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Your 10 favorite DC movie scenes


Shaper Savant
Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
10, 5, 3, 1. Whatever you can come up with. Marvel has a thread like this (pretty well buried by now though) so I figured DC should too. I generally just do live action films in these situations, but feel free to include animated.

I'll start us off. In loose order:

1. Joker speaks to Two Face at Gotham General Hospital (The Dark Knight)
2. Superman's first flight with Jor-El's monologue (Man of Steel)
3. Bruce Wayne and Ra's Al Ghul sparring on frozen lake (Batman Begins)
4. Batman vs Bane in the sewers, the breaking of the bat. (The Dark Knight Rises)
5. Joker/Batman interrogation scene (The Dark Knight)
6. "Wait til they get a load of me" - Joker, such a classic (Batman '89)
7. Superman vs Kryptonians in Smallville (Man of Steel)
8. Scarecrow drug deal bust (The Dark Knight)
9. Joker's bank robbery (The Dark Knight)
10. Four-way tie between every great Scarecrow quote (Batman Begins):
"Would you like to see my mask?"
"...You need to lighten up,"
"Dr. Crane isn't here right now..."
"There is nothing to fear but fear itself!"
1. Comedian's Funeral/ 3 Flashbacks (Watchmen)
2. Superman's debut/Helicopter rescue (Superman: The Movie)
3. Art Gallery Rescue/Batmobile Chase (Batman 1989)
4. The Docks (Batman Begins)
5. The Destruction of Krypton (Man of Steel)
6. The Joker in the interrogation room (The Dark Knight)
7. Prison Riot (Watchmen)
8. Clark meeting Jor-El (Superman: The Movie)
9. "He stole my balloons!" (Batman 1989)
10. "Ideas are bulletproof" (V for Vendetta)
What instantly comes to mind:

Superman drowning in skulls (MOS)
Zod's "You are Not Alone" transmission (MOS)
Batman's extraction mission in Hong Kong (TDK)
Abin Sur's meeting with Hal Jordan (GL)
Batman flying over Gotham as the fear toxin works on the populace (BB)
V vs. Creedy and his bodyguards (VFV)
Green Lantern reciting the oath to thwart Parallax's fear attempt (GL)
Batman vs. the Red Triangle gang (BR)
1. Superman finding the Fortress (Superman)
2. Superman taking Lois for a flight over the city (Superman)
3. Zod and his crew breaking out of the Phantom Zone (Superman II)
4. "You've got me ... who's got you?! (Superman -- I think)
5. Supes showing Lois the Fortress (Superman II)
6. Niagra Falls (Superman II)
7. Joker's scar stories (The Dark Knight)
8. The bank robbery (The Dark Knight)
9. The Joker's parade (Batman '89)
10. Batman vs. Napier and his men in the chem plant (Batman '89)
Rorschach prison scenes and flashbacks (Watchmen)
Joker interrogation scene (The Dark Knight)
"I'm Batman" (Batman Begins and Batman 1989)
Superman's first night in the first movie
Batman vs Joker on top of the Cathedral (Batman 1989)
Superman tricking Zod gang and Luthor (Superman 2)
Bullet to the eye (Superman Returns)
Dock fight (Batman Begins)
Hard to list these in order, but...

1. Interrogation scene - The Dark Knight
2. First Flight - Man of Steel
3. "I'm Batman" - both Batman 1989 and Batman Begins
4. The Dark Knight ending
5. Batman vs. Bane sewer fight - The Dark Knight Rises
6. The Dark Knight Rises ending
7. Joker tease - Batman Begins
8. "It's simple: We kill the Batman" - The Dark Knight (hard to choose one Joker scene over the other, save for the interrogation)
9. Battle of Metropolis and Smallville - Man of Steel
10. Parallax's defeat - Green Lantern
I'll play along :woot:

1. The Batman/Joker interrogation scene. (TDK)
in a word; INTENSE.
The Deniro/Pacino café scene in Heat was supposed to have this impact but I thought is was dull and scripted (I 'know' it was scripted but it 'feels' like it was scripted). Joker spelling out why he does what he does sends chills down your spine.

2. China extraction. (TDK)
The planning and execution of the that plan to bring Lao back to the US was gripping and funny in sections (I suggest a good travel again/just accidently wasting it).

3. Pencil trick. (TDK)
Nuff said.

4. Superman saves the helicopter (Superman:TM)
Goose bumps when Superman appears to the public for the first time.

5. 'General, you care to step outside.' (Superman 2)
Superman after being beaten up by a truck driver and walking to the North Pole (best not to ask) is BACK and it's ON!!

6. Joker attacks police escort for Dent (TDK)
The entire sequence is second only to the Spiderman 2 train fight as the most gripping superhero sequence put to film (imho). The emergence of the Bat Pod to the 'I want you to hit me'. Brilliant from a director I normally think does rubbish action.

7. 'SWEAR TO ME!!!' (Batman Begins)
For the first time you 'get' way criminals would spill their guts to Batman. Batman even had me shifting uncomfortably in my seat.

8. GL training montage. (Green Lantern)
A brilliant sequence in a terrible movie, much like the birth of Sandman in SM3. The scene is engaging, fun and playful and shows the pure power of something so tiny it can be worn on a finger. If only the rest of the movie had a 10th of a craft of this scene it would have been a hit, but 2 minutes regardless of how expertly made can't save a 2 hour movie.

9. Watchmen opening credits (Watchmen)
This HAS to be the best opening credits I have ever seen. It outlines the Minutemen rise and fall and the introduction of the Watchmen. It draws you into the movie at the same time as giving you ton of information without copious amounts of exposition. Brilliant.

10. Superman saves the plane (Superman Returns)
A movie I dislike but the plane rescue was intense, pretty much like I didn't like IM3 but the plane rescue was incredible edge of you seat stuff.
If I had to make a top 10 superhero action sequence the SR plane rescue would be top 5, maybe even top 3.

honourable mentions for;
Superman vs Vod in Metropolis (MoS)
Hated this the first time I saw it (thought it went on too long) LOVE it now.

Superman meets Luther for the first time (Superman: TM)
'...No, by CAUSING the death of millions'.

Superman fakes out the Kryptonians (Superman 2)
Superman fakes out me as well and as I kid I feel for it hook line and sinker and almost cheered in the cinema as Superman crushes Zod's hand.

Tumbler escapes the police (Batman Begins)
Freaking AWESOME!
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I'll play along :woot:
8. GL training montage. (Green Lantern)
A brilliant sequence in a terrible movie, much like the birth of Sandman in SM3. The scene is engaging, fun and playful and shows the pure power of something so tiny it can be worn on a finger. If only the rest of the movie had a 10th of a craft of this scene it would have been a hit, but 2 minutes regardless of how expertly made can't save a 2 hour movie.

I can't believe I forgot this scene because one of my favorite comic book movie moments was when Kilowog sucker punched Hal Jordan and said, "Remember, your enemy....he's not gonna play fair."
I wont use Mask of the Phantasm despite it getting a theatrical release, cause frankly it would take a nice chunk of the slots on the list..(it makes batman lists tough as is)

-Pruitt building scene batman vs swat, joker, clowns, dogs etc. etc. the glide into the building following his debate with gordon was great on its own.

-TDK bank robbery

-TDK interrogation

-TDK scar stories

-TDK ending

-BB Arkham bats and tumbler sequence

-BB rooftop with gordon ending

-TDKR return of batman

-TDKR Selina Ooops

-TDKR Bane vs Bats 1

-TDKR "a hero could be anyone"

-TDKR cat and bat vs bane thugs then escape

-SR the plane catch

-SR closing flying sequence

-MOS smallville fight

-MOS metropolis fight

-MOS superman surrenders to army and interrogation

-B'89 museum date- batcave drive

-B'89 the entire ending starting with batmobile blowing up Axis chemicals

-V ideas are bulletproof

-Watchmen opening montage

-Watchmen the creation of Dr. Manhattan
1. BB - Thomas showing Bruce the pearls / stethoscope scene.

2. BB - Burning mansion scene, "Why do we fall master Bruce?"

3. BB - ending. "and you'll never have to".

4. Superman Returns - plane scene.

5. TDK - Bank robbery

6. TDK - Batman's first appearance, kicking ass in his BB suit.

7. TDK - Interrogation scene

8. TDK - Harvey Dent sees the coin and screams in the hospital bed.

9. TDK - "You'll hunt me, set the dogs on me".

10. Watchmen - Opening scene

11. Watchmen - Opening credits

12. TDKR - Bruce Wayne's first appearance. "Is that what they say about me?"

13. TDKR - John Blake talks with Bruce Wayne. "not a lot of people know what it's like, do they? To be angry, in your bones."

14. TDKR - Batman's first appearance.

15. TDKR - Alfred tells the truth about Rachel.

16. TDKR - Batman vs Bane round 1.

17. TDKR - National Anthem / Bane blows up the stadium and gives his speech.

18. TDKR - Escaping the pit.

19. TDKR - Batman vs Bane round 2.

20. TDKR ending, starting from "A hero can be anyone".

21. MOS - Krypton. (Birth of Kal El & the transition with the first glimpse of Krypton) & (Jor El steps outside and witnesses the war on Krypton, and flies on H'raka).

22. MOS - the transition from Kal El landing on Earth to the boat scene.

23. MOS - Clark floating in the water / the first time we hear Martha say "Clark".

24. MOS - Jonathan Kent talks to Clark about his past.

25. MOS - First flight.

26. MOS - Clark returns home and talks with his mom. "I'm not going anywhere mom. I promise :) "

27. MOS - Jonathan Kent's death.

28. MOS - Smallville fight. (Clark letting loose for the first time. "You think you can threaten my mother?!" / Faora being a badass).

29. MOS - Clark getting up and destroying the world engine.

30. MOS - the ending, starting with "he always knew you were meant for greater things".
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Yeah, I could stick to 10 either:

1. Bruce Rises from the Pit - TDKR

2. Dr Manhattan's origin monologue - Watchmen

3. Neither boat uses the detonator - TDK

4. Alfred saves Bruce from the fire ('Why do we fall') - BB

5. Police vs Bane's mercineries/Batman vs Bane round 2 - TDKR

6. The Wayne's death and aftermath - BB

7. Destruction of the World Engine - MOS

8. Bane attacks the stock market/Batman's return - TDKR

9. Superman attacks Zod (You think you can threaten my Mother!)/Smallville Fight - MOS

10. Ending - batman monologue and montage 'sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded' - TDK

11. Bane breaks the Bat - TDKR

12. Interrogation scene - TDK

13. Rorschach prison break - Watchmen

14. John Blake tells Bruce he knows who he is TDKR

15. Plane Rescue - Superman Returns

16. Bruce and Ra's sparring on the lake - BB

17. Bruce Confronts Falcone, Falcone's speech - BB

18. Lex beats Superman (Now Fly!)/Lois rescues Superman - Superman Returns

19. Clark is beaten by bully in bar, bleeds for the first time - Superman 2

20. Bruce is gased by Scarecrow, rescued by Alfred, cured by Fox - BB

Special mention goes to: Selina steals the pearls - TDKR, Selina screaming in the Bar - TDKR, Selina tries to leave the country - TDKR, Bane (Do you feel in control?) - TDKR, Joker offers to kill Batman - TDK, Joker news broadcast - TDK, Joker talks to Harvey in the hospital - TDK, Bruce's fundraiser - TDK, Batman at the Docks - BB, Comedian's death - Watchmen, Opening Credits - Watchmen, Helicopter rescue - STM, Lois buried in earthquake - STM, Lois tries to catch Clark out as Superman - Superman 2, Clark vs Clark - Superman 3, Clark jumps off building with Lois, reveals who he is - Superman IV, Opening scene on Krypton - MOS, Lois and Superman in the desert, Superman in the Kent farm (Nice suit son), Clark rescues Lois for the first time - MOS, Clark and Jonathon argue in the truck - MOS, Zod's speech before the big fight - MOS... Okay, maybe i'll leave it there! :D
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Okay here goes.....

1. Man of Steel, flight scene, the bit where the doors open and you see him in costume for the first time, most thrilling Super-hero moment ever ! You see him
and you think "Yup, that's what Superman should look like."

2. TDK: Batman / Joker interrogation scene. Particularly when Bats is hitting the Joker and he's just laughing. Really captured what the Joker is about in that scene.

3. Superman TM: Superman's first reveal, "Whooooo Jim ! That's a baaad out-fit ! Woooo!" classic, what the whole movie was about.

4. Batman vs Bane 1 and 2. Kind of bookends, both occupy equally important places in my list, so a tie.

5. Man of Steel, the Battle of Smallville, best super-powered fight scene ever. Fast, furious, brutal, made Iron Man vs Thor (in Avengers) look like kids wrestling in a sand-pit by comparison.

6. Batman 1989, "Excuse me, have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight ?" POW ! Nice to see Bats really kick the **** out of the Joker,

7. Batman 1989, the Whole Axis Chemicals sequence that results in Jack falling into the acid.

8. TDK, Batman activates the sonar lenses, first time we see an onscreen Batman with white eye-slits, and the effects for his sonar vision were superb. All in all, a great

sadly, I didn't enjoy GL that much, so I can't include it. I'll leave 9 and 10 for another day.

Peace out super-fans !
1. Bruce's escape from the pit.
2. Penguin's death. Haunting.
3. "Madness is like gravity."
4. MOS flight.
5. "You're locked in here with me!"
6. TDK ending
7. Rorschach's death
8. Nygma's final scene in Arkham Asylum
9. Judge Crane
10. Batman's first scene (Batman '89).
11. "Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb!"
Man, I have so many of them, I'll just have to name that at random, staring with some Superman ones:

1.) The helicopter rescue in Superman: The Movie (from Clark's shirt rip and on, which probably deserves a moment all to itself, the top spot to be sure, but I've combined them here)

2.) The Clark returns to the diner sequence, end of Superman 2

3.) The interview/ flight with Lois Lane, Superman: The Movie

4.) Luthor's gauntlet (Luther tries to burn, freeze, and shoot Superman to test his durability as he comes to get him), Superman: The Movie

5.) Clark leaves Smallville/standing in the field after Jonathan's death, Superman: The Movie

6.) Superman spins the world around to turn back time with John Williams' instrumental "Can You Read My Mind" playing in the background (yes, I know it's unrealistic, yes, I know it raises a million questions that he turns back time, but dammit, it was such an emotionally satisfying and correct ending I forgive it and would not change a thing with it).

7.) Metropolis rescues, Superman's first night, after Superman saves helicopter (stopping crook on building "Hi there. Something wrong with the elevator?", the boat drop off, all perfect, definitive Superman moments), Superman: The Movie

8.) Superman and Lois Lane flight in Superman Returns, the moment where Lois touches the water as she flies over it with Superman

9.) Superman VS Zod in Metropolis, Man of Steel (that fight was great)

10.) Batman's fight at the chemical plant before Jack Napier becomes the Joker, Batman 1989

11.) Superman: The Movie opening sequence

12.) Batman 1989 opening sequence
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First appearance of Batman in Batman 1989 is easily one of the best Batman scenes ever.

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