Wolfman-The Offical Thread

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interesting read. I agree with him that this felt like a film being pulled in 3 different directions. Such a shame too. This could have kicked off a massive Universal Monster revival
Too bad. I'm not sure he was the right guy fo the job or not. I liked One Hour Photo, but while Never Let Me Go has gorgeous cinematography and amazing acting...it is just trying too hard to be soulfully artistic and it comes off a bit silly.

The Wolfman movie we got is...a disappointment. I watched the DC again last week as one of the Halloween films I do (along with Coppola's Dracula, Sleepy Hollow, AWWIL and the old Universals). Visually it is stunning. The cast is great (though surprisingly Del Toro is the only one who has a few stiff line readings and this was his pet project!). It just doesn't quite work.

The first act in the DC is actually quite good at introducing this world and having Lawrence go home for his brother and then going to the bar, etc. The funeral is haunting. But when it's supposed to get scary is when it just doesn't work. The movie never really builds tension. The werewolf attacks are a lot of fun to see and very cool. But they're certainly not scary. I'm not sure if Johnson just wanted us to be exhilerated, which he succeeded at. But that then makes the buildups even less scary. Never mind the jump cuts.

And then that whole third act...the ending could have been so much better. (Cough-kill dad with silver cane to pay off its introduction, having Lawrence and Gwen kill each other-Cough).

Oh well. It is still an entertaining movie to watch in October. But nowhere near the classic it could have been.
I agree, once the wolf shows up it kind of becomes a slasher flick. Theres no scare, theres no suspense it just becomes hack and slash
its time to play The Lawrence drinking game. Take a shot everytime his name is said in the film!
I still feel this is quite an under-rated movie personally, it could have and should have been better, but all the ****e going on in the background obviously effected the finished product, despite that, I still enjoy what we got, especially the DC.
I need to track down the directors cut. I liked the movie but overall I was diaspointed. This movie had the chance to be totally great.
^The DC definately improves the movie, it doesnt make it fantastic or anything but the characters are fleshed out a lot more.
I requested this on Netflix in August and finally got around to watching it. I only watched the alternate endings and a couple extra features. I have to say, I prefer the ending where he kills Gwen.
He doesn't die. Gwen grabs the gun but he bites her and kills her. Then he stands up looking towards the camera.
i really enjoyed this take on the character. better than any other wolfman movies, imo
oh so he dies in the theatrical ending?
My girlfriend rented this movie a while back but I never got around to finishing it
He dies in the theatrical ending. Gwen dies in an alternate ending
I liked the ending where they both die. Romeo and Juliet sort of thing lol

I quite liked the DC, way better than the fast crap theatrical version.

This film just had a mediocre director.
Just rewatched the movie for the first time since I saw it at the cinema.

The movie might suck as a story and directing, but it's glouriously amazing achievement of art. The makeup (that just won oscar) was very good and massive, but I believe the movie had an oscar quality Art and Costumes.

Still, the movie wasn't all that good, but visually was a beauty.
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