Why Hal Jordan and John Stewart are the only options to use in a Green Lantern movie

Chris B

Jan 28, 2002
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I think that it there is ever a Green Lantern, I think that it is reasonable to assume that the WB will use the versions that have appeared to most outside of comics because those are the ones that general movie goers will associate with, and that leaves Hal Jordan and John Stewart.

Hal Jordan appeared in a season of the Superfriends and was the Green Lantern in some animated shorts featured on another DC Comics cartoon, though I forget what it was called.

John Stewart was the focal GL in Justice League, so younger audiences are going to think of that character of the Green Lantern, and it also brings an African-American into the public eye as a popular superhero.

Alan Scott never appeared in anything outside of comics as far as I know. Kyle Rayner in a few episodes of Superman and Justice League. And Guy Gardener appeared in a failed live-action Justice League movie. The point is, Hal Jordan and John Stewart are the characters that people outside of comic books will remember, IMO.
I'm sorry, while I agree with the basic sentiment the logic is flawed in two reasons. First, the assumption WB will use those who appeared outside of comics most is not as safe as you seem to imply. Publishing and marketing issues could easily come into play.

Second, you overvalue Hal's Superfriends appearance. They were rare are almost completely forgotten. Wendy had more screentime than Hal Jordan, but that doesn't mean a movie about her will be appealing to anyone.

John on the other hand was on a five season show that finished up very recently, not to mention the fact that black men are hired by Six Flags to walk around in GL costumes, not white ones. John Stewart is GL to everyone who doesn't read the comics. If they want to go with the most recognizable, they'll go JS, without a shadow of doubt.

However, two things that haven't been mentioned. One: We all want characters that look like us and that we relate to. Thusly, with a white majority, we want to see white characters, which suggests that most filmmakers and moviegoers would prefer to see Hal or Kyle, even if they know nothing about the characters.

Second: WB isn't trying to make an epic GL trilogy. It'd be a horrible business decision if they already have three superhero summer blockbuster franchises (Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman), basically by making a GL movie they'd be deciding not to make Superman Returns 2. There simply isn't room on the calendar to put all those movies out during the Summer.

So in short, John Stewart may be the most logical Green Lantern to use in a film, however, fans and movie execs won't let it happen.
GL1 said:
I'm sorry, while I agree with the basic sentiment the logic is flawed in two reasons. First, the assumption WB will use those who appeared outside of comics most is not as safe as you seem to imply. Publishing and marketing issues could easily come into play.

Second, you overvalue Hal's Superfriends appearance. They were rare are almost completely forgotten. Wendy had more screentime than Hal Jordan, but that doesn't mean a movie about her will be appealing to anyone.

John on the other hand was on a five season show that finished up very recently, not to mention the fact that black men are hired by Six Flags to walk around in GL costumes, not white ones. John Stewart is GL to everyone who doesn't read the comics. If they want to go with the most recognizable, they'll go JS, without a shadow of doubt.

However, two things that haven't been mentioned. One: We all want characters that look like us and that we relate to. Thusly, with a white majority, we want to see white characters, which suggests that most filmmakers and moviegoers would prefer to see Hal or Kyle, even if they know nothing about the characters.

Second: WB isn't trying to make an epic GL trilogy. It'd be a horrible business decision if they already have three superhero summer blockbuster franchises (Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman), basically by making a GL movie they'd be deciding not to make Superman Returns 2. There simply isn't room on the calendar to put all those movies out during the Summer.

So in short, John Stewart may be the most logical Green Lantern to use in a film, however, fans and movie execs won't let it happen.

*claps hands in applause* I can't believe you were brave enough to say that, but it is so true. We all do want characters that look like us and that we can relate with (as to why the comics are dominated by white characters). But if you think about it, Green Lantern has been all about diversity, inclusion, and product differentiation. Your other point about the film being a conflict to the big three is another good one. This could mean that if they really want to take on a project like this, other options may need to be considered -- like television or independent film. I still think as a business strategy, a film centered around the Green Lantern Corps would be a great marketing tool to attract both Star Wars and Star Trek and other Sci-Fi/Fantasy based fans (which is a huge market) away from their respective studios.
We all do want characters that look like us and that we can relate with (as to why the comics are dominated by white characters).

**** that, I'm white and wouldn't give to ****s if theres a white person on the screen or not.
I'd actually like to see John Stewart, and I'm white. He's the only Green Lantern I can stand, cause he's a bad ass marine. So what if he has crappy super powers, he could kick your ass even without the ring :o
The truth is, no Green Lantern is more known to the public than the others. You seem to think the general public actually watches cartoons. They dont.

The factor that should determine which GL they use is story. Which GL lends itself to the best story. That would obvioulsy be Hal, or perhaps Kyle. They each have a good solid origin that would do well to introduce you to the GL mythos.

With Hal, you could have the classic Abin Sur origin, training by Kilowog and Sinestro, then Hal discovers Sinestros corruption, he's captured, and later returns for revenge.

Kyle's origin could also work. He meets Ganthet, who gives him the last GL ring and makes him the last GL, and he helps to rebuild the corps. He could later go onto fight Parralax, the greatest GL fallen.

John's origin is pretty lame. He's hired as not just a backup GL, but a replacement for a backup GL. Hal was the main Lantern, Guy was hired to replace him in case of injury, but when Guy was injured, Stewart took that job. He's practically never even been the main GL of Earth. That story just wouldn't work for a movie, at least not the first one.
Katsuro said:
The truth is, no Green Lantern is more known to the public than the others. You seem to think the general public actually watches cartoons. They dont.

The factor that should determine which GL they use is story. Which GL lends itself to the best story. That would obvioulsy be Hal, or perhaps Kyle. They each have a good solid origin that would do well to introduce you to the GL mythos.

With Hal, you could have the classic Abin Sur origin, training by Kilowog and Sinestro, then Hal discovers Sinestros corruption, he's captured, and later returns for revenge.

Kyle's origin could also work. He meets Ganthet, who gives him the last GL ring and makes him the last GL, and he helps to rebuild the corps. He could later go onto fight Parralax, the greatest GL fallen.

John's origin is pretty lame. He's hired as not just a backup GL, but a replacement for a backup GL. Hal was the main Lantern, Guy was hired to replace him in case of injury, but when Guy was injured, Stewart took that job. He's practically never even been the main GL of Earth. That story just wouldn't work for a movie, at least not the first one.

That's if you decide to go with an origin story. A writer or dirctor doesn't have to go with an origin per se. There is so much source material in the Green Latern mythos that you could write many stories or you could make the film like a "New York Stories" type of film (with out the comedy) where it is a series of tales all rolled into one movie. Whatever the case may be, I think this could be a really good film and could start up a large following.
Katsuro said:
The truth is, no Green Lantern is more known to the public than the others. You seem to think the general public actually watches cartoons. They dont.

Relatively, John is more known. He is on TV, and has been for half a decade, and he's at six flags, he's on any JL toys/lunchboxes/backpacks/halloween costumes that have come out in the last five years. Is John Stewart "Well known"? No, absolutely not. Is he more known to the general public than any other GL? Yes, absolutely.

The factor that should determine which GL they use is story. Which GL lends itself to the best story...

...John's origin is pretty lame. He's hired as not just a backup GL, but a replacement for a backup GL. Hal was the main Lantern, Guy was hired to replace him in case of injury, but when Guy was injured, Stewart took that job. He's practically never even been the main GL of Earth. That story just wouldn't work for a movie, at least not the first one.

That's not the story, though. John was chosen by the Guardians and trained by a GL... this "works" for John just like it does for all other GLs. The greatest GL stories have been told without the main character having to be the "only" or "one true" Green Lantern.
dnno1 said:
I still think as a business strategy, a film centered around the Green Lantern Corps would be a great marketing tool to attract both Star Wars and Star Trek and other Sci-Fi/Fantasy based fans (which is a huge market) away from their respective studios.

I'd much prefer a TV Show, simular to the likes of Stargate SG-1, where it revolves around three or four different lanterns taking care of business.

Kool-Aid said:
**** that, I'm white and wouldn't give to ****s if theres a white person on the screen or not.

Same here, friend. But sadly, we're the minority on that train of thought. You'd be suprised how many racists are around, even in this day and age, who won't even watch a TV show with a black man in it.

Also, White Kool-Aid? EWWWWW. I'd hate to see what the sweetener was for that concoction.

Katsuro said:
John's origin is pretty lame. He's hired as not just a backup GL, but a replacement for a backup GL. Hal was the main Lantern, Guy was hired to replace him in case of injury, but when Guy was injured, Stewart took that job. He's practically never even been the main GL of Earth. That story just wouldn't work for a movie, at least not the first one.

Which is the biggest reason I don't want to see John in the first movie. They'd have to rewrite his origin, or start off on a bad foot.

GL1 said:
That's not the story, though. John was chosen by the Guardians and trained by a GL... this "works" for John just like it does for all other GLs. The greatest GL stories have been told without the main character having to be the "only" or "one true" Green Lantern.

It's close enough to the truth that most people would rather have something better.
There's a good chance it could be John - Warner Bros marketing machine has already pimped him with Justice League.
Drakon said:
I'd much prefer a TV Show, simular to the likes of Stargate SG-1, where it revolves around three or four different lanterns taking care of business...

I tend to agree. The character and the whole mythos should pay its pittance with a TV series just like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Spiderman, and The Hulk did before they went on film. Television would also help build a larger fanbase (especially in syndication).
The Joker said:
I'd actually like to see John Stewart, and I'm white. He's the only Green Lantern I can stand, cause he's a bad ass marine. So what if he has crappy super powers, he could kick your ass even without the ring :o

Agreed on all accounts. I really wouldn't mind Stewart at all. JLU made him a full on bad ass.
Point blank, only geeky fanboys and old school fans of the comics would really protest if Stewart was in the movie(and no, they're not as big a demographic as you would think). I honestly think people view John Stewart as some kind of Green Lantern affirmative action case. And yes, quite a few mainstream joe averages did watch the animated JL, and a lot of them see John as the definitive GL. And if kids are watching it and he's the one they identify with, you best believe WB will use him. I confess I would like to see more black superheroes out there aside from the usual repertoire of Spawn, Black Panther, Storm, and Blade. Give me a character that doesn't have it all together, a reluctant hero. A black Peter Parker is someone I could very much relate to, but we all have to be bad asses.
SpeedballLives said:
Nope, Hal Jordan is the only GL for me.

Same here man, I'm just sayying I wouldn't mind Stewart. :)
terry78 said:
A black Peter Parker is someone I could very much relate to, but we all have to be bad asses.

Interesting observation. Hadn't noticed that before.

I think John Stewart, at the beginning of his career, seems to fit that bill pretty closely... at least in the movie treatment I had developed...
terry78 said:
Point blank, only geeky fanboys and old school fans of the comics would really protest if Stewart was in the movie(and no, they're not as big a demographic as you would think). I honestly think people view John Stewart as some kind of Green Lantern affirmative action case. And yes, quite a few mainstream joe averages did watch the animated JL, and a lot of them see John as the definitive GL. And if kids are watching it and he's the one they identify with, you best believe WB will use him. I confess I would like to see more black superheroes out there aside from the usual repertoire of Spawn, Black Panther, Storm, and Blade. Give me a character that doesn't have it all together, a reluctant hero. A black Peter Parker is someone I could very much relate to, but we all have to be bad asses.
Unless by joe averages you mean "comic nerds and 5-12 year olds", no. It was on cartoon network, not USA or FX (or a major network). Most college students don't watch cartoons, I can attest to this. If they know who John Stewart is from JLU it is because they have a younger sibling who watched the show or they were comic fans drawn to the show due to invested interest.

The reason these movies exist is to market the current selling comic to a larger audience. The reason the cartoons exist is to hook 5-12 year olds into the characters at a young age. However to teenagers and 18-24 gap that movies these movies are aimed at, Hal or Kyle is (if that) probably the GL they are familiar with. 18-24s don't watch cartoons, they watch sports and 24. John could easily be GL, but trust me it would be news to that age bracket anyone but Hal showed up on screen.

That bracket, if they have heard of GL or Flash, Thor, Batman, Iron Man, etc. Only knows the incarnation that is most "classically" associated with said characters. Barry, Hal, Don Blake, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Hank Pym and Bruce Wayne are ten times more well known than Wally West, Jon Stewart, Jim Rhodes, John Walker, Scott Lang (who with comic fans is a more popular ant man) and Jean Paul Valley.

Most fans on these boards don't seem to understand that most people are not familiar with any Superheroes. Most people don't know who Lex Luthor is, or who Flash is, or who Two Face is. However if they are familiar they know they most classic, most drawn adaptation. For every piece of Jon merchandise, Hal has ten iconic images showing him as GL...that is what people know. They recognise the symbols associated with GL from years of his existence, not what one cartoon said he was. However Hal or GL is not well known period and will probably never get his own film.
Jack Black should be Green Lantern. Give him a completely new character, say the ring was gotten of Hal or John, just to give it some backbone.

It would be toatlly awesome.
SouLeSS said:
Jack Black should be Green Lantern. Give him a completely new character, say the ring was gotten of Hal or John, just to give it some backbone.

It would be toatlly awesome.
Although I hate the idea of this movie, because GL is not a well known character...in terms of general audience they could get away with it.
The Joker said:
I'd actually like to see John Stewart, and I'm white. He's the only Green Lantern I can stand, cause he's a bad ass marine. So what if he has crappy super powers, he could kick your ass even without the ring :o

I am with you on that 100%... Well said. :up:

I think Gregory Pratt from ER would be a prefect guy to play him.

GL1 said:
However, two things that haven't been mentioned. One: We all want characters that look like us and that we relate to. Thusly, with a white majority, we want to see white characters, which suggests that most filmmakers and moviegoers would prefer to see Hal or Kyle, even if they know nothing about the characters.

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Rascist mofos can't relate to anyone of different ethnic background mainly because they see them differently. Don't put me in your pigeonhole. I relate to people in situations, not because of the colour of their skin.
bulok said:
Rascist mofos can't relate to anyone of different ethnic background mainly because they see them differently. Don't put me in your pigeonhole. I relate to people in situations, not because of the colour of their skin.

1) Don't take it personal, 2) Good for you 3) You still want characters you relate to, even if you race isn't one of the most important factors in your experience. Many people do value their race and relate to people of their race easier than people of other races. This is not racism, this is normal and natural prejudice that the vast of majority of folk outside of multi-racial families have.

ShadowBoxing said:
Unless by joe averages you mean "comic nerds and 5-12 year olds", no. It was on cartoon network, not USA or FX (or a major network). Most college students don't watch cartoons, I can attest to this. If they know who John Stewart is from JLU it is because they have a younger sibling who watched the show or they were comic fans drawn to the show due to invested interest.

Or they've seen anything to do with GL in the last five years OR they saw JLU when it came on after Dragonball Z, a cartoon which many college kids do watch around here.

The reason these movies exist is to market the current selling comic to a larger audience. The reason the cartoons exist is to hook 5-12 year olds into the characters at a young age. However to teenagers and 18-24 gap that movies these movies are aimed at, Hal or Kyle is (if that) probably the GL they are familiar with. 18-24s don't watch cartoons, they watch sports and 24. John could easily be GL, but trust me it would be news to that age bracket anyone but Hal showed up on screen.

False. The movies don't exist to market the current selling comic. They exist to market a franchise, a property and the comic, part of that property typically adapts to the movie or cartoon (see Teen Titans, Smallville, Spider-Man), especially at WB. There's also no reason a "mainstream" audience would have any inkling who Hal and Kyle are. WHOEVER the GL is would be news to them, be it Hal, Kyle or John.

That bracket, if they have heard of GL or Flash, Thor, Batman, Iron Man, etc. Only knows the incarnation that is most "classically" associated with said characters. Barry, Hal, Don Blake, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Hank Pym and Bruce Wayne are ten times more well known than Wally West, Jon Stewart, Jim Rhodes, John Walker, Scott Lang (who with comic fans is a more popular ant man) and Jean Paul Valley.

Also false. That bracket, if they've heard of these characters almost assuredly has no idea what their real names are, save for Superman, Batman and Spider-Man. I don't know why you think large people in the 18-24 age bracket know Thor was Don Blake... where would they possibly have learned this at? I don't know why you think many people in that age bracket have even seen a picture of GL Hal to know that he's white? Where would they see these images?

Most fans on these boards don't seem to understand that most people are not familiar with any Superheroes. Most people don't know who Lex Luthor is, or who Flash is, or who Two Face is. However if they are familiar they know they most classic, most drawn adaptation. For every piece of Jon merchandise, Hal has ten iconic images showing him as GL...that is what people know. They recognise the symbols associated with GL from years of his existence, not what one cartoon said he was. However Hal or GL is not well known period and will probably never get his own film.

Alright, so we have established that MOST PEOPLE ARE NOT FAMILIAR WITH ANY SUPERHEROES. That means that MOST people would have no problem or hitch or issue with John Stewart being Green Lantern.

So now we deal with the minority that ARE familiar with superheroes and we ask where did they get their familiarity with superheroes from? Did they get it from watching the WB cartoons? In the age range of 18-24 you betcha... did they get it from reading comic books... some, but not a whole lot. We've established that they'll see the Jon merchandise, but where are they going to see these iconic Hal images... and what makes those images more iconic than the ones of John?

I hate to take arguements apart like this, but you know, ShadowBoxing that most people aren't familiar with Hal Jordan, and the only people who are adamant about his inclusion are those in the "comic book nerds" group you mentioned in your first paragraph. I'm not saying he shouldn't be included, but if so, it'd be for reasons of character, we want a perfect superhero ladies man alphamale ideal dream GL, as opposed to one with glaring flaws and relatable personal struggles like John or Kyle. That's why to include Hal, not because of some magic popularity contest which, in the mainstream media, I beleive Hal would lose, though, few people would care either way.
GL1 said:
1) ...Many people do value their race and relate to people of their race easier than people of other races. This is not racism, this is normal and natural prejudice that the vast of majority of folk outside of multi-racial families have...
Your other points in your argument were valid except for this one. Let's not get it twisted. The favoring or pejudice on racial lines is by definition racism -- even if it is natural. If society is to advance, they must learn tolerance and be willing to accept change. The value of this is that it helps spawn variation and innovation in society. I don't think we should encourage racism by saying that it is acceptable because it is "normal" and "natural". This could then be construed as a human right (which it is not) and would only embolden those who practice it and further their cause. One of the things that made the acient Greeks such a great society was the fact that they were willing to accept the values and customs of other cultures. By adopting such a policy would only aid in helping our society move in the direction of progress as well.
GL1 said:
1) Don't take it personal, 2) Good for you 3) You still want characters you relate to, even if you race isn't one of the most important factors in your experience. Many people do value their race and relate to people of their race easier than people of other races. This is not racism, this is normal and natural prejudice that the vast of majority of folk outside of multi-racial families have.

Or they've seen anything to do with GL in the last five years OR they saw JLU when it came on after Dragonball Z, a cartoon which many college kids do watch around here.

False. The movies don't exist to market the current selling comic. They exist to market a franchise, a property and the comic, part of that property typically adapts to the movie or cartoon (see Teen Titans, Smallville, Spider-Man), especially at WB. There's also no reason a "mainstream" audience would have any inkling who Hal and Kyle are. WHOEVER the GL is would be news to them, be it Hal, Kyle or John.

Also false. That bracket, if they've heard of these characters almost assuredly has no idea what their real names are, save for Superman, Batman and Spider-Man. I don't know why you think large people in the 18-24 age bracket know Thor was Don Blake... where would they possibly have learned this at? I don't know why you think many people in that age bracket have even seen a picture of GL Hal to know that he's white? Where would they see these images?

Alright, so we have established that MOST PEOPLE ARE NOT FAMILIAR WITH ANY SUPERHEROES. That means that MOST people would have no problem or hitch or issue with John Stewart being Green Lantern.

So now we deal with the minority that ARE familiar with superheroes and we ask where did they get their familiarity with superheroes from? Did they get it from watching the WB cartoons? In the age range of 18-24 you betcha... did they get it from reading comic books... some, but not a whole lot. We've established that they'll see the Jon merchandise, but where are they going to see these iconic Hal images... and what makes those images more iconic than the ones of John?

I hate to take arguements apart like this, but you know, ShadowBoxing that most people aren't familiar with Hal Jordan, and the only people who are adamant about his inclusion are those in the "comic book nerds" group you mentioned in your first paragraph. I'm not saying he shouldn't be included, but if so, it'd be for reasons of character, we want a perfect superhero ladies man alphamale ideal dream GL, as opposed to one with glaring flaws and relatable personal struggles like John or Kyle. That's why to include Hal, not because of some magic popularity contest which, in the mainstream media, I beleive Hal would lose, though, few people would care either way.
You didn't because your argument is based on the flawed logic that our generation watches Justice League. They don't. They are probably more familiar with what was on the Superfriends than JLU, and even then not that familiar. Those who have come across the Green Lantern however would only know of a classic incarnation, one that has an icon status. Something they have brushed over in a magazine. There is something called the theory of threes. That something must appear in three different places before it sets into people's minds. Spider-Man Ben Reily for example only appeared really in the comics (and one episode of Spider-Man), therefore most people are not familiar with him. Hal appears predominently in print and imagery related to GL, not just a show like Jon. There is also a theory relating to origins of characters as well. The theory is quiet simple. It simply states the first is always the most famous. Peter Parker, Frank Castle, Clark Kent, etc. is always associated with Spider-Man, Punisher and Superman because the origin of the character revolves around them. Hal Jordan is the same.

I will say this to you one more time just so it sets in, 18-24 year olds DON'T WATCH CARTOONS. You can deny it, you can make yourself feel better about your rabid cartoon watching by saying it is true....but it isn't:( I don't even watch cartoons, and I like comics. None of my roomates watch cartoons, I have never been invited to a cartoon watching party (unlike with 24, Sports and Movies). Therefore unless your 5-9 years old, and don't play video games all damn day, you've never heard of Jon Stewart. You probably don't know Hal Jordan, but I have a friend with a big Jon Stewart poster on his wall and everytime I see him my friends ask "shouldn't that guy be white?". So no, no one is familiar with Jon, no one who doesn't watch JLU or read comics. The general audience would be much less surprised by Hal than Jon. In fact there was a poll before GL:Rebirth on IGN asking who people thought should be Green Lantern: 52 % said Hal, the rest said Kyle.

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