Daredevil Top 5 Things You Want to see Season 3

1. More Punisher
2. Return of Kingpin
3. Luke Cage crossover
4. Bullseye
5. Risk of Matt's identity being leaked

I would also like to get a vague reference to Ghost Rider. I know he's on the backburner as far as Marvel's concerned for now but the Netflix shows provide the ideal environment for him to appear in.
I don't think Daredevil or Netflix is the best place for Ghost Rider. Personally I'd have him in a Dr. Strange sequel, setting him up for his own film. He could be the Hulk of a Midnight Sons movie.
- Bullseye
- Less Karen Page
- Iron Fist team up
- Moon Knight
- Matt learning more advanced Billy Club skills (grappling etc.)

I'd also like to see how DDs radar sense is used , the fact that he can sense things in 360 degrees like having eyes in the back of his head.
For some reason I want to see a one shot fight scene in his apartment.
I don't think Daredevil or Netflix is the best place for Ghost Rider. Personally I'd have him in a Dr. Strange sequel, setting him up for his own film. He could be the Hulk of a Midnight Sons movie.

Budget limitations would hurt for sure, but you can't deny that setting is ideal for a flaming biker demon. Everything is so violent that he'd have a field day dishing out vengeance.
Budget limitations would hurt for sure, but you can't deny that setting is ideal for a flaming biker demon. Everything is so violent that he'd have a field day dishing out vengeance.

Deadpool proved that it's possible to turn a profit on an R-rated superhero film. Ghost Rider can be that for Marvel Studios as a hard-R horror film.
Deadpool proved that it's possible to turn a profit on an R-rated superhero film. Ghost Rider can be that for Marvel Studios as a hard-R horror film.

Deadpool proved that's its possible to turn profit on an R-Rated COMEDY superhero film. Deadpool really only got away with it because of the comedy. Ghostrider wouldn't be able to find a big enough audience as an R-Rated movie and would likely need too big of a budget for TV at this stage (That said, I think Netflix could try a few 4-6 episode mini seasons of different characters).

I'm not sure how much to play up the horror though; did anyone else ever see the "horror movie" version of Man-Thing?? (which was incidentally starring Hellcat - God she's hot)


1. I want a return of Kingpin story as a focus and let Elektra, Stick and The Hand put aside for a bit. If any of them have to come back, I say Stick but even then, in a limited capacity.

2. BULLSEYE. I mean... C'mon son, this show has proven that they can handle DD's most obsessed and menacing foe. Rooftop fights would be amazing. I fear for other characters on the show though since they took Elektra's death away from Bullseye, so that might mean having him take some other character out to add that personal layer of animosity between the two.

3. Interaction of MATT not DD with some aspect of the wider MCU in some way. Indeed, I think there needs to be some cameo by some well known character of the film series in some capacity. Right now my vote would go to Spidey/Peter Parker, but that seems unlikely. Still... How about getting Chris Evans in there somehow or another big name Avenger?

4. This might sound odd but... I wouldn't mind an episode or two that takes Matt away from NYC, or at least Manhattan.

5. Along with Bullseye I think it's time to open up Matt's opponents with the use of some bona fide super powered users. Show how the crazy over the top MCU world is indeed the one the show is a part of.
DD Season 2 showed Matt taking on more and more of his DD persona at the expense of his Matt persona, and how this effected him and his moral fibre (ie distancing himself from humanity made him a lot more sympathetic towards Elektra and Punishers methods).

Realistically Season3 will likely follow the following beats -

1) Fisk getting a way to leave prison

2) Matt working to build his life as a lawyer back up and reconnecting with his friends. Maybe rebuilding Nelson and Murdoch or at least joining Foggy.

3) Fisk tearing Matts life all down again and sending Bullseye and Typhoid Mary (in Elektras place) after DD.
1- Matt and Foggy reuniting after Foggy has enough of working for his new law firm.
2- Bullseye
3- More Frank
4- A heavier reference to the wider universe
5- New, fun villains other than Bullseye
1 - Elektra coming back (and if she's evil then turning good again)
2 - Matt and Foggy fixing things
4 - Born Again with Fisk fully becoming Kingpin
5 - More about what the Black Sky is and what the heck happened to those murderous zombie teens
All I care about is Bullseye.

Bullseye is more important to me than some sort of Born Again adaptation. So here's my list.

1. Bullseye
2. Bullseye
3. Bullseye
4. Bullseye
5. Bullseye
Have to agree with you TheVileOne, I want to see Bullseye the most. Of course I also want to see Elektra back... Would be nice to get Typhoid Mary too but I think that's a long shot.
-peter parker guest/recurring role
-MAYBE a spiderman guest episode
-i want this to be AFTER the defenders season 1
-a solid love interest. he's been with elektra, claire and karen but had issues with all of them.
-MORE court stuff.
-peter parker guest/recurring role
-MAYBE a spiderman guest episode

Not going to happen.

-a solid love interest. he's been with elektra, claire and karen but had issues with all of them.

That's kind of Matt's issue. Every woman he falls in love with ends up getting hurt in some way or another. I don't see them looking for someone else other than either Karen or Elektra... Depending on how the Defenders goes with one of those characters.
Not going to happen.
lend me your crystal ball, will ya? i'd like to see for it myself instead of taking your word for it.
That's kind of Matt's issue. Every woman he falls in love with ends up getting hurt in some way or another. I don't see them looking for someone else other than either Karen or Elektra... Depending on how the Defenders goes with one of those characters.
well if he does end up staying with one of those two, then make it solid. if they're gonna have problems, have it be normal girlfriend/boyfriend problems but don't hinge the relationship.
lend me your crystal ball, will ya? i'd like to see for it myself instead of taking your word for it.well if he does end up staying with one of those two, then make it solid. if they're gonna have problems, have it be normal girlfriend/boyfriend problems but don't hinge the relationship.

Marvel and Sony have a very clear contract and I doubt that's going to allow for him to show up on a Netflix show... Especially when Feige doesn't quite address the TV side of Marvel that much. Is there a chance it could happen though? Yes, but it's very very very slim. Not worth holding your breath for.

As for Matt's love issues, why make them normal? If you break down all the issues he had with Elektra, you can boil it down to the very basic idea that many real human relationships deal with. The same thing goes for Karen too.
Marvel and Sony have a very clear contract and I doubt that's going to allow for him to show up on a Netflix show... Especially when Feige doesn't quite address the TV side of Marvel that much. Is there a chance it could happen though? Yes, but it's very very very slim. Not worth holding your breath for.
people used to say that the chances of sony playing nice with the mouse were very very very slim. yet, here we are.

and the very clear contract sony has with disney is that they get to use the character for free. and since sony is working with disney now, they should be well aware of the fact that daredevil is critically acclaimed.

As for Matt's love issues, why make them normal? If you break down all the issues he had with Elektra, you can boil it down to the very basic idea that many real human relationships deal with. The same thing goes for Karen too.
i'm not saying make it normal. every superhero is going to have a complicated love life but there should be some level of stability to it. matt practically has none, and he deserves some and should take it more seriously.
people used to say that the chances of sony playing nice with the mouse were very very very slim. yet, here we are.

and the very clear contract sony has with disney is that they get to use the character for free. and since sony is working with disney now, they should be well aware of the fact that daredevil is critically acclaimed.

i'm not saying make it normal. every superhero is going to have a complicated love life but there should be some level of stability to it. matt practically has none, and he deserves some and should take it more seriously.


great "rebuttal" there

It just gets pointless arguing around in circles. I don't think Spiderman will be in this and think anyone expecting him to show up to be disappointed.

what's the story with this?

That's Melvin Potter aka the Gladiator, the guy who make's all of Matt's outfits/gear. He ends up becoming a villain. Though I only know him from the Miller and Bendis run... Others could give you more info.
It just gets pointless arguing around in circles. I don't think Spiderman will be in this and think anyone expecting him to show up to be disappointed.
Okay well you could have just said that in response instead of that gif with the dismissive attitude. the MCU has already been disappointing to me on more than a few fronts, so this would hardly be the first thing.
That's Melvin Potter aka the Gladiator, the guy who make's all of Matt's outfits/gear. He ends up becoming a villain. Though I only know him from the Miller and Bendis run... Others could give you more info.
I know that's Potter, but I thought the story was that he starts off as a villain (which he already kinda did in season 1), but then becomes super loyal to Daredevil, which he is now.

If anything, I wanna see him be a Defender, fighting alongside in season 1, the same way Hawkeye, Black Widow, Quicksilver, and Scarlet Witch became Avengers without their own movies.
The thing about Gladiator in the comics was that when he left the villain life he sort of lost the "killer instinct" as Paul Vunak would say. He lost his edge which made him a worthy opponent for DD and when Matt brought him in on a case to work with him Potter's "going soft" ended up being a liability. Now for the show, could they sort of do that? Maybe. Could be that the woman he is involved with has given him too much stability and the violent outbursts we have seen on the show disappear and that is how they adapt that aspect of the character from the books. I don't know... Just spitballing.

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