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Stand-Alone Movies Next wave of SW film announcements

I don't think it should have ended in 1983, but I sorta feel the same, and sadly don't get the same enjoyment as when I watch the original trilogy.

The prequels were not very good. They weren't the worst thing ever, but just not good. You wanted to be hyped for them, but in general, I think if ppl were honest with themselves they would agree. If some loved them, cool more power to them.

Sorry but this doesn't make sense.

Anybody who loves/likes/enjoys the Prequels are just lying to themselves but also if people love really love the Prequel that is is cool.


All I remember while watching TFA was....this is A New Hope. My buddy thought the same thing. Sure it had some differences, but for the most part it was the same plot points.

These new spin-off movies I never wanted. Greedy Disney saturated the market with Star Wars movies and now the whole thing is watered down. Everyone got excited when the prequels were announced because we hadn't had a new Star Wars movie in 20 years or whatever it was. Everyone got excited about the new trilogy for the same reason. Now we were going to have a new movie every year??? No thanks, way to make it less special in a hurry.

Rant over lol

How is two movies "saturating a market"?

Please explain how not making Star Wars movies makes Star Wars movies special.
Whereas for me, TLJ is the only Disney SW film I genuinely enjoy (though I still like parts of TFA).

Different strokes, I guess. But why such contempt for Johnson? Had you seen any of his films prior to TLJ? Because he's a legitimately talented filmmaker, it'd be a shame to completely dismiss his future output over one movie. It's not like he's Michael Bay or Renny Harlin.

Have not seen any of his other movies and will never watch them.
I understand why people dislike Michael Bay because of Transformers but i never was a big Transformer fan when i was a kid. So i don't care as much. I like the TZransformer movies for what they are.
I was a big Luke Skywalker fan when i was a kid. And Johnson crapped all over that character. I will not give him any more of my money. That guy is dead to me as a director.
And you never will. The reason that the OT resonates with us all these years later is because Lucas immersed himself in the magic of myth, folklore and fairy tale. He studied the commonalities between the most enduring stories some of which were hundreds of years old still standing the test time. He never set out to make a 'Star Wars' movie; he set out to make a 'slay the dragon' quest and all the weird and wacky characters our hero meets along the way, using the old-timey serial format which invoked the stories that he grew up with as a child.

The original Lucas movies (including the prequels) were all about the story and the character journey and hitting the beats associated with that as opposed to familiar movie beats. That's why those films stay with us; they're more like bedtime stories and modern myth as opposed to movies trying to be 'cool' and 'badass' (which is arguably where the prequels fell down because he tried to incorporate cool movie moments into those which was a mistake IMO, even if I did enjoy them).

Now all anyone tries to do is make a 'Star Wars film' with none of those myth-making elements and they mostly end up being somewhat enjoyable but largely empty and flat. TLJ is the only new movie to even try to do something remotely interesting with the characters journey and the mythology and expand the universe in a meaningful way but everyone got mad so we'll get more safe-as-houses blockbusters like The Force Awakens or shallow fan-service films like Rogue One. The irony is that Disney was making Star Wars style movies that follow the heroes journey and fairy tale template for years in their animated division.

I love the new movies because, y'know, Star Wars, but I don't delude myself into thinking I'll ever get the same feelings as I get when watching the OT.

Never say never. :)

I agree with some of what you say - how Lucas approached the OT and mythology, how Star Wars is a supposed to a modern fairy tale and that the ST isn't accomplishing that (I think the PT did, as did Clone Wars and Rebels) - but the Star Wars Story movies don't need to do that, those can be all different types of stories like war movies, heist movies, horror movies, etc. The GFFA is bigger than the fairy tale elements.
Reads more like damage control. Also, consider the source.

What makes the rumour of cancelations more believable than the rumour they no cancelations?

Whereas for me, TLJ is the only Disney SW film I genuinely enjoy (though I still like parts of TFA).

Different strokes, I guess. But why such contempt for Johnson? Had you seen any of his films prior to TLJ? Because he's a legitimately talented filmmaker, it'd be a shame to completely dismiss his future output over one movie. It's not like he's Michael Bay or Renny Harlin.

Who the hell do you think you are spouting your open mindedness and common sense outlook?

The nerve.

Have not seen any of his other movies and will never watch them.
I understand why people dislike Michael Bay because of Transformers but i never was a big Transformer fan when i was a kid. So i don't care as much. I like the TZransformer movies for what they are.
I was a big Luke Skywalker fan when i was a kid. And Johnson crapped all over that character. I will not give him any more of my money. That guy is dead to me as a director.

See, I can't understand these sorts of reactions. Luke Skywalker is not a real person. Using phrases like "he's dead to me" over a movie seems like taking fandom too far. Save these sorts of emotions for real world problems (which unfortunately are seemingly endless).

I have had my own share of disappointment when it comes to beloved franchises. For instance, I hated what JJ Abrams did with Star Trek, but I can still recognize that he's a talented filmmaker, so I'm always willing to give his next film a shot (and in the case of TFA, it panned out).

Looper was one of my favorite films of 2012, and Johnson's work on Breaking Bad was fantastic. Why would you intentionally not watch good storytelling?
Clearly star wars is directionless right now or they wouldnt have put a hold on future movies post episode 9. Disney bought the cinematic power that is starwars and didnt attain the discipline it took that came along with it. They just immediately starting selling star wars like a pimp and it didnt matter as long as we sold toys and merchandise. Now four movies in and disney is putting a hault ymto the train. I wont say star wars fatigue yet but 4 movies in 3 years is way too much
What makes the rumour of cancelations more believable than the rumour they no cancelations?

It just reads like studio damage control from a Disney-owned subsidiary. Not only that, the original rumor doesn't say multiple films aren't in development. I mean of course many films are still in development. I'm sure there's stuff in development we haven't even heard of. But it's not like a strict confirmation to me that other projects got put on the backburner or aren't happening.
Reads more like damage control. Also, consider the source.

I think Lucasfilm kind of needs to control the damage caused by unsolicited rumours, either do it themselves or through ABC. Letting ABC report it actually makes it more legitimate (eliminate misunderstanding by clear internal communications), rather than letting THR or Deadline do it.
I think Lucasfilm kind of needs to control the damage caused by unsolicited rumours, either do it themselves or through ABC. Letting ABC report it actually makes it more legitimate (eliminate misunderstanding by clear internal communications), rather than letting THR or Deadline do it.


THR wrote a similar article but it still says this:

The status of the Obi-Wan Kenobi spinoff is even less clear. Stephen Daldry had been in negotiations to direct, but both the studio and his agency, CAA, had no comment on the current state of the project.
I doubt the anthologies are "cancelled", more just put on the backburner for a while, as in "Rogue One 2016, Solo 2018, the next one's not going to be 2020, maybe 2022 orr 2023 instead".

They probably just saw Solo hara-kiri itself and decided to shift the scales a bit in favor of the Rian and GoT-guys' trilogies for the time being, figure out what to do with the one-offs a little later down the line.

It's too ripe a resources mine to scrap entirely though, we'll be getting more anthology things eventually.
Why would you intentionally not watch good storytelling?

Yes i would. And since we live in a time with a nearly endless amount entertainment and storytelling i have the luxary to do just that.
I am kinda unforgiving when it comes to these things.
And I'm sure Lucasfilm is just devastated by that. :whatever:
I wonder whether the people who are hoping for “Kathleen Kennedy stepping down” or “Disney selling Lucasfilm” or whatever realize that the chief decision makers, who, in their opinions, “ruin Star Wars”, will probably spend their retirement in Bahamas sipping Piña Codala all day. It’s NOT similar to seething with anger and wishing the colleagues you hate to be fired.
I wonder whether the people who are hoping for “Kathleen Kennedy stepping down” or “Disney selling Lucasfilm” or whatever realize that the chief decision makers, who, in their opinions, “ruin Star Wars”, will probably spend their retirement in Bahamas sipping Piña Codala all day. It’s NOT similar to seething with anger and wishing the colleagues you hate to be fired.

I wonder whether you realize how little I care. The sooner they start their retirements the better. If they can't get people in there that actually care about the product... good riddance. I'd rather have no Star Wars than bad Star Wars.

I care about the product, not the careers of some know-nothings in Hollywood. I'm sure they'll find something else to ruin.
I wonder whether you realize how little I care. The sooner they start their retirements the better. If they can't get people in there that actually care about the product... good riddance. I'd rather have no Star Wars than bad Star Wars.

I care about the product, not the careers of some know-nothings in Hollywood. I'm sure they'll find something else to ruin.

Oh I know that the people who campaign for "Kathleen Kennedy removed from Lucasfilm" won't be concerned about her career. If you don't care about her at all after she hypothetically steps down (not that I think she'll step down or be removed anyway), then my previous post doesn't address to you. But if you're one of the people who fantasize about the woman begging Robert Iger to let her keep her job, then packing her things and leaving the building with her head down in shame, then you're just bound to be disappointed.
First I've heard anyone say anything even remotely close to Disney selling Lucasfilm, whether in jest or otherwise.
I wonder whether the people who are hoping for “Kathleen Kennedy stepping down” or “Disney selling Lucasfilm” or whatever...

First I've heard anyone say anything even remotely close to Disney selling Lucasfilm, whether in jest or otherwise.

I’ve seen it on Reddit and Tumblr.

Because we know those are reliable sources of information.

I'm older than five, you know. I know that Reddit and Tumblr aren't reliable sources of information.
So I just saw CBM report a story on Kathleen Kennedy stepping down, citing Grace Randolf as its source.

The internet hasn't just jumped the shark at this point, it lept naked into the air, performed a flip and shat in its own face as it turned over.
So I just saw CBM report a story on Kathleen Kennedy stepping down, citing Grace Randolf as its source.

The internet hasn't just jumped the shark at this point, it lept naked into the air, performed a flip and shat in its own face as it turned over.

Has Grace Randolph been known to lie in the past? I've never been the biggest fan of her, but I find it hard to believe she'd compromise her rather large following by just making something up.
Nobody's surprised that's your take on it.

Randolph's full of crap.
What has she lied about in the past?

She said Marvel/Disney pays off critics and claimed she had proof they were paying off critics to trash Batman v Superman. Her proof was that Batman v Superman was bad but it wasn't 27 percent bad.

She also basically trashed Wonder Woman before it came out and was predicting it would flop.

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