BvS What are your top three FAVORITE scenes/sequences in Batman v Superman?


You Are My World
Apr 7, 2004
Reaction score
I did one of these for Man of Steel and I think it went down pretty well. So what are your top three scenes/sequences from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice?

Enter the Bat

As far as Batman debut moments go on film (and we've had some good ones) this is my favourite of them all. It's like something from a horror movie and really adds to the myth like vibe of the character. The way he's perched in the corner like a Bat with its wings spread, such a wonderful visual choice.

Warehouse Fight

What is there to say that hasn't been said about this scene already? It's the greatest Batman fight sequence ever out to film. He's quick, he's brutal, it's like something from the video games and I mean that in a good way.

Superman's sacrifice

This moment got me, I had tears in my eyes as I saw Superman sacrifice himself to save the world. Right from the moment he tells Lois Lane that she is his world, as he stumbles in flight picking up the spear and then drives it through Doomsdays heart as Doomsday pushes his boney spike into Superman's heart is just so emotional. The music in this scene only further cement what a wonderful yet heartbreaking moment it is.

Honourable mention

Batmobile Chase

Ok I'm gonna cheat here I wanted to have this in my three, but the three above just edged it out. This chase is my favourite Batmobile chase in any of the Batman movies. I don't even care that Batman openly kills people here. It's just phenomenal, the music is fantastic and us a big part of the reason I love this. The way it starts with Batman shooting the tracker from the rifle to the finish where Superman steps out stopping Batman is just cool as ****.
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1) Warehouse fight
2) Knightmare
3) BZE recap/Trinity vs Doomsday
1) 'You are My World'

A lot has been said of the chemistry between Adams and Cavill (some unflattering) but from MOS onwards I see it, and more importantly feel it, so when the moment you hope isn't coming but inevitably you build too, and the look they share is heart breaking, I'll openly admit, I cried buckets at the cinema when the music rises and you see the love they have for each other. Emotionally gut wrenching but beautiful.

2) The Knightmare scene

Purely from the world expanding arc it potentially (at the time, now we know more) gave us, from Flash to the Parademons to the Superman fear from Batman, world building and dark.

3) The trinity shot

The end fight was well constructed and didn't scrimp on action or motivation but the wide shot of the 3 of them together for me was what I was waiting for and it delivered, and now JL is coming and we get the full team, oh boy....
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1) 'You are My World'

A lot has been said of the chemistry between Adams and Cavill (some unflattering) but from MOS onwards I see it, and more importantly feel it, so when the moment you hope isn't coming but inevitably you build too, and the look tehy share is heart breaking, I'll openly admit, I cried buckets at the cinema when the music rises and you see the love they have for each other. Emotionally gut wrenching but beautiful.

I completely agree. The DC Pieta made me misty-eyed.
1) Warehouse fight
2) Knightmare
3) BZE recap/Trinity vs Doomsday

Thank you Warehouse scene, I called it Batman vs the Thugs cause I just couldn't think what to call it. It's always referred to as that, guess my brain was working haha
Good question!

There really are several that I could place on my list, I get some people not liking it, but I'll just never understand the level of hate directed towards this film. If they did an X-Men film with a similar visual style that stays true to the visuals of the comics and a similar length and tone, I think it would go over well.

1.) Warehouse Fight is epic, pure, gritty Batman, so it has to make the list, so I'll go ahead and place that at number 1.

2.) Superman "Savior or Threat?" Montage, in a similar sense, to me is pure, epic, comic book Superman contrasted against this gritty, realistic, complex world. And it asks some interesting questions about power and how would we react to a being like this. It also has some beautiful shots that are, again, pure mythological Superman. Him hovering above the people on their rooves, the Day of The Dead scene, pulling that enormous ship across the ice (though I'm not exactly sure what he was doing there, but visually I was stunning), and others. The fact that some of the imagery was taken straight from the source makes it even better. And it was cool seeing these real life personalities discussing it made it so much more visceral for me, and I applaud them for not just putting some actors in there. It gave it that true sense of mythology meeting reality that makes the film so special. I really hope they continue that theme going forward.

3.) "Things Fall" opening montage This was a tough choice, there were many great sequences, but this one left an impact on me. I was in kind of a dark place around the time the film came out, and had to push through it and overcome. And in the process, I thought about this film and how much I loved these characters going back to before I can remember, how much they meant to me as a kid, and what they represent to me now. I love the symbolic falling imagery, the gun shell, the pearls, Bruce into the cave. The music was perfect, the atmosphere set the tone for the rest of the film, and I love how it comes full circle in the end. If I could cheat here, I would include both the opening and ending sequence as one, because they go together and compliment each other so well. Another funeral, but this is one that Bruce now has the renewed hope to face, the funeral procession, the casket, the falling imagery, it was all perfect. Leading up to that last sequence, the falling dirt. "Things fall. Things on Earth. And what falls is fallen." And then the duet rises. I think it encapsulates perfectly what Superman is about, Hope, and how they were able to so effectively tie Bruce and Clark's stories together in such a profound and meaningful way. Yes, we've seen Batman's origin story before, but this was a clever way of using that again and tying it into the themes of the film.

Honorable Mentions:

Enter The Bat, as described above. It really gave you that sense of what it's like seeing Batman from an outsider's perspective, and I love the way they first introduce you to him, it's just like if you were to suddenly look in the corner of a room and see a bat scurry off and give you a fright. It made Batman very bat-like, which was cool.

The Knightmare Sequence

Black Zero From Bruce's Perspective
Some great shouts in here, infact it's really reminded me how many great scenes there are.

The Knightmare sequence is amazing, it's like it's own mini movie. I would love to see a full length version of a film in that world.

Also your other choices:

Things Fall/A Beautiful Lie is such a poetic and beautiful scene.

Superman "Savior or Threat?" Montage just another wonderful sequence. The talking heads and the footage we're seeing. This is one of the most Dark Knight Returnsesque scenes in the entire movie.

Another I wanted to honourably mention was the Batman Lex Jail scene. It was so intense and a real true comic Batman moment. The version in the UC is even better with Batman telling Lex he's been transferred to Arkham. I also feel like Jesse's performance here is his greatest moment in the film.
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Equally for me, the Martha scene, for me unfairly mis-represented, mis-understood, call it want you want, and I gave my view in the Henry cavill thread on this one so won't bore everyone again but it's the glue that holds the film together, whilst I wouldn't have chosen the way it was executed to reach the conclusion they wanted, it works very well. It helps bring about answering why Superman exists (one of the key points of the film), it brings Batman back to realising what humanity is and why it's so important and it shapes the backbone of what the JL will give us.
Um.... No order and I might make some additions. 3 my butt.
- News media mixed with Superman montage
- Doomsday fight
-Batmobile chase

- Wonder Woman entrance (blew my mind)
-Superman first appearance with the MOS theme
-Superman regenerating in space
Oh man I totally forgot about the Superman regeneration scene. I couldn't believe they did that moment from the Dark Knight Returns. Damn I definitely should have added that:
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This isn't a thread for your most hated it's for favourites but thanks for contributing.
Love the end exchange between Lex and Batman, as others have chosen. I remember in pre-production and during the shoot, Roven (producer) was saying 'wait, you'll see the Lex you are used to seeing, by the end of the film', and I think we see that in (and I appreciate, having a shaved head helps, but we can see Lex forming and reacting as moving to be the older Lex we thought we'd originally be seeing IMO) personally, I really liked Eisenberg's entire performance and it made sense for this interpretation. The scene works because of the lighting, it's just beautifully presented and the dialogue and of course we see Batman's self 'correcting' attitude to the branding, and how Superman has brought him back to his old ways.
Love the end exchange between Lex and Batman, as others have chosen. I remember in pre-production and during the shoot, Roven (producer) was saying 'wait, you'll see the Lex you are used to seeing, by the end of the film', and I think we see that in (and I appreciate, having a shaved head helps, but we can see Lex forming and reacting as moving to be the older Lex we thought we'd originally be seeing IMO) personally, I really liked Eisenberg's entire performance and it made sense for this interpretation. The scene works because of the lighting, it's just beautifully presented and the dialogue and of course we see Batman's self 'correcting' attitude to the branding, and how Superman has brought him back to his old ways.

:up: such an amazing scene
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The death of the Wayne family

We've seen this so many times on film and TV that you'd think it won't have any effect on you any more, but it so does.


Lex creating Doomsday

Pretty much every scene with Lex and senator Finch. "Paying" that corrupt politician with a jolly rancher, the little smirk when Finch said "Take a bucket of piss and call it Granny's peach tea" and later using it as a "middle finger" during the bombing. This one however is my favourite. It's a very quiet and personal (probably not the right word) scene. Alone in an alien ship, plotting something truly evil. The music captures that feeling and creates an eerie atmosphere.


Speaking of senator Finch...

The U.S. Capitol Bombing

While she might not be fully supportive of Superman, she's honest and fights for what's right. Lex tried to manipulate her, but she was having none of it. "Shadow interventions will not be tolerated by this committee. And neither will lies."


Must There Be A Superman ?

"Is it really surprising that the most powerful man in the world, should be a figure of controversy ?"

Now, there are two reasons for liking this. First one is - I love the debate between scientists, politicians and journalists on whether we need a Superman and how his arrival will change the world. Second reason is - People were screaming for scenes with Superman saving people. Problem is, you can't put the story on hold just to show some random "saving a cat from a tree" scene and this here is a great example of doing it the right way. Showing all those heroic moments, but keeping the whole thing in line with the story and it's theme.



I've said it before, but I'd watch a whole movie with this post-apocalyptic setting. It comes out of nowhere. Like having a "deja vu" or a very specific memory popping in your head for no apparent reason. It serves a few purposes. Not only that it can be seen just as a "nightmare" that Bruce is having (showing his fears etc), but as a glimpse of another reality. That was happening at that very moment in another time-line. Plus, people learn that the Flash is not just some guy who runs really fast, but that he can time travel.


Batman v Superman

"It's time you learn what it means to be a man."

I absolutely LOVE this scene. It's not a pretty fight with fancy moves. It's slow, brutal and felt real. I like that there was barely any music during it, which emphasized the seriousness of the situation. Batman was on a mission. He wasn't just going to beat Supes and brag about it later over shawarma. He was there to kill him. The ending was very emotional and acted brilliantly by Affleck.


Death of Superman

Title of the scene says it all. One of, if not the, most emotional scene in a comic book movie for me.

Knightmare (even though it has very little reason to be in the movie), first Batman fight scene and the opening scene where Thomas and Martha get killed. That's pretty much all of it. And it isn't surprising that all of those scenes are almost completely Batman-oriented. ;)
Top three means a positive reaction or thought.
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Tough (I really liked the film, btw);

1. Warehouse fight
2. Trinity shot before final battle
3. Waynes funeral/'Fallen'

I think.
From where I am sitting, the title of this thread is "What are your top three scenes/sequences in Batman v Superman?". Could be top 3 favs or top 3 most hated. I gave my top 3 favs right out of the gate, which also shows that I'm not coming in here just to hate or troll. Since it doesn't specify that it's only about FAVORITES (unless my phone is currently not showing that word) then I didn't see the problem with adding my 3 most hated at the bottom.

I created this thread, my mistake re putting the word favourites in the title but it's obvious it's for three favourites not for three most hated. The fact it is Top three scenes/sequences alludes to that very fact.. I don't want another thread been bogged down by negativity. You can create a new thread for most hated or go in one of the other threads discuss your most hated but please don't do so in this topic.
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Stop giving attention to shauner, report the issue or ignore it. When will people learn to stop giving attention seekers attention?
This thread is for you to list the top 3 FAVORITE scenes from BvS.....not your top 3 worst scenes, not your top average scenes, not your top 3 Bugs Bunny cartoons.....the TOP 3 FAVORITE SCENES FROM BvS.
Wow so instead of kindly asking me to erase the bottom of my first post (where I listed my three most hated). So I can keep the post, you know, since I DID take the time to list my three favorite scenes + honourable mentions. But no, one of these disrespectful mods deletes the whole post AND keeps MydnightPhoenix's post about me wanting attention (which wasn't true and now makes me look like a jerk since there are zero posts of mine in this thread).

Classy, as usual.
So what are your top three scenes/sequences from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice?

1. Warehouse Takedown

Even Stan Lee would agree this is the gnarliest Bat-action ever committed to film! I could go on, but I'd sooner just re-watch it! :woot:

2. TIE: Wonder Woman's Intro / Enter The Bat

The most horror-styled first view of the Bat to date...and the action-centric introduction of everyone's favorite Amazon, at long last! :up

3. Knightmare

An awesome detour into a very scary alternate reality, with stellar action and builds to a knockout crescendo—literally!

We all know three is too small a number...but I must mention how awesome those two shots were when Superman arced around and grabbed DoomZod and flung him like that beef jerky-eating sasquatch into those buildings...and the resulting series of explosions!
1) Battle with Doomsday - The trinity in one scene, fighting together for the first time - epic!

2) Batman vs Superman - The battle everyone was waiting for and it didn't disappoint!

3) Warehouse fight scene - Arhkam Batman in live-action
Wow so instead of kindly asking me to erase the bottom of my first post (where I listed my three most hated). So I can keep the post, you know, since I DID take the time to list my three favorite scenes + honourable mentions. But no, one of these disrespectful mods deletes the whole post AND keeps MydnightPhoenix's post about me wanting attention (which wasn't true and now makes me look like a jerk since there are zero posts of mine in this thread).

Classy, as usual.

YOU....are the person who turned this thread into an argument over what "TOP three" meant even though everyone else knew what it was.

YOU....are the person who didn't edit his post after the creator of the thread AND several other posters pointed out that you were posting the wrong thing in here.

YOU....are the only poster who disrupted this thread and refused to do what the thread creator wanted this thread to be used for.

So I....the administrator....deleted your posts and left up a couple of the posts reminding people what the purpose of this thread was.

As a reminder....YOU were being disrespectful of the thread creator's intent....YOU were being argumentative with him and others in here.....YOU knowing full well the reasons your posts were deleted are now being argumentative with an Admin.

I suggest you drop it now and move on.

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