through about seven of them and look how that turned out. The only thing I'd be worried about is if Silver's trying to butt his head in too much.

Steelsheen said:
that's what a lot of us feel. Whedon is a Marvel boy. its his forte. heck he's written one of the best X-Men titles. its obvious what he should be working on. there are many interviews that sounded like he knows a bit of greek mythology, a bit of female psychology but zero knowledge on the WW franchise. but would he pick up a comic book? would he even bother to do some research on her to at least learn what WW's been about for the past 50+ years? we have yet to hear him actually say anything remotely close to that.
He's said he was a fan of hers from the TV series, he's said he's read comics with her in it (albeit JLA rather than her solo title), so half of your worries aren't even grounded in reality.

The parts of your worries that are grounded in reality, lets remember Singer haddn't a clue about the X-Men when he started on the first film, and still hasn't read many Superman comics.

Steelsheen said:
that's why some of us feel that he may be better off somewhere else, or at least get someone who knows WW to help him write the script and he'll just direct. its different when a fan of a specific character writes and films the movie (Raimi with Spiderman is the best example), it shows onscreen. but with someone who has little grasp of what the character is, and you'll get CINO.
You'll get CINO when you hire an utterly horrible director. Do you believe Whedon to be utterly horrible? You don't appear to, at least. You bring up Raimi. Even though he is a fan, he's changed tons of things to Spider-Man (including his costume). From the webshooters to Doc Ock to GwenMJ, you're hardly getting a faithful adaptation simply because you have a fan as the director.

The funny thing is, I'm not even a fan of Whedon. I don't like Buffy, Firefly's alright, and I absolutely hate his fans, but the stuff you're bringing up, the concerns you have, are concerns that you could have with every superhero movie, with nearly every movie in general. The most important thing, I think, is simply how good the director, the creative team is, and Whedon is a good writer/director, and you just seem to be, honestly, overracting. Maybe because you're such a fan, maybe because that's just you, I dunno, but most of this stuff happens with every movie, and most of this stuff, no one cares about.
CConn said:
The funny thing is, I'm not even a fan of Whedon. I don't like Buffy, Firefly's alright, and I absolutely hate his fans, but the stuff you're bringing up, the concerns you have, are concerns that you could have with every superhero movie, with nearly every movie in general. The most important thing, I think, is simply how good the director, the creative team is, and Whedon is a good writer/director, and you just seem to be, honestly, overracting. Maybe because you're such a fan, maybe because that's just you, I dunno, but most of this stuff happens with every movie, and most of this stuff, no one cares about.
GAK! CConn hates me!
Yup. Cconn hates a lot of people. This is news? :)
Well it's news that he hates me. We were tight before.
I actually know a lot of his fans and do not hate them.

It's a paradox I can barely grasp at times. :(
you hate the collective that is "his fans"

I understand
Well, I hate the fanaticism a lot of them have. If you like his work, wonderful, but every time I hear someone say "Oh my Joss" or try to mount a last stitch effort to prove Serenity was somehow successful, I can't help but groan. :o

Although, I guess that fanaticism goes for all things. If I ever hear anyone say "Oh my Batman", I'd groan just as loudly. Maybe even more so if it was a special occasion. :)
Yeah I get it. There are definitely some crazies out there.

I consider myself a Whedon fan because I've never disliked anything he did.
CConn said:
Well, I hate the fanaticism a lot of them have. If you like his work, wonderful, but every time I hear someone say "Oh my Joss" or try to mount a last stitch effort to prove Serenity was somehow successful, I can't help but groan. :o

Although, I guess that fanaticism goes for all things. If I ever hear anyone say "Oh my Batman", I'd groan just as loudly. Maybe even more so if it was a special occasion. :)

I see what you're saying. I'm a huge fan of his, but I don't think he's God or anything. (That title belongs to Michael Caine) I will however give him the benefit of the doubt on any project he does until I see "proof" that it is going to be bad, or something I just won't like.
CConn said:
For non-fans out of the know, it's exciting, for us, it's like telling an art historian The Da Vinci Code is fictional.

LOL perfect analogy :)
CConn said:
He's also said in interviews how important the costume is to the character. And no one but Whedon's detractors, like yourself, have suggested he'll change anything more than add a skirt.
Not to mention the simple fact both Singer and Nolan changed Superman and Batman's costumes pretty substancially for both of their films. Hell, every superhero costume has been changed to some extent. Punisher's skull was altered for crying out loud. And, most of the time, it's done well. If you have talented people working on the film. If you consider Whedon talented, I don't see why you'd be worried.

CConn, expressing my desire to simply have the costume changed as little as possible wouldnt qualify me as a Whedon detractor. i may be a WW purist, but not a Whedon basher. now if i went about every board saying that "Whedon is the worst director ever!" or kept knockin Firefly/ Buffy and making derogatory remarks on his other works then i would fit the bill better :)

And Nolan merged two characters in BB to create a villain, he reduced the Scarecrow to barely wearing a mask. I'm not saying I'm happy Whedon isn't using a comic book villain, but simply that it isn't a great indicator that the movie will be bad.
but dont you find it a little counterintuitive to make a villain with roots on greek myth when WW already has a gallery of villains with roots on greek myth? if he's not entirely happy with the current state of the villains why doesnt he pick the closest one he has in his head and make changes to that? much like what in you said Nolan did in BB.

Which is how WW was in the comics for like thirty years.
a lot of the current WW fans knows her to fly. heck i'm a pre-crisis lover and i actually liked the fact that she gets to fly without going through the confusing description of "uses the updraft to float like a feather".

Actually, Goyer started way before Whedon (if memory serves, I'd say maybe 6 months), and has had much less progess than Whedon has besides finding Ryan Reynolds (which hell, I could find Ryan Reynolds for Flash. It's not a hard thing to do).

as far as my memory serves Goyer started to work earnestly on The Flash after Whedon was signed on to do WW. i could be wrong though, but i distinctly remember doing a little happy dance for the WW development then another one for the The Flash development after. now i dont know if Goyer is better at BSing people to making us believe that everything is fine and dandy on The Flash developemnt but the fact is he's done. its with the studios now. if they greenlight that, this will be the next thing on his plate. he'll help out a little for Batman2 but since he isnt really writing the script that gives him time to concentrate on The Flash.

Whedon however is, and always was, ahead of Goyer in terms of development. Whedon is going through rewrites, that's nothing to sweat about. The original Star Wars went through about seven of them and look how that turned out. The only thing I'd be worried about is if Silver's trying to butt his head in too much.
dude in the latest Bendis interview Whedon used the term "its like pulling teeth". still think he's not breaking a sweat? its not just that one interview, from all the interviews i read/ listened to Whedon comes across like he's not sure of what he's doing, he'd say something to the effect that everything is fine then proceed to whine about how WW's this or that is silly, not good enough yada yada. its sounds like he's trapped but wouldnt admit that he needs help.

oh and dont start with SW dude. the whole universe of that was developed, written and directed by Lucas. he made that universe from ground up. dont liken Whedon to him because Whedon isnt-- and shouldnt-- reinvent the wheel when it comes to WW.

He's said he was a fan of hers from the TV series, he's said he's read comics with her in it (albeit JLA rather than her solo title), so half of your worries aren't even grounded in reality.

The parts of your worries that are grounded in reality, lets remember Singer haddn't a clue about the X-Men when he started on the first film, and still hasn't read many Superman comics.
actually he gave his kudos to Linda Carter (being that she was a good WW) but he hated the TV series. and do you really think you'd get the whole picture of a character by reading a title where only part of her personality shines through (if they even give enough panels for her in the first place)?

you brought up Singer and his work with the X-Men, and as popular as those films were, can you honsetly say that it would even come close to being described as a definitive X-Men movie (as definitive as movie adaptations would allow)? Raimi may have changed a truckload of stuff for Spiderman, but those are nothing compared to what Singer did with the X-Men.

You'll get CINO when you hire an utterly horrible director. Do you believe Whedon to be utterly horrible? You don't appear to, at least. You bring up Raimi. Even though he is a fan, he's changed tons of things to Spider-Man (including his costume). From the webshooters to Doc Ock to GwenMJ, you're hardly getting a faithful adaptation simply because you have a fan as the director.

i NEVER said Whedon is a horrible director. if anything i heaped praises for him since there are few directors in Hollywood that can really bring to life strong women characters. all i'm saying is that he obviously needs help to write WW since that's where he's having such a hard time. and the sad thing is everybody thinks he's such a great writer/ director that its inconcievable that he may actually need help, that he doesnt know everything, or that there may actually be projects that he is not suited for.

The funny thing is, I'm not even a fan of Whedon. I don't like Buffy, Firefly's alright, and I absolutely hate his fans, but the stuff you're bringing up, the concerns you have, are concerns that you could have with every superhero movie, with nearly every movie in general. The most important thing, I think, is simply how good the director, the creative team is, and Whedon is a good writer/director, and you just seem to be, honestly, overracting. Maybe because you're such a fan, maybe because that's just you, I dunno, but most of this stuff happens with every movie, and most of this stuff, no one cares about.
yes i am a fan. and you have to understand CConn, for WW fans this is the first time we get a big screen adaptation. sure we had the TV series but ask any Batfan, do you think they would've been content with just the Adam West version? at least they have the great cartoons. we never had a WW cartoon outside of the JLU. and WW from the JLU doesnt really show the whole character as she is, many times she's pretty one-dimensional. so this movie is a chance for the whole world to know who WW really is, many for the first time. please dont hate us for wanting the world to know the real WW and not some made up version from someone who barely knows the character.
IzzyJG99 said:
I cracked up when I saw this. It's totally apepoo insane hearing Bruce Wayne talk with a crazy English accent. I was like "Oh, I'll get to hear hi---What? The hell is wrong with him? He sounds like Michael Caine! Michael Caine in Space!"

I fully expected Christian to say something like "Baboo can grow up to 36" in a day. That's somethin' baboo and I have in'right."
Bale speaks in an English accent because he was born to English parents in Wales, and moved to England early in his life. Being a proper actor, he is able to play an American character with little difficulty.
LadyVader said:
I was just more psyched about seeing Routh and Bale on the same stage together then anything else.

Superman and Batman movie... some day. some day.

its gotta dosent even have to be with bale or routh, IMo...
I loved Bale comment about the Bat Nipples!
Not surprising that this is the last comment...^^

People just wanna forget those!!!


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