The Amazing Spider-Man Script getting a rewrite

As much as I like Nolan, I don't think his style would work for Spider-Man. And who knows if he's even a fan of the character.
So... my grandma will rewrite transformers 3? Well, hes doing a polish work only but stil...
Maybe having JK Simmons come back too isn't such a distant pipe-dream after all.
I've said it before and i'll say it again. This reboot is going down the ****ter. Nothing will get done, Sony will interefere too much with the script, ****** actors, ****** script. Nothing will get shot. And in a desperate attempt to salvage some money, Sony will sell Spider-Man rights back to Marvel Studios

That's what I hope happens :o
You're a dumb dreamer if you think Sony will sell Marvel back Spidey's film rights.

Laura Ziskin needs to stop trying to find work for her husband, to keep his name in the spotlight and a stream of money coming in. There's much better and more knowledgeable script writers/polishers to handle the new film, whom can add something different and fresh to the new series.

Let the old man work on Sony's The Smurfs movie. Where he can make The Smurfs all about Smurfette.
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While I find it a little surprising myself, keep in mind Laura Zisken and Avi Arad are still producers. If Sargent wasn't married to Ziskin I kind of doubt he would've touched any of the Spider-man movies. It really does feel like a new make, old model though. It will still focus on angst and Peter's relationships and personal problems; it will just have a new director and cast.

To give Sargent some respect though, he is a two-time Oscar winning screenwriter and three-time nominee.
Sadly, Laura Ziskin and Avi Arad can't be avoided (these are the next two that I want fired). But Alvin Sargent can be avoided. Hollywood actually has some great writers if you take the time to find them.

Him being a two-time Oscar winning screenwriter and three-time nominee, was the days of old, he glory days, that doesn't mean he should be writing Spider-Man, not based on the horrible dialogue of the previous films. His time of good writing has passed, no different from the great Stan Lee.
For what was supposed to be a reboot, I have to agree that it's looking like history is repeating itself. I get that the producers were always going to be in place, but to hire what is basically a yes man in Webb, and then to micromanage the script from the getgo like they have... it's not gonna work. I really don't know what the plan is here. If they had a great script to begin with, what's the problem? Then again, if it's polishing only it's polishing only. Guess it isn't a Spidey movie without the cheesy dialogue.

Here is my beef, although it has nothing to do with this rewrite... they need to scrap continuity and just tell a great story. These movies or relaunches these days, whatever you wanna call it, get too wrapped up in setting up movies 2/3/4. Now Marvel had to play it that way because they are building up to the Avengers. But Spidey should be different this time around. If you want to focus on highschool, great. But since we are dealing with a very short time span, they need to be willing to film back to back as was the case with HP and Twilight. You can't take 2-3 years between every movie, even though that is typical the time you need to produce a decent sequel. Now if they cast actors that are 16, I am sure they can still pull off highschool in their 20's and 21's. But when you see that progression on film, it's an issue. And I am pretty sure whomever gets casted will probably be at least 18 or 19 to begin with. We had fanboys complaining about how the kid from Percy Jackson looked 12 years old, despite the fact that he's 18 and filming is still a year away. I think Sony will also be put off by a noticably young Peter Parker anyway, since they will want the lead actors to be out of puberty. I just hope there is some foresight this time around and they aren't going film by film just to maintain the rights. That approach works if you just have a great story to tell, but if they want a lasting franchise, they need to have three movies planned out over 4-5 years max.
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All I gotta say is :

LOL at all the pro-rebooters who were kissing sony's feet back in january.
©KAW;18349692 said:
Sadly, Laura Ziskin and Avi Arad can't be avoided (these are the next two that I want fired). But Alvin Sargent can be avoided. Hollywood actually has some great writers if you take the time to find them.

Him being a two-time Oscar winning screenwriter and three-time nominee, was the days of old, he glory days, that doesn't mean he should be writing Spider-Man, not based on the horrible dialogue of the previous films. His time of good writing has passed, no different from the great Stan Lee.

He said he took a lot of the dialogue from the comics. But I agree there are other writers out there who would do well rewriting Spider-man. I suspect he is hired out of convinience, after all he is married to the producer. He does it as a favor more than anything.
personally I think all writers are hit and miss and depends if they bring their 'A' game to the table. for instance goyer wrote blade 3 and helped script TDK.
sergent wrote SM2 people are entitled to their opinion but in my opinion that is the the second best superhero movie ever made. I saw IM yesterday and TDK on friday and I still think SM2 is the second best superhero movie ever made.
All I gotta say is :

LOL at all the pro-rebooters who were kissing sony's feet back in january.

Yeah, that's exactly what a true Spidey fan would say... :o LOL at a Spidey movie that sucks so we have to wait several years again before we may see something good...:o
Yeah, that's exactly what a true Spidey fan would say... :o LOL at a Spidey movie that sucks so we have to wait several years again before we may see something good...:o

that's no worse than a bat fan saying 'spidey will sucksss' before even laying eyes on a single trailer, an opinion I'm sure is born of spidey cutting into batman's precious profits if the movie (spidey reboot) is even remotely decent.
:hehe: That made me laugh.

I don't think Nolan would do a Spidey film either. I can't really see him doing another super hero film aside from Batman.

This is old news by now but Nolan's doing man of steel too.
If anyone is still not convinced this is a Sony production, this should seal it. Sargent is married to one of the producers of the Spider-Man films. While he was used to touch up SM2, he was also the writer that Sony brought in to rewrite Raimi's Vulture/Sandman/GG2 script into the Venom/Sandman/GG2 script. The suits brought him in to get their way with SM3, and for a "reboot" in which they hire a director who can't really stand up to the suits in charge, they now hire a writer, whom is totally under their control and that they used to their advantage in the past.

Spider-Man: The Reboot

Directed by Sony
Yeah, that's exactly what a true Spidey fan would say... :o LOL at a Spidey movie that sucks so we have to wait several years again before we may see something good...:o

No, I'm laughing at everyone who was kissing sony's feet back in january for being a godsend. Now what do I see?

Sony suckorz, Lame, I hate sony.
My only issue with getting Sergent would be that you need someone with perspective away from the Raimi films . Other then that, I'm gonna wait to see the finished product ,if it does get off the ground . Either way imo, a reboot is better then the Vulture and Vulturess, and a reboot was gonna happen eventually whether the fanboys wanted it or not.
No, I'm laughing at everyone who was kissing sony's feet back in january for being a godsend. Now what do I see?

Sony suckorz, Lame, I hate sony.

I hate Sony too. But that still wouldn't make me LOL when a Spidey failure may be apparent and I'll have to wait years once again to see a good Spidey movie.
I don't understand why people want this to fail???? What kind of a Spider-Man fan are if you do? You can have doubts but hoping it will happen? People need to get over this being rebooted. I for one, hope that this will be good and not disapointing. I want another great Spider-Man film again.
I hate Sony too. But that still wouldn't make me LOL when a Spidey failure may be apparent and I'll have to wait years once again to see a good Spidey movie.

you aren't getting it man.

I'm not laughing at sony.
I'm not laughing at spider-man probably being a failure.
I AM laughing at the reboot fanboys who acted like sony was the end-all be all for losing Raimi & co., but now hate them just as they do Raimi.
I don't understand why people want this to fail???? What kind of a Spider-Man fan are if you do? You can have doubts but hoping it will happen? People need to get over this being rebooted. I for one, hope that this will be good and not disapointing. I want another great Spider-Man film again.
Nobody wants it to fail at all. We're just laughing at how people were going insane over how awesome Sony is for rebooting the series, but now they are bashing them. It's just funny, and was very predictable.

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