Official Marvel Universe on TV Thread

Marvel gets the Punisher rights back and this happens? DAMMIT.
The Punisher needs to be refreshed after the crash and burn known as War Zone but the cop angle seems strange. Will this cop lose his family but stay on the job? Interesting...

A.K.A Jessica Jones sounds like the best of the bunch. I loved the Alias book and the concept can really really work.

I'm still waiting for Marvel to get Daredevil back. THAT is the best TV show potential of them all by far.

I don't think its interesting at all, Punisher is a character study of a borderline psychopath who because tragedy is defined by fanatical mission that causes him struggle with his own humanity at times. Putting Frank into a paint by numbers police procedural show isn't true to the spirit of the Punisher.
That pitch sounds more Daredevil than Punisher. :huh:

Well, best of luck to them. Maybe fourth time's the charm.
Damn! I just found out that they're developing The Punisher for a t.v. series. I was hoping he'd get another shot at the big screen. :csad: Hopefully if the series does get off the ground, it'll be good.
He doesn't deserve another shot at the big screen. :o

He's gotten three already.
He doesn't deserve another shot at the big screen. :o

He's gotten three already.

As a huge long long time Punisher fan, I have to agree. As much as it sucks to say, they've tried three times and while each movie has its pros and cons they were ultimately failures in terms of story and box office take. I don't see a TV show helping at this point. For such a simple character, Hollywood just can't seem to get the essence of the character right.
just saw the news avobut punisher. First great to hear they are working on this character. A tv series always seemed a lot logical place to put punisher then film series. I just wish it wasnt going to be fox. I rather see punisher on cable like amc/fx or maybe even showtime. Which would be better place to be able to pull off a more max series punisher and all.

As for the by day he is a regular cop and at night he is punisher i just dont see the need to do that for punisher. He isnt spider-man or daredevil that has a normal regular life when they are not doing their super heroics around the city. I would hope this plot doesnt happen. Or is only for a few episodes and once he is fingered as punisher that he leaves the force and is on his own and all that.
He doesn't deserve another shot at the big screen. :o

He's gotten three already.

I agree. Why is it that other superheroes like Black Panther have difficulty of having either TV series or movies made, but now Punisher gets his fourth opportunity even though all of his movies were either underwhelming or lackluster? It just seems like Marvel refuses to acknowledge the track record of this franchise. Anyway, I think FOX or F/X will probably cancel it like Spike did with the Blade series.
actually they probably think they would have better success with the character on tv then blowing a couple hundred million dollars budget on films and then lose money when it doesnt preform well enough in box office. Were as punisher as a tv series could probably be done well on a reasonable tv budget of say 1-2 mill dollars per episode. Which would probably be more for crew/cast costs then much special effects. Since i dont see the need to have much special effects work in this show.
The thing with Punisher is, how do you put that on television? Doesn't he just blow people away? Honestly, the last issue of Punisher I read was maybe Romita's run on Warzone, where he was pretending to melt people's skin off with a Popsicle. The concept would prolly work better outside of Fox, like on Showtime or something. Crap like Smallville can be made to work, but when you go a few shades..."darker", (like that crap pile "Birds of Prey"), on regular television, it just gets really corny.
well they can still get away with some grusome deaths and killings on a tv-14 rating just put it on the 9pm/10pm slot and its ok.
I don't see this Punisher concept working, the character does not work for network television. He needs to be at least on a cable network like AMC or F/X, a station that doesn't shy away from violence. Also the cop by day/vigilante by night angle sounds awful.
i dotn see why it couldnt work. We seen killers and murders on many network shows. Plus with at least a tv 14 rating and like i said before 9/10pm time slot they can get away with things on network censors and all.
Frank Castle is a cop moonlighting as a vigilante? That sounds awful. Geez, they really will turn anything into a procedural these days.

Whose going to play the quirky tech or medical examiner?

This is going to crash and burn, sidelining The Punisher for years outside of the comics.
Make no mistake. He was already sidelined. This is just an attempt to reanimate his corpse.
this is still in planning stage for all we know this by day cop plotline could be dropped or only is in the first few episodes as a arch and he then is found out being punisher and all.
I'll give the pilot a chance, but I'm not expecting much based on the approach, that their pursuing.
What's so sad is that not only is this concept NOT the Punisher, but it just sounds like a dozen or so other tired cop/vigilante shows we've seen over the years. Some have turned out good (Dexter) while others have been lame (Dark Justice), but do we need another one? Why not actually show some balls and do a REAL Punisher TV series that sticks close to the comic books? How much more refreshing would that be than another goddamn procedural cop drama?

Oh, it's too dark. Too violent. Yeah, because we don't have shows about FLESH EATING ZOMBIES, METH-COOKING SOCIOPATHS and HAUNTED HOUSES THAT DRIVE PEOPLE SO CRAZY THAT THEY BUTCHER EACH OTHER on TV right now. Seriously, something like The Punisher could be refreshing. A break from the norm of TV. You couldn't put it on FOX, but it would fit in nicely on FX or AMC.
I wonder if this will be Marvel's equivalent to DC's Wonder Woman. Just one show that they try to rush to get out there too quick, before people forget that they have a TV division up and running, even if it ends up sucking in the process.
I'll have to see it before I pass judgement...just like there can be many takes on Batman, there can be many takes on The Punisher...hell in the comics he was frankenstein for a while

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