You say Justice League movie is going to suck? Why?

Yeah, because SV is sooooo perfect and adherent to the mythos... Please. :whatever:
Don't you vist the SV forum? According to them over there that is how Superman is in the comics.

Look SV is not perfect neither is SR. Hell to be honest as much as I love SV I would hate to see SV the movie because it just IMO f'd up alot of Superman's past. Had they went into a Superman after season 3 I would have said yes. But 4, 5, 6 just meesed that up for them IMO. Now I would love to see Welling as Superman in a reboot that has nothing to do with SV because I think Welling will make a great Superman. As for Superman Returns yes there were some flaws just like SV but it still did a great job IMO. I am just sick of SV fans and SR fans saying one is better then the other. I mean its like being stuck back in first grade where you have kids going "My daddy is better then your daddy."

Give it a rest focus how to make the sequel to SR better or focus on how to make Season 7 of SV (God knows it needs it with Supergirl in town) and all people that are Welling fans should just pray to god he takes the role because he can be in talks all he wants that doesn't mean he is going to be Superman.
Actually Thor is being directed by Matthew Vaughn, Captain America is next on the slate, and an Avengers script is already being written. Hell they are setting up Sam the man Jackson as Nick Fury in Iron Man. Marvel knows how to do it right. First you set up ur characters and their universe, you develop interest and get the audience involved, and then you throw it all togethor. My god I used to think WB was a class act only greenlighting good films with serious direction, but with the anouncement of this possible film I am losing faith fast.
Which is why I say you already if you want to have the New Avengers pretty much cast.
Actually Thor is being directed by Matthew Vaughn, Captain America is next on the slate, and an Avengers script is already being written. Hell they are setting up Sam the man Jackson as Nick Fury in Iron Man. Marvel knows how to do it right. First you set up ur characters and their universe, you develop interest and get the audience involved, and then you throw it all togethor. My god I used to think WB was a class act only greenlighting good films with serious direction, but with the anouncement of this possible film I am losing faith fast.

Yeah, Wizard says '09 for Captain America script by David Self.
They beauty of Marvels plan is that they give themselves alot of time to really create a full rounded universe and hammer out any problems with the script.

With the exception of X1 and 2 and SPM 1 and 2, Marvel produce a lot of mediocre films with cheesy plot and mindless special effect, many won't be remembered in 10 years. That's the direction I don't Warner's to take the DC names, they've gone in the right direction with Batman and to a lesser extent Superman so far, but JL film just screams cheesy plot and mindless FX, and I don't know about everyone else, but I don't want to see DC's movie characters be taken down the path same as Marvel's.
Here we go, the classic "let me take your post and break it apart so we can go back and forth" game played on so many times on Hype.:whatever: . Aight, lets play tennis.....

How will a JLA film, especially if it is a successful JLA film, hurt future DC projects? It may hurt the chances of seeing THE FLASH made before JLA, but obviously THE FLASH is no longer guaranteed to happen as a solo effort. JLA might foster enough interest in the character to make a Flash film profitable in the future.

How will a JLA film if unsuccessful help future DC projects? That's kinda my point. Superman Returns made less than $200 mil in it domestic cinema run and that put the sequel (which was a gaurnteed thing) in question even now. One day its one, the next its off, then its on, now its off...
So you can imagine what all future projects status will result in...The fact that it took them this long to be in limbo with other DC characters movies speaks volume.
It's not easy to tell a great story with good pacing, but it can be done. A movie can be written that not only informs you who the characters are and what they are about, but that features a killer story with all the characters interacting in classic ways.
Well if you read my post, I said its gonna be hard to introduce the characters without an introduction. Movies with too many characters is always a problem, its even a bigger problem with too many good guys, so pacing is everything and you have to knock out a hell of a story. This goes to my point that if there gonna do that, then it would be best to get someone who knows about the characters like Dini, Beeman or even Goyer (People who know the comic book world/fantasy world and bridge adaptions to film and TV) and I simply have no vote of confidence on a team who's only writing credit is a redraft of Mr and Mrs. Smith. And I'm one of the most leinent dudes. Its askiing a lot for that much of an inexperienced duo. I aint buying no magic beans just to hope for a beanstalk.

Why would these heroes be a hard sell? There's a reason they've been popular for decades.

Oh yeah? Excuse me I forgot about that blockbuster Flash movie....that era defining Green Latern Franchise and of course of that successful Aquaman show? What's that? They didnt happen?
The biggest attempt to bring the DC universe to a wide audience was Justice League Unlimited and that **** got cancelled after 2 years. The Flash TV show flopped so did the Aquaman. Why? Because there's no rich mainstream history. Really outside of the big 3, non-comic book fans dont care about the DC Universe and only Batman has sustained a long level of intrest.
Again had you read my original post, what WB should have done was bring these characters up individually, read the years of comic book history and market them as franchises on there own. They are a major pedigree blockbuster studio and it shouldnt have been hard. All they had to was market them and produce stories that focused on the heroes indvidually. But they didnt, and there still not doing it.

I get what you're saying, but part of me can't believe I lived to see a time when people were whining about too many DC Comics superhero projects.

Because one rebooted Batman franchise, an in-limbo Superman franchise and ONE Justice League film is too many projects......Stop the floodgates Mr. Didio and Mr. Horn!

It's fairly obvious that WB doesn't want to risk solo films, but does want to utilize the characters and see if interest exists to make future DC Comics films possible and profitable.

But again this is my point, a 2 hour film is not gonna make people gonna care about them if they didnt have anything outside of comics and a short lived animation to care about them enough. Like I said the WB has a studio showed have grown these characters into franchise the natural way.

What Marvel did, at the outset, was sell their properties to random studios. Some of the films resulting from this were very good. Some were not. Thus far, Marvel has been operating on luck when it comes to its properties. It has yet to churn out anything beyond average from its own studio. There is no guarantee that an Avengers film will happen, or that it will be any better than the JLA film will be.

First of all no business whatsoever operates on luck. Ball your fist up and hit yourself in the face repeatedly for thinking like that. What they did was pitch the characters to the studios that saw a market for these type of films and wanted a piece of them so they could have there own franchise tentpoles. .They did that successfully, they showed the appeal and history of the characters in the books and the sales from it.The result was big studios like New Line, Columbia and Fox picking projects up. if the films were not good, at least Marvel had the money from the sold rights and from the other sales of comic books and merchandise to finance there own studio( the results of which come next summer).

DC didnt even have to go through all that they had a studio ready who had the rights. And WB in turn ( like I said in the post before) has a history of diverese blockbuster franchises from Matrix, to Harry Potter, to Dirty Harry to even the friggin Police Academy ( I dont care how bad they were, in the 80's they were good enough to make money for 6 sequels!), so how hard could it be? Could they not look at the comics and see the popularity of Green Arrow, Flash, Aqua, GL etc.?

How you can call five Batman films, seven plus animated series and
SUPERMAN RETURNS "poor" output is beyond me
. Money doesn't grow on trees, and people aren't exactly clamoring to see GREEN ARROW: THE MOVIE. WB is not yet rich enough that it can go "Screw the fact that we're a business, let's sink 300 million into a GREEN LANTERN film and hope it doesn't flop!" It just doesn't work like that.

That's my point, outside of Superman and Batman what have they done? Not too much. Not enough to warrant holding a company for over 30 years. Marvel at least knocked out more with no owned studio. You dont need 300 million for a Green Latern film. Superman Returns, All the Batman films, Spider-Man didnt need that kinda money, Firefly didnt. You can also make a decent Green Arrow movie for the same price as the first Blade film. But lets say hypothetically your coked-up theory that the WB would make a 300 mil GL film. That still doesnt make the JL movie an accurate indication of intrest in him if he's in the supporting role.

If that happens, then WB may be right to say th
at. If the public, say, didn't buy into the concept of the JLA, into that epic, adventureous atmosphere, why then would they ever buy into the characters on their own? Also, when was the last time a film actually "tanked" under the weight of budget, oversaturation, and a cluster**** of characters, and not because it was, at heart, a bad film?

That is my point, people arent gonna give a flying phuck. You gotta make individual movies and projects and sell them on the appeal of why they were popular in the comics. Your the WB, have confidence in your project instead of balling them together and throwing them out there. Do you read my points? And if a movie is oversaturated with too many characters and no direction and groundwork origin, then it IS going to be a bad film.

BLADE was a decent movie, but it wasn't THAT popular. Seems to me WB has made Batman and Superman movies, so it's not like they haven't been exploring solo films...the fact that WB has yet to make any other solo films doesn't mean they haven't been trying to (We know they have). They just haven't found the right mixture. And finally, we can't just expect WB to roll out four or five massively-budgeted superhero films a year for the next decade. They do have to concentrate on other genres as well.

Good enough to have its own franchise though and a spin off show. Hell you can argue Blade made it ok for lesser known heroes and stories who are known in the comic world but not in the mainstream to succeed ( Hellboy, Constantine).Until the influx of Marvel films we heard nothing of projects for other DC characters. That in itself is bad because it shows the studio being reactive rather than proactive ( Like when they rushed a Superman vs. Batman movie a month after Spiderman smashed the box office record in 2002). Warners as the longest standing big studio is constantly to knocking out at least 2 big franchise films for the summer and winter. They cant do even mid-level to high marketed individual DC project? I'm not even asking them to milk the whole DC Universe, just the ones who can work like Green Arrow, Flash, GL for example.

Hence the word "rumor". That's all they are. Unsubstantiated rumors.
It's fine to not like rumors if you hear them, but don't condemn WB for making a bad film until you know the details. As for's always going to be a risky project on some level, whether it's Flash, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman or JLA. JLA would seem less risky, because if people don't like one hero, they may love the other four or five.

The rumours are a seperate thing that annoys me, as well as the attitude that dumb sites like IESB are sticking and even dumber Smallville are believing Welling is onna be cast. The rest are just not believing but like I said in another thread, the casting rumours are so fast and false, movie news sites are grabbing them and being mocked by other movie news sites are mocking them for there inaccurate journalism. Its a circus within itself. What is sure is that Miller thinks he can get all these type of people.

It's ok to be worried, and it's fine to have concerns, but when did "Oh no! They're putting my favorite characters onscreen in what may be the biggest superhero movie of all time!" become a valid fanboy concern?

When it gonna suck, sure. Daredevil, Ghost Rider, Punisher fans wish they could have time back. Shoot, at least they got there flicks. But we learn from the shytty past right?

And so is X-MEN.
Justice League and X-Men are hardly alike at the core. X-Men started out as a team, whereas JL was individuals established. On top of that, the X-Men had an established fanbase. Much more established fanbase compared to the JLA. Them dudes in the JLA got more fans for there solo endevaours in the comics.

So are the X-MEN on several levels.

Not really as you yourself later explain....

Really? Who will the team consist of...Nick Fury, Iron Man and The Hulk? Wow, an Avengers film with three characters...

Or Spidey or Thor, throw in Cap once that joint is done, Daredevil too. They still got a few solo projects to knock out before the movie.Avengers got the most diverese team ups in the game

Point taken. The Avengers are more individuals, whereas the X-Men tend to work together (in theory). Avengers may be a more similar concept, but X-Men is still similar. As for solo titles: Wolverine had one, Cyclops had one, Rogue had one, Gambit had one...others have had them, and there have been multiple X-MEN and X-FORCE titles created in order to spotlight various characters. Heck,e ven some of their enemies have had a title over the years.

And that's the difference between X-Men and JLA and/or Avengers. And that's a big ass difference. All them X-Men solo and spin off titles came after. Which only establishes there popularity.

Marvel is HOPING to make THE AVENGERS. Hoping it's characters and new movies are popular enough that an Avengers will succeed. I don't see it happening just yet, though. I hear a lot of talk, but that's all it Have you seen an AVENGERS movie come together? THE HULK performed decently, but IRON MAN and THE INCREDIBLE HULK have yet to be tested. There's not a hint of CAPTAIN AMERICA happening any time soon. Ditto THOR, HAWKEYE, and the other Avengers.

Which again proves my point that Marvel is more smart enough to launch the characters alone then making a movie with them all first. Thor already has a director and there jus thinking about casting. WB looks even stupider for not doing it this way at least.
With the exception of X1 and 2 and SPM 1 and 2, Marvel produce a lot of mediocre films with cheesy plot and mindless special effect, many won't be remembered in 10 years. That's the direction I don't Warner's to take the DC names, they've gone in the right direction with Batman and to a lesser extent Superman so far, but JL film just screams cheesy plot and mindless FX, and I don't know about everyone else, but I don't want to see DC's movie characters be taken down the path same as Marvel's.

True I agree with this.

But by the same token look at WB/DC outside of Nolan's Begins and Donner's Superman....
Your pretty much saying the Lakers and the Dream Team are similar cause they play basketball....

That's not what I said at All. Although that IS a similarity between them, yes...:)

The fact of the matter is, if a movie is advertised well enough, and if it ends up actually being a good enough movie, it will make money. These characters were cool enough and interesting enough to maintain popularity in comic books for decades, there's no reason they cant do the same in film given the chance.

Here's the thing. INDIANA JONES...STAR WARS...those movies didn't cost 200 million dollars a pop. Or anything close to it, even adjusting for infation.

Yeah, i guess you could... But it's really not so much about what will work, as it is what will work best. You could briefly throw out explanation, audiences will kinda get it and they'll accept it, but it wont be as good as it can be.

That's why you spend the entire movie BUILDING the characters. Showing their motivations. Hints at their origins.

It wont be as good as it would be if all these characters had an entire movie, or more, to be developed and explored on their own, before being thrust together.

How so? A character is a character. Did we need an entire movie about Pippin and his origins to appreciate him in LOTR? I've read JLA stories that make me not CARE where Flash came from, because the way he's written is more interesting than when he's on his own. it's all in the writing.

Actually Thor is being directed by Matthew Vaughn, Captain America is next on the slate, and an Avengers script is already being written.

Ok, Matthew Vaughn is attached to THOR. Can you tell me the plot? How about a release date? Sam Jackson is being set up as Nick Fury, and I mentioned that earlier. CAPTAIN AMERICA gets talked about, but again, tell me the plot and the release date. As far as THE AVENGERS, it's being written by Zak Penn (Wow, it's guaranteed to be Oscar-caliber). Do you know how many superhero projects he's worked on that simply died, or were taken over later? Again, no release date, no director, no plot details. None of those three films seems to be casting right now.

They beauty of Marvels plan is that they give themselves alot of time to really create a full rounded universe and hammer out any problems with the script.

Funny how movies about Marvel characters keep turning up chock full of script problems, isn't it?

Here we go, the classic "let me take your post and break it apart so we can go back and forth" game played on so many times on Hype. Aight, lets play tennis.....

So you have a problem with me addressing each of your points? Giving each of your points the time and respect it deserves? Fair enough. Just for you, I'll make my next response to you an enormous block of text.

How will a JLA film if unsuccessful help future DC projects? That's kinda my point.

Yeah. I know. Your point seems to assume JLA will be a failure. here's the will ANY failed DC superhero film help any of the heroes? I would much rather be GUARANTEED to see a film in 2009 with all my heroes in it that fails...than see one in 2008 with say, Wonder Woman that fails, and see none of the other heroes because WB is afraid to risk it. It's that simple. At least with JLA, we get to see those other heroes.

Superman Returns made less than $200 mil in it domestic cinema run and that put the sequel (which was a gaurnteed thing) in question even now. One day its one, the next its off, then its on, now its off...So you can imagine what all future projects status will result in...The fact that it took them this long to be in limbo with other DC characters movies speaks volume.

Perfect example. But in this fairly uncertain market, you want them to commit to MULTIPLE solo films, each at a huge price tag, in the hopes they'll all be wildly popular and then JLA can happen? Seeing SUPERMAN RETURNS box office issues, you should understand why WB is reluctant to make, say, GREEN LANTERN. To be done right, you're talking at LEAST 180 million dollars. Now, if SUPERMAN RETURNS barely made back it's money, and this is SUPERMAN, we're talking about, the most famous and revered hero of all time...can you see why WB would be reluctant to drop a similar amount of money on Green Lantern?

Well if you read my post, I said its gonna be hard to introduce the characters without an introduction. Movies with too many characters is always a problem, its even a bigger problem with too many good guys, so pacing is everything and you have to knock out a hell of a story. This goes to my point that if there gonna do that, then it would be best to get someone who knows about the characters like Dini, Beeman or even Goyer (People who know the comic book world/fantasy world and bridge adaptions to film and TV) and I simply have no vote of confidence on a team who's only writing credit is a redraft of Mr and Mrs. Smith. And I'm one of the most leinent dudes. Its askiing a lot for that much of an inexperienced duo. I aint buying no magic beans just to hope for a beanstalk.

Good writers can make it work. Easily. Why would the film introduce the characters without an introduction? That's what films are for. Introducing characters. X-MEN introduced several of them, and people handled it just fine.

Oh yeah? Excuse me I forgot about that blockbuster Flash movie....that era defining Green Latern Franchise and of course of that successful Aquaman show? What's that? They didnt happen?

I didn't say individual films of these heroes would be an easy sell...I said these heroes, period, are not hard to make people like. Which is why WB is putting them all together in one film.

The biggest attempt to bring the DC universe to a wide audience was Justice League Unlimited and that **** got cancelled after 2 years.

Try four seasons. Two seasons of JL and two of JLU. It maintained decent ratings in a difficult slot, and still sells very well for a cartoon. It also had massive toy and merchandise sales.

The Flash TV show flopped so did the Aquaman. Why? Because there's no rich mainstream history.

No, my friend. That is not why those shows flopped. Much as I hate to say this, THE FLASH was just a subpar show, period. Unimaginative, formulaic writing. AQUAMAN, the unaired pilot, was just utter ****e. Poorly written and terribly acted. There's a reason it's unaired.

Really outside of the big 3, non-comic book fans dont care about the DC Universe and only Batman has sustained a long level of intrest.

You say this, and yet you clamor for individual hero films? I don't get that logic.

Again had you read my original post, what WB should have done was bring these characters up individually, read the years of comic book history and market them as franchises on there own. They are a major pedigree blockbuster studio and it shouldnt have been hard. All they had to was market them and produce stories that focused on the heroes indvidually. But they didnt, and there still not doing it.

Another person who thinks money grows on trees. Do you have 1.4 billion dollars you're willing to lay out so they can make a few solo films?

Because one rebooted Batman franchise, an in-limbo Superman franchise and ONE Justice League film is too many projects......Stop the floodgates Mr. Didio and Mr. Horn!

Three movies in a three or four year period is too many? But it's cool to see 3, 4 Marvel movies a year?

But again this is my point, a 2 hour film is not gonna make people gonna care about them if they didnt have anything outside of comics and a short lived animation to care about them enough. Like I said the WB has a studio showed have grown these characters into franchise the natural way.

You really think people won't care about these characters unless there are solo films, don't you? But good writer can make people care about characters, period. For instance, before SCHINDLER'S LIST, I'd never heard of the man. After the movie, I certainly cared. Ditto ANY movie that has good characterization and an interesting plot.

First of all no business whatsoever operates on luck. Ball your fist up and hit yourself in the face repeatedly for thinking like that.

Yes, luck is a part of business. Not the biggest part, but in Marvel's case, definitely.

What they did was pitch the characters to the studios that saw a market for these type of films and wanted a piece of them so they could have there own franchise tentpoles. They did that successfully, they showed the appeal and history of the characters in the books and the sales from it.The result was big studios like New Line, Columbia and Fox picking projects up. if the films were not good, at least Marvel had the money from the sold rights and from the other sales of comic books and merchandise to finance there own studio( the results of which come next summer).

Marvel got screwed. And they know it. Why do you think they're forming their own movie studio?

DC didnt even have to go through all that they had a studio ready who had the rights. And WB in turn ( like I said in the post before) has a history of diverese blockbuster franchises from Matrix, to Harry Potter, to Dirty Harry to even the friggin Police Academy ( I dont care how bad they were, in the 80's they were good enough to make money for 6 sequels!), so how hard could it be? Could they not look at the comics and see the popularity of Green Arrow, Flash, Aqua, GL etc.?

POLICE ACADEMY movies don't cost $200 million a pop. Neither do most of WB's films.

That's my point, outside of Superman and Batman what have they done? Not too much.

Several HARRY POTTER films, which eat up a LOT of WB's budget (and give back, obviously). They also made BATMAN BEGINS, SUPERMAN RETURNS, and

Not enough to warrant holding a company for over 30 years.

Superheroes have only been this popular as movie items in the last seven years or so. It's like like people were clamoring for a GREEN LANTERn movie in 1980.

Marvel at least knocked out more with no owned studio. You dont need 300 million for a Green Latern film. Superman Returns, All the Batman films, Spider-Man didnt need that kinda money, Firefly didnt.

BATMAN BEGINS needed 170. SUPERMAN RETURNS cost about the same. GREEN LANTERN would take effects FAR BEYOND what those films require. Far beyond.

You can also make a decent Green Arrow movie for the same price as the first Blade film.

And they're planning one, aren't they?

But lets say hypothetically your coked-up theory that the WB would make a 300 mil GL film. That still doesnt make the JL movie an accurate indication of intrest in him if he's in the supporting role.

I thought I said 200 mill. It makes JLA an indication of lighter, more fun superheroes in general.

That is my point, people arent gonna give a flying phuck. You gotta make individual movies and projects and sell them on the appeal of why they were popular in the comics. Your the WB, have confidence in your project instead of balling them together and throwing them out there. Do you read my points? And if a movie is oversaturated with too many characters and no direction and groundwork origin, then it IS going to be a bad film.

Of course I read your points. Doesn't this whole "breakdown" tend to point in that direction?

Good enough to have its own franchise though and a spin off show.

It was decent, nothing spectacular. it had a niche market, but then, so does ALIENS VS. PREDATOR. The show, however, was terrible, and was quickly cancelled? Why? There was little to no demand for it.

I had to skip some of the end of your post because I'm on a library computer. Apologies. If you want me to address something I missed, I will.

Which again proves my point that Marvel is more smart enough to launch the characters alone then making a movie with them all first. Thor already has a director and there jus thinking about casting. WB looks even stupider for not doing it this way at least.

Do you know how long Marvel has been "talking" about doing THOR, SUB-MARINER, CAPTAIN AMERICA, etc? Over eight years. Eight. They've also talked about ANT-MAN, IRON FIST, NICK FURY, BLACK WINDOW, HAWKEYE, DEADPOOL and THE AVENGERS. They've managed not to make any of those. In eight years. They do have IRON MAN and THE INCREDIBLE HULK in the works, I guess.
i think this is going to be a let down for the same reason that all three x-men movies were. The project is to large, the characters to well known and loved so of course most people will be pissed about someone or something.
Really the best solution to this would be to have made this like that horrid final fantasy movie or TMNT. CG
The Guard. JLU went for 3 seasons. They were 13 episodes each, but seasons 1 & 2 wre packaged on DVD as one season.
With the exception of X1 and 2 and SPM 1 and 2, Marvel produce a lot of mediocre films with cheesy plot and mindless special effect, many won't be remembered in 10 years. That's the direction I don't Warner's to take the DC names, they've gone in the right direction with Batman and to a lesser extent Superman so far, but JL film just screams cheesy plot and mindless FX, and I don't know about everyone else, but I don't want to see DC's movie characters be taken down the path same as Marvel's.

No other studios produce crappy marvel films. The films I am talking about are Marvel studios very first foray into actual movie making and control. Iron Man and the Incredible Hulk are being produced by the newly formed marvel studios under which Marvel not these other production companies have complete control, and in my opinion they look like they are doing a good job. We will see how the films pan out but the casts are pretty top notch.
I think they took a cue from Batman Begins when casting Iron Man and Incredible Hulk. All three are brilliant.
No other studios produce crappy marvel films. The films I am talking about are Marvel studios very first foray into actual movie making and control. Iron Man and the Incredible Hulk are being produced by the newly formed marvel studios under which Marvel not these other production companies have complete control, and in my opinion they look like they are doing a good job. We will see how the films pan out but the casts are pretty top notch.

Their casting choices have been pretty impressive thus far.
It doesn't matter what Marvel does with casting. They'll never top Christopher Reeve's Superman and Christian Bale's Batman, IMO. Although, Robert Downey Jr might come close.
i think this is going to be a let down for the same reason that all three x-men movies were. The project is to large, the characters to well known and loved so of course most people will be pissed about someone or something.
Really the best solution to this would be to have made this like that horrid final fantasy movie or TMNT. CG
Um...the xmen movies were a failure? since when? last i heard xmen 1, 2, and 3 (to a lesser extent) were big bucks and widely acclaimed
The Guard. JLU went for 3 seasons. They were 13 episodes each, but seasons 1 & 2 wre packaged on DVD as one season.

Three seasons, then. Hardly a failure as superhero cartoons go.
I think the movies helped that. Also, it's Batman come on!
Well like I said, the streets love Batman (and he loves 'em back). The streets aint checkin for no Justice League :)

Well like I said, the streets love Batman (and he loves 'em back). The streets aint checkin for no Justice League :)


That reminds me of a Dave Chappelle bit where he's joking about how Batman would never come to his neighborhood because it's so bad. That's bulls*** though if you read the comics.
I am so sick of people saying there isn't enough time to introduce characters like Flash, ww, gl, and so forth in one film cuz they've never been in a movie before...

WTF? Have you seen the original Star Wars? George Lucas not only introduced a plethera of characters who were brand new to the audience, but an entire universe people had never seen before. He did it in 2 hours, 20 minutes. There is more than enough time to introduce established pop-culteral icons like Flash and Wonder Woman in this film.

My only hope is that will find time for Martian Manhunter too.

Who says they need to introduce them self? It s not because I don t know the origin of a super hero that I wont like the movie.They can start right in to the action than do a prequel like star wars. They also can explain each super hero in spin-off.
True I agree with this.

But by the same token look at WB/DC outside of Nolan's Begins and Donner's Superman....

Yes, films adaptions of DC characters is bare compared to Marvel, but I don't care, I'd rather have quality over quantity, I'd rather wait 10 years to see WW than be given a half arsed version of the character in a JL film.
No other studios produce crappy marvel films. The films I am talking about are Marvel studios very first foray into actual movie making and control. Iron Man and the Incredible Hulk are being produced by the newly formed marvel studios under which Marvel not these other production companies have complete control, and in my opinion they look like they are doing a good job. We will see how the films pan out but the casts are pretty top notch.

RE Marvel producing, that was an error of mine, I was getting frustrated reading some of the posts and obviously wasn't thinking straight :whatever: They may not produce them all, but surely they must see their characters are being screwed over? As for Iron Man and Hulk casting, 100% agree, hopefully those films will be better.
Not entirely on topic, but I notice a lot of people discussing The I the only one who thinks it is a horrible idea? A big selling point of an ensemble superhero movie like JLA or Avengers will be how iconic it is. The only really iconic members of the Avengers (who would likely be used in a movie, Cap, Iron Man, Thor, Wasp, Hawk-Eye, Giant Man, and maybe Hulk) are Cap and Hulk. Everyone else the public really doesn't know. It is a pretty big risk to take with relative unknowns. Granted, Iron Man will change that to some extent...but not enough to sell The Avengers. An Avengers movie is the type where the budget would be so big...that if it bombed (and there is a good chance) could kill practically all other Marvel movie projects outside of Spider-Man.

JLA on the other hand would sell because their heroes are iconic. Everyone knows Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Flash. That alone would sell the movie.

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