Visualizing A Superman Reboot: Pictures Welcome - Part 1

Reeve was the perfect superman. :p
wish to see some serious fighting.

I love the Reeve films...yes even the crappy ones just because it's SUPERMAN! I even enjoyed Superman Returns. I do believe that Cavill has the potential to be the best Superman even surpassing Chris Reeve. God rest his soul but he is not the end all be all. I do believe that he is a model that should be molded after. I highly enjoy the geekiness of Clark because it makes the disguise more believable and the charisma and confidence of Superman. Visually the movie needs to be stunning. I would like to see a combination of technology and crystals for Krypton and an all crystal Fortress. I want to see TRUNKS on Superman and the super-curl. No wavy hair, combed to the side as Superman with the curl, and flat and parted as Clark.
Personally, in regards to this debate, I think all of the actors who have played Superman in live action were the best FOR the versions and different interpretations that each of them were attached to portray.

CR was the best candidate to portray the version of Superman that we saw Donner introduce on screen.

Cain was the best at playing a live action series that was the first to focus on Clark as the Real Persona.

Tom Welling was perhaps the best at playing a series about Clark before he became Superman

And even BR inmho was the best candidate to portray the version of Superman that Singer had in his mind. Sure it was in the same continuity with Donner's film, but there are also differences imho to show that it's still different in a sense from Reeve's version.

So I'm confident that whatever way Nolan and Snyder has come up with to reinterpret Superman on the big screen, that Cavill will be the best person for it, otherwise he wouldn't have been
See that Jim? Young doesn't mean round faced.
I had never heard of this until today...


A little longer with lower quality...

I'm going to give the new suit a chance. I'd be OK it was used for the movie, if I like that is.

Chances are fans wont take to it and it'll be brought back. You'll see.
I had never heard of this until today...


A little longer with lower quality...


it really is a shame this game was could have been epic
That earth one picture is how i want to see him in the movie .

same's one of my favorite depictions of Superman...except I want the cape tucked in instead of attached to the outside of the costume
Shane Davis is an excellent artist...

...but the Earth One suit is not aesthetically pleasing.
It looks like Superman to me...the only thing I don't like is how the cape is attached. The boots don't have the M shape to them at the top but that doesn't bother me. If the cape in the movie isn't tucked in I'll live, but if we get this comic relaunch crap...I think my head might explode
Time to bring back some life into this fourm. I want to see Snyder's take on Superman's iconic and classic costume. Something like this:

By supermanrebooted at 2011-04-07
Found a few more Krypton pictures from 'Birthright':



.... or will you?

I'm surprised there wasn't already a thread on this given that flying may be Superman's 'signature' power. When I think of his powers, flying is always the first to spring to mind - before strength, heat vision or whatever.

So how would you like to see the flying scenes handled in Man Of Steel?

More CGi, or more wire work? What ideas and suggestions do people have to make these scenes memorable?

Personally, I'd love to see Clark's first ever flight on screen, and capture his sense of wonder and amazement as he soars above the clouds. This could be a flashback, or perhaps it will be part of the story in the same way that Batman Begins explored part of young Bruce Wayne's life when he ran away.

I'd also like to see flight used sensibly in battle scenes, perhaps with Zod and his minions chasing Superman at supersonic speeds across Earth - or vice versa. That's something we never got with Superman Returns as there were no battles, though I guess the plane save did constitute a fairly good action-filled flying scene.

Obviously CGi will have to be used for some scenes, but I'd hope that Snyder relies more heavily on wire work where he can. Another problem with Superman Returns was the poor CGi used extensively in flying scenes, where it was plainly obvious you were looking at a digital Superman.

Some realism would be nice too. Superman can't just hit Mach 1 above a city street without tearing half of it up with turbulence.
More wire-work than CGI. Superman Returns was plain ugly at times.
With so many Kryptonian people fighting each other on Earth, super speed flight chases should definitely be included, although no more than a few minutes - including things being thrown at one another, or people being thrown into things. Flying after one another without being able to capture each other would be a mood kill.

I think Zach Snyder will definitely use turbulence when needed. In that aspect, I think Snyder is smarter than Singer.
I think we all believe men can fly for the last 30-40 years. Now making a good flying effect is not as hard at all as it was in 1978 so I don't see the point of that tagline anymore.
I want to see no unnecessary use of CGI. Keep it as much green screen wire work as physically possible blending into CGI for longshots.

One scene in particular that absolutely pissed me off from Superman Returns was the final flight scene, I can't understand why there was a close up CGI Brandon Routh.. surely with a few minor adjustments & some camera trickery they could have blended the 2 together.

Just compare that shot, to Clark's first flight on Smallville in Season 3. They had a long shot of Tom Welling coming towards the camera, in for a close up the camera then drops below him & twists sharply into a CGI Clark that zooms off into the clouds. THAT is how that final shot in Superman Returns should have been handled. I mean really one was a TV budget & one was a friggin $250m blockbuster.. there can be no possible excuse.

This is the same sort of idea & general use of CGI in regards to flight that I'd personally like to see. I personally felt SR had CGI shots in places that there just wasn't/shouldn't have been any need for them.

They need to be tasteful with the CGI, 1 or 2 uses in certain places makes the thing look real, but when you've CGI Superman all over the place for close up shots it starts to feel like you are watching a cartoon.

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