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Sequels The X-Men/Fantastic 4 Crossover Official Thread

Think about the possibilities of merging universes. Fox can make Excalibur. Marvel can make New Warriors and Annihilators. Marvel can distribute War of Kings and Galactic Storm while Fox can make Secret Wars.

Also, Marvel are already working out a similar deal with Sony so Spider-Man can join the MCU which means we'll be able to get Thunderbolts now with Mach and Green Goblin means that Dark Reign may happen to say nothing of Spider-Man teaming up with Daredevil.

Or if Marvel did get the X-Men back, there would be no way that they could fit them in to the MCU while doing them justice since there aren't enough film slots to do justice to the various X-teams, nor would Wolverine and Deadpool get their own films.

Why couldn't Fox make Excalibur now?

Why couldn't Marvel make New Mutants now?

Why wouldn't Marvel make Secret Wars using the numerous Avenger and GotG characters? Yes, it would be great for Spiderman to be in it, and the original story had the X-Men and FF, but couldn't Marvel pull it off without them? Yes, Doom was a major player in that story, but they could change it up and still pull off the movie, without having to give up anything to Fox.

Spiderman teaming up with Daredevil? Why would Marvel do that? If anything they just need to make a better mouse trap as far as Daredevil is concerned, and maybe that is through a TV series.

Again, there is NO WAY that Fox will ever give up the X-Men rights. The $ changing hands for that to happen would have to be crazy! So it is what it is. Fox has the X-Men and have done ok things with them recently, though this trip through the decades is a bit weird and convoluted. And Sony has Spiderman and other than Secret Wars there's no huge story that I can remember where a deal would be worthwhile. Again, Sony is making big $ with Spiderman, so they will never give it up unless the $ changing hands is crazt. Maybe Disney will purchase Sony!!!!!

So I'm not really sure where your post was going. Financially there is no reason for Sony to give up Spiderman and no reason for Fox to give up either the FF or the X-Men. Any crossover movie that might be used to create a crossover movie would be very difficult financially and would just make more sense for Disney to do it themselves using their Avengers, Guardians and other characters. People just need to accept that it ain't happening!
Financially there is no reason for Sony to give up Spiderman and no reason for Fox to give up either the FF or the X-Men. Any crossover movie that might be used to create a crossover movie would be very difficult financially and would just make more sense for Disney to do it themselves using their Avengers, Guardians and other characters. People just need to accept that it ain't happening!

:up: :up: :up: :up: :up:

If only they would.

Oh how I wished they'd Embrace reality and enjoy it rather than fighting against it for some unknown potentially better or potentially worse alternative.
Why couldn't Fox make Excalibur now?

Why couldn't Marvel make New Mutants now?

Why wouldn't Marvel make Secret Wars using the numerous Avenger and GotG characters? Yes, it would be great for Spiderman to be in it, and the original story had the X-Men and FF, but couldn't Marvel pull it off without them? Yes, Doom was a major player in that story, but they could change it up and still pull off the movie, without having to give up anything to Fox.

Spiderman teaming up with Daredevil? Why would Marvel do that? If anything they just need to make a better mouse trap as far as Daredevil is concerned, and maybe that is through a TV series.

Again, there is NO WAY that Fox will ever give up the X-Men rights. The $ changing hands for that to happen would have to be crazy! So it is what it is. Fox has the X-Men and have done ok things with them recently, though this trip through the decades is a bit weird and convoluted. And Sony has Spiderman and other than Secret Wars there's no huge story that I can remember where a deal would be worthwhile. Again, Sony is making big $ with Spiderman, so they will never give it up unless the $ changing hands is crazt. Maybe Disney will purchase Sony!!!!!

So I'm not really sure where your post was going. Financially there is no reason for Sony to give up Spiderman and no reason for Fox to give up either the FF or the X-Men. Any crossover movie that might be used to create a crossover movie would be very difficult financially and would just make more sense for Disney to do it themselves using their Avengers, Guardians and other characters. People just need to accept that it ain't happening!

Because many of the New Warriors are mutants and they're treated as a mutant team in-universe and a spin-off of the X-Men.

With Excalibur, it's because Captain Britain belongs to Marvel Studios and many of the MI:13 characters like Faiza Hussein, Union Jack, Lionheart, Blade and Spitfire also do. Considering that the present-day X-Men have both Colossus and Shadowcat on the team, an Excalibur movie would just be Pete Wisdom and Rachel Summers in the UK with no supporting characters.

And the X-Men would never return to Marvel Studios nor would the FF. Instead, Marvel and Fox would just be allowed to use each others characters.

Also, Secret Wars would need to be a Fox property since Doctor Doom and Magneto are both major players while the Beyonder is a mutant and a Fantastic Four villain. The problems are that Marvel owns the rights to the name "Secret Wars" while Sony owns Spider-Man but needs permission from Marvel to cross him over with Fox's properties.

And if Marvel wanted to do Secret Wars without The Beyonder, Magneto or Doctor Doom, then its an In Name Only version that might as well be another event entirely. I'd rather see Marvel give permission for Fox to use the Avengers and to borrow Spider-Man from Sony in a Fox film.

And what Marvel gets out of it would be Wolverine, Rogue and Beast in Avengers, Juggernaut in Thunderbolts and a War of Kings crossover between the Inhumans and Guardians with the Shi'Ar present along with the Operation Galactic Storm and Annihilation as Guardians sequels. And that's not getting into the Phase 6 Avengers film being Avengers Vs X-Men or AXIS.

Granted, I don't see either studio sharing profits in the near future. Marvel's Phase 3 schedule is still pretty full and Fox is still working on 2016's Deadpool, 2018's X-Force film along with the X-Factor show. So both studios have no reason to start sharing yet.

It's also way to early to put some of the X-Men in Avengers and Fox doesn't have a big enough world for Onslaught yet. They haven't even announced a New Mutants TV show.

I expect some sort of deal to be made during Phase 4 where nothing will happen during Phase 4 but the big event on Fox's side will occur towards the end of Phase 5 but nothing will affect Marvel's properties just yet. The Phase 5 Avengers films will probably be Evolutionary War and Seige.

Phase 6 in the 2030s is when everything cool happens.
Are you saying you believe that Fox owns the New Warriors? Don't think I agree with that. Plus Marvel already has a way around this whole mutant thing, which is either use Inhumans or don't call them mutants (i.e. Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch).

Lets look at the New Warriors for a second...

Night Thrasher, the leader. Powers: None, though he has advanced tech and training, and possibly mental barriers that could be due to a strong will. Not a mutant, no issues...

Nova. Powers: Strength, speed, stamina, flight and energy generation. All of this comes from the NOVA Force. He has ties to the Guardians of the Galaxy movie and many, including me, have surmised that he may find his way into the next one. Hopefully it will be the good version of the character. For those who don't know, that would be Richard Rider. Not a mutant, no issues.

Speedball. Powers: Kinetic Energy Field. He received these powers from exposure to energy from a dimension of kinetic energy. Not a mutant, no issues.

Namorita. Powers: Aquatic healing, amphibean breathing, strength, speed, stamina, flight, etc. Namorita's powers come from being a hybrid of Atlantean homo mermanus as well as being a mutant. They could easily forgo the mutant part of this and focus on her powers being because she from Atlantis.

Marvel Boy. Powers: Telekenesis. His powers generating pertain to the Guardians of the Galaxy story when his future self came back in time to prevent him from becoming an astronaut. Yes, he's a mutant, but they could very easily change that.

Firestar. Powers: Mircowave energy manipulation. Yes, she's a mutant, but they could easily still have this character and not use the dreaded term (stated very quietly)... "mutant". Actually, better yet, don't use her in the movie.

A perfect line-up is Night Thrasher (leader), Speedball (jokester), Nova (flight, etc.), Namorita (female), Marvel Boy (Telekenesis)

That's 5 characters with a female represented, just like GotG. It just doesn't matter that, as you put it, "many of the New Warriors are mutants and they're treated as a mutant team in universe", which I don't fully agree with. And this idea of yours that they are a "spin-off of the X-Men" is wrong! Only one of the original team members seems to have any connection to the X-Men, and she's the worst character on the team.

As far as Excalibur I agree that the team would need to include characters like Kitty, Colossus, Nightcrawler and others. I'll admit I did not know that Captain Britain "belongs to Marvel Studios", which seems odd to me. This is a character that was very much an X-Team staple, so why wouldn't he belong to Fox, or at least be another shared commodity? But even if this was the case then simply don't use him! Have an Excalibur movie in the OT and use Colossus, Kitty, Nightcrawler (the leader) and others. Pete Wisdom and Wolfsbane could easily fill out the rest of the team. And adding Rachel Summers wouldn't be all that difficult. There are plenty of bad guys for them to go against.

My point is that it's not in Marvel's interest to allow Fox to "use each others characters". Marvel is making plenty without the mutants, and their plans are so mind blowing it wouldn't make a difference financially. This just ain't gonna happen!

Think I mentioned that if Marvel did Secret Wars then they would need to change things up. Obviously no Doom or Mags. But your thinking that the Beyonder is a "mutant", and thus would belong to Fox is comical. I'm asking for where you came up with this idea that the Beyonder belongs to Fox? There is no doubt that the Beyonder, let alone almost any of the Guardians related space beings, belongs to Marvel. At least you admit that it is Marvel who owns the name Secret Wars, so again I ask, why would Disney give that up, and why wouldn't they just do Secret Wars in the future, after this whole Infinity Guantlet thing, using the characters they own?!?

Marvel doesn't need Wolverine, Rogue or Beast in the Avengers. Thunderbolts is a "who?" commodity that I don't see them needing to do. As far as the War of Kings story, I don't see this being on their radar, they have plenty of more important stories to focus on, and if they ever did want to do it they could since they own the majority of the needed characters and cultures. They would admitedly just need to change who the opposing world (king) is, which they could do.

Also, from all the rumors I've read Annihilation is going to get ruined by the upcoming FF film. I still believe Marvel could use the Annihilation Wave in Guardians.

I am glad that you admit that Marvel's plate is so full all of this just doesn't matter. They are just way too busy. It's obvious that Marvel will focus on the titles they own, and try to ruin the titles they don't. People need to remember that they make a heck of a lot more with these movies than they do the comics. So unfortunately the X-Men and the FF comic stories will diminish until Disney gets the rights back, if they ever do. Marvel's focus will be, as we've already seen, the Avengers, Inhumans, Guardians and whatever else they own, like the New Warriors!

I guess we'll just have to wait until the 2030's to see if you're right!
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Are you saying you believe that Fox owns the New Warriors? Don't think I agree with that. Plus Marvel already has a way around this whole mutant thing, which is either use Inhumans or don't call them mutants (i.e. Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch).

Lets look at the New Warriors for a second...

Night Thrasher, the leader. Powers: None, though he has advanced tech and training, and possibly mental barriers that could be due to a strong will. Not a mutant, no issues...

Nova. Powers: Strength, speed, stamina, flight and energy generation. All of this comes from the NOVA Force. He has ties to the Guardians of the Galaxy movie and many, including me, have surmised that he may find his way into the next one. Hopefully it will be the good version of the character. For those who don't know, that would be Richard Rider. Not a mutant, no issues.

Speedball. Powers: Kinetic Energy Field. He received these powers from exposure to energy from a dimension of kinetic energy. Not a mutant, no issues.

Namorita. Powers: Aquatic healing, amphibean breathing, strength, speed, stamina, flight, etc. Namorita's powers come from being a hybrid of Atlantean homo mermanus as well as being a mutant. They could easily forgo the mutant part of this and focus on her powers being because she from Atlantis.

Marvel Boy. Powers: Telekenesis. His powers generating pertain to the Guardians of the Galaxy story when his future self came back in time to prevent him from becoming an astronaut. Yes, he's a mutant, but they could very easily change that.

Firestar. Powers: Mircowave energy manipulation. Yes, she's a mutant, but they could easily still have this character and not use the dreaded term (stated very quietly)... "mutant". Actually, better yet, don't use her in the movie.

A perfect line-up is Night Thrasher (leader), Speedball (jokester), Nova (flight, etc.), Namorita (female), Marvel Boy (Telekenesis)

That's 5 characters with a female represented, just like GotG. It just doesn't matter that, as you put it, "many of the New Warriors are mutants and they're treated as a mutant team in universe", which I don't fully agree with. And this idea of yours that they are a "spin-off of the X-Men" is wrong! Only one of the original team members seems to have any connection to the X-Men, and she's the worst character on the team.

As far as Excalibur I agree that the team would need to include characters like Kitty, Colossus, Nightcrawler and others. I'll admit I did not know that Captain Britain "belongs to Marvel Studios", which seems odd to me. This is a character that was very much an X-Team staple, so why wouldn't he belong to Fox, or at least be another shared commodity? But even if this was the case then simply don't use him! Have an Excalibur movie in the OT and use Colossus, Kitty, Nightcrawler (the leader) and others. Pete Wisdom and Wolfsbane could easily fill out the rest of the team. And adding Rachel Summers wouldn't be all that difficult. There are plenty of bad guys for them to go against.

My point is that it's not in Marvel's interest to allow Fox to "use each others characters". Marvel is making plenty without the mutants, and their plans are so mind blowing it wouldn't make a difference financially. This just ain't gonna happen!

Think I mentioned that if Marvel did Secret Wars then they would need to change things up. Obviously no Doom or Mags. But your thinking that the Beyonder is a "mutant", and thus would belong to Fox is comical. I'm asking for where you came up with this idea that the Beyonder belongs to Fox? There is no doubt that the Beyonder, let alone almost any of the Guardians related space beings, belongs to Marvel. At least you admit that it is Marvel who owns the name Secret Wars, so again I ask, why would Disney give that up, and why wouldn't they just do Secret Wars in the future, after this whole Infinity Guantlet thing, using the characters they own?!?

Marvel doesn't need Wolverine, Rogue or Beast in the Avengers. Thunderbolts is a "who?" commodity that I don't see them needing to do. As far as the War of Kings story, I don't see this being on their radar, they have plenty of more important stories to focus on, and if they ever did want to do it they could since they own the majority of the needed characters and cultures. They would admitedly just need to change who the opposing world (king) is, which they could do.

Also, from all the rumors I've read Annihilation is going to get ruined by the upcoming FF film. I still believe Marvel could use the Annihilation Wave in Guardians.

I am glad that you admit that Marvel's plate is so full all of this just doesn't matter. They are just way to busy. It's obvious that Marvel will focus on the titales they own, and try to ruin the titles they don't. People need to remember that they make a heck of a lot more with these movies than they do the comics. So unfortunately the X-Men and the FF comic stories will diminish until Disney gets the rihts back, if they ever do. Marvel's focus will be, as we've already seen, the Avengers, Inhumans, Guardians and whatever else they own, like the New Warriors!

I guess we'll just have to wait until the 2030's to see if you're right!

Actually, Fox probably owns the Shi'Ar. It's hard to think of Guardians stories that would work on the big screen without the Shi'Ar being involved. I mean, they'll probably tell a story involving the Universal Church of Truth and the Magus. Guardians 3 can be Kree-Skrull War. The problem is what happens with Guardians 4? All of thee big cosmic stories now involve the Shi'Ar, Galactus or Annihilus in some capacity.

Firestar is technically part of the Spider-Man rights. If Sony plays ball and allows Spider-Man into the MCU, then Firestar is going to be part of Marvel Studios' roster. I thought the New Warriors were part of the X-Men franchise since they crossed over with X-Force a few times in the 90s but I never really got into the characters. My bad. That's on me. At the same time, I still don't see New Warriors being a thing over at Marvel.

Thunderbolts only needs Juggernaut from Fox, again, the property benefits more from Sony's Spider-Man IP due to Shocker, Mach and Sandman.

Captain Britain was a hero long before Excalibur. He's part of Marvel's rights which means that nobody can do Excalibur. You'll have to settle for Shadowcat, Nightcrawler and Colossus in X-Men and Pete Wisdom in X-Force.

From what I've heard, Annihilus will be part of the FF reboot but the story won't adapt Annihilation.

And how is Marvel "ruining" the X-Men comics? Storm and Nightcrawler just got ongoings, the X-Men have their own editor and X-Factor only got canceled because sales were horrendous. At the same time, X-Factor still had almost as many issues as Matt Fraction's Hawkeye did. And all the X-Titles are crossing over with the Guardians next year. So if there are still a ton of X-Men titles, X-Force just got Domino and Forge back on the team, Beast, Havok and Rogue are currently both X-Men and Avengers and they X-Men are still part of most crossovers, how is Fox "ruining" them?

Also, Fox has enough IP to hold on to the X-Men exclusively until the 2030s as well. That's if they also do Alpha Flight and New Mutants TV series and Silver Surfer movies. Only then will the stories have dried up.

As for Marvel canceling the Fantastic Four, if Fox is producing a film that's as bad as Sony's Spider-Man reboot series just to hold on to the rights, then Marvel is just protecting their brand. They killed Peter Parker back when TASM1 came out and then brought him back the week that TASM2 debuted and it kept the comics from being tainted by the legacy of some rather terrible films.

Look where that got Sony. They're doing two spin-off films that nobody asked for and there's little demand for given how hated the reboot series is and there's now talk that Spider-Man may be returning to Marvel in the same way that the Hulk rights are owned by Universal but Hulk is part of the MCU.

FF was rumored to be canceled during filming and the cancellation only came about shortly after the infamous Hobo Doom picture got leaked. That signals that that was the last straw and a clear red flag that Fox was making a crappy film.

Also, all my posts about Fox building their own universe and then merging it in the 2030s are assuming that the FF reboot is actually a good movie and not what Sony did with Spider-Man. If FF either bombs or becomes critically reviled then at the very least, the FF will get another ongoing after FF2 comes out in 2017, at the most, Fox will sell the rights back and just concentrate on X-Men while Guardians 3 becomes Annihilation and we get a Phase 4 FF film that isn't total crap. And yes, Marvel and Fox both have enough IP to keep them going until the 2030s. There are still a ton of classic Iron Man, Hulk, Thor and Captain America stories for Marvel Studios to mine while they just started with Black Panther and Captain Marvel. Guardians is literally the only property that Marvel needs Fox IP to expand upon in any meaningful way.
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I do agree that the Shi'ar are a main commodity in many stories. In some ways I do wonder if they would be another mutually owned area due to this. As far as Guardians, they have many good stories and characters that they can do. As you mentioned, the Church of Truth and Magus story is perfect. And War of Kings can be done without the Shi'ar. But in addition there is a story to be had about Starlord's father (I'm expecting it will be Star Fox and related to the Thanos story), the Aniihilation Wave, Nova can be worked in, the Badoon and Kree, and maybe Spartoi, Michael Korvac (Korvac Saga - without Galactus, of course), the Supreme Intelligence, more Collector, The End story, Midnight's Slaughter story, etc. Plus there are other new characters to bring in, including Adam Warlock, Death, Eternity, Infinity, Major Victory, Titans, Celestials, Quasar, Mantis, Bug, Moondragon, Captain Marvel, Starhawk, etc. The point is that they have plenty of places to go and stories to tap into.

I kno Firestar was in a cartoon with Spiderman, but would she be Sony's? Not so sure of that. And again, she's not a great character, so just don't use her in the New Warriors. New Warriors could be a huge thing, especially with the tie-in of Nova to the Guardians movies!

I know that Captain Britain was in comics prior to Excalibur, but ultimately he's Betsy's borther, and Betsy is 100% X-Men, and he's be in an X-Men comics, so wouldn't Fox have rights? You'll have to show me where you got that Captain Britain belongs to Disney movies and not Fox. I've researched this and can't find it anywhere! If they had access to Captain Britain and maybe Meagan, along with the current X-Men OT cast, then they'd definitely have a good team for Excalibur. Even without Captain Britain it's quite possible, but I agree it would be better with Brian.

Yup, I'm expecting Annihilus to be ruined by the FF. Still, an argument could be made that Marvel would share rights of Annihilus, IMO.

What I meant by "ruining" is that it has become apparent that Marvel is going to promote only the titles they own, though Spidey still seems to make it onto their promos. For example:

No Wolverine? Really? That has a lot of meaning! Also, didn't they cancel the FF comics? It's absolutely true that they make a heck of a lot more money with the movies than the comics, so it just makes more sense to focus on the movie characters they own, even if that is at the expense of the X-Men and FF characters.

I do agree that Sony's plans are ludicrus, but we'll have to wait and see about this whole shared MCU stuff when it comes to Spidey...

Yes, totally agree that this FF movie is scary, so I don't fault Marvel for canceling things. It's never been a big earner.

As far as FF going back to Marvel after this FF sucks, well we can only hope!
No Wolverine? Really? That has a lot of meaning! Also, didn't they cancel the FF comics? It's absolutely true that they make a heck of a lot more money with the movies than the comics, so it just makes more sense to focus on the movie characters they own, even if that is at the expense of the X-Men and FF characters.

Not really. That's just one of the anniversary pics. Wolverine and the F4 were on others. There's no Deadpool there either and they stick him on every Marvel vairant comic cover there is.

F4 has been canceled and relaunched numerous times in the past 5 years. It's just not a high selling title and Marvel has tried to get it to sell by relaunching. People only are paying attention to this current cancelation because Fox have a film coming out. It will be relaunched soon after. Personally I would wait awhile as the other strategy hasn't worked. Make the fans want it. But yeah otherwise, it's just a ploy to get higher selling books with a "Final Issue" and a new #1. Happens with pretty much all Marvel titles that don't sell like GOTG, X-Men or Avengers.
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From what I've heard, Annihilus will be part of the FF reboot.

Cool, hadn't heard that.

If Fox is producing a film that's as bad as Sony's Spider-Man reboot series just to hold on to the rights.

No one sets out to make a bad movie but it's their right to make the movie since they paid for the rights fair and square.

They killed Peter Parker back when TASM1 came out and then brought him back the week that TASM2 debuted and it kept the comics from being tainted by the legacy of some rather terrible films.

Movies don't affect comics at all. Both Spider-Man and Fantastic Four comics have been around for decades before the movies and will be decades after the movies. Rather terrible is hyperbole, one was reviewed well the other as mediocre.

Look where that got Sony. They're doing two spin-off films that nobody asked for and there's little demand for

Nobody asked for GOTG, nobody demanded GOTG. Worked out fine in the end.

given how hated the reboot series is

By some not all.

and there's now talk that Spider-Man may be returning to Marvel in the same way that the Hulk rights are owned by Universal but Hulk is part of the MCU.

There's always talk, always rumour.

FF was rumored to be canceled during filming and the cancellation only came about shortly after the infamous Hobo Doom picture got leaked. That signals that that was the last straw and a clear red flag that Fox was making a crappy film.

Like the X-Men Days of Future Past Quicksilver pic equalled a crappy film, oh wait.

No Wolverine? Really? That has a lot of meaning! Also, didn't they cancel the FF comics? It's absolutely true that they make a heck of a lot more money with the movies than the comics, so it just makes more sense to focus on the movie characters they own, even if that is at the expense of the X-Men and FF characters.

Comics and movies are separate. They shouldn't let the movies dictate the comics. X-Men has been amongst their best seller for decades it would be poor business to halt them to focus on characters the own movie rights of

As far as FF going back to Marvel after this FF sucks, well we can only hope!

If it suck or if it's great it makes no difference for the rights, Fox has them for another seven years by default no matter the quality or box office.

Only way Marvel is getting them back is if Fox opt to sell AND Marvel buys.
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Nobody asked for GOTG, nobody demanded GOTG. Worked out fine in the end.

The Faketastic Four will not be as lucky as GOTG & GOTG had more going for it. Especially during production & advertising that The Faketastic Four has absolutely nothing going for it
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The fantastic four is based on ultimate fantastic four.

By know people should know Fox will start advertising when they are ready.

The trailers will tell us if it's good or bad.
By know people should know Fox will start advertising when they are ready

The later they start advertising the more money they save on the marketing budget. The late start = all part of the save as much as possible on the marketing budget plan
Only way Marvel is getting them back is if Fox opt to sell AND Marvel buys.

Both Sony (Ghostrider) and Universal (Hulk) released character rights to Marvel prior to the reversion date.
I do agree that the Shi'ar are a main commodity in many stories. In some ways I do wonder if they would be another mutually owned area due to this. As far as Guardians, they have many good stories and characters that they can do. As you mentioned, the Church of Truth and Magus story is perfect. And War of Kings can be done without the Shi'ar. But in addition there is a story to be had about Starlord's father (I'm expecting it will be Star Fox and related to the Thanos story), the Aniihilation Wave, Nova can be worked in, the Badoon and Kree, and maybe Spartoi, Michael Korvac (Korvac Saga - without Galactus, of course), the Supreme Intelligence, more Collector, The End story, Midnight's Slaughter story, etc. Plus there are other new characters to bring in, including Adam Warlock, Death, Eternity, Infinity, Major Victory, Titans, Celestials, Quasar, Mantis, Bug, Moondragon, Captain Marvel, Starhawk, etc. The point is that they have plenty of places to go and stories to tap into.

I kno Firestar was in a cartoon with Spiderman, but would she be Sony's? Not so sure of that. And again, she's not a great character, so just don't use her in the New Warriors. New Warriors could be a huge thing, especially with the tie-in of Nova to the Guardians movies!

I know that Captain Britain was in comics prior to Excalibur, but ultimately he's Betsy's borther, and Betsy is 100% X-Men, and he's be in an X-Men comics, so wouldn't Fox have rights? You'll have to show me where you got that Captain Britain belongs to Disney movies and not Fox. I've researched this and can't find it anywhere! If they had access to Captain Britain and maybe Meagan, along with the current X-Men OT cast, then they'd definitely have a good team for Excalibur. Even without Captain Britain it's quite possible, but I agree it would be better with Brian.

Yup, I'm expecting Annihilus to be ruined by the FF. Still, an argument could be made that Marvel would share rights of Annihilus, IMO.

What I meant by "ruining" is that it has become apparent that Marvel is going to promote only the titles they own, though Spidey still seems to make it onto their promos. For example:

No Wolverine? Really? That has a lot of meaning! Also, didn't they cancel the FF comics? It's absolutely true that they make a heck of a lot more money with the movies than the comics, so it just makes more sense to focus on the movie characters they own, even if that is at the expense of the X-Men and FF characters.

I do agree that Sony's plans are ludicrus, but we'll have to wait and see about this whole shared MCU stuff when it comes to Spidey...

Yes, totally agree that this FF movie is scary, so I don't fault Marvel for canceling things. It's never been a big earner.

As far as FF going back to Marvel after this FF sucks, well we can only hope!

Okay, even without the Shi'Ar (who may still be shared) or Annihilus (who is most certainly not shared) there are still cosmic stories for the Guardians to star in. Even if War of Kings, Galactic Storm and Annihilation aren't able to happen because of rights reasons, Kree-Skrull War and Celestial Madonna can happen in Phases 4 and 5 so I'm not worried about the Guardians in the 2020s. I'd have Adam Warlock, Nikki Gold and Phylla-Vell appear in Guardians 2 which would be Universal Church of Truth. Guardians 3 would be Celestial Madonna with Mantis, Starhawk and Moondragon joining the team. Guardians 4 would be Kree-Skrull War where Major Victory, Ikon and Bug join the team. If Ikon can't join the team because of rights issues over the Space Knights with Parker Brothers, then Martinex can replace her.

Nova and Darkhawk should get their own films and I hate Charlie-27 so that's why he's not mentioned :p

Cool, hadn't heard that.

No one sets out to make a bad movie but it's their right to make the movie since they paid for the rights fair and square.

Movies don't affect comics at all. Both Spider-Man and Fantastic Four comics have been around for decades before the movies and will be decades after the movies. Rather terrible is hyperbole, one was reviewed well the other as mediocre.

Nobody asked for GOTG, nobody demanded GOTG. Worked out fine in the end.

By some not all.

There's always talk, always rumour.

Like the X-Men Days of Future Past Quicksilver pic equalled a crappy film, oh wait.

Comics and movies are separate. They shouldn't let the movies dictate the comics. X-Men has been amongst their best seller for decades it would be poor business to halt them to focus on characters the own movie rights of

If it suck or if it's great it makes no difference for the rights, Fox has them for another seven years by default no matter the quality or box office.

Only way Marvel is getting them back is if Fox opt to sell AND Marvel buys.

TASM was seen as mediocre and TASM2 was just plain bad. The last two times that people got upset over CBMs before release were with X-Men: First Class (which actually turned out to be great) and The Amazing Spider-Man (which was just a cynical rights grab) so negativity over the FF reboot (when 50% of the time, we've been right about something being horribad) is perfectly justifiable.

Guardians of the Galaxy could also have been a rights grab for Marvel to leech the Shi'Ar off of Fox with a court ruling but it wasn't just a rights grab, it actually had heart, particularly because James Gunn brought his own style to the film. He didn't take anything seriously and that's why we could all accept a talking tree. I was a bit skeptical about Guardians since I was concerned that James Gunn couldn't make a PG-13 film, it was a property that I'd never even heard of and I was worried that they'd try to make it too grounded. I've never hated on the FF reboot, I've merely been skeptical and I hope that just as Marvel has and just as other Fox CBMs have, that Fox will prove me wrong about FF bombing.

And yes, Sony should sell Spider-Man back since they damaged the brand. I'd be more willing to accept Sinister Six and Glass Ceiling if the last three films were better movies, right now my level of excitement for Spider-Man is practically nonexistant.
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Both Sony (Ghostrider) and Universal (Hulk) released character rights to Marvel prior to the reversion date.

And what makes you think Fox would do that with marvel's trying to do all
possable to hurt X-men and FF.

Let's see after all these summer 2015 teases if there Is even a X-Men being published anymore by marvel.The marvel version of Cris of infinity earths could be among us where marvel does away with mutants enitrely and officially have quicksilver and Scarlett witch as inhumans.
Okay, even without the Shi'Ar (who may still be shared) or Annihilus (who is most certainly not shared) there are still cosmic stories for the Guardians to star in. Even if War of Kings, Galactic Storm and Annihilation aren't able to happen because of rights reasons, Kree-Skrull War and Celestial Madonna can happen in Phases 4 and 5 so I'm not worried about the Guardians in the 2020s. I'd have Adam Warlock, Nikki Gold and Phylla-Vell appear in Guardians 2 which would be Universal Church of Truth. Guardians 3 would be Celestial Madonna with Mantis, Starhawk and Moondragon joining the team. Guardians 4 would be Kree-Skrull War where Major Victory, Ikon and Bug join the team. If Ikon can't join the team because of rights issues over the Space Knights with Parker Brothers, then Martinex can replace her.

Nova and Darkhawk should get their own films and I hate Charlie-27 so that's why he's not mentioned :p

TASM was seen as mediocre and TASM2 was just plain bad. The last two times that people got upset over CBMs before release were with X-Men: First Class (which actually turned out to be great) and The Amazing Spider-Man (which was just a cynical rights grab) so negativity over the FF reboot (when 50% of the time, we've been right about something being horribad) is perfectly justifiable.

Guardians of the Galaxy could also have been a rights grab for Marvel to leech the Shi'Ar off of Fox with a court ruling but it wasn't just a rights grab, it actually had heart, particularly because James Gunn brought his own style to the film. He didn't take anything seriously and that's why we could all accept a talking tree. I was a bit skeptical about Guardians since I was concerned that James Gunn couldn't make a PG-13 film, it was a property that I'd never even heard of and I was worried that they'd try to make it too grounded. I've never hated on the FF reboot, I've merely been skeptical and I hope that just as Marvel has and just as other Fox CBMs have, that Fox will prove me wrong about FF bombing.

And yes, Sony should sell Spider-Man back since they damaged the brand. I'd be more willing to accept Sinister Six and Glass Ceiling if the last three films were better movies, right now my level of excitement for Spider-Man is practically nonexistant.

all comic book films are different than comics.

People are so stupid in thinking Sony would get rid of major franchise like Spider-man.I keep hearing the term desperate cash ploy.No studio Is going
to give up something like Spider-man.I hate to tell people the reality but there were people who liked the first amazing spider-man.Just look at first film RT score.It's in the 70.

Most here on the bash side of FF reboot have been that way from begining.
The bashing of Fox and Sony films Is totaly studio wars.

DOFP Is proof as is FC a lot of people partly motivated by studio wars can bash a project and it be successful.The idea there wasn't a lot of people bashing FC and DOFP Is rewrite of history.

FC and DOFP are evidance to wiat for trailers before making decsions on FF.

Discussing Comic book films Is becoming like discussing politics.If you have liked any films from Fox,Sony,and Warner Brothers and don't think everything from marvel studios Is great and best it's like your In middle of presidential election arguement.

I don't know If the Fantastic Four will be good or not.I am wiating for trailer.

I never thought the idea of Sinister Six was good idea.ANd if it's reboot of
Spider-man i like it even less.

My entire intrest in future DC films will be determinded how i like BVS after
my meh attitude for Man of steel

I only know Deadpool In comics from appearance In X-Force and Wolverine so I have to know more.And even with wolverine i don't have much intrest
In film based on old man Logan.Once you did the japanes saga you did the best wolverine solo storys.

So even with X-Men I don't just love immedetly every idea presented.
And what makes you think Fox would do that with marvel's trying to do all
possable to hurt X-men and FF.

Let's see after all these summer 2015 teases if there Is even a X-Men being published anymore by marvel.The marvel version of Cris of infinity earths could be among us where marvel does away with mutants enitrely and officially have quicksilver and Scarlett witch as inhumans.

Why would Marvel's publishing decisions have any impact on FOX's decision? Posters on this board have said time and again that the comics have no impact on the movies.

If FFINO is as big a train wreck as it looks - and the silence from the studio has been deafening - then FOX should release the cinematic rights to the FF family of characters back to the owner. There would be no reason to hang onto them other than to play keep away with the rights, and angering the Mouse has never been a strong corporate strategy.

Honestly, First Class won me over enough to make me anticipate The Wolverine and DOFP. I was never a blind hater.

Also, I was less than Thrilled with Thor: The Dark World so I'm not a Marvel Studios fanbow.

I'm just one of those people who isn't cool with Fox's attitude toward the FF. Josh Trank shuttering his Twitter and Jordan, Mara and Teller sounding less than enthusiastic while Bell and Kebbel are completely silent. The Hobo Doom picture made everyone angry and Fox hasn't seen that as an opportunity to market the film more and encourage the fast to talk more about the project. I mean, if Fox really wants to make a great film, they should at least act like they're making one.

There are indie films with more pre-release buzz than this. For whatever reason, Fox needs to act like they're interested in making this. They should attach a trailer to a film that everyone is going to see early next year like Taken 3,Jupiter Ascending or Kingsman: The Secret Service. Insurgent should be the latest release that Fox should release a trailer for the film with. And Fox should release some concept art and official screens in December.
A crossover with Fantastic Four and X-Men could be interesting.

Problems are related to the timelines in the films.
But if they go with the alternate universe, a few things could be solved. FF can take place in present day and the "other world" can in some strange way be set in the 80s. How? Is time going slightly slower in the alternate universe? Could there be some other explanation?

The new FF to be more grounded could prevent them from going this way. But I don't understand why Fow wanna go this way. The four superheroes are meant to be cosmic. Why do they want to take away that element?

The really intriguing thing about a possible crossover is that nothing has been confirmed.
But wasn't there some hints about a secret event film that would come out in 2018, after Apocalypse? I recall reading something when DOFP was still playing in cinemas.
It makes sense for this to happen now that "every" studio is going with shared universes.
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I was just wondering, if/when this happen, an if its set in the present, would it be, before? or after? OT Logan wakes up (mentally)

Cause, I was thinking, it'd be kinda interesting to see the alternate time line version of Logan (one who never lost his memory's) just to see how different he is
the most logical thing is to set it after Dofp end scene, to keep moving forward from that point and make things easier for next movies after that.

Its not a good idea to keep going back and forth with each movie, that would make things a bit confusing for general audience. They can accept the prequel trilogy, because its consecutive. But then making a movie set some years before that final scene, and even with a Wolverine that still doesnt know history changed... no need to make things more complex, imo.
If the cross-over happened, it should be in the present period by default. I just feel like if there's a cross-over with the X-Men the Fantastic Four, their environment should feel modern or futuristic.
was the Dofp end scene, set in current time? I was under the impression it was 2020 something? that's why I thought there would be a bite of wiggle room to fit a movie in our present, before it happens

I didn't mean to suggest going backwards again
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The end scene was probably set in 2023 - the not too distant future, similar to the original trilogy.

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