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"WTF?!" Moments of 'Spider-Man 3'

The winks at women in the streets. And the random dancing.
I misread this--only read women in the streets, heh. I thought you were referring to the random cleavage shots Raimi included in every single Spider-Man movie.. what's with that..?
I think it cheapens everything a bit. Like Jessica Alba in Fantastic Four.
Peter out of character the entire movie from start to finish was the biggest WTF I can think of, and the main reason why it's so hard to watch for me.
Topher Grace as Venom. Nuff said.

Oh, and Emo Peter's hair.
wow...well what are the odds that peter parker of all people would get bitten by a genetically enhanced spider?:whatever:

Its a comic book movie..those odds are what these kind of movies are based off of.

Please close this thread. no need for another complaint thread. just go to the I HATE SPIDER MAN 3 THREAD.:whatever:

I have an amazing thought...

All the fake forgiveness going around.

Harry forgave Peter but only because his butler told him the truth.

Peter forgave the Sandman because his gun "accidently" went off.
Did anyone else mention that the butler FINALLY revealed that he new how norman died after 2 whole movies?

I mean he let the dude obsess over it...

the "bird" in the machine at the beginning. (I'm referring to sandman)

and my personal fav. the unexplained appearance of the symbiote.
seriously unless you read the comics or watched the cartoons....you wouldn't know what was going on half the time in the film.
I can't tell you how many of my friends have come up to me to ask, "WTF was the black stuff?"
I've had a few people come up to me and refer to black suit Spider-man as "Venom." :whatever:
The whole dance scene with Peter and Gwen was painful to watch.
Surely the biggest WTF moment is the Sandman-Venom team up scene, every aspect of that scene is disastrously bad.

1) Why is Sandman wandering around NY incase on the off chance he bumps into SM. Granted he doesn't come across as particularly smart in the movie (he did accidentally shoot someone after all) but nobody is that stupid.

2) Why when he encounters Venom is he not remotely scared or even shocked. His reaction consists of " Oh you're not SM, your just a terrifying alien monster, so I'll be on my way". I don't care if he has super powers, that would not be any human beings reaction to seeing Venom.

3) Lastly and most obviously why having never met each other before would they just team up and become best friends in 30 seconds? You'd imagine murderous super villains would be abit more suspicious of each others motives. And what happened after this scene did they just go to Sandman's house, have a coffee and discuss how to kill SM?

I cannot believe people get paid thousands of dollars to write this stuff!!
2) Why when he encounters Venom is he not remotely scared or even shocked. His reaction consists of " Oh you're not SM, your just a terrifying alien monster, so I'll be on my way". I don't care if he has super powers, that would not be any human beings reaction to seeing Venom.

3) Lastly and most obviously why having never met each other before would they just team up and become best friends in 30 seconds? You'd imagine murderous super villains would be abit more suspicious of each others motives. And what happened after this scene did they just go to Sandman's house, have a coffee and discuss how to kill SM?

Both of these facts really bother me,even now. Sandman,while a criminal,doesn't strike me as a murderer or an evil psychopath. Venom,on the other hand not only is a murdering psycho,but he even looks scary and evil. If you ever met him in a dark alley I don't think your first thought would be,"Oh,this "guy" looks trustworthy." Plus,for Marko to just turn his back on Venom like that was stupid. "Oops,not Spider-man! Time to move on." :whatever:
Venom wanted to destroy Spider-man himself and quite frankly,he was much stronger than Spidey and didn't need anyone's help. This whole moment was obviously sloppy writing. Raimi and co. realized they need to tie everything up quickly for the final battle and that explains not only this scene,but the "butler" part as well.
2) why when he encounters venom is he not remotely scared or even shocked. His reaction consists of " oh you're not sm, your just a terrifying alien monster, so i'll be on my way".
HaHaHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D Best Quote Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I guess it was easier for them to wait 'til all other Marvel projects were done and then make this little 5 min scene where everyone gets abducted by the Beyonder and transported into his kick-ass space fortress —or whatever— to make them fight for their lives et cetera et cetera et cetera :whatever:
They should have done it like the 90's animated series.

The creature known as VENOM is actually a symbiote -- an alien creature that was accidentally brought to Earth by a Space Shuttle crew. It then sought a human host with whom to merge. Originally joined with PETER PARKER (aka SPIDER-MAN) following the space shuttle accident, it allowed him to become the black costumed SPIDER-MAN. With his own abilities augmented by the alien -- Peter could move faster, seemed stronger and had an unlimited supply of webbing. Our hero was sorely tempeted to remain a more powerful being. But realizing that the creature really wanted to take over his life, Peter managed to separate from the parasite with egreat difficulty. As luck would have it, EDDIE BROCK accidentally came in contact with the "alien costume," and merged with the alien creature to become VENOM.

Venom has acquired the skills of Spider-Man, evidently from the Alien's brief pairing with Peter Parker; and combined them with Eddie Brock's weight-lifter's body and greater human-strength -- to create a rather formidable opponent. Thus Venom's physical skills are superior to Spider-Man's making him more than a match for our hero when they do battle. The alien seems to respond to strong emotions and actually empathizes with whomever it is joined...and thus assumes Eddie Brock's neuroses and feels an intense hatred of Spider-Man who rejected it.

However, the new symbiote creature also possesses a wry sense of humor, even though he seems obsessed with eliminating SPIDER-MAN. And although he is Spider-Man's enemy...Venom always seeks to protect the innocent, which includes children and those less fortunate denizens of the street. As such he never commits a crime that will hurt anyone other than Spider-Man. He is often clever and very original with his mischief and stops the fight so he can come back another day. But Venom is dedicated to the destruction of Spider-Man and lives for the day of his persistence will pay off.

Much better introduction then in the movie.
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Today, I watched the entire first season of 'The Spectacular Spider-Man', and I couldn't help but ask myself: "Considering they have so many references to the first two films(and a little nod to 'Spider-Man 3', aka. "Don't go all emo on me, bro"), was this the turned-down 'Spider-Man 3' script(that I'm not even sure exists) that we had all wished for?!" If so...:cmad:
Today, I watched the entire first season of 'The Spectacular Spider-Man', and I couldn't help but ask myself: "Considering they have so many references to the first two films(and a little nod to 'Spider-Man 3', aka. "Don't go all emo on me, bro"), was this the turned-down 'Spider-Man 3' script(that I'm not even sure exists) that we had all wished for?!" If so...:cmad:

What's Venom like in SSM?
What's Venom like in SSM?
He's amazing, they developed his character so damn well. They made him likeable to begin with, and as the shows progress onwards, you begin to see him become more hateful against Peter. It's a really great series all together, and I hope you guys check it out, it was a lot more entertaining then I ever thought it would be and blew my mind with how they totally re-developed some of the characters we know all so well. Check out Episode 13 on 'YouTube' to see what I mean, or better yet, just watch the whole thing from the beginning. Highly recommended.
I like how Spidey's fight with Venom ends.

Peter realizes that he can't physicaly beat him and then he outsmarts him by offering to take back the symbiote. The symbiote wants Peter more than it does Eddie.

I think that would have been a good way for Peter to beat Venom. Venom is much stronger than him. He doesn't need help fighting Spiderman.
I like how Spidey's fight with Venom ends.

Peter realizes that he can't physicaly beat him and then he outsmarts him by offering to take back the symbiote. The symbiote wants Peter more than it does Eddie.

I think that would have been a good way for Peter to beat Venom. Venom is much stronger than him. He doesn't need help fighting Spiderman.
Yep, it's a far more intellegent fight. That episode alone had more intellegence than the whole movie('Spider-Man 3'), and that's sad considering I don't have to go out and buy it on DVD, when I can sit at home and watch it on TV for free.
I like how Spidey's fight with Venom ends.

Peter realizes that he can't physicaly beat him and then he outsmarts him by offering to take back the symbiote. The symbiote wants Peter more than it does Eddie.

I think that would have been a good way for Peter to beat Venom. Venom is much stronger than him. He doesn't need help fighting Spiderman.

They should have explored Venom's other powers in the movie. How he can negate Peter's spider-sense, morph his appearance including face and clothes and turn invisible.
I'm not a huge venom fan, but he was seriously undermined in the movie.

There were so many ways he could have raised the coolness bar for the villains of the Spider-man movie franchise.

Most movie viewers that are not familar with the comics did not even know who or what he was. They did not name him and he was only shown to be a faster Spider-man. ALOT of people were confused about why he even knew to capture MJ. He needed way more character development.

I didn't really like how peter just let Sandman go so easily, its not like the guy said ok I'll stop robbing banks now, but didn't he kill a cop towards the beginning?

Thats why even though I love the character as a villain I felt he should have been kept out of the movies. there was no proper way to sustain him without coming off a little cheesy, and the accidental deaths are getting TOO repetitive.
They should have explored Venom's other powers in the movie. How he can negate Peter's spider-sense, morph his appearance including face and clothes and turn invisible.
Yeah, I would've liked to have seen the symbiote try to reel Peter back in like it does in the show. They did an awesome job with showing how Peter had to really fight his way out of the symbiote's grasp through his mind(also liked how they had Uncle Ben in there too, makes me wish that the whole show that night could've been the movie last couple minutes, not this "team-up" piece of crap).
When Sandman is walking down the alleyway and grabs Venom thinking he is Spider-Man. Venom screams and Sandman says, your not the Spider. Venom leaps to the wall and Sandman begins to walk away depressed. WTF? If I grabbed something like Venom, I would least questioned what the hell that thing is, that looks like Spider-Man.
When Sandman is walking down the alleyway and grabs Venom thinking he is Spider-Man. Venom screams and Sandman says, your not the Spider. Venom leaps to the wall and Sandman begins to walk away depressed. WTF? If I grabbed something like Venom, I would least questioned what the hell that thing is, that looks like Spider-Man.
That whole scene was a pile of garbage. First of all, how in the hell did Venom find Sandman in the first place? Now, we can all guess at these kind of things, sure, but they could've given us somekind of understanding about exactly what in the hell was going on, because when I was in the theatre watching the film with my friends, they looked at me like the comic-book geek of the group, and asked me: "What the hell was that? Who is that? How did he know this?", I mean, could they not have just cut out some of that "dancing" crap, and replace it with some actual "fill-in the blanks" that some audience members desperately needed?...
That whole scene was a pile of garbage. First of all, how in the hell did Venom find Sandman in the first place? Now, we can all guess at these kind of things, sure, but they could've given us somekind of understanding about exactly what in the hell was going on, because when I was in the theatre watching the film with my friends, they looked at me like the comic-book geek of the group, and asked me: "What the hell was that? Who is that? How did he know this?", I mean, could they not have just cut out some of that "dancing" crap, and replace it with some actual "fill-in the blanks" that some audience members desperately needed?...
I'm confused to way Venom even needed Sandmans help in the first place. :huh:

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