For Political Lovers: If you were to run for president what would be your platform?

of course my mind's made up about it. there isn't anything complex about it at all. illegal immigrants - regardless of circumstance and intent - are pouring over our borders, most notably our southern border. there is nothing wrong with a nation defending its borders, whether its from a military invasion or any other invasion. hey, if they want to apply for citizenship and immigrate legally, that's fine. it's an oversimplified view to say, "hey, they just want a better life. what's the harm?"

I hate to break it to you but there's a big difference between wanted illegal immigration stopped and wanted the government to commit war crimes.
Oh and Mysterio, work on your grammar so people don't realize you're white trash.
So, explain this to me. Why is the issue of illegal immigration such a big deal to so many people? It hardly seems the worst of the issues our country is facing and is fairly benign in the face of the other things we have going on that need our attention, resources and tax dollars. Why is this such a burning issue to some of you? To the point that you're wishing death and maiming on innocent civilians who are just seeking a better life. I just don't get it. Enlighten me.


it's nothing more than a wedge issue used to rile up the less intelligent ones who suffer from xenophobia. we're all descended from immigrants, except for the native americans, so i don't understand all this hatred and fear.
I hate to break it to you but there's a big difference between wanted illegal immigration stopped and wanted the government to commit war crimes.
there you go again with your ignorant claims and logical fallacies again.
it's nothing more than a wedge issue used to rile up the less intelligent ones who suffer from xenophobia. we're all descended from immigrants, except for the native americans, so i don't understand all this hatred and fear.
nice insult. on the contrary, it is people like you who try to make this be about something it isn't, so they toss out words like "racist," or "xenophobia," "hatred," etc., when this issue isn't about any of those things. it's about securing the border and stopping illegal immigrants from entering the country, and respecting the rule of law. you're lumping all immigrants - legal and illegal - together without differentiating between the two. this isn't an immigration issue; it's an ILLEGAL immigration issue.
it's nothing more than a wedge issue used to rile up the less intelligent ones who suffer from xenophobia. we're all descended from immigrants, except for the native americans, so i don't understand all this hatred and fear.

For national security reasons we can't permit people to just waltz in here. But let's get back to the real issue of Mysterio being an idiot.
For national security reasons we can't permit people to just waltz in here. But let's get back to the real issue of Mysterio being an idiot.

We can build walls, moats, alligator infested 20 feet deep rivers. They'll find a way in.
can someone post the process someone would have to go through to gain legal citizenship? i'd like to know how long it takes, how much it costs, what the waiting list is like and how many people are allowed in legally every year. thanks!
Hmmm after reading Jag's I wonder if I should take a serious attempt at this?
My platform would be, go green :woot:
Healthcare, Education and the Environment.
So, explain this to me. Why is the issue of illegal immigration such a big deal to so many people? It hardly seems the worst of the issues our country is facing and is fairly benign in the face of the other things we have going on that need our attention, resources and tax dollars. Why is this such a burning issue to some of you? To the point that you're wishing death and maiming on innocent civilians who are just seeking a better life. I just don't get it. Enlighten me.


I understand where you're coming from jag. for the most part illegal immigrants are helping build this country. They do work that a majority of Americans don't want to do. Thats why they're hired for construction work and Farm fielders,etc(also it makes the products that they develop cheaper). But i do believe we need better control on our borders,keep little buggers out.
They do work that a majority of Americans don't want to do. Thats why they're hired for construction work and Farm fielders,etc(also it makes the products that they develop cheaper).
That is simply untrue. there is no such thing as cheap labor, only cheap wages. americans will take any job if it pays enough. wages for real honest to good american citizens are brought down because of the cut rate wages of illegals and a large unskilled workforce. basic economics.
My fellow Americans: If I, Matt, were president, I would serve the country I love by making things better, not worse.

For instance health insurance. I believe every American should have health insurance, so I would write a law giving it to them - then I'd sign it right away. I also don't think people should have to struggle to make ends meat, so I would fix the economy.

Now, it's no secret that the Israel/Palestine conflict has been going on for months, I would get them together and let them talk. Why hasn't anyone done that yet? Sometimes, the simplest solution is the best one.

Also, the president is the nation's moral leader. I don't really know how I'd play this one.

If I were president, I would end unfair taxation on tax people already pay. It's called double taxation and it's totally unfair. Right now, Uncle Sam collects 35 cents on every dollar I make. I'd change the law so I could write that off, and only pay tax on the remaining 65 cents I make. At thirty-five percent rate, that would leave me with 42 cents.

Well, actually, that's less. I worked this out the other day...can I get back to you on the tax thing?

And what's the Department of Labor for? Here's a shocking fact I once heard, no one knows! If I were president, it would be gone. Unless there's something I'm not seeing here.

Also, I would order the immediate death of Roger Simpson. The one who lives at 1310 North Seventh Ave., Apt 12A, Oroville, CA. He knows why.

Okay. That about does it. Oh, one more thing. In the Matt Administration, Air Force One would officially be renamed Air Force Fun.

I feel very strongly about this.
That is simply untrue. there is no such thing as cheap labor, only cheap wages. americans will take any job if it pays enough. wages for real honest to good american citizens are brought down because of the cut rate wages of illegals and a large unskilled workforce. basic economics.

How many Americans do you know who have been out in the fields picking strawberries for minimum wage 8-10 hours a day, five days a week? Let alone 6-7 days a week for $2-3 an hour?

How many Americans do you know who have been out in the fields picking strawberries for minimum wage 8-10 hours a day, five days a week? Let alone 6-7 days a week for $2-3 an hour?


could'nt have said it better myself.
How many Americans do you know who have been out in the fields picking strawberries for minimum wage 8-10 hours a day, five days a week? Let alone 6-7 days a week for $2-3 an hour?

minimum wage isn't $2 or $3 dollars an hour, so i fail to see your point or how that even addresses mine.
minimum wage isn't $2 or $3 dollars an hour, so i fail to see your point or how that even addresses mine.

Almost no one pays their illegal workers minimum wage, what's the undocumented worker going to do about it?
minimum wage isn't $2 or $3 dollars an hour, so i fail to see your point or how that even addresses mine.

What he means is that illegial immigrants are the ones picking our strawberries and fruits as well as many other jobs Americans think they are too good for.

Therefore they will not take any job and you fail to see Jag's point because you fail to see the bigger picture my friend.

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