Crowd Reports


Armed and Dangerous
Jul 1, 2001
Reaction score
Well, how packed was your theatre?

I buzzed by a few theatres (Michigan) to check out the Wolverine crowds at midnight and was VERY impressed with the turnout. Massive crowds at two huge cinema chains.

Cinema 1 (MJR) Five and a half packed auditoriums.

Cinema 2 (AMC) Three packed auditoriums and one run off small screening. The three big boys sit around 500.

Way better then I was expecting! I have a feeling haters are going to be soiling themselves when they see the box office numbers on Sunday.
How did you get into each of those theatres?
I don't think any one of us who found the film inept is expecting for low numbers opening weekend.

Its the second week were this movie is going to drop pretty rapidly.
How did you get into each of those theatres?

I thought you were one of the ones mocking me for buying tickets to multiple screenings? Must have been someone else. I haven't even seen the entire movie yet. A friend and I went to three different theatres tonight to check out crowds and sample the movie. We're seeing it tomorrow in its entirety with a large crowd. Yes, before you reply, I know that makes me an extreme nut.
Way better then I was expecting! I have a feeling haters are going to be soiling themselves when they see the box office numbers on Sunday.

I sincerely doubt that.

Remember, X3 raked in $234 million and Fantastic Four brought in $330 million worldwide. However, looking back in retrospect, does any of that really matter now? On these boards do users talk about their financial gains today or do they focus on their content? Generally, it's the latter that dominates the conversation.

See, for genuine fans, it's not solely about the box office take--it's about the quality and rewatchability of the film as well. The only people who benefit from the box office numbers are the studios--not the fans...they just pay the studios for what they've produced. :dry:
The midnight showing was not nearly as packed as when I went to see The Last Stand. That's not to say that it wasn't crowded, but The Last Stand showing required that two additional auditoriums be opened, while my auditorium wasn't even filled to capacity this time.
The midnight showing at my theater was almost filled to capacity. The crowd reactions generally seemed favorable towards it.
It's a popcorn flick. People aren't going in there to watch poetry they want to watch explosions and fight scenes. At least this is what Fox thinks when they make movies.
We had two midnight showings sold out at the theater I was at. Seemed to be a fair bunch of fans--I'd say over half knew to stay to the end of the credits. There was a general moan when we got the Japan ending, and someone near the front shouted out, "I wanted Deadpool."

Got some good cheers for Gambit and Wade, but I think the general attitude by the end was one of amusement. The last fight is a bit much.

Still, it was okay. I'd have to seriously say that up until the adamantium bonding it actually was a very good movie, besides Logan's lack of involvement in the Weapon X team.
4 to 5 sold out auditorium's at my theatre.

The first 30 min is by far the best of the movie.
I know at least one theater was sold out where i was and i think that had 3 others, but im not sure.

Crowd reaction wise, ppl were pretty excited! Everyone cheered the first time they said "remy lebeau" and when stryker first said "the pool, deadpool" there were a few other times when the crowd went pretty crazy as well, usually when they had shown other mutants. At the end, everyone clapped.
The only "regular" showing I went (the first two were special screening, invite only) was on Wednesday, and the theater was half full... This is good, in a way, since awareness that the movie was opening in Wednesday, instead of Thursday like always, was low...

The reaction was great the first two times I went, big ovations (the crow was mostly fans I think, and were totally hyped, some were singing the 90s cartoon tune). The third time, regular audience, give a nice applause, which is good since we almost never give applause at a movie (except when its wonderful)

And in every showing people loved the joke about Logan treating Zero as Stryker's dog :)
I thought you were one of the ones mocking me for buying tickets to multiple screenings? Must have been someone else. I haven't even seen the entire movie yet. A friend and I went to three different theatres tonight to check out crowds and sample the movie. We're seeing it tomorrow in its entirety with a large crowd. Yes, before you reply, I know that makes me an extreme nut.

That would be me. ;)
Full theather. Good crowd, they laughed at all the good bits (although I got the biggest laugh for when I shouted out something rather vulgar during the film), but a bunch of the nerdier ones were tearing chunks out of the film when I passed by them afterwards.

The best bit was the guy running crowd control and telling a guy off for keeping a seat for his girlfriend. Idiot seemed to think he was a bouncer or something. Hihghlight of his career...
My brother and I were expecting cosplayers (Though he called them freaks in costumes with claws and cards. I say it's thier life.), and we got there really early and thought we might be in an empty theater last night.

Barely filled the seats. I guess it was less then thirty people, including us. Not that many. I thought that was disappointing. No cheering for Wade or Gambit, just a lot of
seemingly normal movie goers laughing at the jokes during the midnight showing.
Color me disappointed in my Gambit t-shirt. (And I think I was the only
hardcore fan there. Isn't that rediculous?!)

Only thing was, they were showing it in two screening rooms, so it's possible ours was the one that was less packed. Maybe that's where all the fans were hiding.

Not to say the people last night WEREN'T fans, but they just didn't strike me as they type, you know?

I'm hoping when I go again there will be more fans to make it more enjoyable/exciting.
None of the showings were sold out at my theater. I asked the workers there and they said they had been seeing 60-75% capacity throughout the day.
I went to a was me and 4 other people :dry:
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The showing for my first attendance was decent, but nothing spectacular. I'm taking the kids to sunday's matinee, so we will see.
Just did a twitter search and on the first page alone:

"Wolerine was awesome!!! still wondering why Hugh Jackman's package was so large at the"

"Wolerine was a great movie, wasnt expecting to like it so much. Shout out to my little brother Scott, Happy 17th Birthday!!! Love you x"

"Seeing X-men Origins:wolerine for the 2nd time with @that_JR_Guy and Time (forget his user name) lol"

"go see that wolerine movie i hear it's pretty good!"

"Wolerine mid-night screening was awesome and even better is that i was able to function on less than 3 hours sleep and lots of caffeine"

"Just saw Wolerine! highly recommended :-). now just getting a massage from my baby"


Actual, after two pages worth of tweets, their are only two negative ones:

"Wolerine wasn't that great."

"watched Wolerine on wednesday and didn't think much of it.. Trek is next week, hoping that turns out better"
Wow. The only time I got that small a crowd was when I saw X3....5 weeks after it came out.

I was shocked. This theater is near Kent State University, so to see attendance that low for a matinee on a big opening is really unusual.
I was shocked. This theater is near Kent State University, so to see attendance that low for a matinee on a big opening is really unusual.

ah well see when it involves college students, who had to choose between blowing all their money to see the new Wolverine, or downloading it for free and still having the money to eat, it's really no surprise:o
ah well see when it involves college students, who had to choose between blowing all their money to see the new Wolverine, or downloading it for free and still having the money to eat, it's really no surprise:o

LOL...usually big movie open well around here, even in matinees. So, it is a bit surprising attendance was this low.

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