Watchmen Movie Consults Physicist


is awesome
May 19, 2007
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from the watchmencomicmovie website:
According to Pharyngula blog, Jim Kalakios, author of The Physics of Superheroes, is doing consulting work for the Watchmen movie. Part of the blog reads:
All I know is that Jim promises that it is excellent and true to the graphic novel. And as a fellow follower of the Code of the Thin Tweed Line, he cannot lie to a fellow academic. This will be something to look forward to.
Kalakios’ book covers the basic points in a first-level college physics course, but uses super heroes and their feats to explain the scientific principles.
I assume he was hired to help explain the powers of Dr. Manhattan, since this is the only character in the Watchmen story with extraordinary super powers that manipulate the laws of physics.
Kalakios might be helping Snyder and the effects team work out the details of how some of the Doc’s powers might operate as well as look on screen.

interesting. people keep saying it's true to the novel. we can only hope these are people who really understand the novel. i'm not TOTALLY pessimistic about the movie, but like everyone else, i'm wary about the whole thing.
What does understanding the novel have anything to do with this? They're only trying to keep a certain level of realism with Doc Manhattan's superhuman abilities.

the fact that jim kalakios said that the script is true to the graphic novel. read the sentence before the one you commented on, and then you'll know where the latter remark is coming from. he is one of many people who seem to say that the movie will be true to the book. so i remark, "i hope these are people who really understand the novel."
the fact that jim kalakios said that the script is true to the graphic novel. read the sentence before the one you commented on, and then you'll know where the latter remark is coming from. he is one of many people who seem to say that the movie will be true to the book. so i remark, "i hope these are people who really understand the novel."

Not that I care one way or the other, but: How much geek and intellectual cred does this guy need? He's a PhD in Physics and a Watchmen fan? Remember fans: Watchmen isn't like some impenetrable alchemical tract... It's dense and rife with "easter eggs" for devotees to geek-out on, to be sure, but you can really "get it" after one reading.
Dr. Manhattan 101

Jon Osterman’s material structure was dissolved by high-energy Particle Interactions and Equilibrium Quantum Born Rule Processes. Since our 4-dimensional Physical Spacetime HyperDiamond Lattice is unique and rigid, and since Jon's structure of fermions at vertices and gauge bosons at links has been dissolved away, there is no way our 4-dimensional Physical Spacetime can carry the information about Jon needed for him to reassemble himself. However, if you also consider our 4-dimensional Internal Symmetry Space and unify it with our 4-dimensional Physical Spacetime, you get our high-energy unified 8-dimensional spacetime with 8-dimensional E8 Lattice structure. In any given E8 lattice, each vertex has 240 nearest neighbors. However, there exist 7 inequivalent E8 lattices, and each and every one of the 7 is equally related to our 4-dimensional Physical Spacetime, so our 8-dimensional spacetime is really a Superposition of all 7 E8 lattices. Since it is a Superposition, it can carry information (such as Jon's structure) by "tagging" each 4-dimensional Physical Spacetime vertex with one, or a combination, of the 7 inequivalent E8 lattices, and Jon's Quantum Consciousness Resonant Connections as "remembered" in our 8-dimensional spacetime can enable Jon to reassemble himself in our 4-dimensional Physical Spacetime, using Non-Equilibrium Quantum Processes that can violate the Born rule and, as Antony Valentini says in quant-ph/0203049, "... be used to send instantaneous signals, to violate the uncertainty principle, to distinguish non-orthogonal quantum states without disturbing them, to eavesdrop on quantum key distribution, and to read all the results of a parallel quantum computation. ... pilot-wave theory indeed allows ... one to consider arbitrary 'nonequilibrium' initial distributions…”.


Physics PhD? Meh.
^ this be sitting good in me think-bone heheheheheheh

Dr. Manhattan 101

Jon Osterman’s material structure was dissolved by high-energy Particle Interactions and Equilibrium Quantum Born Rule Processes. Since our 4-dimensional Physical Spacetime HyperDiamond Lattice is unique and rigid, and since Jon's structure of fermions at vertices and gauge bosons at links has been dissolved away, there is no way our 4-dimensional Physical Spacetime can carry the information about Jon needed for him to reassemble himself. However, if you also consider our 4-dimensional Internal Symmetry Space and unify it with our 4-dimensional Physical Spacetime, you get our high-energy unified 8-dimensional spacetime with 8-dimensional E8 Lattice structure. In any given E8 lattice, each vertex has 240 nearest neighbors. However, there exist 7 inequivalent E8 lattices, and each and every one of the 7 is equally related to our 4-dimensional Physical Spacetime, so our 8-dimensional spacetime is really a Superposition of all 7 E8 lattices. Since it is a Superposition, it can carry information (such as Jon's structure) by "tagging" each 4-dimensional Physical Spacetime vertex with one, or a combination, of the 7 inequivalent E8 lattices, and Jon's Quantum Consciousness Resonant Connections as "remembered" in our 8-dimensional spacetime can enable Jon to reassemble himself in our 4-dimensional Physical Spacetime, using Non-Equilibrium Quantum Processes that can violate the Born rule and, as Antony Valentini says in quant-ph/0203049, "... be used to send instantaneous signals, to violate the uncertainty principle, to distinguish non-orthogonal quantum states without disturbing them, to eavesdrop on quantum key distribution, and to read all the results of a parallel quantum computation. ... pilot-wave theory indeed allows ... one to consider arbitrary 'nonequilibrium' initial distributions…”.


Physics PhD? Meh.

Nerdlinger: If you think I'm going to read all that krap, then you are mistaken.
I'll just take it as it was obviously intended: a cyber-cock-slap to my face. Yes, your junk is bigger than mine; yes, you are smarter than me.
Nerdlinger: If you think I'm going to read all that krap, then you are mistaken.
I'll just take it as it was obviously intended: a cyber-cock-slap to my face. Yes, your junk is bigger than mine; yes, you are smarter than me.

Or he simply knows how to use both Google and the copy/paste function on his PC.

But then again his junk may be bigger...we'll just need to find someone brave enough to hold the ruler.
An explanation of how the material Rorschach's mask is made of works would be far more interesting than Manhattan's powers.

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