Weakest MCU film?

INB4 Eternals
This thread will be interesting after this week. I have a feeling that Eternals might be more polarizing than anything and The Dark World will still be the most commonly cited as the weakest of the MCU.
This thread will be interesting after this week. I have a feeling that Eternals might be more polarizing than anything and The Dark World will still be the most commonly cited as the weakest of the MCU.

I think Eternals will be less Iron Man 2 or Thor: The Dark World where people largely range from bad to okay, and more like Iron Man 3 where people who hate it HATE it and those that love it LOVE it and everyone else is in the middle
I think Eternals will be less Iron Man 2 or Thor: The Dark World where people largely range from bad to okay, and more like Iron Man 3 where people who hate it HATE it and those that love it LOVE it and everyone else is in the middle
Exactly. Although funny enough, I wasn't a big fan of Iron Man 3 when I first saw it. In fact that year I remember being more let down by IM3 than The Dark World but now it's probably the MCU film that's grown the most on me over the years and then to boot, Shang-Chi mostly rectified the biggest issue I had with it.
I think Thor: The Dark World is still the film I'm happiest to skip on MCU watch throughs. Loki is the only character in that movie with a decent arc but it's not worth enduring how pointless the rest of that film is.
No Way Home. Because Sony spoiled most of the movie in the trailers, including the jokes which were not funny the second time. Everything felt so predictable, until the end.
After Eternals, it's still The Dark World.
Most of the MCU movies I enjoyed on first watch.*

That said there were a few that I was bored at, or actively hated.

Dr. Strange
Ant-man and the Wasp
Iron Man 2

Spider-Man Far From Home (which is weird because I actually loved Homecoming)
AOU (Ultron and the twins got on my nerves)
Captain Marvel

So from this list I'll go with Captain Marvel. At least with FFH and AOU there were still parts I enjoyed. Can't say there were any during CM.

Question: Did everyone hate TDW on first watch? Or is it an after-the-fact thing? No one was obviously calling it the greatest ever when it came out but I remember people liking it before.

Still haven't seen Shang-Chi nor Eternals. Wanted to but it's a long story lol
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The trailer for Eternals didn't make it look great. I am excited for what it could mean for the wider MCU.
Yeah I like that it introduces Blade and not sure what the Black Knight would do for the MCU but............they really need to introduce the Fox characters. It makes no sense to have them sitting out right now.
Question: Did everyone hate TDW on first watch? Or is it an after-the-fact thing? No one was obviously calling it the greatest ever when it came out but I remember people liking it before.
That was my feeling the moment I stepped out of the theater. I've rewatched it twice since then (during a marathon watch for Endgame and again this year when Loki was airing) and I still maintain its the worst MCU movie.
I consider these four unwatchable:

Ant-Man and the Wasp
Thor: The Dark World
Captain Marvel
Iron Man 2
Question: Did everyone hate TDW on first watch? Or is it an after-the-fact thing? No one was obviously calling it the greatest ever when it came out but I remember people liking it before.
First time I watched it I couldn't finish it due to how much it made me facepalm and cringe. Second time I watched it was a marathon for Iron Man turning a decade of age, watched it from start to finish... still don't like it.

Only actors I liked in it are Tom Hiddelston aaaand.... Chris Evans.
I consider these four unwatchable:

Ant-Man and the Wasp
Thor: The Dark World

Captain Marvel
Iron Man 2
I dislike the first two on your list so much I skipped them on my marathon last year.
I've only seen Captain Marvel once. It left such a bad taste in my mouth, I've never seen any clips much less any scenes even on Youtube.

And before I get accused as an incel (1) I didn't even follow the promo tour of the movie so I couldn't quote to you what Brie has said; (2) I'm liberal; (3) I'm a dude who was in a relationship for 3 years when the movie came out, with another man.

Some people here are just ridiculous.
First time I watched it I couldn't finish it due to how much it made me facepalm and cringe.
That's me and my siblings the first time we watched First Class. Didn't help that the people in front of us were also cringing and laughing at random scenes too.
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Question: Did everyone hate TDW on first watch? Or is it an after-the-fact thing? No one was obviously calling it the greatest ever when it came out but I remember people liking it before.

I never hated TDW. I recognize that it's not great and deserves to be rotten but personally there are parts I still really like about it. Everything with Loki is good. I think what little we get with Frigga is effective. Natalie Portman and Kat Dennings never really annoyed me. The villain was bad but that was an issue that plagued a lot of the Marvel films at the time. It's just a bore but there's nothing there that I think is offensive.

At the risk of being blasphemous I at times respect it more than Ragnarok. I always felt despite Ragnarok being objectively funnier and "entertaining" I don't like that they essentially cheated to fix the Thor series.
Question: Did everyone hate TDW on first watch? Or is it an after-the-fact thing? No one was obviously calling it the greatest ever when it came out but I remember people liking it before.
It was very cringey for me, the first time I saw it.
That's me and my siblings the first time we watched First Class. Didn't help that the people in front of us were also cringing and laughing at random scenes too.
First Class seems to really get on the bad side of more X-Men fans than I thought it would. Even as someone who enjoys it I have issues with it myself.
First Class seems to really get on the bad side of more X-Men fans than I thought it would. Even as someone who enjoys it I have issues with it myself.
Even as a film on its own, it's substandard, IMO. Beast (that hangar scene...yeesh) and Mystique make-up were horrendous. Cheap scene transitions (how many times did Vaughn utilize the screen-going-white from an explosion transition?). Movie kept jumping around the world with no rhyme or reason. Other than McAvoy and Fassbender (who were admittedly on their A game), the rest of the cast is subpar at best (a bored Hoult), laughable at worse (JLaw acting like a kid). It has a terrible case of prequel-itis. All the women end up in their underwear. Is that Vaughn's commentary on 1960s life or was he just a creepster? Don't know, ask January Jones who (supposedly) impregnated her during production. She never did out the baby daddy.
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Still Iron Man 2 for me. The plot is so aimless, it barely qualifies as a story. Just Tony Stark's Series of Unfortunate Events.
Iron Man 3
Never forget Marvel Studios how they wasted the Mandarin. Shang Chi didn’t redeem him and just makes fun of the vilians name. Also thr Ten Ring weren‘t menacing at all.
Still Iron Man 2 for me. The plot is so aimless, it barely qualifies as a story. Just Tony Stark's Series of Unfortunate Events.
It's definitely one of the weaker ones for me, but I watched it a few months ago and thought it was better than I remembered. Sam Rockwell was Fing great. I liked it better than IM3 and probably liked TDW a little better than that.

So......IM3 or TIH. I give the latter a bit of a break because it preceded the original IM; which I sort of consider the start of the MCU.
It's definitely one of the weaker ones for me, but I watched it a few months ago and thought it was better than I remembered. Sam Rockwell was Fing great. I liked it better than IM3 and probably liked TDW a little better than that.

So......IM3 or TIH. I give the latter a bit of a break because it preceded the original IM; which I sort of consider the start of the MCU.
The Incredible Hulk came out a month and a half after Iron Man did.

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