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Which 2016 CBM are you looking forward to most?

Captain America: Civil War is #1 of my most anticipated films of 2016 for me. I'm excited to see Cap Vs. Iron Man, Iron Man's Avengers vs. Captain America's Avengers, and the introductions of Black Panther and the big MCU prize of Civil War himself...... SPIDER-MAANNNN!!!!!!!

I'm calling it now, Cap 3 will globally out gross Avengers 1 & 2.

My second favorite is Deadpool

3)Dr. Strange
4)X-MEN: Apocalypse
5)Suicide Squad

[[FRICK]] Batman V. Superman and their marketing for spoiling the entire movie with Doomsday, but with Aquaman being the only character left out.
[[FRICK]] Batman V. Superman and their marketing for spoiling the entire movie with Doomsday, but with Aquaman being the only character left out.

[[FRICK]] Batman V. Superman and their marketing for spoiling the entire movie with Doomsday, but with Aquaman being the only character left out.
Did I miss something? Because I still have no idea who the heck Scoot McNairy is playing....
-Deadpool is rad. I'm afraid of how much I'll enjoy the visuals more than I will the jokes. Zombieland writers don't fail me now.

-Batman v Superman: DoJ's 3rd trailer finally got me on board, specifically that conversation between the titular characters. I should have been sold with the previous trailers and marketing since I prefer "serious" cbm's, but I simply didn't. The batman teases in the first Comic-Con trailer were dope, though.

-Nothing yet in terms of marketing for Captain America: Civil War, not even Black Panther. I understand the "personal angle" the trailer was going for, but those relationships, after two Cap movies and two Avengers movies, still feel too underdeveloped for me to empathize. If I'm hyped for this movie at all, it's because I have high hopes for Russos after TWS.

-X-Men: Apocalypse has me a bit worried about certain actresses' performances, but I'm completely on board with this franchise. My only other hope is that those X-men "costumes" are yet again better in the actual context of the movie.

-TMNT 2 both looks and sounds too good to be true. Casey Jones is iffy, but the rest looks amazing.

-No hype for Dr Strange.

-Suicide Squad was the first DCEU movie I fully enjoyed following and that comic-con trailer is still the best of the first wave of trailers released. I'm expecting this to be the best of 2016 if not one of the best of all time.

-If Doug Liman is still attached as director when Gambit's released, count me in.
Sorry about that, typo. But still, based on that trailer, do you know for a fact who wins in their fight(s)?

Do you know the circumstances of the desert visions? Do you know if Luthor gets away with Doomsday's creation? Do you know if the trinity become friends, or if it's a thin ice alliance? Who is Jena Malone playing? Scoot McNairy? Calan Mulvey? What are Cyborg, Aquaman and The Flash up to in the film? Have they all become heroes yet? Is this Batman insane? Will any DC comics regular die? What's the opening Krypton sequence equivalent of this film? Is it the alternate reality vision? Bruce parent's being shot in the theatre? Is that Doomsday's final form? Will the Justice League's threat be revealed? Why is Wonder Woman even getting involved? Why isn't Batman wearing his armoured suit against Doomsday? Is Joker in the film at all?
Nothing was spoiled at all. It's no different from any other trailer revealing pieces of the final act. The Dark Knight Rises, The Avengers, Avengers: AOU, Jurassic World and many others have done this.
Do some people not understand that a 2+ hour movie is going to have a lot of stuff in it? We've barely seen a fraction of the film.
Conversely, do the people on the other side of the argument not understand that showing Doomsday might not have been the smartest move, and that its a giant clue which helps us piece together some of the plot? And that some people might have wanted to know less?
I don't think it's fair to say that they've "spoiled the whole movie", but one could definitely make the argument that they've shown a little too much.
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Conversely, do the people on the other side of the argument not understand that showing Doomsday might not have been the smartest move, and that its a giant clue which helps us piece together some of the plot? And that some people might have wanted to know less?
I don't think it's fair to say that they've "spoiled the whole movie", but one could definitely make the argument that they've shown a little too much.

It depends on the perspective I guess. For some fans who are familiar with doomsday, I guess they would think WB showed a little too much. But marketing wise keeping general audience in mind, I think WB wanted to hype it up even further with the Doomsday reveal and honestly it makes sense.

For the record, I didn't want to see Doomsday, I would've been perfectly happy with the roar in a black screen. I was mostly certain there was doomsday in the film all along, but I just wasn't ready to KNOW what he looks like until I see the film. But I made peace with their decision to show him and I hoping his early look and there is more to him than we see in the trailer. I have a feeling Zack Snyder wouldn't want his Doomsday to look like another "Abomination" like people make him out to be.

By the way, I have seen a lot of reaction videos online and by far the doomsday reveal scene produced the biggest reaction from the viewers. I could only assume the general audience will be even more curious/eager to watch the film.
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Honestly they should have kept the focus on Batman vs. Superman. I understand that they wanted to have a money shot at the end of the trailer. But they showed WW before in the Comic Con trailer, they could have kept Zod/Doomsday under wraps.
What are the odds Batman v Superman's next trailer will further address that subtitle,
1) Suicide Squad. I love the villains of DC more than Marvels. And to see them make an arguably obscure title and bring it to the big screen. Love it. Can't wait for the interpretations. This is my baby for 2016. Definitely. Apparently a second trailer will drop soon, revealing a plot about Enchantress creating a monster of some kind for them to fight? Sounds BvS a bit. Lol. But it'll be a supernatural threat. Interesting, if it's true.

2) BvS: Dawn of Justice. While I feel Suicide Squad will be more fun to me, the world-building in Dawn of Justice has me very excited.

3) Captain America: Civil War. With Infinite Wars looming, I'm wondering the ramifications of this film. Hopefully we'll get more substance from the ensemble than in Age of Ultron.

4) Deadpool. It's just gonna be fun as hell, and you know it.

5) While worried, the ensemble and villain(s) of X-Men: Apocalypse seems very cool to me.

6) Doctor Strange. I'm not accustom to Cumberbreeches acting. Apparently he's good, but I'm still having a hard time seeing him as Strange, along with the other cast being who they're playing. Though they're all good actors. (Eye of Agamotto is totally the Soul Gem).

7) Gambit. Know nothing about it but the fact that Channing Tatum is playing him. Has me worried, but love the Ragin' Cajun.

8) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows. Long-winded title. While taking its name from a video game and coming across much more like the 80s to 90s cartoon series, it is technically a comic book based film. It's low on my care list. I haven't even seen the first one of this reboot series. But I will admit I was tickled to see Bebop & Rocksteady, as well as a possible appearance of a Krang Invasion which could lead to the third and final one (at least that's what's planned). Mixing it up with the Foot Clan and the returned Shredder might be a treat. Oh, and Baxter the Fly. Interesting, but not sure if I care, honestly. Conflicted. Oh, I have TMNT nostalgia, just not sure it's strong enough to make me jump on this wagon.
Honestly they should have kept the focus on Batman vs. Superman. I understand that they wanted to have a money shot at the end of the trailer. But they showed WW before in the Comic Con trailer, they could have kept Zod/Doomsday under wraps.

Well it was either show Doomsday in a cool trailer or have it spoiled first by an upcoming toy.
The ones defently see in theaters


for the DC films recent trailer for BVS is hurting my intrest since i am really starting to think Zack Snyder basicly made MOS2 but is using batman to try
to create interst in film.

as for civil war trailer leaves me with hope start didn't take away focus from cap still I don't like what i heard on spider-man and hearing attacks on
Apocalypse isn't exactly wanting to make me rush out to see civil war.

Attacks? You mean opinions. You know, like the one you just gave about BvS and it's latest trailer. By your definition that would be an "attack" on that film as well.
Well it was either show Doomsday in a cool trailer or have it spoiled first by an upcoming toy.

Pretty astute point. Toylines have been spoiling movies a lot these past couple years.

Giant Man/Goliath is happening in Civil War. It's why Scott isn't seen that much.

"Nightmare Batman" figure showed that it was someone's vision or nightmare of Bruce's or also someone elses.

Rey with lightsaber.

We just keep getting the spoilery things.
The newest lego catalog spoils some stuff for Batman vs. Superman.
1. Civil War: Spider-Man, nuff said...actually not enough Baron Zemo, Crossbones, BP, and a possible Giant Man debut. Now nuff said....okay RDJ v Evans come on? Nuff cannot be said.

2. Deadpool: Just way too faithful. Cn't pass up such an accurate portrayal.

3. BvS: Batman is fighting Superman. Also, huge Batman fan, he reminds me of Spider-Man and vice versa.

4. Doctor Strange: Benedict Cumberbatch.

5. Suicide Squad: Again huge Batman fan, this includes his rogues gallery. JOKER yes. Love the joker.
Batmn v Superman: Dawn of Justice
X-Men: Apocalypse
Captain America: Civil War
Suicide Squad
Dr Strange

I'll rent Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 or wait for it on Netflix, Not interested in Deadpool
Sorry about that, typo. But still, based on that trailer, do you know for a fact who wins in there fight(s)?

Do you know the circumstances of the desert visions? Do you know if Luthor gets away with Doomsday's creation? Do you know if the trinity become friends, or if it's a thin ice alliance? Who is Jena Malone playing? Scoot McNairy? Calan Mulvey? What are Cyborg, Aquaman and The Flash up to in the film? Have they all become heroes yet? Is this Batman insane? Will any DC comics regular die? What's the opening Krypton sequence equivalent of this film? Is it the alternate reality vision? Bruce parent's being shot in the theatre? Is that Doomsday's final form? Will the Justice League's threat be revealed? Why is Wonder Woman even getting involved? Why isn't Batman wearing his armoured suit against Doomsday? Is Joker in the film at all?

I'm hoping that Calan Mulvey is playing Bruno Mannheim and there is a small subplot involving intergang working with Lex that will lead into the Justice League movie.
I'm hoping that Calan Mulvey is playing Bruno Mannheim and there is a small subplot involving intergang working with Lex that will lead into the Justice League movie.

That would be aces.

I think it would be best for the Justice League movie to do the Legion of Doom, since that's something other major franchises haven't touched yet.
We and the general public don't know much about BvS. I'm not worried. We think we know.
X-Men Apocalypse for me

The best character roster the franchise has had in years, the trinity (Cyclops, Storm, Jean) reportedly getting meaty parts that unlike the OT are not defined by their relationship with the "main" character, Mags and Xavier aren't teaming up so the story will bring something new (the formation of a classic X-Men team for one), Jubilee in a bigger role, Psylocke's *real* onscreen debut, an Apocalypse that promises even if his look hasn't won everyone over. An Egypt battle a la Avengers' NYC battle. Excitement!

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