Who Would You Bring Back?

The combination of Bucky, Jason Todd, and Barry Allen all coming back from the dead has convinced me that deaths are not sacred in comics, and that any character can come back at any time.

if bucky and jason todd didn't come back as such badasses, then i too would be pissed. but i mean come on, winter soldier? sick concept. and i think that jason todd going all punisher on gotham definitely justified his resurrection.

if the writer can justify their return, then i guess it doesn't bother me too much. some people should just stay dead though, because their deaths were iconic.

see jean grey.
see captain america.
see colossus.
Jason Todd's been as useless since he came back as he was before he died, as far as I'm concerned. The only return justified by the resultant stories so far for me is Bucky.
I'd rather see Cable get his full powers back rather than Nate come back. It feels a little redundant when both of them are around to me.

Yeah a full powered Cable would be good.

Anyway heres mine:

The Orphan/Mr Sensitive
Boom Boom
Bill Foster

If you did a thread on who should die I've got a long list of chracters too:twisted:
Jason Todd's been as useless since he came back as he was before he died, as far as I'm concerned. The only return justified by the resultant stories so far for me is Bucky.

I don't know if Todds supposed to be an anti-hero, a lunatic, a villain or what :huh:
if bucky and jason todd didn't come back as such badasses
We must be reading different stories featuring Jason Todd.

I don't know if Todds supposed to be an anti-hero, a lunatic, a villain or what :huh:
Yes, that, thank you. [/Blindfold]
When they brought back Jason Todd, the only plan they had was for him to beat up the current Robin and whine like a little brat that Batman never avenged his death. After that, no two writers could decide what direction to take him. Since his return, he's been a hero, an anti-hero, a villain, and an anti-villain.

I remember when Todd showed up as a villain in a Green Arrow story. After luring Batman to Star City, hijacking weapons, and recruiting the aid of Green Arrow's rogues, all Jason Todd wanted to do was get a chance to talk to Mia/Speedy and say "You and me weren't born rich like them. We're from the streets and know what it takes to get by. Uh... that's it. I'm not going to hurt you or anything. I just wanted to tell you that. Goodbye!" And that was the end of the story! Granted, it was written by Judd Winick, but even he usually knows whether or not he's writing a villain in his stories.

What was up with Jason Todd coming back from Infinite Crisis as the new Nightwing? That lasted about a week before Dick came back and Jason Todd was once again directionless.

Honestly, if they were going to bring Jason Todd back, they could've at least had the decency to kill him off again before he became a superfluous member of the Bat-family. Azrael has that job.
Ben Reilly would be cool. I'd read Ben Reilly Spider-Man comics.
Well... Scarlet Spider comics. Cause if it was Spider-man then fans would complain and Ben would die again. Also, second.

If by "suck it up" you mean "stop reading" then yes, that's exactly what I did, Jethro.

I wouldn't bring anyone back. In fact, if I had the power, I would put a ban on resurrecting any character that hasn't been dead for at least 5 years. And I would require a 50 page essay justifying bringing back any character that HAS been dead for 5+ years.

Deaths are completely meaningless in the Marvel U at this point. I literally laughed when I read that Ms Marvel was going to die. And that lasted, what, 2 issues before she was resurrected? It had such little impact it STILL hasn't even been MENTIONED in NA despite her being a team member (and I don't blame Bendis one bit for not referencing it).

The various X-Men have all been resurrected to the point where if someone asked me to name 5 that haven't been resurrected it'd take me some time to stop and think about it.

It's just gotten pathetic.
This might be the opposite of the reason of the thread... but I would kill the Sentry. Now. Write an essay on why he should come back. :o

And it's not always the bringing them back that is the problem. It's the killing them for no reason in the first place that also contributes.

I don't mind that deaths are meaningless, personality. Shouldn't they be, if you're going to have characters who just go on and on forever? I wouldn't want to be a huge Colossus fan who worked my way into the industry solely to write him just to find that some short-sighted ass had killed him while I was still in college.
I don't think that's the reason that death should be meaningless. It should be meaningless in comics because of half the powers of the people running around. With time travel, super smarts, reality warping, cloning, and gods running around... I would be very surprised if death still meant something to the heroes.
I would kill the Sentry. Now. Write an essay on why he should come back. :o
oh yeah.

my 2 cents as if anybody cared
comic companies use death in comics
A) comic nerds will buy 20,000 issue and variant covers expecting it to be
worth something one day and for
B)comic nerds to buy 20,000 issues and varient covers expecting it to be worth something one day when that character comes back to "life".
( yes i have did both in a galaxy long time ago.... DOH! my dumb ass)

i have found now.that usually the best deaths come from low level characters that the companies don't care about and the writer has carte blanche to do things with.You know damn well popular/ icon characters like Batman will never die.It's the greens baby!
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ben reilly - i loved the scarlet spider!
scott lang - ant man
x-man (as the cool early onslaught x man) (I think he'd dead)
Oh man, Thunderstrike. I can't think of a single good reason to bring him back, but I sure wouldn't be opposed to it. :)
I don't mind that deaths are meaningless, personality. Shouldn't they be, if you're going to have characters who just go on and on forever? I wouldn't want to be a huge Colossus fan who worked my way into the industry solely to write him just to find that some short-sighted ass had killed him while I was still in college.

That's the problem, though. The entire industry has no major new characters or ideas. It's a perennial spin cycle. Every issue is no longer someone's first; it is usually someone's last, if you note the trend of diminishing returns. They cannot attract any youth readers beyond the children of older fans precisely because these ideas are seen as old hat.

Comics don't even have the ILLUSION of change anymore. No one believed for a second Steve Rogers would stay dead, and lo and behold, he hasn't.

Absolutely no one on Earth grew up their entire lives just to go into comics and write Colossus. I like him, but I've resigned to the idea that few comic writers either don't or have a clue what to do with him in a franchise where the anti-hero is king.

Also...not for nothing, why does everyone want Ben Reilly back? He's the walking personification of bad editing for Spider-Man. He represents the first pathetic attempt to get him "back to being single, because we're all afraid of women" that only became more extreme with Joe Quesada. Out of all the deaths in the world of comics, his was the most definite. He was gored. His body turned to dust, because all of Jackel's clones did. He's DONE. Dead. We haven't even seen his GHOST in the underworld...any underworld.

People complain about Spider-Man being stale, or too complicated, or being this or that...Reilly would repeat those same dilemmas, only without the benefit of once having a golden age. His origin is he's a clone. He's single. Same as Peter. He's just blond from hair dye. That's not enough. Even X-23 has the distinction of being a girl. And we already have Arana and 2-3 Spider-Women for spiritual female clones of Spider-Man. I can think of no possible story where Reilly would work. His token membership in New Warriors is homaged with the more recent "Scarlet Spider" (himself a clone with little personality beyond the original MVP), and that's enough for me. The last thing Spider-Man's universe needs is more revivals or washing away of past stories. The problem is being unable to come up with new stories without some massive retcon or washing away of stuff.

< I want the guy I'm named after back.
He needs to stop being an emo little effer, take off his little "I love to cut myself" suit, and start bouncing around and being an annoying little effer again!

To be fair, Christos Gage may be starting that possible ball rolling in AVENGERS: THE INITIATIVE.
Norman Osborn has tasked Trauma with giving Penance "therapy" to keep him in "fighting shape". Penance is so far gone that he barely remembers his own name or his times before Stamford. Trauma genuinely wants to help him, but is being blackmailed by the Hood. It may be inevitable that Trauma goes with his heart.

I just wish there was at least a 5-7 year limit to death. If a character is dead at least 7 years then at least the death meant something. The point of a death is for it to be shocking and saddening. At the rate marvel and dc are going, now everytime a character dies, the readers are just gonna giggle and roll their eyes. What would be the point then?

I wouldn't want something that static but there should be a line wide focus and consensus that the death of a character should serve a purpose beyond a punchline and be about something, and that it should matter. In real life, even the murder of the most vile drug dealer matters to someone. The stories should be done well, and have consequences and ramifications. What a concept!

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