Supergirl Supergirl General Discussion Thread - Part 3

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True; cheesy would probably have been a better terminology to use over camp, however there's light campiness and heavy campiness. I meant it is in the same vein of the light camp as the SNL sketch of Black Widow being RomCom, but obviously not as much.
I think camp is being used in place of cheesy here. A lot of the dialogue/jokes/one liners are horrible.

I guess we will have to disagree, I love the humor of this show.
Camp, as I understand it, is over-the-top humor. Almost all of Cat Grant's scenes are, by that definition, campy. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
I am struggling with this show. Its been hard to really get into, however given its from the same creators of Arrow and The Flash I am really to ride out the season. Its still better than Gotham and Agents of Shield.

Better then gotham?yes.
Better then agents of shield? no.
My problem with the supposed humor in the show is that for me... It's just there. It so far isn't THOR: THE DARK WORLD bad and distracting and inappropriate for an action adventure show and character, but honestly it hasn't made me laugh either. Like, at all. Okay, FLUFFY was cute but that's it... Cute. It's really just bland.
Better then gotham?yes.
Better then agents of shield? no.

In your opinion of course....I haven't watched Gotham so I can't say.

To me it is very different from Agents of Shield, so I don't really see a comparison. I enjoy both shows, but I have to say Supergirl thus far has been a hell of a lot of fun.
As a lifelong nerd I just love having so many comic book shows on TV right now, I don't see the need to compare, they are all a little different and all enjoyable to me, bar Gotham which has gone in a direction I don't care for.
As a lifelong nerd I just love having so many comic book shows on TV right now, I don't see the need to compare, they are all a little different and all enjoyable to me, bar Gotham which has gone in a direction I don't care for.

Agreed expect I do like Gotham although I've seen nothing of season two yet.
I watched Gotham for three episodes before dropping it. It wasn't horrible, but I couldn't get into it.
Agreed expect I do like Gotham although I've seen nothing of season two yet.

I liked the first season but I'm not keen on the more garish and gruesome direction of the second.
I liked the first season but I'm not keen on the more garish and gruesome direction of the second.

I haven't watched any of season 2 yet to compare to the first, but surely the first season was also pretty gruesome a lot of the time?

The second season must be pretty brutal then?
I've only just caught up on Supergirl ep 2 in the last day or so and I like it a lot, the episode was really good and shows the actors and characters are starting to relax into their roles a bit now, along with some great action and drama, but I did want to point out a few things I'm struggling with at the moment.

I'm not sure if it's okay to copy and paste comments from other forums as the members who wrote them may not know it's been done? but I saw some interesting points on the Jessica Jones forum in the thread - Light and Dark:Supergirl and Jessica.

from Pwoper Nereguar
The only way they're really comparable is that they're both female, which is rather sexist in itself to only compare the two shows because they have female leads. To drop sexism, we should be comparing them against other shows of a similar style, regardless of gender.

I hear Supergirl is trying to hit people over the head with overly feminist connotations by constantly bringing up the fact she's a woman. Is this true? I don't want to rely on news articles, Facebook users, DC haters and huge fans. I love a female lead, but not for a lecture on how women are equal constantly. Unsure on watching it at the moment.
Originally Posted by kedrell
Well I've only seen the pilot but it does rather cram such things into it in a rather hamfisted(for my tastes anyway) manner. Yes, AC also dealt with sexism but that's a period piece which gives it a whole other flavor entirely. Supergirl is set in the modern day. Sexism may still exist but it's not even remotely as overt by comparison.
from Infinight888
I actually think it's kind of funny. Agent Carter is a series taking place during a time period when women faced serious discrimination for their gender, and the series actually showed what that discrimination looked like.

Supergirl is a show where highly-successful women complain about how hard life is because they're female, despite there being absolutely nothing in the show to suggest that's the case, and argue over stupid things like using the word "girl" as opposed to "woman".

In a way, Supergirl embodies everything wrong with the modern feminist movement.
After reading these comments it reminded me of two moments from episode two. The first was Cat Grant to Care-ah, sorry, Kara :cwink:

"Every woman worth her salt knows that we have to work twice as hard as a man to be thought of as half as good"

This is a big exaggeration and I'm wondering why it is being preached as the truth in a family show aimed primarily at young females? My life experiences having worked at various companies and with lots of women have shown me that women and men have to both work hard in life and if you are good at what you do then you get recognised for it, regardless of sex or race for that matter.

The second thing I noticed that I found rather shocking was Alex Danvers fighting the Hellgrammite where as they are fighting she says "You know what my species also have..?....THOSE"

Cut to a shot of her kicking him very hard between the legs...

So why does a 'family show' aimed at young people especially young girls, have such a violent sexual assault on a man included?

Is it thought of as acceptable? Is it funny? Is it just "Yay Girl Power!!!"

I found it rather distasteful and worrying that that was used in a 'girl power' kick men in 'THOSE' kind of a way.

If the show isn't careful with the forced for no reason stuff and violent attacks on men that are totally inappropriate for a family show, then they will lose a lot of viewers.

Will we see Alex punch or kick a female villain between the legs or in the boobs at some point? cus you know, equality n stuff....

I won't be holding my breath.

Rant over. And I do like the show a hell of a lot guys, but some things need pointing out.
If you are pointing out the opposite in manyof the shows today that you may watch on a regular basis, where there are mysogyinist overtones of many shows as well as posts on this very site, out there today, the lack of accountability within our professional athletes in areas of gender, and the teams they play for, etc. As well as the artistic interpretation of women in the comics up until very recently....then I will back you all the way with your assessment...If there are no examples in those areas? then I have to ask why only this show?

That is pretty much all the rant I have on this subject. ;)
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Top tier: Flash, Daredevil, iZombie
Good: Supergirl, Arrow
Mediocre: Powers
Bad: Agents of SHIELD, Agent Carter
Terrible: Gotham
Greeneyes - I think you doth protest too much, dragging a bunch of quotes from another section to facilitate what you obviously wanted to get off your chest regarding Manism or whatever it's called.

Alex comments to Kara make total sense in the context of the situation, women in the workplace certainly have a more even role than ever before, but when it comes to jobs like cops, firefighters or any Federal or Military field role there is still an overriding view that they are simply not physically capable of them, and in Kara's case that goes to her ability to be a Superhero like her cousin, people believe she is second rate and she is gonna have to work double hard to prove that wrong because the public find it hard to believe a woman can be a hero like a man.

As for the nut shot, any self defense class would teach a woman that if she was being attacked by a man, in Alex's case she was trying to prevent an alien from stabbing her. As for the one liner, again been around for decades, Arnold Schwarzenegger in Total Recall shoots his fake wife in the head and quips "Consider that a divorce!" heroes drop one liners on the bad guys in action adventure shows/films regardless of gender.
I have to admit, I have never heard of a nut shot being called sexual assault before.
Top tier: Flash, Daredevil, iZombie
Good: Supergirl, Arrow
Mediocre: Powers
Bad: Agents of SHIELD, Agent Carter
Terrible: Gotham

Flash I agree on Top Tier, but Supergirl should be up there too. DD is Netflix and I can't afford it. iZombie...not a fan of zombies.

Arrow is good, but dark

SHIELD and Agent Carter I have not seen, but read about how violent Agent Carter is. Besides Marvel kills it at the movies.

Gotham being terrible...BULL'S EYE there. Seeing just 5 seconds of that show...INSTANT TURN-OFF!
SHIELD and Agent Carter are both quite good, especially the latter. The former didn't really pick up steam until about halfway through Season 1 (when TWS came out and they could finally do their main arc), whereas the latter hit the ground running right away.
Flash I agree on Top Tier, but Supergirl should be up there too. DD is Netflix and I can't afford it. iZombie...not a fan of zombies.

Arrow is good, but dark

SHIELD and Agent Carter I have not seen, but read about how violent Agent Carter is. Besides Marvel kills it at the movies.

Gotham being terrible...BULL'S EYE there. Seeing just 5 seconds of that show...INSTANT TURN-OFF!

Agent Carter isn't violent, not sure who told you that but it's just the same as say an Indiana Jones film.
Agent Carter is FANTASTIC. I don't think its overtly violent at all.
Just wasn't for me. I think in trying to portray the sexism of the era they reduced almost every male character in the show to a useless idiot.

I'm excited for Jessica Jones, Preacher, Legends of Tomorrow, and even Lucifer though. I was worried about that one but the leaked pilot was surprisingly good.

Back on topic, I thought Supergirl was excellent tonight for the most part. My favorite episode of the three.
Yes, definitely my favorite thus far as well.
How many people will I have to bash with a mallet to get them to understand Supergirl isn't connected to the cinematic universe?:doh:

Henry Cavill won't come on this show...EVER.

Amy Adams won't come on this show...EVER.
How many people will I have to bash with a mallet to get them to understand Supergirl isn't connected to the cinematic universe?:doh:

Henry Cavill won't come on this show...EVER.

Amy Adams won't come on this show...EVER.

:csad: Hopefully you won't need to use it on anyone here.
I hope not as well Kelly.

Harley Quinn let me borrow hers as well. So it's a big one.
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