Which current generation game series will you always remember fondly?

I see a few people didn't read the OP. :/
Saw but overruled :woot:

I included a couple of game series that I first discovered or first chose to play this gen, even if I went back to play the earlier games after (God of War yes, Elder Scrolls no). :-)cool:)
Mass Effect
Assassin's Creed
Dead Rising
Left 4 Dead
Gears of War
Batman: Arkham (Particularly City, don't get why everyone claimed Asylum to be the best superhero game at the time)
If there are better superhero games than Arkham Asylum and Arkham City I would love to hear about them!
Oh no, I think City is the best superhero game ever. But I think Spider-Man 2 & MUA are better than Asylum.

Asylum isn't a bad game, in fact it's a good one, but I wasn't a huge fan of the setting. Trapping Batman in such a small environment seems wrong & the Asylum seemed very bland to me, everything looked the same & it all looked boring. There wasn't that much replayability either for me.

City however fixes that problem drastically. I loved the playground we had to play in, I still find it fun to pop that game in & take down some thugs. The story is also drastically improved, I think it's one of the best stories in any video game.
Uncharted, Souls, Mass Effect, Valkyria Chronicles, Assassin's Creed, LBP, Heavy Rain, and Dead Space to a lesser degree than the others.

Uncharted will probably be the new IP I remember the fondest. There's not really anything I flat out dislike about it, but it gives me that nostalgic fun adventure feeling I get from the Indy flicks. The Soul's games are just unique, great atmosphere, and some of the best feeling controls this gen. I think Demon's especially will still be a game I think about next gen. VC is frustrating, because I loved 1, then they took the rest handheld...AC, and LBP I'm not going to say much on because they speak for themselves on why they stand out (now make LBP RPG Maker!). Heavy Rain, I think is another one that would be hard for me to forget, it was definitely a unique experience, and had a good story to boot. Dead Space I put as being to a lesser degree because I'm not huge into survival horror anymore. However I think it'll still be a series I look back on in a good light because it took over the gap in gaming left when I stopped caring about the Resident Evil series.

There are other new series I really liked, but I'm not sure they'll stick in my mind as a classic. Like the Arkham games. I like them, but I'm not in love with them like a lot of ppl seem to be. Dead Island really hit the nail on the head with zombies, but that's not a genre I'm always in the mood for. Resistance is kind of another, but fell flat. One was a lot of fun. 2 had some great big boss fights, and great co-op, but fell short in most other areas. With the bad word of mouth on 3, and the negative reviews, I don't even care to pick it up for sub $10 at GS.
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I think Uncharted will go down as my favorite franchise period.
Assassin's Creed: The first has too many problems, the rest are really good, I like Brotherhood more than the rest, and I still need to play ACIII

Ninja Theory's Devil May Cry: If all sequels will be made for the next generation of consoles, (which is probably what will happen) I will look fondly at this first entry in the reboot. I love 3 and 4 from the older series, but I like this one more
Oh man I'm going to have a long list.

Rome: Total War
Shogun: Total War 2
Elder Scrolls Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim.
X-Com Enemy Unknown
Sleeping Dogs
Red Dead Redemption
Hitman - all in the series, except Absolution. Absolution became much too linear and I hate that in my games!
Digital Combat Simulator: KA-52 Blackshark and A-10 Warthog. Haven't been able to play them much, but I love flight sims.
All of Mass Effect, definitely.
Freedom Force
World In Conflict

Yeah... I have a lot of games.

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