Why do you like the Black Panther character?

i really dont care about black panther, ive tried reading preists run, but tchalla just comes off as an a$$hole to me. i would like to know him, but so far nothing yet. i thought hudlin's run was going to be greqat, boy was i wrong about that one, so i dropped the damn book and sold all the issues i had of it.

i also dont like the fact he's more technology advanced than tony stark, which makes no sense to me. why wont he help africa become a more independant nation, if he's so technologically advanced where's his company, where are the drugs that are suppose to help this aids epidemic(was this covered in preists run?). at least with stark he's doing something better with his tech, giving it to shield, finding better ways at implementing his technology. these are elements i want to see covered in a black panther book, i want more of a business man. plus i think the reason they made tchalla smarter then stark was because of some politically correct BS, marvel needed to be more diverse and play favor to the black comic buyers so they had black panther smarter then the white man:rolleyes: no offense, i just dont think T'Challa is'nt as smart as tony. maybe 10 points less. but in think stark is a true genius. btw someone said he has no superhuman abilities, doesnt he have heightened senses and increased stregnth?
MaskedManJRK said:
Wait...Namor's Asian? :confused:

As for BP, I agree. What makes him cool (and apparently what Hudlin looked past in the memo) is that he's a strong black character, but he doesn't force his race down your throat and doesn't come out with an agenda.

Namor isnt even human, hes not asian. Well hes part human, but i think the reason why he has the facial appearence that he has is because of his atlantean backround.

You know it pretty racist to like a character for his race. Black Panther is cool if he cant beat cap he is to be respected. But to say you like a character because of the color of his skin thats just provincial.
(sad smile)

When you consider how many "Minority" heroes there are, And how many (comic readers) do have a need to say that "that" hero does nothing for them, in the worst case they try to make a case against the hero for being redundant, or under-powered by their standards.

You can treasure A Black Panther, or a Shang Chi,.. or even a Puck who represents something other than a white, english-speaking, completly predictable, middle of the road, one of six archtypes, hero.

There are not enough - so the Panther has always been a breath of fresh air for me.

Jeeez,... The Watcher is a bald Whiteguy, Galactus is a Bald White guy, in a universe of aliens the majority of "humanoids" are "white with feathers, white with fur, white with stereotypical superscience living on a moon in the outer solar system.

It still rubs me the wrong way that all these variations are "okay" yet there was a strong blatent refusal to suspend belief, (notice my words here), to accept that a black hero could come from an advanced civilization and run with the big dogs.

Tsk - up to that point I'd really thought comic readers were different.
Varient said:
(sad smile)

When you consider how many "Minority" heroes there are, And how many (comic readers) do have a need to say that "that" hero does nothing for them, in the worst case they try to make a case against the hero for being redundant, or under-powered by their standards.

You can treasure A Black Panther, or a Shang Chi,.. or even a Puck who represents something other than a white, english-speaking, completly predictable, middle of the road, one of six archtypes, hero.

There are not enough - so the Panther has always been a breath of fresh air for me.

Jeeez,... The Watcher is a bald Whiteguy, Galactus is a Bald White guy, in a universe of aliens the majority of "humanoids" are "white with feathers, white with fur, white with stereotypical superscience living on a moon in the outer solar system.

It still rubs me the wrong way that all these variations are "okay" yet there was a strong blatent refusal to suspend belief, (notice my words here), to accept that a black hero could come from an advanced civilization and run with the big dogs.

Tsk - up to that point I'd really thought comic readers were different.

are you responding to me? when you consider that the civilization is based in africa, yes it hard for me to believe, i mean seriously come on, theres no one country in africa thats technologically advanced(correct me if im wrong), so you can't really blame readers for thier opinion. it wouldve been better if black panther was a genius that helped developed his nation but he didnt it was all already there. i dunno just seems ridiculous to me. to me it doesnt look like he earned the right to run with the big dogs, he comes off as a oh look at me, my nation is better than yours now let me join your avengers. the writers went too much out of thier way to try to make him look good(yes you can say the same shnit for batman) he built the quinjets, ok, but im sure tony stark couldve built them also. or hank pym himself couldve built one. but they played it more towards the black guy.
im Black also, just incase yiou were about to call me a racist, but im just going by what ive read so far. i want to see T'challa as a stark equivalent and business man(than hey im a king bow before me), but i think tony has more brains and imagination(per say) then black panther. i also find it hard to belive he's like the only monarch to exist where almost all monarchs have been replaced by a democracy. this is also an issue i would like future books to cover.
Nah, just makes you an Uncle Tom. :) I kid, I kid.
GoldenAgeHero said:
are you responding to me? when you consider that the civilization is based in africa, yes it hard for me to believe, i mean seriously come on, theres no one country in africa thats technologically advanced(correct me if im wrong), so you can't really blame readers for thier opinion. it wouldve been better if black panther was a genius that helped developed his nation but he didnt it was all already there. i dunno just seems ridiculous to me. to me it doesnt look like he earned the right to run with the big dogs, he comes off as a oh look at me, my nation is better than yours now let me join your avengers. the writers went too much out of thier way to try to make him look good(yes you can say the same shnit for batman) he built the quinjets, ok, but im sure tony stark couldve built them also. or hank pym himself couldve built one. but they played it more towards the black guy.
im Black also, just incase yiou were about to call me a racist, but im just going by what ive read so far. i want to see T'challa as a stark equivalent and business man(than hey im a king bow before me), but i think tony has more brains and imagination(per say) then black panther. i also find it hard to belive he's like the only monarch to exist where almost all monarchs have been replaced by a democracy. this is also an issue i would like future books to cover.
SMH @ U.

He has always been written in Canon as he is. Someone who on first outing handled the fantastic four. Who was raised in / at a higher tech base than what is "expected" for blacks ANYWHERE.

Here it is 2006,.. yet With grey in my beard I still have to deal with blunt unreasoning rudeness from white people who just can't accept that I have the knowledge to take a computer down to the component level,.. do repairs at the circuitboard level, read schematics and therefore be able to diag and fix almost any electronic device.

By rudeness it follows the same routine:
1. Suprise that I know more than they do about moving a mouse.
2. Disbelief that I could grok their problem with the device.
3. Rudeness in interrupting me in/at my job to submit a resume or at least a listing of all the schools I have been to before they then get in the way and ask (for them) pointed questions about what I'm doing.
4. The continuous voicing of "mild" disbelief that "I know so much" about computers as I fix it.

Even after I've done what I was there for I then have to waste time listening to the back-handed compliments, the the dimmer ones trying to find SOMETHING that allows them to keep their current world view.

"Aha! you were raised by white parents as part of a nurture / nature experiment?"

"Oh,... You were part of a special intercity chemical study?"

"So,.. you read alot?"

Only the last is true,... but they just can't get past the block.

Just like YOU.
You can have white guys in The Savage Land running around with sabertoothed cats among dinosaurs among the ruins of a super civilization,... but CAN'T accept the concept of a nation in Africa isolating itself and becoming more advanced than the rest of Humanity.

(Of course the Zulu's were doing just that - the english and the dutch got their feelings hurt for a bit - the greatest thing that happened for them was the destruction of the zulu from the inside.)

You can accept a teen being bright enough using the US education system to devise in the span of weeks an electromechanical device that shears a liquid polomer at high pressure that becomes an extremely strong "adhesive solid", yet can't accept a black Prince SENT to the premier schools of the world, privy to the GENERATIONS of technology developed around a metal that is exclusive to his peoples use being able to develop ANYTHING better than some guy who was a designer of weapons ONLY on the onset?

You can accept any form of advanced civilization as long as it's not located in Africa?

Holy spit.
Varient said:
SMH @ U.

He has always been written in Canon as he is. Someone who on first outing handled the fantastic four. Who was raised in / at a higher tech base than what is "expected" for blacks ANYWHERE.

Here it is 2006,.. yet With grey in my beard I still have to deal with blunt unreasoning rudeness from white people who just can't accept that I have the knowledge to take a computer down to the component level,.. do repairs at the circuitboard level, read schematics and therefore be able to diag and fix almost any electronic device.

By rudeness it follows the same routine:
1. Suprise that I know more than they do about moving a mouse.
2. Disbelief that I could grok their problem with the device.
3. Rudeness in interrupting me in/at my job to submit a resume or at least a listing of all the schools I have been to before they then get in the way and ask (for them) pointed questions about what I'm doing.
4. The continuous voicing of "mild" disbelief that "I know so much" about computers as I fix it.

Even after I've done what I was there for I then have to waste time listening to the back-handed compliments, the the dimmer ones trying to find SOMETHING that allows them to keep their current world view.

"Aha! you were raised by white parents as part of a nurture / nature experiment?"

"Oh,... You were part of a special intercity chemical study?"

"So,.. you read alot?"

Only the last is true,... but they just can't get past the block.

Just like YOU.
You can have white guys in The Savage Land running around with sabertoothed cats among dinosaurs among the ruins of a super civilization,... but CAN'T accept the concept of a nation in Africa isolating itself and becoming more advanced than the rest of Humanity.

(Of course the Zulu's were doing just that - the english and the dutch got their feelings hurt for a bit - the greatest thing that happened for them was the destruction of the zulu from the inside.)

You can accept a teen being bright enough using the US education system to devise in the span of weeks an electromechanical device that shears a liquid polomer at high pressure that becomes an extremely strong "adhesive solid", yet can't accept a black Prince SENT to the premier schools of the world, privy to the GENERATIONS of technology developed around a metal that is exclusive to his peoples use being able to develop ANYTHING better than some guy who was a designer of weapons ONLY on the onset?

You can accept any form of advanced civilization as long as it's not located in Africa?

Holy spit.

lmao looks like i touched a nerve, calm down man. what i said was'nt meant to be percieved in a derorgatory manner, im sorry that you got that impression. and your right africa is'nt the lease technologically advanced nation out there(that part is very much true). but africa is no where near the level of the united states or japan. i never said black panther couldnt be smart or a genius, i was just reffering to the civilization he's in, seriously a country whose isloated themselves from the rest of humanity is able to become more advanced then other countries? BS, that would mean the aboreginies that still exist today off the coast of australia and some others can become technology advanced? no. im sorry that like saying a kid can be locked up in a room with no education whatsoever no contact with the outside world is gonna come out in 20 years with an IQ of 190. evolutuion and econimics has tought us no nation can be keep itself isolated and expect to be bustling in business.

the whole metal argument is preposterous too, out off all the metals in the world one metal is gonna help them become this super uber important tech nation, whatever. of course it has it's very special properties, but all metals does, but a metal can't be the basis for every tech out there. we have plastic, does that mean we can make a rocket and it's components all out of plastic? no.

I accept a black prince going off to the best schools money can by, hell bruce wayne did it, so why would i think opposite of Bp?. and the part where you bought up BP against the FF is ridicuous also, even batman had his problems when he first started, like i said it's all about hyping up a black character to run down the whities( to show a black character can just out do a white chracter better(which is true, depending on whose well qualified), but that situation was racially sided, hell if people can complain about batman going up agaisnt martians and etc, when he's only human. why cant BP be hold tot he same standards as batman. All BS writing.
GoldenAgeHero said:
lmao looks like i touched a nerve, calm down man. what i said was'nt meant to be percieved in a derorgatory manner, im sorry that you got that impression. and your right africa is'nt the lease technologically advanced nation out there(that part is very much true). but africa is no where near the level of the united states or japan. i never said black panther couldnt be smart or a genius, i was just reffering to the civilization he's in, seriously a country whose isloated themselves from the rest of humanity is able to become more advanced then other countries? BS, that would mean the aboreginies that still exist today off the coast of australia and some others can become technology advanced? no. im sorry that like saying a kid can be locked up in a room with no education whatsoever no contact with the outside world is gonna come out in 20 years with an IQ of 190. evolutuion and econimics has tought us no nation can be keep itself isolated and expect to be bustling in business.

the whole metal argument is preposterous too, out off all the metals in the world one metal is gonna help them become this super uber important tech nation, whatever. of course it has it's very special properties, but all metals does, but a metal can't be the basis for every tech out there. we have plastic, does that mean we can make a rocket and it's components all out of plastic? no.

I accept a black prince going off to the best schools money can by, hell bruce wayne did it, so why would i think opposite of Bp?. and the part where you bought up BP against the FF is ridicuous also, even batman had his problems when he first started, like i said it's all about hyping up a black character to run down the whities( to show a black character can just out do a white chracter better(which is true, depending on whose well qualified), but that situation was racially sided, hell if people can complain about batman going up agaisnt martians and etc, when he's only human. why cant BP be hold tot he same standards as batman. All BS writing.

So,.... the Eternals, The Lemurians,...the Inhumans, Kun'Lun, ALL isolated their civilizations and became greater for it,.... But Wakanda can't/couldn't?
Your logic is faulty.

The development of BRONZE made an entire civilization whoop on the rest of the world,... yet blacks in Africa couldn't do similar with a wondermetal?
Your Bias is showing.

In ref to the FF,.. take it up with Stan Lee,... I just read it. I notice though that I can think of too many cases where the "hero" should've got his head handed to him EVERYTIME based on powerlevels but for the Tarzan effect.

Rich Rider and the Spinx would be a great example.

I don't recall calling ANYONE a racist on SHH,...
(EVER),so why did you expect me to,... and was quick to tell me that "you were black" to supposidly defuse the opertunity to lable you.
well let see, africa, i personnaly can accept that, but look at the situation in africa, first with colonization from England, France, Spain, Portugal, the Dutch and Germany, when the europeans got thier, well, Africa wasnt anywhere as technologically advanced as Europe or the East, superior technology is what got Africa conquered, then the Dutch and the Portugiuse buy us from our tribes men, we love to pin slavery all the whites, but the spanish and our people are to blame as well, then aids ravaging the landscape, ebola flaring up every so often, the arabs initiating ethinic cleansing in sudan (thats pretty recent). Its not that africa could not seperate itself from the rest of the world and become more advanced, its just that africa has been held back for so long by natural and unnatural causes that its hard to believe that all of the sudden they would emerge as the forerunners in new world technologie.
I totally dug Hudlin's year 1 tale (Who Is The Panther?).It really cemented T'Challa,and Wakanda, as a serious force not to be facked with.

I'm getting sick of all these X-junkies trashing BP just because it showed Storm frying a terrorist in #14.Seriously,just shut up and go read Blood of Apocalypse.
thor87 said:
well let see, africa, i personnaly can accept that, but look at the situation in africa, first with colonization from England, France, Spain, Portugal, the Dutch and Germany, when the europeans got thier, well, Africa wasnt anywhere as technologically advanced as Europe or the East, superior technology is what got Africa conquered, then the Dutch and the Portugiuse buy us from our tribes men, we love to pin slavery all the whites, but the spanish and our people are to blame as well, then aids ravaging the landscape, ebola flaring up every so often, the arabs initiating ethinic cleansing in sudan (thats pretty recent). Its not that africa could not seperate itself from the rest of the world and become more advanced, its just that africa has been held back for so long by natural and unnatural causes that its hard to believe that all of the sudden they would emerge as the forerunners in new world technologie.

roach said:
Black Panther is a better fighter than Daredevil(he beat Cap)
He is as smart as Richards(the Quinjets are his design)
He is also richer than Stark.

He is not the stereotypical angry black male(try to find one who isnt in comics).

He is the first Black Superhero.....and his name predates the Black Panther Party

Yeah, that about sums it up for me. Black Panther still has all these elements and as of yet remains untapped of all that talent on a regular basis, or in a more mainstream light. He's basically Doom's good twin.:up:
GoldenAgeHero said:
i really dont care about black panther, ive tried reading preists run, but tchalla just comes off as an a$$hole to me. i would like to know him, but so far nothing yet. i thought hudlin's run was going to be greqat, boy was i wrong about that one, so i dropped the damn book and sold all the issues i had of it.

i also dont like the fact he's more technology advanced than tony stark, which makes no sense to me. why wont he help africa become a more independant nation, if he's so technologically advanced where's his company, where are the drugs that are suppose to help this aids epidemic(was this covered in preists run?). at least with stark he's doing something better with his tech, giving it to shield, finding better ways at implementing his technology. these are elements i want to see covered in a black panther book, i want more of a business man. plus i think the reason they made tchalla smarter then stark was because of some politically correct BS, marvel needed to be more diverse and play favor to the black comic buyers so they had black panther smarter then the white man:rolleyes: no offense, i just dont think T'Challa is'nt as smart as tony. maybe 10 points less. but in think stark is a true genius. btw someone said he has no superhuman abilities, doesnt he have heightened senses and increased stregnth?

From his first appearance in FF, Black Panther has been shown as right up there with Tony and a few points behind Reed. Read the books know the history before making unfounded judgements and yes BP has addressed the plight of Africa and his reasons for sending aid or not to his neighbors.

Priest covered that pretty throughly. Oh and BP constantly takes in refugees and deals with the politcal crap that comes with it.

Varient said:
(sad smile)

When you consider how many "Minority" heroes there are, And how many (comic readers) do have a need to say that "that" hero does nothing for them, in the worst case they try to make a case against the hero for being redundant, or under-powered by their standards.

You can treasure A Black Panther, or a Shang Chi,.. or even a Puck who represents something other than a white, english-speaking, completly predictable, middle of the road, one of six archtypes, hero.

There are not enough - so the Panther has always been a breath of fresh air for me.

Jeeez,... The Watcher is a bald Whiteguy, Galactus is a Bald White guy, in a universe of aliens the majority of "humanoids" are "white with feathers, white with fur, white with stereotypical superscience living on a moon in the outer solar system.

It still rubs me the wrong way that all these variations are "okay" yet there was a strong blatent refusal to suspend belief, (notice my words here), to accept that a black hero could come from an advanced civilization and run with the big dogs.

Tsk - up to that point I'd really thought comic readers were different.

That always bothered me also, so Superman being a Krytonian (Alien) happens to look like a White farm boy from kansas? Yet every comic fan has no issue with it, yet I bet if Supes so happened to look black people would loose their minds, let alone just a random Krytonian who looked Black in features.

Lets run it down, Silver Surfer (originaly a white bald Alien) Galactus, the Kree, Shi'ar, Krtonians, Rannians etc...Yet let a black guy be a King of a highly advanced African Nation in a fictional setting then , "oh no!! that can't happen it's not realistic!!" "He's not a thug?" "Wheres the white hero to be his patner/handler?"

Or a Asian guy can be the Martial Artist or Evil Villian, yet he can be a romantic lead or regular guy? Yet a Alien from 10,000 light years away so happens to be white is cool, it's a none issue.
Varient said:
(sad smile)

When you consider how many "Minority" heroes there are, And how many (comic readers) do have a need to say that "that" hero does nothing for them, in the worst case they try to make a case against the hero for being redundant, or under-powered by their standards.

You can treasure A Black Panther, or a Shang Chi,.. or even a Puck who represents something other than a white, english-speaking, completly predictable, middle of the road, one of six archtypes, hero.

There are not enough - so the Panther has always been a breath of fresh air for me.

Jeeez,... The Watcher is a bald Whiteguy, Galactus is a Bald White guy, in a universe of aliens the majority of "humanoids" are "white with feathers, white with fur, white with stereotypical superscience living on a moon in the outer solar system.

It still rubs me the wrong way that all these variations are "okay" yet there was a strong blatent refusal to suspend belief, (notice my words here), to accept that a black hero could come from an advanced civilization and run with the big dogs.

Tsk - up to that point I'd really thought comic readers were different.

That always bothered me also, so Superman being a Krytonian (Alien) happens to look like a White farm boy from kansas? Yet every comic fan has no issue with it, yet I bet if Supes so happened to look black people would loose their minds, let alone just a random Krytonian who looked Black in features.

Lets run it down, Silver Surfer (originaly a white bald Alien) Galactus, the Kree, Shi'ar, Krtonians, Rannians etc...Yet let a black guy be a King of a highly advanced African Nation in a fictional setting then , "oh no!! that can't happen it's not realistic!!" "He's not a thug?" "Wheres the white hero to be his patner/handler?"

Or a Asian guy can be the Martial Artist or Evil Villian, yet he can be a romantic lead or regular guy? Yet a Alien from 10,000 light years away so happens to be white is cool, it's a none issue.
Varient said:
I don't recall calling ANYONE a racist on SHH,...
(EVER),so why did you expect me to,... and was quick to tell me that "you were black" to supposidly defuse the opertunity to lable you.

I honestly don't think GoldenAge is black.

From what I've observed from him he's most definately 'other'.

That or Wayne Brady.
deemar325 said:
I honestly don't think GoldenAge is black.

From what I've observed from him he's most definately 'other'.

That or Wayne Brady.

Don't know any blacks who say something basic that even in your worse nightmare that something like Wakanda couldn't happen anywhere including the Marvel Universe.

And then say:

And I'm black too - so there.

I just don't know anyone who could say that about their ethnic origin,.. even in a fantasy setting.
Varient said:

Don't know any blacks who say something basic that even in your worse nightmare that something like Wakanda couldn't happen anywhere including the Marvel Universe.

And then say:

And I'm black too - so there.

I just don't know anyone who could say that about their ethnic origin,.. even in a fantasy setting.

From what I've seen from this guy GA, he's most definately not black. In no way do I sense that from him, you can sense it. Anubis feels black, you feel black not Golden Age.

My 'Negro sense' was tingling.
Because he's a respectable Black Superhero, and as a black guy myself, you have no idea how much that means to me. Like someone said, he wasnt some former criminal, or some angry guy, or some guy living in the poor ass projects. He's the king of his own country. He can own the likes of Iron Man and Captain America. He's a genius and a good fighter. And his cotume is awesome. He's the first and greatrest black superhero in comics, IMO.
deemar325 said:
From what I've seen from this guy GA, he's most definately not black. In no way do I sense that from him, you can sense it. Anubis feels black, you feel black not Golden Age.

My 'Negro sense' was tingling.

Comparing Hudlin and Priest's take on BP,during Priest's run,I've read a couple issues,T'Challa comes off as a real prick for some reason,like a badass.Hudlin tends to still give him that noble man of character and royalty feel but at the same time makes him like an average joe.

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