Halloween Remake Thread... - Part 1

As most of you know... Rob Zombie (Devils rejects) is going to be directing the remake of the 1970's horror classic... Halloween
Lets Chat... :D :up:
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interesting. I thought this was just more talk about Rob Zombie's movies
Dude, that was awesome. After seeing that I'd be happy even with an animated movie. Hope something comes of this.
I'm apparently a lot less impressed with that animated sequence than the majority. No connection to the holiday is readily apparent and I thought the two main characters were very uninteresting.

I get that the p.o.v. shot was a play on the opening of the John Carpenter original, but there have been so many p.o.v. shots over the years that I don't see anything real original here. Or anything that comments on the original.

If there wasn't the Halloween tag on the end, I don't know if it would be distinguishable from any other slasher. Heck, go ahead and make a slasher set in an asylum, there's nothing in the animated pitch that's so specific to Halloween that it couldn't be made anyways. Killer escapes from an asylum wasn't invented by John Carpenter.

Which isn't to say that it necessarily is bad, but IMO, what's going to make a Halloween reboot worth watching again is when they pitch characters as instantly likable as Laurie and as interesting as Dr. Loomis, facing off against Michael Meyers. Meyers is personality-less, that's what makes him frightening, but he needs to be balanced by interesting characters. None of that was in the Platinum Dunes pitch.

That was basically an opening scene showing his escape.

What do you expect kids trick or treating in the asylum and running around screaming ''Happy Halloween" and ****?
I quite enjoyed that. Very classic Halloween. Not at all Zombie'd up. :up:
I'm not too sure about this. Rob Zombie's remake was all kinds of awful, H2 was even worse. But Platinum Dunes' track record isn't all that great either. Friday The 13th, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and A Nightmare On Elm Street all sucked.

I will admit I haven't watched the animated pitch yet (it's not compatible with my mobile device), but my hopes are far from high that they'll get this one right.
I'm not too sure about this. Rob Zombie's remake was all kinds of awful, H2 was even worse. But Platinum Dunes' track record isn't all that great either. Friday The 13th, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and A Nightmare On Elm Street all sucked.

I will admit I haven't watched the animated pitch yet (it's not compatible with my mobile device), but my hopes are far from high that they'll get this one right.

I'd say their Friday the 13th was just about on par with every other F13 movie. Which isn't to say I thought it was good. More to say that I agree with you. :o
I like Rob Zombie's remake, it kept me interested where the original kept me hanging
Michael Myers felt more interesting, though cliched, what isn't? All I thought of in the original is some weird child with weird possession, hardly anything known of his family, a kid going trick or treating returns home to make a killing of virtue, it kept me empty
Well, you gotta watch it in context of the time it was made. I don't particularly like the original Halloween, but it contributed a lot to the genre.
I'd say their Friday the 13th was just about on par with every other F13 movie. Which isn't to say I thought it was good. More to say that I agree with you. :o

Actually the originals were far better (well, Parts 1 through 3 anyway). The remake lacked any sense of suspence. Had they held off on the killings and created a sense of dread that something was about to happen it would have been much better.
I've always considered Friday the 13th a poor man's Halloween.
It kinda is. But neither hold a candle to Leprechaun.
I like Rob Zombie's remake, it kept me interested where the original kept me hanging
Michael Myers felt more interesting, though cliched, what isn't? All I thought of in the original is some weird child with weird possession, hardly anything known of his family, a kid going trick or treating returns home to make a killing of virtue, it kept me empty

It's too bad you didn't get the original. Michael Myers was meant to be seen as a metaphor for evil & death. That you can never kill or defeat them, only keep them at bay for a while. The whole "why does he kill" question is never answered because it's never supposed to be. It's human nature to fear the unknown. To fear what you don't understand. That's why Batman dresses like a damn bat, to incite fear.

Rob Zombies sad excuse for a Halloween remake was just a bunch of serial killer cliches, mixed with splatter porn. None of the characters were even likeable. It was just crap. Unfortunately somehow, somewhere, someone in Hollywood got it into their heads that splatter porn = scary. So whenever anyone makes a horror movie anymore, all we get is splatter porn.
I've always considered Friday the 13th a poor man's Halloween.

That's kinda funny, as it cost about 4 times as much money to make the original Friday The 13th as it did to make the original Halloween.
That's kinda funny, as it cost about 4 times as much money to make the original Friday The 13th as it did to make the original Halloween.

And it was 4 times less good. :o
I REALLY liked that animatic. Did you guys see the other concept art for it over at bloody-disgusting? If anybody was complaining about "there's no halloween holiday themes" then check them out. Definately Halloween.
I'll throw in my collective thoughts:

*Friday the 13th by Platinum Dunes was a return to form for that franchise.

*Rob Zombie's remake had some interesting ideas but piss poor execution.

*The sequel wasn't a Halloween film in the slightest, it's Zombie's own thing and for that I somewhat respect it.

*The original film is one of my favorite slasher films, but I rate it's sequel much much higher.

I'd love a film based around the original Judith Myers, around her life leading up to the infamous Halloween.
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That was basically an opening scene showing his escape.

What do you expect kids trick or treating in the asylum and running around screaming ''Happy Halloween" and ****?

Exactly. It's just a simple pitch to get a basic vision across. People shouldn't be looking into it that much. You'd think it was part of an actual movie.

But I really liked it. Fun and scary. Better than anything in the Zombie remake. Plus I liked how she had a good reason to go into a burning asylum.

That was basically an opening scene showing his escape.

What do you expect kids trick or treating in the asylum and running around screaming ''Happy Halloween" and ****?

Sure, I get that. I liked how Carpenter handled it better. In the original, the p.o.v. shots had a point in concealing that the killer was a child. That's an interesting choice. And Michael Myers escape told from the p.o.v. of Loomis and the nurse he's traveling with is far more interesting since Loomis is an interesting character.

So in the first 10 minutes you get the Halloween setting, an idea of Myers, an idea of Loomis, how Loomis views Myers, and Myers' escape. That stuff all comes into play later in the film, not just being there for some scares. Heck, we may be introduced to Laurie in the time this pitch takes.

Of course, there's nothing wrong with just going for some scares at the opening of a horror film, but other than the fact that they'd obviously spend more money than Carpenter's original, what's there? Who are the characters? What separates it from any other slasher? Does the opening tell you enough if you're not familiar with the original? What's the nature of the plot? Straight remake? In short, what's the vision other than "let's make it bigger". Is there room/merit in big setpieces other than in the escape?

Frankly, I think they fumble the character stuff in the pitch. And I consider the characters one of the strengths of the original. If they're ever going to make another good Halloween film, coming up with the next Jamie Lee Curtis seems to me to be more the key than showing off the concept of a setpiece.
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