With Star Trek's success, what comes next?

I'd like to see Spielberg do outerspace. It seems like all his trips into sci-fi are Earth based. I'd like to see a massive, big budget, space opera from Spielberg. Just imagine the possibilities.

I've heard he's planning something wit Jonathan Nolan.

Is that Interstellar? I think it's supposed to be about theories that Einstein could never prove or something.

What about The Six Billion Dollar Man?

We can rebuild him. We have the technology.

This could potentially be awesome.
I wouldn't be surprised to see Lost In Space get made again.

I also just got done watching Land Of The Giants. It was a TV Series that ran from 1968-1970. It ran two seasons with around 50 episodes. Sadly, the show was canceled. I'd love to see that movie get made. You can catch the two seasons on Hulu.


I wouldn't even mind if Chris Pine played the role of Captain Steve Burton.
No offense to Battlestar Galactica fans out there, but a very selfish part of me makes me want them to make it into a movie that thoroughly sucks.

I have nothing against the series. My gripe is with this friend of mine that I took to see Star Trek. She is an avid fan of B:G (she said she cried at the end of the finale, which she describes as the greatest TV finale of all time), and so I figured that, unlike many people I know, she would be able to appreciate Star Trek if it was good (which it of course turned out to be).

Well, the thing is, she had this annoyingly snide attitude about Trek. I told her beforehand that it had gotten great reviews on RT, and she (clearly not understanding that RT features critics reviews from multiple sources) replied that "oh, well, probably half the people that work for rottentomatoes are Star Trek nerds so of course they'd give it a great review." When I explained to her that RT simply collects reviews from multiple critics, she made some smartass comment about "What do critics know?"

Anyway, we go and see the movie, and though I can tell she's enjoying it, she has to continue making little smartass comments through the whole thing because she's oh-so-above-it-all. Afterward, we discussed the movie and she said she liked it, but the only thing that really impressed her was apparently Simon Pegg because she loves guys from the UK or whatever.

Now don't get me wrong... she remains a close friend, but this really grated on my nerves. If you're a huge fan of Battlestar Galactica (and also Firefly, which she is) I'm not saying that you have to love Star Trek too, but you should be willing to give it a chance. At the very least, don't act like you're above its nerdiness because you're clearly not. B:G and Firefly are just as dweeb-friendly as Trek is, if not moreso. And in the case of Firefly... at least the majority of people in this world have HEARD of Trek.

I am first and foremost a Star Wars nerd. Never watched an episode of Trek in any of it's incarnation other than the occassional spoof on other shows or online media.

Having said that, I went to watch Trek as a Star Wars fan. I left the theater almost a Trekkie.:o
I think that many studios will see that A) Reboots still work and keep the trend alive, thus movies like the new Predator will be sped up and B) Dark and gritty isn't the only way to go. Star Trek showed that a light and optimistic future can work despite Lucas' best efforts to kill an optimistic sci-fi movie. I hope some big name directors sign on and maybe give spawn to a new, possibly original franchise. We'll see a ton of sci-fi reboots from this, but I wouldn't mind something like Dead Space become greenlit and adapted to the screen.

As for Lucas and Star Wars, He won't dare completely remake any of his movies, although if he was promised enough money, I know he'd do it. I could see a sequel to Jedi, or an Old Republic movie, but it won't be anytime soon.

The wait might be over in December when Avatar is released. And then there's Interstellar, a sci-fi movie that Spielberg might direct.
I'd certainly be interested in an adaptation of the Colony Wars universe to the big screen.

Don't believe me after watching this? There's no hope for you :oldrazz:.
The answer to this thread?

A goddamn sequel with everyone returning!

And Lendelof is a plus.
I'd like to see some of todays greatest film-makers take a crack at science fiction in film

James Cameron - Avatar and Battle Angel
Ridley Scott - The Forever War
Steven Spielberg - Interstellar
Peter Jackson - District 9 and Halo (producing but still involved)
Christopher Nolan - Inception

It's already happening, and with other sci fi projects such as Moon and the Martin Campbell directed Green Lantern (it's just as much a sci-fi film as it is a comic book film) also coming out, the future looks bright for science fiction
I wouldn't be surprised to see Lost In Space get made again.

I think it's definitely time for a new Lost in Space film.. hopefully a good one. I think it's been long enough that people have completely forgotten the 1998 version.
I highly doubt Lucas will remake the original trilogy. He knows the omega backlash that will occur if he does. I'm sure he'll toy with it some more or hell, maybe even do a sequel trilogy.
Lucas should produce a sequel trilogy. But I pray he doesn't direct them.
I'll Tell You Whats Next. Master Chiefs Delayed Entrance to the Big Screen


Like I said earlier, I hope to gwad that when they do the Halo movies they base them on the books. The Fall of Reach kicked all kinds of ass.
Lucas shot down sequel trilogy rumors, saying that SW was "Anakin's story". My response? Go **** yourself, George.
I'd love to see a Star Wars movie that didn't necessarily focus on the original characters. The whole SW universe is just so great and there are so many stories they could tell with different characters.

I'd also be down with a film centring around the Jedi Academy on Yavin 4 (sp?). Hamill could cameo quick as like the principal or something :D.
Lucas shot down sequel trilogy rumors, saying that SW was "Anakin's story". My response? Go **** yourself, George.

He can always make it about the Skywalkers not just Anakin.

I really hope Halo is coming soon. It can be a really great movie, hopefully Star Trek makes Microsoft get off their lazy a**es. A Halo movie done right will equal big bucks.
There are several books that take place after Jedi that would be awesome.
But Im going to tell you the next big thing in sci fi to get remade.....you heard it here first...SPACE 1999
I think a studio should purchase the rights to Don Bluth's Space Ace game and make a live action sci-fi with slight comedic undertones adaptation.

Good christ, for once, can we talk about SW or sci fi without the bashing of Lucas when his name is heard? :facepalm

We ****ing get it.
Good christ, for once, can we talk about SW or sci fi without the bashing of Lucas when his name is heard? :facepalm

We ****ing get it.

Some people act like they get some kind of monetary reimbursement for every anti Lucas remark they make.
SW pretty much defined my childhood so he gets a pass in my book

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