Mads Mikkelsen In-Talks For Villain Role

I'm not terribly familiar with the Thor comics, but dang if he doesn't have a lot of great-looking villains. I should really check some of his comics out.

He really does, I'd even go so far as to say he has one of the top 5 rogues galleries in all of Marvel comics.
He really does, I'd even go so far as to say he has one of the top 5 rogues galleries in all of Marvel comics.

Thor's world is vast and I'd say it's almost as massive as the cosmic world (Silver Surfer, Fantastic Four, Guardians of the Galaxy, Inhumans)...My hope is with Loki done twice as the baddie Marvel can now mine the other great villains of Thor...He's not Iron Man were they have to use obscure ones or combine them to build up a good one, so they still have a couple known villains left for sequels...

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^That's a nice collage of heroes 'n' villains in that poster there, but it doesn't even scratch the surface of Thor's cast. That just shows the otherworldly heroes & villains of Asgard & beyond....doesn't even begin to take into consideration Thor's terrestrial contacts on Midgard, like Jane Foster, The Wrecking Crew, Absorbing Man, Kevin Masterson, Bloodaxe, the Grey Gargoyle, Radioactive Man, The Tomorrow Man, etc.
^That's a nice collage of heroes 'n' villains in that poster there, but it doesn't even scratch the surface of Thor's cast. That just shows the otherworldly heroes & villains of Asgard & beyond....doesn't even begin to take into consideration Thor's terrestrial contacts on Midgard, like Jane Foster, The Wrecking Crew, Absorbing Man, Kevin Masterson, Bloodaxe, the Grey Gargoyle, Radioactive Man, The Tomorrow Man, etc.

That's because nobody cares about them, Thor's Asgardian enemies and heroes are better! :argh:
I should add that all the headlines About Hannibal say "Thor 2 Villain cast as Hannibal Lecter ".
The best thing about Thor's rogues gallery is that you really have a fantastic selection to choose from when it comes to the films; unlike IM and Cap, you don't need that sense of grounded reality. It's awesome :D
From what I've come to understand about Thor after doing some research it seems like he faces threat levels that are big enough to be a concern for "The Avengers" as a group on a more daily basis by himself in the nine realms. I mean while the Avengers may deal with threat levels on their own solo adventures that may threaten either a country, city or even the entire world, Thor seems to face threats that puts the entire 9 realms at risk at times by himself.
From what I've come to understand about Thor after doing some research it seems like he faces threat levels that are big enough to be a concern for "The Avengers" as a group on a more daily basis by himself in the nine realms. I mean while the Avengers may deal with threat levels on their own solo adventures that may threaten either a country, city or even the entire world, Thor seems to face threats that puts the entire 9 realms at risk at times by himself.

One word: Yup.
Considering Dallas had to drop out because of his tv work...unless the Hannibal series is to film in England as well...unlikely...I don't think it's looking good...
Yeah, the latest news re Thor 2 (the recasting of Fandral) it listed Mikkelsen as still in negotiations for the role. I really hope there's no scheduling conflicts with Hannibal.
Yeah, the latest news re Thor 2 (the recasting of Fandral) it listed Mikkelsen as still in negotiations for the role. I really hope there's no scheduling conflicts with Hannibal.

Hannibal starts filming in August for 2013. Hmm, I think he's still involved because they'd have mentioned it if he'd chosen that role over Thor 2 when it was announced and the latest recasting scoop doesn't mention it as a problem. It's possible with the later start date because it's a midseason show and type of roles mean it's easier to schedule his shooting for Thor around Hannibal than it was for Josh Dallas.
^That's a nice collage of heroes 'n' villains in that poster there, but it doesn't even scratch the surface of Thor's cast. That just shows the otherworldly heroes & villains of Asgard & beyond....doesn't even begin to take into consideration Thor's terrestrial contacts on Midgard, like Jane Foster, The Wrecking Crew, Absorbing Man, Kevin Masterson, Bloodaxe, the Grey Gargoyle, Radioactive Man, The Tomorrow Man, etc.

mmhmmm...but Marvel forgets they exist too. They farmed out Hyde and Cobra to other heroes. Hyde was always a nice analogue to Donald and Thor.

That's because nobody cares about them, Thor's Asgardian enemies and heroes are better! :argh:

Please BigThor, please! :cwink::woot:
Hannibal starts filming in August for 2013. Hmm, I think he's still involved because they'd have mentioned it if he'd chosen that role over Thor 2 when it was announced and the latest recasting scoop doesn't mention it as a problem. It's possible with the later start date because it's a midseason show and type of roles mean it's easier to schedule his shooting for Thor around Hannibal than it was for Josh Dallas.

I hope so. Because I really want Mikkelsen on-board for Thor 2.
Mads Mikkelsen Out of Thor 2 Due to Hannibal
First reported at the end of May as being in talks for the villain role in "Thor 2," it looks like things haven't worked out for Mads Mikkelsen to appear in Marvel's sequel. "Yeah, that's not happening unfortunately. I had a meeting with them, but they were a little too late. And then 'Hannibal' came in, and everything just came in the same period, so now it's not happening," the actor recently told Zoomin Movies.

My initial reaction to the news:

But while I'm sad to see him not appearing in the sequel, I think Hannibal is much better for him. So, I hope they find a suitable replacement.
Just heard it wasn't goin to happen. That sucks but it opens the room for other awesome people to hopefully take up whatever character he was going to be.

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