Who will Lead the X-Men after Xavier's passing?

cookiva said:
We havent heard much about any character.

Not quite theres been a few things here & there with Characters like Wolverine / Storm etc but NOTHING with Cyclops & Storm
We havent seen or heard much about anything and they have been filming this thing for nearly 5 months....
TillTheEndOfTime said:
Not quite theres been a few things here & there with Characters like Wolverine / Storm etc but NOTHING with Cyclops & Storm

Again, most of the Wolverine/ Storm relationship was in the AICN script, and we have heard nothing about it since. Right now, we are not in a position to be making giant assumptions like people dying.
Electrix said:
We havent seen or heard much about anything and they have been filming this thing for nearly 5 months....

I would rather not see anything and have it be a great movie, full of surprises, rather than see every character now, and it turn out to be crap.
We just cant assume things will happen, or we could be seriously dissapointed.
If Professor X dies then that's the end of the movie franchise anyway as far as I'm concerned.
There's one man for the job! :cyclops:

cookiva said:
Ppl are believing everything that the AICN script said! We have a new director now! One who will respect the story, and therefore, will most likely keep Cyke in!

Wish you are right. But I think Fox has it's say about cyclops as well. SR you know...
I think some ppl here are in denial. True, there is a good chance many things will be changed from that early AICN draft, but there is also a good chance many of the plot points we saw in that will remain in the finished film. Just look at what that review has been right about so far: Mystique being injected with the cure, Magneto breaking into a prison and destroying the GG Bridge, the scenes at Jean's old house, and since that review their have been hints (can't remember who said it) about a growing relationship between Wolvie and Storm (God forbid). Soon or later all of you have to face the facts, it is very likely that both Xavier and Cyclops will be killed. Xavier b/c of the confirmation of those scenes at Jean's house, and Cyclops b/c we havn't heard anything about him or anything about Marsden filming. From the set reports and few stills we've been given, Cyke is noticeably absent from everything. And don't say we havn't heard anything about anyone else either, b/c we've read plenty about Xavier, Jean, Storm, Logan, Magneto, Mystique, and Juggernaut being present in scenes that have been filmed. Heck, we've heard more about Stacy X then we have Cyclops.

Don't get me wrong though, I pray to God that all of you are right and that Cyke lives. I don't mind Xavier dying too much, but Cyke is the one who should carry on the legacy along with Jean and become headmaster of the school (just like he implied in X1 while talking to the unconscious professor). I'm just saying you should be prepared for the possibility and that it's a very good possibility. Ratner may have passion for this project, but he's not exactly the greatest director out there, I mean just look at his track record with critics. It doesn't help that his last film After the Sunset was considered his worst. But I hope I'm proven wrong and he can deliver something on par with Singer, because anything that leans toward the sorta Red-Dragon mere decency will be a disappointment in my eyes. The X-films so far have ranged from good to great, I don't want the conclusion to the trilogy to be merely 'decent.'
CapBeerCino said:
There's one man for the job! :cyclops:

Wish you are right. But I think Fox has it's say about cyclops as well. SR you know...

They said that Cyke might die when it appeared as if he was going to film SR longer, cutting into filming time for X3. When he said that wouldnt happen, and Ratner was signed on, we never heard anymore rumblings about his death.
TheWeatherMan said:
If/when Xavier is killed off in X3, where will the franchise go in regards to leadership? I am a huge Storm fan, however, I prefer Xavier's leadership over anyone else because he brings neutrality to the X-Men and his presence demands respect (not-to-say anyone else doesn't). It’s as if he validates the X-Men Team. So, where will they venture in regards to leader/mentor of the X-Men? Will they turn to Storm (Ororo Monroe, Weather Goddess and a mother figure to many of the X-Men) or Cyclops (Scott Summers, a great, tactical leader who is a little stiff at times, but gets the job done)? If rumors/reports are true, Cyclops will be killed off as well… taking that into consideration, who would then be fit to lead in the X-Men movie franchise?

This is not a trick question; no answer is the final or definite answer. However, how well you present your argument is the key.

Well the way I see it is there will be no leader for the franchise after Xavier dies. Instead of a team movie we are getting spin-offs : Wolverine, Magneto, Young X-Men. All of those movies could very well be done without him.
tonytr1687 said:
I think some ppl here are in denial. True, there is a good chance many things will be changed from that early AICN draft, but there is also a good chance many of the plot points we saw in that will remain in the finished film. Just look at what that review has been right about so far: Mystique being injected with the cure, Magneto breaking into a prison and destroying the GG Bridge, the scenes at Jean's old house, and since that review their have been hints (can't remember who said it) about a growing relationship between Wolvie and Storm (God forbid). Soon or later all of you have to face the facts, it is very likely that both Xavier and Cyclops will be killed. Xavier b/c of the confirmation of those scenes at Jean's house, and Cyclops b/c we havn't heard anything about him or anything about Marsden filming. From the set reports and few stills we've been given, Cyke is noticeably absent from everything. And don't say we havn't heard anything about anyone else either, b/c we've read plenty about Xavier, Jean, Storm, Logan, Magneto, Mystique, and Juggernaut being present in scenes that have been filmed. Heck, we've heard more about Stacy X then we have Cyclops.

Don't get me wrong though, I pray to God that all of you are right and that Cyke lives. I don't mind Xavier dying too much, but Cyke is the one who should carry on the legacy along with Jean and become headmaster of the school (just like he implied in X1 while talking to the unconscious professor). I'm just saying you should be prepared for the possibility and that it's a very good possibility. Ratner may have passion for this project, but he's not exactly the greatest director out there, I mean just look at his track record with critics. It doesn't help that his last film After the Sunset was considered his worst. But I hope I'm proven wrong and he can deliver something on par with Singer, because anything that leans toward the sorta Red-Dragon mere decency will be a disappointment in my eyes. The X-films so far have ranged from good to great, I don't want the conclusion to the trilogy to be merely 'decent.'

I havent heard anything about Mystique getting the cure, except for the AICN script. I myself am an optimist, and it appears as if everyone here is not. They are planning for characters to die, which I doubt will happen. Singer was not a fan of the comics, and he treated characters wrong, setting them up to "die". Ratner loves the Xmen, and he will respect the characters.
cookiva said:
They said that Cyke might die when it appeared as if he was going to film SR longer, cutting into filming time for X3. When he said that wouldnt happen, and Ratner was signed on, we never heard anymore rumblings about his death.

Except...he did film SR longer. Just recently the whole SR cast and crew got back together to shoot more scenes.
green said:
Well the way I see it is there will be no leader for the franchise after Xavier dies. Instead of a team movie we are getting spin-offs : Wolverine, Magneto, Young X-Men. All of those movies could very well be done without him.

I'd rather see more team movies than a bunch of spinoffs, no matter how good they are.
tonytr1687 said:
Except...he did film SR longer. Just recently the whole SR cast and crew got back together to shoot more scenes.

Yes, and X3 will be filming late as well, to fit around peoples schedules. They will continue filming past christmas.
tonytr1687 said:
I'd rather see more team movies than a bunch of spinoffs, no matter how good they are.

I agree and disagree. I love the team format but its a costly way to go when making movies especially like this, also characters always get shafted in ensemble pieces. Spin-offs are a great way to expand on the character without having to include so many other characers. Wolverine and Magneto Im looking forward to seeing, Young X-Men (if the actresses mentioned are seriously in contention for roles ) not so much.
I have a hard time believing Prof. X will actually die…but if he does, I think Cyclops & Jean Grey will be the leaders in the next set of films, or a “Young X-Men” spin-off.
Cyke and Jean would be great leaders for the "Young Xmen" spinoff.
cookiva said:
They said that Cyke might die when it appeared as if he was going to film SR longer, cutting into filming time for X3. When he said that wouldnt happen, and Ratner was signed on, we never heard anymore rumblings about his death.

I dont think schedules were the reason. I think him doing a dc movie, a competition to x-3 - that's the reason. I cant think of any other reason to kill cyke. He's one of those characters even a non-fan would recognize (Like Wolvie n' Storm) and the third movie could be his as far as the storyline...
cookiva said:
I havent heard anything about Mystique getting the cure, except for the AICN script. I myself am an optimist, and it appears as if everyone here is not. They are planning for characters to die, which I doubt will happen. Singer was not a fan of the comics, and he treated characters wrong, setting them up to "die". Ratner loves the Xmen, and he will respect the characters.

There's production art in the First Look video that will be on the F4 DVD that shows Mystique being held against her will and injected with something. I'm an optimist myself, I just chose not to ignore all the signs. Singer IS a fan of the comics, not at first when he signed onto X1, but after finishing the movie and its sequel he said he's become a big fan. How he treated the characters is arguable, but there is no doubt that he delivered good films, at least in the eyes of the general public. And how did he set them up to die? He did no such thing, and if anything he set Cyke up to have a bigger role in X3. I never said Ratner didn't have passion for the comics, but that doesn't always equal a good movie. Just look at Mark Steven Johnson. He was a HUGE fan of Daredevil, but he ended up delivering a mediocre film.
CapBeerCino said:
I dont think schedules were the reason. I think him doing a dc movie, a competition to x-3 - that's the reason. I cant think of any other reason to kill cyke. He's one of those characters even a non-fan would recognize (Like Wolvie n' Storm) and the third movie could be his as far as the storyline...

Very true. And therefore shows the petty reasons behind his character possibly getting shafted.
tonytr1687 said:
Very true. And therefore shows the petty reasons behind his character possibly getting shafted.

Key word= POSSIBLY

I dont want to repeat myself too much, but our director loves these characters, and will respect them.

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